NRCC 46274
NRCC 46274
NRCC 46274
Bradley, J.S.
A version of this document is published in / Une version de ce document se trouve dans: Canadian Acoustics, v. 31, no. 2, June 2003, pp. 23-31
Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council, Montreal Rd. Ottawa, K1A 0R6
This paper uses a previously developed model of sound propagation in conventional open plan offices to explore the influence of each parameter of the office design on the expected speech privacy in the office. The ceiling absorption, the height of partial height panels and the workstation plan size are shown to be most important. However, it is not possible to achieve acceptable speech privacy if all design parameters do not have near to optimum values. A successful open office should also include an optimum masking sound spectrum and an office etiquette that encourages talking at lower voice levels.
Cet article s'appuie sur un modle de propagation du son dans les bureaux aires ouvertes mis au point antrieurement afin d'analyser l'influence de chaque paramtre de la conception du bureau sur l'insonorisation du local en question. L'absorption du plafond, la hauteur des cloisons et les dimensions du poste de travail apparaissent tre les 3 paramtres les plus importants. Il est cependant impossible d'atteindre une insonorisation "acceptable" si tous les paramtres conceptuels ne sont pas proches de leurs valeurs optimales. Un bureau aires ouvertes russi doit aussi comprendre un spectre de son masquant optimal et une politique de bureau qui encourage parler voix basse.
1. Introduction
Open plan offices have existed for many years, and they have gradually become the predominant format of office space for a wide range of work activities. Older designs incorporating stand-alone screens and furniture have usually been replaced by modular workstations that are frequently referred to as cubicles. There are modern trends to experiment with so-called innovative designs such as team spaces and other variations where the partial height panels between office workers are absent or much reduced in size. However the vast majority of open plan offices today consist of the rectangular cubicle format and this paper is concerned with the design of this type of open plan office. Conventional open plan offices are said to be less costly to construct and less costly to rearrange to meet changing accommodation needs. Of course, there are counter arguments that lack of privacy and increased distraction will make office workers less efficient, and that at least point to the need for good acoustical design. Optimising the acoustical design of an open plan office can be a complex task because of the number of design parameters that must be considered. This problem has recently been made much easier to solve as a result of the development of a mathematical model of sound propagation between workstations in conventional open plan offices [1-4]. Using this model one can conveniently and quite accurately predict the speech privacy of a particular open plan office design. This model is used here to demonstrate the importance of each open office design parameter. This paper will first describe measures of speech privacy that can be used to rate the acceptability of an open plan
office design. Then design criteria for speech privacy and office noise levels are reviewed. The influence on speech privacy of ten office design parameters are then demonstrated and finally the overall approach to a successful design is discussed.
in rooms. A value close to 1 should correspond to near perfect speech intelligibility. A value near 0 should indicate near perfect speech privacy. More recently the AI has been replaced by the Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) [6]. This is a little more complex to calculate than AI and includes the masking effect of lower frequency components on each frequency band. Like AI it has a value between 0 and 1, but for the same condition SII values are a little larger than AI values. Appendix I gives a detailed comparison of the two measures. It has been conventional to refer to two levels of criteria for speech privacy and to relate them to corresponding AI values. Confidential privacy has been said to correspond to AI 0.05 [7,8]. This has been defined as corresponding to zero phrase intelligibility with some isolated words being intelligible. Conditions corresponding to AI 0.15 have been described as acceptable or normal privacy for open plan offices [9]. Such conditions are said to be not too distracting. In practice they correspond to a level of speech privacy that can be achieved in a well designed open plan office. These two speech privacy criteria and their equivalent SII values are included in Table 1. Ongoing work is investigating the interpretation of these criteria. Level of speech AI SII privacy Confidential Acceptable 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.20
are expected to talk louder than this. The actual speech spectra are included in Appendix II. The level and spectrum shape of ambient noise in the office also significantly influences the degree of speech privacy as well as the related AI and SII values. Although increasing noise levels lead to reduced speech privacy, there is a limiting noise level above which the noise becomes more disturbing and less beneficial. Because it is difficult to carefully control the level and spectrum of actual ventilation noise, and because it will vary with the operation of the ventilation system, the desired speech privacy can be more precisely achieved using electronic masking sound. The spectrum of such masking sound should include energy at all frequencies with significant speech energy, and should sound like a neutral ventilation noise. Such spectrum shapes have been specified [12] and an optimum masking spectrum shape is included in Appendix II. There are also rules of thumb that the overall level of masking sound (or natural ambient noise) should not exceed 48 dBA [13]. Recent studies of worker satisfaction in an experimental open office found that an ambient noise level of 45 dBA was preferred [14]. Therefore we can say that an optimum masking noise should have a spectrum like that in Appendix II and have an overall level of 45 dBA. Masking sound levels should probably never exceed 48 dBA.
Table 1. Speech privacy criteria in terms of AI and SII values. Speech privacy and the calculation of AI and SII values depend on the speech and noise levels in open plan offices. The AI and SII standards [5,6] include standard speech spectra for normal speech. The normal voice level spectrum in the SII standard corresponds to 59.2 dBA. Although normal speech levels have frequently been used to estimate speech privacy in open plan offices, Warnock and Chu [10] have recently published measurements of speech levels in open offices that indicate people talk more quietly than this normal spectrum. Their data indicate average speech source levels of 50.2 dBA, which are essentially the same as Pearsons casual speech levels [11]. This level represents the average of all talkers that they measured in a number of open plan offices. If this level were used in design calculations, it would underestimate the disturbance caused by the louder half of the talkers that talk more loudly than this average level. Therefore, an Intermediate Office Speech Level (IOSL) spectrum was created that had an A-weighted level approximately 1 standard deviation higher in level than the mean value and corresponds to a speech source level of 53.2 dBA. This is a more conservative speech source level to use in open office design and only about 16% of talkers
well as in more recent tests in actual offices. The RMS differences between measured and predicted SII values have been between 0.02 and 0.03. The following sections show the results of calculated SII values for variations of 10 different open office design parameters. One could perform calculations for many combinations of these 10 parameters. However, most of these results would lead to unacceptably low speech privacy. Acceptable speech privacy can only be achieved when key office design parameters are close to optimum. Therefore the calculations that are presented are deviations from an acceptable Base case design. These illustrate the range of conditions that should be of most interest to designers. The sound absorption and sound transmission loss data used were generic data representative of real screens and ceilings. They were obtained by averaging groups of test results for products with similar acoustical properties. The sound absorption ratings are referred to by their Sound Absorption Average (SAA) value. (SAA is the average of the 1/3 octave band absorption coefficients from 200 to 3.15k Hz and replaces NRC rating [15]). The Sound Transmission Class (STC) [16] is used to describe the transmission loss of panels. The acceptable Base case condition is described in Table 2. It had a calculated SII value of 0.19, which is just inside the desired range of SII 0.2 for acceptable privacy. Office Design Parameter Ceiling absorption Screen/panel height Screen/panel absorption Workstation plan size Floor absorption Screen/panel transmission loss Ceiling height Light fixtures Speech source level Noise level Value SAA=0.95 1.7 m (5.6 ft) SAA= 0.90 3.0 m by 3.0 m (9.8 ft by 9.8 ft) SAA=0.19 STC=21 2.7 m ( 8.9 ft) None 53.2 dBA (IOSL speech) 45 dBA (optimum masking spectrum)
(a) Ceiling absorption Figure 1 shows the effect of varying only the ceiling absorption of the Base case workstation design. Reducing the ceiling absorption much below SAA=0.95 significantly increases SII values to well above the range for acceptable privacy. On the other hand a more absorptive ceiling could further enhance speech privacy or in other designs compensate for other less effective components than those in the Base case design. By re-plotting this data as a scatter plot, one can deduce that if the ceiling absorption is less than SAA=0.90, it is not possible to achieve acceptable privacy in an otherwise well designed workstation such as that of the Base case. Earlier work had recommended this same minimum ceiling absorption [17]. The ceiling is the most important reflecting surface in open plan offices and it is most important that it be as highly absorbing as possible.
Ceiling absorption, SAA
Fig. 1. Effect of varied ceiling absorption on Base case (b) Screen/panel height The partial height panels separating workstations must be high enough to block the direct path of speech sounds from one workstation to another and also must be high enough that the level of the sound diffracted over the panel is reduced enough to make possible acceptable speech
Screen height, m
Table 2. Details of the acceptable Base case used in calculations. (SAA, Sound Absorption Average [15], STC, Sound Transmission Class [16], IOSL, Intermediate Office Speech Level).
privacy. Figure 2 shows calculated SII values for varied screen heights from 1.3 to 1.9 m high. Again these are variations to the Base case open office workstation design. When seated the mouth of a talker and the ear of the listener in adjacent workstations are approximately 1.2 m above floor level. The height of the separating panel must be substantially greater than this to make it possible to achieve acceptable privacy. However above a height of 1.7 m, further increases in the height of the separating panel have quite small effects on calculated SII values. (c) Screen/panel absorption Figure 3 shows the calculated effects of varying the sound absorption of the workstation panels. Decreasing the SAA from 0.9 to 0.6 increased the calculated SII from 0.19 to 0.22. However, using non-absorbing workstation panels (SAA=0.10) is seen to increase the SII much more to a value of 0.29. It is important to have sound absorbing panels but the change in privacy between typical medium and higher absorption workstation panels is small.
Screen absorption, SAA
Workstation size, m
Fig. 4. Effect of workstation plan size on Base case design. (SAA=0.05). There are only very tiny differences between the two calculations for varied carpet thickness. However, having a non-absorbing floor does decrease the speech privacy above the acceptable SII value. There are other reasons to recommend the use of carpet too. It will reduce some sources of noise such as footsteps and the moving of chairs. It will also help to minimize sound propagation through gaps at the bottom of screens. Although there is no reason to select thicker carpets, it is important to include a carpeted floor in open plan offices.
thick carpet
Floor absorption
thin carpet
Fig. 3. Effect of varied screen absorption on Base case design. (d) Workstation plan size Workstation plan size was varied from a minimum of 2 m by 2 m to a maximum of 4 m by 4 m. SII values systematically decrease as the workstation size is increased. This is due to the increasing distance between the source and receiver at the centre of each workstation. Clearly there is an advantage to having larger workstations when attempting to achieve good speech privacy. Decreasing the workstation size below the base case (3 m by 3 m) decreased speech privacy. Even the 2.5 m by 2.5 m (8.2 ft by 8.2 ft) workstation would not quite meet the acceptable speech privacy criteria. (e) Floor absorption Figure 5 shows the results of calculations when the floor absorption of the Base case workstation design was varied. These results correspond to thin carpet (SAA=0.19), thick carpet (SAA=0.25) and a hard non-absorbing floor
Fig. 5. Effect of floor absorption on Base case design. (f) Screen transmission loss Some recommendations specify that the transmission loss of the separating partial height panel should have an STC of at least 20 [17]. This is intended to ensure that the propagation of speech sound energy through the separating panel does not limit speech privacy. Figure 6 shows calculated SII values for varied STC of the separating panel. Decreasing the panel STC from 21 to 15 increased speech privacy to a little above the acceptable criterion. However, increasing the transmission loss of the panel from STC 21 to STC 25 produced only a negligible improvement in SII. A minimum STC of 20 for the separating panel is seen to be adequate to avoid degrading speech privacy.
it is no longer acceptable. Locating flat lens fixtures over the centre of the workstations is more acceptable than over the separating panel. However, lights are usually installed before workstations and it is usually difficult to control their position relative to the location of each workstation. This is especially true after the workstation layout has been modified from the original plan. It is obviously better to use open grill light fixtures if ceiling mounted lighting is required.
Flat Lens
Screen, STC
Fig.6. Effect of panel STC on Base case design. (g) Ceiling height The height of the ceiling in most open plan offices is usually quite similar to that of the base case (2.7 m). The calculated results in Figure 7 show that increasing the height to 3.5 m had a negligible effect on the calculated SII. However, decreasing the height from 2.7 m to 2.4 m did decrease speech privacy to a little above the acceptable privacy criterion. One should therefore avoid particularly low ceiling heights in open plan offices.
Ceiling height, m
Open Grill
Fig. 8. Effect of Ceiling lighting fixtures on Base case design. (i) Speech level Figure 9 shows the calculated SII values when the source speech levels were varied for the Base case office design. Results were calculated for the normal voice level from the SII standard [6], for the Intermediate Office Speech Level (IOSL), and for a casual speech source level. Voice level can have a very large effect on the resulting SII values. Clearly it is important to use a representative speech source level. As explained earlier, it is thought best to use the IOSL speech spectrum. However, there are further large benefits to be obtained by encouraging office workers to talk with lower voice levels. It is important to promote an office etiquette that encourages the use of lower voice levels and relocating to closed meeting rooms when more extensive discussions are needed. It may be difficult to accommodate work that includes telephone conversations of a more confidential nature in open plan environments. (j) Ambient noise The effect of varied ambient noise is illustrated in Figure 10. The Base case office included the optimum-masking spectrum described previously and included in Appendix II. Increasing this masking noise from 45 dBA to 48 dBA (corresponding to the maximum masking noise spectrum) is seen to substantially decrease SII values. Although speech privacy would be significantly improved, experience has shown that this will begin to lead to decreased occupant satisfaction. A further calculation was performed with an ambient noise with an RC35 shaped spectrum (corresponding to 42 dBA). This would be
Fig.7. Effect of ceiling height on Base case design. (h) Light fixtures Calculations were made for three different ceiling lighting conditions and are shown in Figure 8. The Base case had no ceiling mounted lights. The empirical corrections in the software were then used to estimate the effect of a flat lens light positioned over the separating partial height panel. This would represent the worst possible effect of ceiling light fixtures. This condition led to a substantial increase in the SII values and hence would correspond to significantly decreasing speech privacy. Clearly this lighting configuration should be avoided. Using open grill lighting either positioned over the separating screen or over the centre of the workstations would have a smaller effect but again decreases the speech privacy of the base case so that
parameter can be compensated for by augmenting the values of other parameters to still achieve acceptable speech privacy. For example, decreasing the workstation plan size to 2.5 m by 2.5 m, reducing the separating panel height to 1.6 m and reducing the panel absorption to SAA=0.70 would still result in an SII of 0.19 if the ceiling absorption were increased to an SAA of 1.03. Alternatively the same increased ceiling absorption could be used to compensate for reduced plan size and the addition of open grill lighting. The details of these examples are compared with those of the Base case in Table 3. A difference in SII of less than 0.03 is probably not detectable. These examples illustrate that there is not much room to compromise in trading off increases in one parameter to compensate for decreases in another. Most significant deviations from the Base case will result in open offices with less than acceptable speech privacy. In particular the reduction of workstation plan size must be accompanied by an improved ceiling absorption to maintain conditions of acceptable speech privacy. The expected saving for a higher density office with smaller workstations may be reduced by the increased cost of a more absorptive ceiling. The speech and noise levels in the open plan office are at least as important as the office design for achieving acceptable speech privacy. Therefore, in addition to a near-perfect office design, one is forced to the conclusion that an electronic masking sound system is an essential part of a successful open office design. The masking sound system should produce ambient noise levels similar to the optimum masking spectrum in Appendix II. These levels should be evenly distributed throughout the office. When adding such systems to existing offices, it is desirable to increase the level gradually over several weeks to allow office workers a chance to adapt to the new conditions. The design of the open office can reduce the propagation of speech sounds from one workstation to another. It is also very important to reduce speech levels at the source by encouraging an office etiquette of talking more quietly. More extensive discussions, and especially those involving more than 2 people, should be relocated to a closed meeting room. Of course telephone conversations can be a source of disturbance. Where reduced voice levels are not possible or where the information is confidential, this activity is not compatible with a typical open office environment. Although the new model allows precise examination of the effects of various parameters, in many cases such detailed design may not be necessary. Success requires that almost all design parameters are near to optimum and one could readily specify minimum requirements for most of them. This would avoid the need for future detailed design calculations. The examples in Table 3 could form a basis for such minimum design values. Using these values will
Fig. 9. Effect of speech source level on Base case design. representative of a little quieter ventilation noise type spectrum and leads to a substantial decrease in speech privacy. It is clearly important to optimise the level and spectrum of ambient noise by using a masking sound system to create exactly the desired masking sound that will lead to a desirable level of speech privacy without leading to further disturbance of office workers.
Speech level
Office Design Parameter Base case Example #1 Example #2 Ceiling absorption SAA=0.95 SAA=1.03 SAA=1.03 Screen/panel height 1.7 m 1.6 m 1.7 m Screen/panel absorption SAA= 0.90 SAA=0.70 SAA=0.90 Workstation size 3.0 m by 3.0 m 2.5 m by 2.5 m 2.5 m by 2.5 m Floor absorption SAA=0.19 SAA=0.19 SAA=0.19 Panel transmission loss STC=21 STC=21 STC=21 Ceiling height 2.7 m 2.7 m 2.7 m Light fixtures None None Open grill Speech source level 53.2 dBA (IOSL) 53.2 dBA (IOSL) 53.2 dBA (IOSL) Noise level 45 dBA (Opt Mask) 45 dBA (Opt Mask) 45 dBA (Opt Mask) 0.19 0.19 0.21 SII Table 3. Details of open office designs with approximately acceptable speech privacy. result in conditions that approximately correspond to the minimum criterion for acceptable speech privacy. Of course this approach should include an optimum masking noise spectrum and an office etiquette that encourages using lower voice levels.
The model used here was developed as a part of the COPE project supported by Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ontario Realty Corporation, USG Corporation, Natural Resources Canada, Steelcase, British Columbia Buildings Corporation, and The Building Technology Transfer Forum.
5. Conclusions
The results in this paper demonstrate the effects of each open office design parameter. They indicate that the values of each parameter must be near to optimum to ensure acceptable speech privacy in conventional (cubicle type) open plan offices. Examples of combinations of values of 10 parameters are given that would lead to acceptable speech privacy. Although one can, to some extent, trade off increases in one parameter to compensate for decreases in another, the range of such compromises is very limited. The present results describe the average characteristics of cubicle type open plan offices because the source and receiver were positioned at the centre of adjacent workstations. The actual speech privacy experienced will also depend on each individuals location within their workstation as well as the direction in which talkers are facing. The main argument in favour of open plan offices is the expected reduced cost relative to closed offices with full height partitions. The cost savings may be a little reduced with the extra expense of meeting acceptable speech privacy requirements. However, these additional costs are usually assumed to be small relative to the costs of decreased performance by distracted office workers. It is difficult to accurately assess the costs of poor office design and future research should consider this issue. It would also be useful to investigate which types of office work activity are most suitable to be performed in open plan office environments.
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Frequency, Hz
Optimum masking Maximum masking 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Fig. A1. Relationship between SII and AI values. Canadian Acoustics / Acoustique Canadienne