Guidelines For Manual Pure-Tone Threshold Audiometry
Guidelines For Manual Pure-Tone Threshold Audiometry
Guidelines For Manual Pure-Tone Threshold Audiometry
These guidelines present a recommended set of procedures based on existing practice and research
findings. Their intention is not to mandate a single way of accomplishing a clinical process, but to
suggest standard procedures that in the final analysis should benefit the persons we serve. The purpose
is to improve interclinician and interclinic comparison of data, thereby allowing for a more effective
transfer of information.
Table of Contents
Equipment and Test Environment
Determination of Manual Thresholds
Threshold Measurement Procedure
Standard Procedures for Air-Conduction Measures
Special Considerations
Standard Procedures for Bone-Conduction Measures
Record Keeping
Testing Issues
References 1/12
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conduction measurements at octave intervals from 250 Hz to 4000 Hz and at 3000 Hz as needed. Also,
when required, appropriate masking is used. For special purposes, extended high-frequency audiometry
may be used for frequencies of 9000 to 16000 Hz. Pure-tone threshold audiometry is used for both
diagnostic and monitoring purposes.
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Pure-tone threshold audiometry is the measurement of an individual's hearing sensitivity for calibrated
pure tones. Three general methods are used: (a) manual audiometry, also referred to as conventional
audiometry; (b) automatic audiometry, also known as Békésy audiometry; and (c) computerized
audiometry. The guidelines presented in this document are limited to manual pure-tone audiometry.
Sound field audiometry using loudspeakers is not addressed in this document. Detailed information on
auditory measurements in the sound field can be found in Sound Field Measurement Tutorial 11-371 (
ASHA, 1990b).
The historical antecedents of pure-tone audiometry were the classical tuning fork tests. The
development of the audiometer made it possible to control signal intensity and duration in ways that
were not possible with tuning forks. One cannot assume, however, that calibrated equipment ensures
that valid measurements are always obtained. Differences among measurement methods may affect
validity and reliability in significant ways, as pointed out by a number of authors ( Carhart & Jerger, 1959;
Harris, 1979, Hirsh, 1952; Hughson & Westlake, 1944; Newby, 1972; Price, 1971; Reger, 1950; Tyler &
Wood, 1980; Watson & Tolan, 1949).
Because pure-tone audiometric results have significant influence on the medical, legal, educational,
occupational, social, and psychological outcomes, it is critical that procedures be standardized and
consistent among test providers. These guidelines present a standard set of procedures intended to
minimize intertest differences. These guidelines represent a consensus of recommendations found in
standards, such as Methods for Manual Pure-Tone Threshold Audiometry (ANSI S3.21-2004; American
National Standards Institute, 2004a), and in the literature, with particular emphasis on the suggestions of
Carhart and Jerger ( 1959) and Reger ( 1950). ASHA does not intend to imply that only one method is
correct. Variations in procedure may be demanded by special clinical problems or regulatory demands.
For example, special populations—such as very young children, those who are uncooperative, and
persons with severe developmental delays, severe hearing impairment, or neurological disorders—may
require modifications of the guideline procedures if the audiologist is to develop sufficient information for
case management. Additionally, occupational, forensic, and financial compensation determinations, (e.g.
disability, worker's compensation), may also require modifications to standard procedures to obtain true
and accurate results. When variations in procedure are necessary, they should be noted in a manner
that allows other testers to understand how thresholds were obtained and to replicate the findings if
necessary. The pure-tone guidelines are presented in five sections: (a) equipment and test environment,
(b) determination of manual thresholds, (c) standard procedures for air-conduction measures, (d)
standard procedures for bone-conduction measures, and (e) record keeping.
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Audiometer and calibration. Air- and bone-conduction audiometry shall be accomplished with an
audiometer and transducers that meet the applicable specifications of ANSI S3.6-2004 ( American
National Standards Institute, 2004b) and are appropriate to the test technique being used. Exhaustive
electroacoustic calibrations should be performed annually using instrumentation traceable to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (previously known as the National Bureau of Standards
prior to 1988). Functional inspection, performance checks, and bio-acoustic measurements should be
conducted daily to verify the equipment performance before use.
Transducers. The various transducers used for pure-tone audiometry, earphones (supra-aural,
circumaural, and insert), and bone vibrators shall be appropriate to the test technique used. Transducers
are matched to the audiometer and should not be interchanged without recalibration. Supra-aural and
insert earphones are appropriate for air-conduction threshold measurements from 125 Hz through 8000
Hz, while circumaural earphones are used for extended high-frequency measurements within their
respected frequency and intensity response ranges. Bone vibrators are used for bone-conducted
threshold measurements for frequencies within their respected frequency response range and must
meet the specification of Mechanical Coupler for Measurement of Bone Vibrators (ANSI S3.13-1987;
American National Standards Institute, 2002). The use of specific transducers may be dictated by a
particular regulatory standard, such as the use of insert earphones for audiometric monitoring under the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) hearing conservation amendment ( 1983). The
applicable regulation should be consulted before testing to assure compliance. The audiologist should
control placement of the transducers on the listener.
Test environment. The test environment shall meet at all times the specifications detailed in Maximum
Permissible Ambient Noise Levels for Audiometric Test Rooms (ANSI S3.1-1999; American National
Standards Institute, 2003). Confirmation of an acceptable test environment shall be documented at least
annually. The use of passive noise-reducing earphone enclosures is discouraged owing to calibration
and threshold measurement issues ( Billings, 1978; Cozad & Goetzinger, 1970; Frank, Greer, &
Magistro, 1997; Roeser & Glorig, 1975).
The use of sound-isolated rooms or booths is viewed as a standard practice. In the interest of comfort,
the test room and audiologist work area should provide for proper control of temperature, air exchange,
and humidity. In the interest of safety, sound-isolated areas must be provided with either or both visual
and auditory warning systems. These warning systems should be connected to the building warning
system (fire, civil defense). It is also advisable to equip the sound-isolated areas with an emergency
telephone or a panic button to signal for emergency assistance. To avoid disruption of the test, mobile
phones, pagers, radios and other communication devices should be silenced or turned off during the
audiometric evaluation.
Infection control. Adherence to universal precautions and appropriate infection control procedures
should be in place. Instrumentation coming into physical contact with the patient must be cleaned and
disinfected after each use. The use of disposable acoustically transparent earphone covers or
disposable insert earphone tips is recommended. Hand washing should be routine for the audiologist
between patients.
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Ear examination. Visual inspection of the pinna and ear canal, including otoscopy, should precede
audiometric testing to rule out active pathological conditions and the potential for ear canal collapse
caused by audiometric earphones. The ear canal should be free of excessive cerumen before testing.
Testing should begin with the better ear when identifiable, otherwise it is arbitrary. Hearing aids should
be removed after the audiologist has instructed the participant on how to respond during the test.
Participant seating. The participant should be seated in a manner to promote safety and comfort as well
as valid testing. Such seating considerations may include the following:
Some of the factors that influence the manual assessment of pure-tone thresholds are (a) the
instructions to the participant, (b) the response task, and (c) the audiologist's interpretation of the
participant's response behavior during the test.
Instructions. The test instructions should be presented in a language or manner appropriate for the
participant. Interpreters (oral or manual) should be used when necessary. Supplemental instructions
may be provided to enhance understanding, such as written directives, gestures, and demonstrations.
Test instructions shall accomplish the following:
Indicate the purpose of the test, that is, to find the faintest tone that can be heard.
Emphasize that it is necessary to sit quietly, without talking, during the test.
Indicate that the participant is to respond whenever the tone is heard, no matter how faint it may
Describe the need to respond overtly as soon as the tone comes on and to respond overtly
immediately when the tone goes off.
Indicate that each ear is to be tested separately with tones of different pitches.
Describe inappropriate behaviors such as drinking, eating, smoking, chewing, or any additional
behavior that may interfere with the test.
Response task. Overt responses are required from the participant to indicate when he or she hears the
tone going on and off. Any response task meeting this criterion is acceptable. Examples of commonly
used responses are (a) raising and lowering the finger, hand, or arm, (b) pressing and releasing a signal
switch, and (c) verbalizing “yes”.
Interpretation of response behavior. The primary parameters used by the audiologist in determining
threshold are the presence of “on” and “off” responses, latency of responses, and number of false
Each suprathreshold presentation should elicit two responses: an “on” response at the start of the
test tone and an “off” response at the end of the tone. Participants who are unable to correctly
signal the termination of the tone, after proper instruction and reinstruction, may be demonstrating
auditory problems and may need more detailed testing. 4/12
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The latency of the “on” responses varies usually with the level of presentation. If the first response
to a tone in an ascending series is slow, present a 5-dB-higher tone until the response is without
False responses may be of two types: (a) false positive, a response when no tone is present, or (b)
false negative, no response to a tone that the audiologist believes to be audible to the participant.
Either type complicates the measurement procedure. Reinstruction may reduce the occurrence
rate of either type. The rate of false responses may also be reduced by such techniques as varying
the time between audible tones, pulsing or warbling of the signal, or using pulse-counting
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Familiarization. The purpose of familiarization is to assure the audiologist that the participant
understands and can perform the response task. Familiarization is a recommended practice for general
populations and should be used whenever warranted by the mental or physical status of the patient. The
participant should be familiarized with the task before threshold determination by presenting a signal of
sufficient intensity to evoke a clear response. The following two methods of familiarization are commonly
1. Beginning with a 1000-Hz tone, continuously on but completely attenuated, gradually increase the
sound-pressure level of the tone until a response occurs.
2. Present a 1000-Hz tone at a 30 dB hearing level (HL). If a clear response occurs, begin threshold
measurement. If no response occurs, present the tone at 50 dB HL and at successive additional
increments of 10 dB until a response is obtained.
The decision as to which method to use, or whether to familiarize the participant at all, may be
influenced by the purpose of the test and the clinical history. For example, familiarization is not typically
done in compensation or forensic cases. Likewise, when the clinical history indicates a profound hearing
loss, the audiologist may begin the familiarization process at a much higher presentation level or at a
lower, more audible frequency.
Threshold determination. The method described, an ascending technique beginning with an inaudible
signal, is recommended as a standard procedure for manual pure-tone threshold audiometry.
2. Interval between tones. The interval between successive tone presentations shall be varied but not
shorter than the test tone.
3. Level of first presentation. The level of the first presentation of the test tone shall be well below the
expected threshold. 5/12
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5. Threshold of hearing. Threshold is defined as the lowest decibel hearing level at which responses
occur in at least one half of a series of ascending trials. The minimum number of responses
needed to determine the threshold of hearing is two responses out of three presentations at a
single level ( American National Standards Institute, 2004a).
Variability of threshold measures. The audiologist should establish limits on acceptable test-retest
variability for a given participant. A general discussion of this subject may be found in Annex B of
Methods for Manual Pure-Tone Threshold Audiometry (ANSI S3.21-2004; American National Standards
Institute, 2004a).
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Earphone placement. The audiologist should instruct participants to remove hats, headbands,
eyeglasses, earrings, or anything that may interfere with proper positioning of the earphone cushions on
the ears. After visual inspection of the outer ear (see previous Ear examination section), the audiologist
should place the earphones on the participant and adjust them to fit her or his head properly. Insert
earphones shall be placed comfortably deep in the ear canal and in accordance with manufacturer
Stimuli. Continuous or pulsed pure-tone signals should be used. Pulsed tones have been shown to
increase a test participant's awareness of the stimuli ( Burk & Wiley, 2004).
Frequency. The frequencies tested differ, depending on the technique used. In a departure from
previous guidelines, routine testing of air-conduction thresholds at 3000 Hz and 6000 Hz is
recommended. Inclusion of these two additional frequencies in audiometric evaluations may provide the
audiologist with a more complete profile of the participant's hearing status for prevention and diagnostic
purposes ( Fausti et al., 1999; Holmes, Niskar, Kieszak, Rubin, & Brody, 2004; Humes, Joellenbeck, &
Durch, 2005). Additionally, audiometric threshold data obtained at 3000 Hz and 6000 Hz are often
essential in cases where the audiometric test results are used for determination of compensation and/or
the identification of work-related (occupational) hearing loss.
1. Monitoring technique. Threshold assessment should be made at 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000,
6000, and 8000 Hz when monitoring as part of hearing loss prevention programs. When monitoring
for other purposes (e.g., ototoxicity, medical management), thresholds may be measured at other
test frequencies as appropriate.
2. Diagnostic technique. Threshold assessment should be made at 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000,
4000, 6000, and 8000 Hz, except when a low-frequency hearing loss exists, in which case the
hearing threshold at 125 Hz should also be measured. When a difference of 20 dB or more exists
between the threshold values at any two adjacent octave frequencies from 500 to 2000 Hz,
interoctave measurements should be made. 6/12
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Order. When appropriate information is available, the better ear should be tested first. The initial test
frequency should be 1000 Hz. Following the initial test frequency, the audiologist should test, in order,
2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 Hz, followed by a retest of 1000 Hz before testing 500, 250, and 125
Hz. A retest at 1000 Hz is not necessary when testing the second ear. Although the order of frequencies
is not likely to significantly influence test results, presentation of frequencies in the order described may
help ensure consistency of approach to each test participant and minimize the risk of omissions (
American National Standards Institute, 2004b).
Masking for diagnostic audiometry. Appropriate masking should be applied to the nontest ear when the
air-conduction threshold obtained in the test ear exceeds the interaural attenuation to the nontest ear.
Because the procedures for masking are not confined to pure-tone measures, these procedures are not
discussed in this set of guidelines.
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Special Considerations
1. Frequencies other than 1000 Hz may be used as the initial frequency depending on the
circumstances, such as mental or physical status of the participant, and the availability of previous
hearing tests.
The audiologist may choose to test 500 Hz immediately after the initial 1000-Hz threshold
measurement if there is a question of reliability or discrepancy with other measures such as
speech audiometry thresholds or to minimize retesting time if a discrepancy for the 1000-Hz retest
is evident.
2. If the retest threshold at 1000 Hz differs by more than 5 dB from the first test, the lower of the two
thresholds may be accepted, and at least one other test frequency should be retested.
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Advise the participant to sit quietly and avoid movement that will dislodge the bone vibrator from
the proper position.
Request that the participant notify the audiologist when the bone vibrator slips or moves in any way
from the original placement.
Frequency. Thresholds should be obtained at octave intervals from 250 to 4000 Hz and at 3000 Hz.
Testing at frequencies below 500 Hz demands excellent sound isolation for cases with normal or near
normal sensitivity but may be accomplished when such an environment is available. Higher frequencies
may be tested if the transducer has sufficient frequency-response characteristics. 7/12
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Order. The initial frequency tested should be 1000 Hz. After the initial test frequency, the audiologist
should test 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz followed by a retest of 1000 Hz before testing 500 and 250 Hz.
Masking. If the unmasked bone-conduction threshold is 10 dB better than the air-conduction threshold at
that frequency in either ear, masking must be used. Because the threshold values on which the
calibration of bone vibrators is based were measured with masking noise in the contralateral ear, the
audiologist may prefer always to use masking in the testing procedure.
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Record Keeping
Recording of results. Results may be recorded in graphic or tabular form or both. Separate forms to
represent each ear may be used. Results must be legible and should be of sufficient quality to allow
copying and electronic storage and communication. The privacy and confidentiality of audiometric
records must be maintained and protected in accordance with all applicable state and federal
regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Final Regulations
for Health Coverage Portability for Group and Medicaid Services, 2004).
Audiogram form. When the graphic form is used, the test frequencies shall be recorded on the abscissa,
indicating frequency on a logarithmic scale, and hearing levels shall be recorded on the ordinate, using a
linear scale to include the units of decibels. The aspect ratio of the audiogram is important for
standardization. The correct aspect ratio is realized when a square is formed between any given octave
pair on the abscissa and any 20 dB increment on the ordinate. For conventional audiometry, the vertical
scale is to be designated hearing level in decibels; the horizontal scale is to be labeled frequency in
hertz. By convention, frequency is recorded in ascending order from left to right, and hearing level is
recorded in ascending order from top to bottom, ranging from a minimum value of −10 dB to the
maximum output limits of the audiometer (usually 110 or 120 dB HL). It is advisable when reporting
extended high-frequency audiometric results to use a separate graph that incorporates the appropriate
decibel scale (HL vs. SPL) and frequency range measured.
Audiogram symbols. When the graphic form is used, the symbols presented in the Guidelines for
Audiometric Symbols ( American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 1990a) should be used.
Every audiogram, whether graphic or tabular, should include, as a minimum, the following information:
description of test equipment used, including audiometer and transducers, and the audiometric test
threshold values for each of the frequencies tested for each ear by air conduction and bone
observations of physical conditions of the outer ear or other conditions that may have influenced
the results and any steps taken to mitigate these conditions
description of alternate test methods or nonstandard test stimuli used, for example,
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Testing Issues
Table 1 contains issues that may be encountered during pure-tone audiometry. The test considerations
are offered as a resource for potential test modifications. These modifications are not intended to be
comprehensive in scope or ideal for all situations; sound clinical judgment is always paramount.
3 Claustrophobia Instruct the patient how to exit the booth or test with the booth door ajar.
If door is left open, consider use of insert earphones to minimize effects
of ambient noise.
5 Collapsed ear canal Use insert earphones, support the pinna from behind to prevent the
collapse or test with the participant's mouth open (Reiter & Silman,
6 Tinnitus Use a pulsed signal or a warble tone to help distinguish the test signal
from the tinnitus.
7 Physical limitations Modify motor response task or use verbal response task.
for motor response 9/12
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10 Difficult to test Reinstruction, counseling, and reexamination are valid strategies. Use
alternative objective measures. Modify behavioral procedures as
appropriate to cognitive abilities. Repeat familiarization task at test
frequencies other than 1000 Hz when responses are inconsistent.
11 Unilateral loss Use appropriate masking, rule out testing errors, and verify proper
function of audiometer and transducers.
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These guidelines present a standard set of procedures intended to minimize intertest and intersite
differences among audiologists and audiometric technicians who conduct manual pure-tone threshold
audiometry. When variations in procedure are necessary, they should be noted in a manner that allows
other test providers to understand how the thresholds were obtained and to replicate the findings if
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American National Standards Institute. (2002). Mechanical coupler for measurement of bone vibrators
(Rev. ed.) (ANSI S3.13-1987). New York: Author.
American National Standards Institute. (2003). Maximum permissible ambient noise levels for
audiometric test rooms (Rev. ed.) (ANSI S3.1-1999). New York: Author.
American National Standards Institute. (2004a). Methods for manual pure-tone threshold audiometry
(ANSI S3.21-2004). New York: Author.
American National Standards Institute. (2004b). Specifications for audiometers (ANSI S3.6-2004). New
York: Author.
American Speech and Hearing Association. (1975). Guidelines for identification audiometry. Rockville,
MD: Author. 10/12