Scope or Institution Profile 1.1 History of Establishment of Rumah Zakat
Scope or Institution Profile 1.1 History of Establishment of Rumah Zakat
Scope or Institution Profile 1.1 History of Establishment of Rumah Zakat
Legal Consultant
Yayan Sutarna, SH., MH
Marketing Consultant
AM. Adhy Trisnanto
Chief Executive
4. Senyum Lestari
Clean water, sanitation, and waste is a global environmental issue faced by
every country, including Indonesia. Broadly speaking, Indonesia has reached
84% of people with access to improved water sources but the distribution is not
evenly, access in rural areas is lower than in urban areas including poor people
also have difficulty in accessing clean water, Unicef also estimate that 1,000
children under five die every day from diarrheal diseases associated with a lack
of clean water and sanitation and inadequate hygiene.
Through Senyum Lestari program, a program focused on environment issues,
RZ is committed to improve Environment quality and Reduce social problems
related to the environment, especially water, sanitation and Hygiene, RZ
working in hundreds of the target area (ICD) to improve access to clean water
needs , sanitation facilities and hygiene by rolling several programs as follows:
a) Sanitation Independence Post
Changing health behavior through health empowerment by involving
community participation, through assistance of care community sanitation,
education of sanitation, access to clean water and latrines is expected that
sanitation independence post can be a solution to the problem of the lack of
good sanitation in the disadvantaged communities and provide opportunity
for every family to has a good sanitation independently based on society.
Donation : Rp.370.000
b) Water and Sanitation for All
Water is the source of life, but when the water is unsafe and poor sanitation,
the water can be turned into a source of disease. Through the program, water
well and water for life, RZ provide access to water and public sanitation in
the target area.
Water well
Program provision of clean water and public sanitation in RZ’s ICD
(Integrated Community Development) as supporting the implementation of
hygienic behavior in residents area
Donation : Rp. 90.000.000 / Water well
Water for Life
A program of distribution services of clean water for the community in
disaster areas or drought prone area
Donation program:
Retail : Rp. 3000 / liter
Full : RP. 1,320,000
c) Trash Bank
A community development activities based on waste management in an
environment where people lives, through Trash Bank RZ works to educate
the public on waste management, to facilitate the community in setting up a
trash bank and set up a waste treatment facility, through this program it calls
into solutions in tackling the problem of waste in the environment as well
as to empower the community.
Donation : Rp. 120,000,000
5. Super Qurban
Animal protein is one component of food diversity that humans need for
nutritional balance. The availability of good nutrition will affect the intelligence,
health, and productivity of a nation.
But the current level of meat consumption in Indonesia is still low, at 11.6
kilograms per capita per year. While the ideal number of meat consumption as
much as 34.19 kilograms per capita per year.
Superqurban (n.) Optimization of processed meat qurban into food reserves
from animal protein for Berdaya Village community in 34 Provinces.
Sustainable Energy is an effort to provide energy for the fulfillment of current
needs with attention to the needs in the future. The Eid al-Adha moment can be
a good time for Muslims to provide a source of animal protein, so it can be used
longer and sustainable.
Through Superqurban, we can participate in the program of providing
Sustainable Energy for Indonesia and the world.
Price of Superqurban Participation
Goats: Rp2.375.000
Corned ± 30 cans
Rendang ± 25 cans
Cow: Rp17.250.000
Corned Beef ± 350 cans
Rendang ± 250 cans
Cow Retail: Rp2.575.000
Corned Beef ± 50 cans
Rendang ± 35 cans
6. Ramadhan Berdaya
Ramadhan is month of blessing, the month that awaited by all Muslims, All
Muslims around the world celebrate it with happiness as the Prophet welcomes
Ramadan with joy because Ramadan has the privilege than others month. in the
special month.
In this special month, there are a lot of kindness we can do because the
momentum of fasting in Ramadan is a medium of education for Muslims to
practice empathy and sharing. Therefore Rumah Zakat facilitates donators to
share in the month of Ramadan with a variety of programs such as Iftar, Eid
Gift for orphan, Eid Gifts for underprivileged family, Syiar Quran, Empowered
Widow, Ramadan Debt-Free.
a) Berbagi Buka Puasa
Multiply reward with Ifthar Package Sharing with those in need. The full
meal package for breaking the fast becomes a special dish for them.
Donation Rp35.000
b) Kado Lebaran Yatim
Share Eid Gift for Orphan to bring happiness for orphans and
underprivileged children. The gift contains of food packages, milk, and
school equipments for children.
Donation Rp310.000
c) Bingkisan Lebaran Keluarga
Bring smile for the underprivileged family with the Family Eid Gift. The
parcel contains of package of staple food, sarong and hijab.
Donation Rp360.000
d) Syiar Qur’an
Syiar Quran Program distributes Al Quran and Iqro to Empowered Village
(Rumah Zakat Assisted Village) and various other regions in Indonesia.
Let’s make more and more citizens feel the beauty of reading and reviewing
the Quran.
Donation Rp170.000
e) Bebas Hutang
Providing debt relief aid for poor families who have difficulty in paying
their debt, the main priority of the relief is the debt for education and health
f) Janda Berdaya
Empower the widows who are the breadwinners, with the Empowered
Widow program. The program consists of food and cash assistance to
support the family’s livelihood.
Donation Rp550.000
2.3 The Achievement of Service Benefit in 2017
For 19 years serving the community, Rumah Zakat has provided services to 25,560,022
beneficiaries of Service Benefits (LM). By 2017 alone, 6,332,534 LMs have been
served. The magnitude increased 9% compared to 2016. This increase is not separated
because of the support of donators and also the community through donations deposited
to Rumah Zakat.
Programs Service Benefit Persentase
Senyum Sehat 1.447.864 25.55%
Senyum Juara 904.255 15.96%
Senyum Mandiri 774.175 13.66%
Senyum Lestari 25.575 0.45%
Senyum Ramadhan 167.571 2.96%
Superqurban 67.021 1.18%
Proglam lainnya 2.280.703 40.24%
Rumah Zakat receives donations for zakat, infaq, shadaqah, and wakaf. The
largest type of donation received in 2017 is zakah with composition of 48.8% of the
total funds obtained, then followed by receipts on unbound infaq / alms funds that
accounted for 21.74% of the total funds and Education funds which reached 12.95% of
total revenue.