Audiometric Calibration: Air Conduction: Seminars in Hearing October 2014
Audiometric Calibration: Air Conduction: Seminars in Hearing October 2014
Audiometric Calibration: Air Conduction: Seminars in Hearing October 2014
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Tomasz Letowski
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Learning Outcomes: As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to (1) list four instruments used in
audiometric calibration and (2) describe the measurement parameters of audiometric calibration.
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Standards and Calibration. Part 1: Standards Process,
Moody College of Communication, University of Texas at Physical Principles, Pure Tone and Speech Audiometry;
Austin, Austin, Texas; 2ARL Fellow and Guest Guest Editor, Robert Burkard, Ph.D.
Researcher, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, Semin Hear 2014;35:312–328. Copyright # 2014 by
Maryland. Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue,
Address for correspondence: Craig A. Champlin, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Ph.D., Department of Communication Sciences and Dis- DOI:
orders, Moody College of Communication, University of ISSN 0734-0451.
Texas at Austin, 2504-A Whitis St., Austin, TX 78712
(e-mail: [email protected]).
Improved versions of the Western Electric 1A generated by the audiometer drives the ear-
appeared over the next decade. By 1937, the phone, which results in an output measured in
audiometer had become sufficiently precise that decibels sound pressure level (dB SPL). There
standardization of the acoustic output was fea- are three kinds of earphones used in audiomet-
sible.1 Stable output levels meant the threshold ric tests: supra-aural, circumaural, and insert
of audibility could be defined in terms of earphones. The supra-aural earphones have
decibels hearing level (HL) rather than sound cushions that press against the pinnae when
pressure level (SPL), which varied across test positioned on the head. The earphone has a
frequency. Using standardized audiometers, standard cushion, and this physical characteris-
hearing tests were performed at octave frequen- tic facilitates consistent calibration measure-
cies on a large number of young adults. These ments (ANSI S3.6 2010). Supra-aural
data were subsequently averaged and used to earphones traditionally have been the standard
define audiometric zero.2 The American Stand- earphones used with pure tone audiometers.
ards Association (ASA) published the results in The circumaural earphones have cushions that
1951 (Table 1). According to the ASA Z24.5 fit around the pinna making little or no contact
(1951) definition, audiometric threshold (0-dB with it. Unlike the supra-aural cushion, there is
HL) at 1000 Hz corresponded to 16.5-dB SPL. no single type of cushion for circumaural ear-
After much study and discussion, the American phones. However, two types of circumaural
National Standards Institute (ANSI) published earphones (Senheiser HDA 200 (Senheiser
an alternative threshold definition of 6.5-dB Electric Corp., Old Lyme, CT) and Koss
SPL in ANSI S3.6 (1969). Since then the HV/1A (Koss Corp., Milwaukee, WI)) are
Standard “Specification for Audiometers” has explicitly mentioned in the audiometer stan-
been revised several times—1989, 1996, 2004, dard (ANSI S3.6 2010). Circumaural ear-
and most recently in 2010. The latest version phones are normally associated with extended
now includes reference thresholds for several high-frequency audiometers. Insert earphones
types of earphones, bone-conduction trans- have a sound tube with an ear tip, earmold, or
ducers, and loud speakers. In the sections that other device that fits into the entrance of the ear
follow, we will consider the instruments and canal. Relative to other earphone types, insert
measurements associated with air-conduction earphones increase interaural attenuation and
calibration of pure tone audiometers. prevent ear canal collapse, and these attributes
have led to their increased popularity. Insert
earphones are used with pure tone audiometers;
AUDIOMETRIC CALIBRATION however, one insert earphone (Etymotic model
A pure tone audiometer is capable of generating ER-2 (Etymotic Research Inc., Elk Grove
signals from 125 through 8000 Hz. An extended Village, IL) ) is designed for use with extended
high-frequency audiometer covers this frequen- high-frequency audiometers (ANSI S3.6
cy range plus higher frequencies from 8000 2010).
through 16,000 Hz (e.g., see Fausti et al3). A subject’s hearing level (dB HL) is evalu-
Most audiometers also can produce noises ated in reference to the normative hearing
used for masking test signals. The test signals threshold (0-dB HL), also called the reference
are delivered by a transducer, which can be an equivalent sound pressure level (RETSPL), spec-
earphone, loudspeaker, or bone vibrator. Some ified in a relevant standard.4,5 The properties,
audiometers may be able to deliver other kinds ranges, accuracies, and precision of various
of sounds such as frequency-modulated tones, functions and parameters of an audiometer’s
pulsed tones, speech sounds, and so on. An performance have to meet certain values speci-
audiometer’s type designation specifies its over- fied in the standard. The more accurate and
all facilities. For example, a type 1 audiometer is precise an audiometer is, the greater the proba-
the most comprehensive in terms of available bility that the audiologist will make a correct
signals and delivery methods (ANSI S3.6 2010). judgment and the lower risk and consequences
Earphones are the most common trans- of a poor decision (e.g., an incorrect diagnosis or
ducers connected to audiometers. A voltage an inappropriate hearing aid recommendation).
Table 1 ANSI and International Standards Relevant to Pure Tone Audiometer Calibration
ANSI S1.4 1983 (R 2006) American National Standard Specification for Sound Level Meters
ANSI S1.40 2006 (R 2011) American National Standard Specifications and Verification Procedures for
Sound Calibrators
ANSI S1.15 (Part 1) American National Standard Measurement Microphones—Part 1: Specifica-
1997 (R 2011) tions for Laboratory Standard Microphones
ANSI S3.1 1999 (R 2008) American National Standard Maximum Permissible Ambient Noise Levels
for Audiometric Test Rooms
ANSI S3.6 2010 American National Standard Method for Coupler Calibration of Earphones
ANSI S3.7 1995 (R 2008) American National Standard Method for Coupler Calibration of earphones
ANSI S3.21 2004 (R 2009) American National Standard Methods for Manual Pure-Tone Threshold
ANSI S3.25 2009 American National Standard for an Occluded Ear Simulator
ANSI S3.55 2014 American National Standard Electroacoustics—Simulators of Human Head
and Ear—Part 1: Ear Simulator for the Measurement of Supra-aural and
Circumaural Earphones
ASA Z24.5 1951 American Standard Specification for Audiometers for General Diagnostic
IEC 60126 1973 Reference Coupler for the Measurement of Hearing Aids Using Earphones
Coupled to the Ear by Mean of Ear Insert (withdrawn and superseded by
IEC 60318–5:2006)
IEC 60318-1 2009 Electroacoustics—Simulators of Human Head and Ear—Part 1: Ear Simula-
tor for the Measurement of Supra-aural and Circumaural Earphones
IEC 60318-2 2005 Electroacoustics—Simulators of Human Head and Ear—Part 2: Ear Simula-
tor for the Calibration of Supra-aural and Circumaural Earphones
IEC 60318-3 1998 Electroacoustics—Simulators of Human Head and Ear—Part 3: Acoustic
Coupler for the Calibration of Supra-aural Earphones Used in Audiometry
IEC 60318-4 2010 Electroacoustics—Simulators of Human Head and Ear—Part 4: Occluded-
Ear Simulator for the Measurement of Earphones Coupled to the Ear by
Means of an e
IEC 60318-5 2006 Electroacoustics—Simulators of Human Head and Ear—Part 5: 2 cm3
Coupler for the Measurement of Hearing Aids and Earphones Coupled to
the Ear by Means of Ear Inserts
IEC 60645-1 2012 Electroacoustics – Part 1: Equipment for pure-Tone Audiometry
IEC 60711 1981 Specification for Occluded-Ear Simulator for the Measurement of Ear-
phones Coupled to the Ear by Ear Inserts (withdrawn and superseded by
IEC 60318–4: 2010)
ISO 389-1 2000 Acoustics—Reference Zero for the Calibration of Audiometric Equipment—
Part 1: Reference Equivalent Threshold Sound Pressure Levels for Pure
Tones and Supra-aural Earphones
ISO 389-2 1994 Acoustics—Reference Zero for the Calibration of Audiometric Equipment—
Part 2: Reference Equivalent threshold Sound Pressure Levels for Pure
Tones and Insert Earphones
ISO 389-4 1994 Acoustics—Reference Zero for the Calibration of Audiometric Equipment—
Part 4: Reference Levels for Narrow-Band Masking Noise
ISO 389-5 2006 Acoustics—Reference Zero for the Calibration of Audiometric Equipment—
Part 5: Reference Equivalent Threshold Sound Pressure Levels for Pure
Tones in the Frequency Range 8 kHz to 16 kHz
ISO 389-7 2005 Acoustics—Reference Zero for the Calibration of Audiometric Equipment—
Part 7: Reference Threshold of Hearing Under Free-field and Diffuse-field
Listening Conditions
ISO 389-8 2008 Acoustics—Reference Zero for the Calibration of Audiometric Equipment—
Part 8: Reference Equivalent Threshold Sound Pressure Levels for Pure
Tones and Circumaural Earphones
ISO 389-9 2009 Acoustics—Reference Zero for the Calibration of Audiometric Equipment—
Part 8: Preferred Test Conditions for the Determination of Reference
Hearing Threshold Levels
ISO 8253-1 2010 Acoustics—Audiometric Test Methods—Part 1: Pure Tone Air and Bone
Conduction Audiometry
ISO 8253-2 2009 Acoustics—Audiometric Test Methods—Part 2: Sound Field Audiometry
with Pure-tone and Narrow-band Test Signals
Abbreviations: ANSI, American National Standards Institute; IEC, International Electrotechnical Commission; ISO,
International Organization of Standards.
Wilber, Laukli, and Burkard in this issue view of the S3 Committee is to develop and
provide the general classification and discussion of publish standards, specifications, methods of
various types of standards used in audiometry. measurement and test, and terminology in the
Fedtke and Grason, also in this issue, describe fields of psychological and physiological acoustics,
instrumentation required for audiometer calibra- including aspects of general acoustics, which
tion. The reader is referred to Fedtke and Grason pertain to biological safety, tolerance, and com-
for specific information on instrumentation men- fort. Most of the ANSI standards are aligned with
tioned in this article. Additionally, each audio- international standards published by the Interna-
meter’s layout and method of operation may be tional Organization of Standards (ISO) and
different. Therefore, the user is strongly encour- International Electrotechnical Commission
aged to review the owner’s manual and technical (IEC). The primary ANSI standard related to
references for specific details. The reader also may audiometric tests is ANSI S3.6 (2010) American
find helpful general textbooks devoted to instru- National Standard Specification of Audiometers.
mentation in audiology and hearing science (e.g., All procedures or values described in this article
see Decker and Carrell6). without reference to a specific standard refer to
Technical, instrument-based assessment of ANSI S3.6 (2010); references to other standards
an audiometer is typically referred to as electro- are provided as appropriate.
acoustic calibration and this term will be used in The time-induced changes (drift) in
this article to differentiate it from the supple- parameters of the audiometer diminish accuracy
mentary biological calibration described below. and reliability of measurement results. To en-
Electroacoustic calibration ensures that the sure that the drifts do not exceed specified
audiometer performs within its specifications tolerances, an electroacoustic calibration of
and ensures that the readings from the instru- the audiometer needs to be performed periodi-
ment are consistent with readings from other cally by an accredited laboratory or a qualified
audiometers conforming to the same common individual. All actions related to the calibration
standard.7,8 The required accuracy of calibra- procedure should be assigned as the responsi-
tion is described in the standard and has to be bility of a single person to minimize the proba-
met or exceeded. A list of international and bility of miscommunication and incomplete
national standards that apply to pure tone calibration. A calibration certificate is issued
testing in normal and extended frequency only when an audiometer operates within its
ranges is provided in Table 1. tolerances and satisfies its intended purpose.
In the United States, all standards related to In addition to drift, parameters and properties
audiometry are the domain of the Standards of the audiometer may change due to mechanical
Committee S3 (Bioacoustics) of the American and electrical failures resulting from wear and tear
National Standard Institute (ANSI).5 The pur- or mishandling of the instrument. To identify
such changes and to initiate a corrective action if acoustic coupler is a cavity of specific shape and
needed, a daily biological or listening check of the volume that, with a calibrated microphone,
instrument needs to be performed by the user. permits measurement of the sound pressure
developed in the cavity. Couplers serve as the
connecting interface between the earphone and
BIOLOGICAL CHECK the measuring instrument, which in this case is
The person with primary responsibility for the the sound level meter.
audiometric testing should perform biological It is important to stress that the primary
checks.9,10 These checks should be done each function of a coupler is to provide a standard
day prior to client testing or anytime during the load to the earphone to allow for repeatable
day when there is reason to suspect that the testing conditions. In addition, a coupler must
audiometer is not performing properly. be standardized, reproducible, and stable. It is
The biological check consists of two ele- also desirable for the coupler to simulate the
ments: the self-listening check and the hearing impedance of the human ear but the early
threshold check. The listening check involves couplers did not perform well compared with
listening for static, hum, noise, crackling and the human ear.11 The later, more sophisticated
popping sounds, and sound intensity changes couplers perform much better, and such cou-
while gently wiggling all wires attached to the plers are called ear simulators. However, no
audiometer. Presence of any of these undesired existing acoustic coupler simulates acoustic
sounds requires further investigation and reme- properties of the human ear in the full range
diation. If remediation is not successful, a of auditory frequencies. Therefore, an ear sim-
qualified service technician should be consulted. ulator can only be specified by a frequency range
The hearing threshold check should involve in which such simulation is achieved. This is not
threshold measurement of a person with known to say that an ear simulator cannot be used
and stable hearing thresholds. As a minimum, a outside this range. It can, but it becomes just a
hearing threshold on the better ear of the standard acoustic coupler operating outside its
listener should be performed with right (red) specific frequency range.
and left (blue) earphones. If measurements do Because earphones come in different types (e.
not differ by more than 5 dB from each other g., supra-aural, insert, and circumaural), several
and from the known threshold of this person, types of acoustic couplers exist (ANSI S3.6
the audiometer may be considered in calibra- 2010).12 The oldest of the currently used acoustic
tion. If they differ more than 5 dB, the couplers, the National Bureau of Standards
audiometer needs an electroacoustic calibration. (NBS) 9-A coupler, was developed to calibrate
As mentioned previously, electroacoustic supra-aural earphones (ASA Z24.5 1951), and it
calibration should be undertaken at least once a can be used for measurement of supra-aural
year or more frequently if circumstances dictate. audiometric earphones in the frequency range
Calibration is considered exhaustive if it in- from 125 to 8000 Hz (IEC 60318-3 1998).
volves the comprehensive measurement of sig- The coupler is designed in such a way that the
nal characters including output levels, cushion of the earphone fits squarely over the
attenuator linearity, frequency accuracy, har- mounting ring on top of the coupler. A micro-
monic distortion, and signal switching.4 These phone is located in the base of the coupler, and
diverse measurements necessitate the use of there is air space between the earphone and the
several different devices and instruments. microphone. The volume of this space is 6 cm3,
which simulates the average volume of the adult
ear canal. Given this specific volume, the NBS 9-
INSTRUMENTATION FOR A coupler is commonly known as a 6-cc coupler.
CALIBRATION During calibration, the earphone is held in place
on the coupler with a standard 500-g weight.
Acoustic Couplers The NBS 9-A coupler poorly represents
A device that is used for the calibration of the acoustical properties of the human ear.
earphone output is the acoustic coupler. An More recently, another coupler that better
matches the impedance of the human ear, the As the name implies, insert earphones are
IEC 318 coupler, has been introduced (IEC inserted into the ear canal rather than placed
60318-1 2009; IEC 60318-2 1998; ANSI S3.7 over its entrance. This method of linking the
1995). The IEC 318 coupler has general fea- earphone to the ear requires another type of
tures similar to the NBS 9-A. However, the two coupler to measure sound pressure. Compared
differ internally in that the IEC 318 coupler has with either a supra-aural or circumaural ear-
three tuned tubes or ports. The effect of these phone, a smaller amount of air is trapped in the
small cavities is to closely match the acoustic ear canal when an insert earphone is properly
impedance of the air present in the ear canal. placed. This volume approximates 2 cm3, and
This design feature enables a better approxima- devices simulating this volume are referred to as
tion of the acoustics of the human ear, and 2-cc couplers. Three different types of 2-cc
therefore this coupler is frequently referred to as couplers currently are used to calibrate insert
an ear simulator. It operates as an ear simulator earphones. The HA-1 and HA-2 couplers are
in the 100- to 10,000-Hz frequency range. Like two variants of the IEC 126 coupler that differ
the NBS 9-A coupler, the IEC 318 coupler can in the way they connect hearing aids to instru-
be used to calibrate supra-aural earphones. mentation used in the electroacoustic analysis
However, the latter device also has provisions (IEC 60126 1973; IEC 60318-5 2006; ANSI
to be used to measure the output of circumaural S3.7 1995). The IEC 126 coupler was not
earphones. In this context, the conical mount- intended to measure the actual performance
ing ring of the coupler is replaced with a flat of a hearing aid but rather served as consistent
metal plate. The plate has a hole in its center to means for exchanging data. The third type of
accommodate a microphone. The circumaural 2-cc coupler is known as the IEC 711 coupler or
earphone is positioned directly over the hole, occluded ear simulator (ANSI S3.25 2009; IEC
and a standard mass of 500 g is placed on top of 60318-4 2010). Fig. 1 shows an insert earphone
the earphone to secure it on the plate. connected to three common 2-cc couplers.
Figure 1 Common types of couplers for calibrating insert earphones. (A) Occluded ear simulator (see
American National Standards Institute [ANSI] S3.25); (B) HA-2 coupler (see ANSI S3.7) and (c) HA-1 coupler
(see ANSI S3.7). Note: All dimensions are in millimeters. (From Figure 2 in ANSI S3.6–2010, Acoustical
Society of America, used with permission.)
Like other couplers, the 2-cc couplers have Additionally, the microphone is not equally
a microphone attachment in their base. After sensitive to all audiometric test frequencies.
the foam ear tip is removed, the insert earphone These deviations from zero need to be taken
is attached to the HA-2 coupler or occluded ear into account. Using the frequency response
simulator via a plastic sound tube and a tube chart that accompanies the microphone, the
adapter. It is not necessary to remove the ear tip output level is adjusted up (if positive) or down
to connect the insert earphone to the HA-1 (if negative) by the amount of the deviation.
coupler. The ease of consistently attaching the One final comment: microphones are classified
insert earphone to the HA-2 or occluded ear as pressure, field, or random incidence and are used
simulator and greater repeatability of results for different applications. A pressure micro-
obtained with the HA-2 coupler facilitate mea- phone is appropriate to use for earphone cali-
surement reliability, and therefore calibration bration, while a field or random incidence
with the HA-2 coupler is generally preferred microphone is used to calibrate a loudspeaker.
over calibration with the HA-1 coupler. The meter shows SPL (in decibels) on
The IEC 711 ear simulator has an equiva- either an analog (needle-type) or digital display
lent volume of 1.26 cm3 and was initially (ANSI S1.4 1983). Sound level meters are
designed to simulate human ear impedance categorized by type, which relates to measure-
from 100 to 7,000 Hz. This range of frequencies ment precision. A type 1 sound level meter is
has been subsequently extended to 10,000 Hz the most precise and is required for exhaustive
and later to 16,000 Hz. It was developed in calibration. A sound level meter typically has
Europe in 1973 and standardized by IEC in two or more time scales that can be selected by
1979. In the United States, a slightly different the user. The “slow” time scale corresponds to a
ear simulator was developed by Zwislocki13 and 1-second time constant of integration. In other
standardized by ANSI in 1971 (ANSI S3.25 words, the display updates every second. The
2009). This simulator is commonly called the “fast” time scale indicates a time constant of
Zwislocki occluded ear simulator. Although the 0.125 seconds. With this setting, the meter
Zwislocki ear simulators still exist and are used, updates more rapidly at 8 times per second.
they are more difficult to make than IEC 711 Because output levels are continuous during
simulators, and the Zwislocki coupler is no audiometric calibration, the slow time scale is
longer in production. recommended. A sound level meter also has
different frequency scales or weights. Each
frequency weight essentially describes a broad
Sound Level Meter spectral configuration. When calibrating pure
The output level of an earphone or loudspeaker tones, these broad-frequency scales are es-
is measured with a sound level meter.14 The chewed in favor of the more specific (i.e.,
sound level meter has a microphone that detects narrower) spectral analysis permitted by band-
minute fluctuations in air pressure (ANSI S1.15 pass filters. A filter in the sound level meter can
Part 1 1997). The microphone is extremely be set to a particular test frequency, and this
sensitive and its operation can be affected by helps reduce the effects of ambient noise that
temperature and humidity. Fortunately, most can cause measurement variability. The filters
calibration is conducted in a climate-controlled are typically one octave wide, although it is not
environment, so the temperature and humidity uncommon to find one-third octave filters on
are relatively stable. However, before audiomet- more expensive sound level meters.
ric calibration activities are undertaken, the
sound level meter itself should be calibrated.
This is accomplished by attaching a calibrator Multimeter
(also known as a pistonphone) to the micro- A multimeter is used to measure attenuator
phone. The calibrator emits a fixed frequency, linearity. Attenuator linearity refers to the
fixed level (e.g., 94- or 114-dB SPL) tone change in output level of the audiometer as
(ANSI S1.40 2006). The sound level meter is the HL dial is manipulated. The multimeter is
adjusted to match precisely the level of the tone. so named because it can measure the three basic
electrical properties of voltage, current, and too abrupt or audible transients may occur.
resistance. Voltage is the appropriate multi- These audible transients contain frequencies
meter setting for quantifying output level. It other than the test frequency and their presence
is important to note that most multimeters reduces the specificity of the hearing test.
measure voltage on a linear scale (e.g., volts Because the audiometer’s switch reacts very
RMS). If this is the case, then the output quickly, an analog storage oscilloscope or a
voltage must be converted to a logarithmic or digital oscilloscope is required to capture the
decibel scale before comparison with the hear- on-off events accurately.
ing level of the audiometer can be undertaken.
Because attenuator performance is the focus,
the multimeter is inserted between the output OVERVIEW OF CALIBRATION
of the audiometer and the earphone. This type
of connection is readily accomplished with a Y- Output Level of Earphones
cord. The cord is interposed between the audi- When one thinks of audiometric calibration,
ometer at one end; the multimeter and ear- the most common conception is measuring the
phone connected on either branch of the Y at output level of an earphone. This is a relatively
the other end. simple process, requiring only an appropriate
coupler, microphone, and a sound level meter.
In fact, if the equipment is available, it is
Frequency Counter advisable to measure output levels more fre-
A frequency counter is used to assess the quently than once per year. The authors of this
accuracy of an audiometer’s pure tone genera- article suggest 3-month intervals. The output
tor. As with the multimeter, the frequency level is assessed relative to known standardized
counter is connected directly to the audio- hearing thresholds. These thresholds are
meter’s output. The measured frequency is known more formally as RETSPLs (ANSI
read from the digital display in a straightfor- S3.6 2010; ISO 389-5 2006). RETSPLs repre-
ward way. sent the SPL that is necessary to achieve abso-
lute thresholds of hearing as measured in
population of otologically normal subjects.
Spectrum Analyzer As noted above in the section on acoustic
Frequency accuracy also can be measured with a couplers, there are three types of earphones and
spectrum analyzer. This instrument displays the they vary in size and have different physical
output level on either a linear or logarithmic characteristics and thus cannot be accommo-
(decibel) scale as a function of frequency. A dated with a single coupler. Additionally, the
cursor is moved to a given location to get human ear is not equally sensitive across fre-
specific reading of frequency and level. An quency due to the variation in its mechanics.
added benefit of the spectrum analyzer is that These differences need to be accounted for in
because it displays a range of frequencies, it is calibration, so RETSPLs have been established
possible to determine whether the audiometer according to the type of earphone, coupler, and
is generating significant harmonic distortion. the test frequency. The RETSPLs for several
popular earphone-coupler combinations are
shown in Table 2.
Oscilloscope It is important when measuring output
The oscilloscope has a screen for display pur- levels that background noise does not affect
poses. The scope shows the waveform, which is the results. To help minimize this problem,
the output level as a function of time. The scope RETSPLs are acquired at a level that is well
is especially helpful for examining a pure tone above typical hearing thresholds. Although any
signal as it is turned on and off. The time it output level can be used, it is common practice
takes for the signal to go from completely off to to set the dial to 70-dB HL. The output level is
on is known as the rise time. The fall time is just then measured on the sound level meter. Recall
the opposite. The rise and fall times cannot be that the sound level meter measures the output
Table 2 Reference Equivalent Threshold Sound Pressure Levels for Supra-aural, Insert, and
Circumaural Earphones
Frequency Supra-aural Earphones Insert Earphones Circumaural
(Hz) Earphones
TDH39† TDH39‡ TDH49/50 DT 48§ ER-3A ER-3A ER-3A ER-2 HDA200 HV/1A
IEC 318 NBS 9A NBS 9A NBS 9A IEC 711¶ HA-1j HA-2 IEC 711¶ IEC 318†† IEC 318‡‡
All levels listed in this table are from ANSI S3.6 2010 unless indicated otherwise. Abbreviations: ANSI, American
National Standards Institute; IEC, International Electrotechnical Commission; NBS, National Bureau of Standards.
This value is listed in ANSI S3.6 2004 but not in ANSI S3.6 2010.
TDH 39 with MX41/15 or M51 cushion or any supra aural earphone having characteristics described in ANSI S3.6
clause 9.1.1 or ISO 389–1.
TDH 39 with MX41/15 or M51 cushion; values from IEC 60318-1 2013 except for speech value.
DT 48 with flat cushion; values from IEC 60318-1 2013 except for speech value.
Occluded ear simulator IEC 711 (ANSI S3.6 2010, Fig. 2A).
HA-1 coupler (IEC 126 with foam ear tip sealed to the top of the coupler; ANSI S3.6 2010, Fig. 2C).
HA-2 coupler (IEC 126 with rigid tube; ANSI S3.6 2010 Fig. 2B).
IEC 318 ear simulator with type 1 Adaptor (IEC 60318-2 1998, Fig. 1); values from ISO 389-8 2001 except for
speech value.
IEC 318 ear simulator with type 2 Adaptor (ISO 389-2 1994, Fig. 2B).
SPL in decibels. To determine whether the to the hearing level setting on the dial. For
output level falls within an acceptable range, the example, let us say the measured output level is
expected level must be determined. This is 79-dB SPL. Given the hearing level dial is
handled by adding the appropriate RETSPL 70 dB, the test frequency is 1000 Hz, and a
Figure 2 Times associated with the rise (from B to C) and fall (from E to G) of signal envelope. (From Fig. 1
in American National Standards Institute [ANSI] S3.6–2010, Acoustical Society of America, used with
TDH 39 supra-aural earphone is mounted on and insert earphones; relevant values for cir-
an NBS 9-A coupler, the expected level is 77.5- cumaural earphones are not shown in the table
dB SPL (7.5 dB [from Table 2] þ 70 dB), so due to space limitations.
the measured signal is 1.5 dB higher than We should note that for an audiometer to
expected value. Thus, in this example, the be considered in calibration, it is not essential
audiometer is delivering a signal that is for the measured SPL to match exactly the
1.5 dB greater than the expected level. The expected SPL. In other words, there is a range
calibration form shown in Table 3 can be of acceptable values referred to as a tolerance
used to record measurements and make the range. This range depends on the test frequency.
calculations described here for both supra-aural From 125 to 5000 Hz, the range is 3 dB; for
Table 3 Calibration Form for Earphone Output Levels (re: ANSI S3.6 2010)
Transducer Frequency (Hz)
125 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000
Abbreviations: ANSI, American National Standards Institute; SPL, sound pressure level; RETSPL, reference
equivalent sound pressure level.
SPL in NBS 9-A coupler with attenuator control setting of 70 dB.
SPL in HA-2 coupler with an attenuator control setting of 70 dB.
Difference rounded to nearest 5-dB retaining sign.
frequencies greater than 5000 Hz, the range calibration. This is different from the pressure-
increases slightly to 5 dB (ANSI S3.6 2010). type microphone used for earphone calibration. If
If a measured value falls outside the specified a free-field type of microphone is not available, a
range, a qualified technician usually can adjust pressure microphone may be used but it should be
the audiometer to bring it back into line. An oriented at grazing incidence (90 degrees) to the
internal adjustment, however, may not always propagating sound wave. The signal is a frequen-
be feasible. In such cases, manual correction of cy-modulated (FM) tone, called also a warble
the output level is necessary. A correction chart tone, or one-third octave band noise. The hearing
is created and posted on the front of the level control of the audiometer is set to the desired
audiometer. The correction chart should be setting, which is typically 70 dB. Care must be
arranged by earphone (left or right) and test taken to ensure the person making the measure-
frequency. Subtracting the expected level from ments does not block or otherwise interfere with
the one measured and then rounding the dif- the signal’s path to the reference point.
ference to the closest 5-dB increment yields the The RETSPLs for sound-field testing are
correction factor. The sign (plus or minus) of listed in ANSI S3.6 (2010). These RETSPLs are
the difference is meaningful, yet it is often shown in Table 4 for listening in the free and
confusing. A negative number means the true diffuse-field listening. Because RETSPLs in the
output level of the audiometer is greater than free field depend on the angle of incidence of the
expected, and thus the measured hearing sound source, values are given at 0, 45, and 90
threshold must be adjusted accordingly. Once degrees of incidence relative to the direction the
the hearing threshold is obtained in the stan- listener is facing. A sample form is shown
dard way, the appropriate correction factor is in Table 5. In this case, the signal is assumed to
subtracted from (because the sign is negative) the be an FM tone and the RETSPLs are for binaural
hearing threshold and the result is recorded as listening in free field at 0-degree incidence.
the final value. The opposite applies for positive The output level is measured at the refer-
correction factors—the value is added to the ence point and recorded on the calibration form.
hearing threshold before recording it. The The difference between the measured output
measurements recorded in Table 3 can be level and the expected level (i.e., attenuator HL
used to derive correction factors. dial plus RETSPL) should not exceed 2.5 dB.
Additionally, measurements are made at six
locations around the reference point. The sound
Output Level of Loudspeakers level meter is positioned 0.15 m along the right–
As with earphones, the test signals presented into left and up–down axes from the reference point.
the test room via a loudspeaker need to be The tolerance range for each of the four loca-
calibrated (ASHA 199115). No coupler is in- tions is 2 dB compared with the output level
volved in the calibration of loudspeakers and no measured at the reference point. The sound level
specific type of loudspeaker is recommended in meter is positioned 0.1 m in the front–back axis.
the standards. Instead, a standardized reference The tolerance range for each of the two locations
point is determined and the RETSPLs required is 1 dB compared with the measurement at
at this point are listed. The reference point must the reference point. Those tolerances have to be
be at least 1 m away from the front of the met to accommodate slightly different positions
loudspeaker and the subject is not present in of the subjects due to their height and posture
the test room during calibration. More specifical- differences. If a difference at any location ex-
ly, the reference point is located approximately ceeds the tolerance, a qualified technician
where the center of the subject’s head would be should adjust the output of the audiometer.
during testing. A sound level meter is mounted
vertically on a sturdy tripod and oriented so that
the microphone is at the reference point. It is Attenuator Linearity
important to note that a free-field-type micro- It is critical that the audiometer’s output change
phone pointed toward the sound source at a 0- predictably as the hearing level control is ad-
degree angle of incidence is used for sound-field justed. In other words, if the control is
Table 4 Reference Equivalent Threshold Sound Pressure Levels for Sound-Field Testing
Frequency Hz Binaural Listeninga in Free Field Diffuse-fielda
0 Degree Incidence 45 Degree Incidence 90 Degree Incidence
decreased 5 dB, then the output should de- value must be converted to decibel volts using
crease 5 dB, too. Furthermore, this relationship the following formula: dB V ¼ 20 log (mea-
should hold across the range of attenuator sured voltage).
control from the lowest level to the highest To record and analyze the results, a simple
one. Attenuator linearity is usually assessed table can be constructed with three columns.
electrically. The output of the audiometer is The first column lists the range of HL dial
connected to the input of the multimeter, which settings in 5-dB steps; the second column lists
is the preferred instrument to use. This electri- the measured values (in decibel volts); the third
cal connection is made with a Y-cord, with the column lists the decibel change or difference
multimeter connected to one arm of the branch between a given measurement and the one
and the earphone attached to the other arm. obtained in the step immediately preceding it.
The multimeter/spectrum analyzer may display (The first cell column 3 is skipped.) The
the measured output in decibel units. If not, the attenuator is linear if the measured decibel
Table 5 Calibration Form for Output Levels of Loud Speakers in Sound Field (re: ANSI S3.6 2010)
Audiometer Serial # Channel Date Calibrated by
Frequency in Hertz (Hz)
Transducer 125 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000
1. RIGHT speakera
2. Attenuator Control þ RETSLPb 92.1 81.4 74.4 72.4 72.4 72.4 68.7 64.2 64.6 74.3 85.6
3. Difference (line 2 minus line 1)
4. RIGHT speaker right/left locationc
5. RIGHT speaker up/down locationd
6. RIGHT speaker front/back locatione
7. LEFT speakera
8. Attenuator Control þ RETSLPb 92.1 81.4 74.4 72.4 72.4 72.4 68.7 64.2 64.6 74.3 85.6
9. Difference (line 8 minus line 7)
change matches the step size on the HL control. set to its maximal level, which varies by fre-
As with output levels, some deviation in the quency. When using filters internal to the
amount of decibel change is permitted. If the sound level meter, the first measurement is at
difference is 5 dB, then the measured value the test frequency (e.g., 500 Hz) and so that is
must be within 1.5 dB of this decibel change the one selected on the filter. The next mea-
(ANSI S3.6 2010). ANSI S3.6 (2010) also surement is at the second harmonic (1000 Hz)
states that the maximum deviation from linear- and consequently the filter is adjusted to this
ity at any dB HL shall not exceed 2 dB. frequency; however, the frequency control of
the audiometer remains unchanged. The filter
is then moved to the third harmonic (1500 Hz),
Frequency Accuracy the filter is again adjusted, and the measure-
After checking the performance of the audio- ment is taken. This process continues until no
meter’s attenuator, the accuracy of its pure tone harmonic energy is detectable or the highest
generator must be assessed. The setup is similar available filter setting is reached, whichever
as the one used to evaluate attenuator linearity. occurs first. The most common measure is total
The same Y-cord is connected to output of the harmonic distortion (THD), which is given as a
audiometer while one branch of the Y is con- percentage of the combined sound pressure of
nected to an earphone. The difference is a the second harmonic and above relative to the
frequency counter replaces the multimeter in sound pressure of the test frequency. Before
the other branch. The attenuator control is set combining (i.e., adding) sound pressures, each
to 70-dB HL to ensure a strong signal. The level measured must be converted from decibels
frequency associated with each of the frequency to pascals. This is accomplished with the fol-
control settings is measured. The permissible lowing formula: p ¼ 10(SPL/20þlog(20)) where p
deviation is 1% of the test frequency (ANSI is pressure (in pascals) and SPL is decibels.
S3.6 2010). In the case when an FM rather than Once these conversions have been made, the
pure tone signals are used, the carrier frequency THD can be calculated as follows: THD
shall be within 3% of the nominal frequency ¼ 100 ((p22 þ p32 þ p42þ . . . pn2)/(p12))1/2
and the modulation frequency shall be in a where p1 is the test frequency (or first harmon-
range of 5 to 25% of the carrier frequency ic), p2 is the second harmonic, p3 is the third
with a tolerance of 10% of its stated value harmonic, and pn is the nth harmonic (ANSI
(ANSI S3.6 2010). S3.7 1995). An alternative calculation of
total harmonic distortion can also be used:
THD ¼ 100 ((p22 þ p32 þ p42þ . . . pn2)/
Harmonic Distortion (p12 þ p22þ p32 þ p42þ . . . pn2))1/2. Note
Harmonic distortion refers to the presence of that each pressure value is squared. The THD
frequency components at harmonics (i.e., inte- is assessed for both earphones at all test fre-
ger multiples) of the test frequency. For exam- quencies. The THD is considered excessive if it
ple, if the test frequency is 500 Hz, the presence exceeds 2.5% (ANSI S3.6 2010).
of frequency components (harmonics) at 1000,
1500, 2000 Hz, and so on is indicative of
harmonic distortion. Because the audiometer Signal Switching
and/or the earphone can generate distortion, it The pure tone signal is delivered to the listener by
is necessary to make measurements at the pressing the interrupter switch. Three factors
output of the earphone. This requires mounting associated with the function of the switch are
the earphone on a coupler connected to a sound checked during calibration: on–off ratio, crosstalk,
level meter that preferably has a set of one-third and rise and fall time. The on–off ratio describes
octave filters. Alternatively, the alternating cur- the output level of the signal when the tone is on
rent output (and electrical output) of the sound (i.e., the switch is pressed or closed) versus when
level meter can be routed to the input of a the signal is off (i.e., the switch is released or
spectrum analyzer. To increase the likelihood of open). The setup for evaluating the on–off ratio is
detecting distortion, the hearing level control is the same one used to measure attenuator linearity.
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