Elevator Shaft Pressurization For Smoke Control in
Elevator Shaft Pressurization For Smoke Control in
Elevator Shaft Pressurization For Smoke Control in
Elevator shaft pressurization for smoke control in tall buildings: The Seattle
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Elevator shaft pressurization for smoke control in tall buildings: The Seattle
Richard S. Miller*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0921, USA
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: CONTAM simulations of both commercial and residential tall building models are conducted in order to
Received 18 February 2011 study recently adopted Seattle code requirements for elevator shaft pressurization systems. In contrast to
Received in revised form the International Building Code (IBC) requirements, the Seattle approach specifies across elevator door
27 April 2011
pressure minimums and maximums on only four “fire floors” (including one above, and two below, the
Accepted 8 May 2011
fire floor). This is accomplished using a minimal pressurization of the entire elevator shaft in conjunction
with venting of the four fire floors. The present study adresses the feasibility of calibrating such a system
to meet the design objectives in tall buildings (system performance during an actual fire event is not
Smoke control
considered). The two building models correspond to 37 story buildings with dual elevator and dual
Elevator stairwell shafts extending the entire height of the building. Each model is calibrated to experimental
Hoistway data. Simulations are conducted for a variety of ambient temperatures and exterior building door
Seattle positions. Coupled pressurization of the stairwells is also considered. The system requirements are found
International building code to be achievable for both elevator only and coupled elevator and stairwell pressurization systems.
However, the observed pressure differences do change with changes in the ambient temperature as well
as changes in the ground floor exterior door position. It is therefore recommended that such systems
should be calibrated for pressure differences intermediate to the prescribed minimum and maximum
values to compensate for changes to the system performance. Providing a relief vent to ambient on any
recall floor may also be advisable.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction is not required, provided that interior exit stairways are pressurized
to a minimum of þ25 Pa and a maximum of þ87 Pa in the shaft
Stairwells and elevator shafts can be dangerous conduits of relative to the building measured with all stairway doors closed
smoke migration throughout buildings during fire situations. under maximum anticipated stack effect pressures.” Stairwell
Smoke penetrating the shaft can spread through both the buoyancy pressurization has been approved and adopted for a relatively long
of hot gases as well as by the stack effect which occurs when there time. In contrast, the use of elevator shaft pressurization has only
is a temperature difference between the air in the shaft and the air recently received approval by the IBC and relatively little research
in the outside environment [1]. One method for controlling smoke has been done in this area. The pertinent section of the code rele-
flow is by using shaft pressurization. The intent of pressurization vant to elevator shaft pressurization (Section 708.14.2) states in
systems is to use outside air to pressurize a shaft such that only part: “Elevator hoistways shall be pressurized to maintain
positive across door pressures are achieved on all floors. This a minimum positive pressure of þ25 Pa and a maximum positive
requires the specification of a suitable minimum pressure needed pressure of þ62.5 Pa with respect to adjacent occupied space on all
to prevent smoke from entering the shaft, as well as the specifi- floors. This pressure shall be measured with all elevator cars at the
cation of a suitable maximum pressure difference in order to ensure floor of recall and all hoistway doors on the floor of recall open and
proper door functioning. For example, the pertinent sections of the all other doors closed.”
International Building Code (IBC) 2009 relevant to stairwell pres- The author has sought to fill this gap in the literature and has
surization systems states in part (Section 909.20.5): “the vestibule been studying elevator pressurization using numerical simulations
[2e5]. The results of these studies have shown that elevator pres-
surization is much more complex than stairwell pressurization.
* Tel.: þ1 864 656 6248; fax: þ1 864 656 4435. Stairwells are characterized by relatively well sealed doorways
E-mail address: [email protected]. which are in the closed position during pressurization operation. As
0360-1323/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
such, stairwell pressurization is relatively straight forward and pressurization based on the Seattle approach. All results were
requires only relatively modest fan flow rates to achieve estab- obtained via computer simulations using the CONTAM software
lished pressure difference minimums. In contrast, elevator shafts developed by the Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation Group at the
are characterized by doors with relatively large leakages, and often National Institute of Standards and Technologies. The software is
multiple doors per floor. In addition, the IBC 2009 recognizes that a zonal model in which a building geometry is composed of
minimum and maximum pressure differentials be achieved during a number of zones (rooms, shafts, floors, etc.). Each zone is treated
Phase 1 “with all elevator cars at the floor of recall and all hoistway as a lumped parameter with only hydrostatic pressure variations
doors on the floor of recall open and all other hoistway doors within the zone (dynamic pressure variations being five or more
closed.” Therefore, substantially larger fan flow rates are required to orders of magnitude smaller for the present application). Only the
pressurize an elevator shaft; in some cases more than ten times the “long time” equilibrium pressure distributions are predicted.
flow rates required to pressurize a stairwell. Pressurized elevator Details of the software can be found at http://www.bfrl.nist.gov/
air flows exit the hoistway and enter the building corridors on all IAQanalysis/index.html. Note too that only the ability of the
floors, with especially large flow rates at the recall floor. Such large system to meet its design minimum and maximum pressure
amounts of air flooding the building can result in complex pressure differences as prescribed by the SBC are considered in this paper.
profiles as well as strong interactions with stairwell pressurization Neither the wisdom of only considering the four fire floors nor the
systems. In particular, if the recall floor does not have an open performance of the systems under an actual fire event are
pathway to the outside world for excess elevator shaft air flows to considered.
exit the building, then it is impossible to achieve pressure profiles
within the both the stairwells and elevator shafts that do not 2.1. Building models
violate either the pressure difference minimums and maximums
specified by the IBC 2009 code. Such a venting is not currently Results are presented for two different building models (see
required by the IBC 2009. Substantial coupling effects between the Figs. 1 and 2). Model 1 is a simple open floor plan commercial
elevator and stairwell pressurization systems were also observed. building model with no internal pressure barriers between the
The presence of an open garage level can also impede the ability to hoistway and the exterior walls of the building. Model 2 is a resi-
achieve proper system performance. For buildings with other dential building which includes both an underground garage level
interior doors, such as those to residences, very large pressures may and interior residences. For the sake of simplicity, all building
inadvertently be created by the elevator pressurization system models are the same height and have the same floor area. Pres-
across these doors [5]. The reader is referred to the above citations surization of elevator shafts is achieved by roof mounted fans.
for more details concerning the IBC approach to pressurization. Pressurization of stairwells is achieved by fans located in the
The objective of the current study is to extend the investigation basement level (using ambient air). The SBC additionally requires
of pressurization systems beyond the methodology adopted by the venting of the tops of the stairwells which is modeled by two out
IBC. In particular, a new approach recently adopted by the Seattle flowing fans mounted on the roof and having fixed flow rates of
jurisdiction is studied. The “Seattle approach” to elevator shaft 1.18 m3/s (2500 cfm). Schematics of each building model’s floor
pressurization is based on a modification of the IBC code language plans are provided in Figs. 1 and 2. Additional data for each of the
which results in the allowance of a substantially different approach. buildings is provided in Tables 1 and 2. Interior leakage values were
The Seattle Building Code (SBC) (Section 708.14.2.1) allows for obtained from established published values [1]. Exterior leakages
a “four-floor” approach aimed at targeting the primary fire floor, were calibrated to experimental measurements from Ref. [2]
the floor directly above, and two floors immediately below the fire (commercial) and Ref. [6] (residential). The calibration procedure
floor (the approach was first proposed by Dr. John Klote, co-author is discussed in detail in Ref. [2]. In brief, the outer building leakages
of the Principles of Smoke Management [1]). The across elevator and residential door leakages are calibrated to match the relative
door pressure differences on these four floors are treated identi- proportion of the stack effect pressure differential to experimental
cally to the IBC language and must remain within a pressure range data.
of 25e62.5 Pa. However, the code allows for the following excep-
tion: “The pressure differential is permitted to be measured relative
to outdoor atmosphere on floors other than the.” four fire floors.
In practice, for floors other than the four fire floors the pressure is
raised via pressurization until a minimum 25 Pa to atmosphere
pressure drop from the hoistway is achieved. This total pressure
drop will be comprised of the sum of pressure drops across the
elevator doors, any interior pressure drops, plus the pressure drop
across the outer building wall. As such, the actual across elevator
door pressure differences will be (considerably) less than 25 Pa on
these floors. The four fire floors are then vented to develop the
desired pressure differentials across the doors by relieving the
over-pressures on these floors. Both exhaust shafts and the HVAC
system have been proposed as sources of the venting. In addition,
the SBC now allows the same procedure to be used for the stair-
wells. The code change was adopted during the summer of 2010
and the author is not aware of any publications addressing such
a design.
2. Modeling approach
The following presents results obtained by computer simula- Fig. 1. Schematic of the commercial building Model 1 (not to scale): (a) all upper
tions of model buildings utilizing both elevator and stairwell floors, (b) ground floor level, and (c) roof level.
Author's personal copy
a b
c d
Fig. 2. Schematic of the residential building Model 2 (not to scale): (a) all upper floors, (b) ground floor level, (c) roof level, and (d) basement garage level.
(discussed below), and the heat capacity of the air is Cp. The bulk achieved between the elevator shaft and the ambient for floors
averaged shaft air temperature is therefore: other than floors 17e20. Since additional pressure drops remain
between the elevator doors and the ambient, the across elevator
ZH door pressure differences are necessarily smaller than 25 Pa.
TS ¼ TS ðxÞdx; (2) Four separate, but identical, fans are then placed on floors 17e20
0 which draw air directly out of the corridor and to the ambient. The
purpose of these fans is to drop the pressure on these floors until
where H is the height of the shaft. Substituting for TS(x) from Eq. (1) the across elevator door pressures are within the range
yields: 25 / 62.5 Pa. For the purposes of this study, these fan speeds are
adjusted until the maximum pressure difference of 62.5 Pa is ach-
ðTB TO ÞCp QPatm P 0 hRTO H
TS ¼ TB þ exp 1 : (3) ieved across any of the elevator doors on these four floors. Smaller
P 0 hRTO H Cp QPatm values within this range could have been chosen; however, it is of
The primary issue remaining is properly modeling the convec- interest to determine how changes to the building geometry,
tive heat transfer coefficient. For this, the Dittus-Boelter Nusselt outside air temperature, etc. could result in violation of prescribed
number correlation for fully developed flow in a constant wall pressure differences. The choice of the maximum pressure is dis-
temperature duct is employed [7]: cussed further below.
For cases which include stairwell pressurization the same
Nu ¼ 0:023Re0:8 n
D Pr ; (4) procedure is used for the stairwells (in conjunction with the roof
mounted venting fans described above). The minimum pressure on
where the Nusselt number is Nu ¼ hDh/k and k is the thermal any of the non-fire floors is set to 25 Pa with respect to outside
conductivity of the air. In the above the pipe flow Reynolds number ambient. The pressures on the four fire floors cannot be set inde-
is: ReD ¼ UavgDh/n where Uavg ¼ Q/A and n is the kinematic viscosity pendently of the elevator doors. Any attempt to change the vent
of the air. Also, the Prandtl number is Pr ¼ n/a, where a is the flow rate to control the across stairwell door pressure differences
thermal diffusivity of the air. The exponent, n, takes the values would cause a simultaneous change to the across elevator door
n ¼ 0.3 for cooling and n ¼ 0.4 for heating. All properties are taken pressures. Therefore, for the purposes of this study the maximum of
at the average temperature: (TB þ TO)/2. Implications of the fully either the across elevator or stairwell door pressure is set equal to
developed flow assumption are discussed in Ref. [2] and in the 62.5 Pa. This could be for either the stairwell or the elevator doors,
Appendix below. depending upon the building conditions. Again, there is some
The above thermal model is most applicable to the empty ambiguity in how to best set the pressures. However, one purpose
elevator hoistways which are effectively simply large ducts upon of this study is to determine how much the system behavior
which the above model is based. In contrast, the stairwells have changes with changes in building conditions, and if violations of
interior features (the stairs) which provide a significantly larger either the minimum or maximum pressure differences could
surface area for heat transfer. For this reason the effective wetted potentially occur. Suggestions for proper calibration of the system
perimeter has been defined above. For elevator shafts P0 ¼ P. For are provided in the Conclusions.
stairwells, we model P0 ¼ bP, where b is a geometry correction Finally, once all fan flow rates are determined they are input into
factor. Absent any experimental data the geometry correction is the thermal model to obtain new shaft air temperatures. Changes to
taken to be b ¼ 2 for stairwells hereinafter. However, CONTAM is the shaft air temperatures result in changes to the pressures.
not sensitive to small changes in the shaft air temperatures. Therefore, the entire process is iterated until a final solution is
The approach described above predicts the average shaft air converged. Final fan flow rates and average shaft air temperatures
temperature assuming no leakages throughout the shaft. In reality are provided in Table 3 for all simulations conducted for this study.
air exits the shafts at each floor through either stairwell or elevator
doors. These effects can be taken into account in the thermal
3.1. Elevator pressurization only
modeling. A derivation of such a thermal model is presented in the
Appendix. However, the detailed thermal model is exceedingly
As a first step in the analysis simulations for elevator-only
difficult to use in conjunction with CONTAM. It requires the floor by
pressurization are conducted for both the commercial and the
floor flow leakages to be provided from CONTAM, and the process
residential building models. Cases 1 and 2 (see Table 3) correspond
would have to be iterated as changes to the predicted shaft air
to the above description: systems calibrated for the commercial
temperature change the flow leakages. Nevertheless, two cases
and residential building models with the exterior building doors in
were treated in this manner in order to justify the simpler thermal
the open position and with the exterior doors remaining in this
model. The results of the Appendix show that the above simple
open position. Across door pressure differences as a function of the
approach is in good agreement with the more detailed model;
within z 2 C for the average shaft air temperature for an
ambient air temperature of 12 C. CONTAM is insensitive to such Table 3
small changes in temperature. Therefore, the simpler form pre- Simulation parameters: Case name, building model, ambient air temperature, cali-
sented above is used in what follows. brated elevator, stairwell, and fire floor vent fan flow rates, and the average elevator
and stairwell air temperatures. All cases are calibrated with the exterior building
door in the open position, except for Case 5 which is calibrated with the exterior
3. Results door closed. Case 6 corresponds to calibration on a cold day (Case 4) but with the
system operating on a hot day.
Elevator pressurization of the building models is achieved as Cases Building TO [ C] E. fan [m3/s] S. fan [m3/s] V. fan [m3/s] TE [ C] TS [ C]
follows. All elevator cars are located on the ground floor with all 1 Model 1 12 18.6 N/A 3.24 8 21
doors in the open position. The exterior building door is set to open 2 Model 2 12 11.9 N/A 1.59 8 21
and the ambient air temperature is 12 C unless otherwise stated. A 3 Model 1 12 17.0 2.45 2.64 8 2
fire alarm on the 19th floor is simulated. Two identical roof 4 Model 2 12 10.9 2.50 1.49 8 2
5 Model 2 12 7.67 1.84 1.79 8 2
mounted fans blow air into each of the elevator shafts. The fan flow 6 Model 2 32 10.9 2.50 1.49 31 28
rate is adjusted until a minimum pressure difference of 25 Pa is
Author's personal copy
floor number for Cases 1 and 2 are presented in Fig. 3. The pressure
differences labeled “elevator” correspond to the elevator shaft 35
minus the corridor pressure (across elevator door). Pressure 30
differences labeled “stairwell” correspond to the stairwell minus
Floor Number
the corridor pressure (across stairwell door). Finally, the label
“residential” for Model 2 depicts the pressure of the corridor minus 20
that of the residence (across the residential doors). The residential 15
door pressures are included because standard IBC type elevator
pressurization has been shown to create very large pressures on
Model 1
these doors in some situations [5]. Therefore, positive values 5
Model 2
correspond to flow out of either the elevator or stairwell shafts, and 0
into the residences from the corridor for residential doors. Fig. 4 0 25 50 75 100
depicts the corresponding pressure differences between the ΔP across door [Pa]
elevator hoistway and ambient used for the non-fire floor calibra-
tions for both models. Note that these pressure profiles must be Fig. 4. Pressure differences measured from the elevator shaft to the ambient for Cases
linear as purely hydrostatic pressure distributions exist within both 1 and 2 corresponding to Fig. 5(a) and (b), respectively.
a 35
30 30
Floor Number
Floor Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 Elevator
5 Elevator
Stairwell Stairwell
0 Residential
-100 -50 0 50 100 150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
ΔP across door [Pa]
ΔP across door [Pa]
Fig. 7. Pressure differences for Model 2 (residential) with coupled stairwell and
b elevator shaft pressurization calibrated for cold day (12 C) conditions with a fire
35 simulated on the 19th floor with the exterior building doors closed. The results are for
Case 5.
Floor Number
Therefore, it is important to explore both how the system responds
20 to changes in conditions like the exterior door position, as well as if
the system can be calibrated for different conditions.
Fig. 6 addresses the first point. It presents the same building
10 simulation as Case 4 and Fig. 5(b). That is, a coupled pressurization
Elevator system calibrated with the exterior doors open. However, in this
Stairwell case now the exterior doors have been closed. Fig. 6 provides the
0 Residential resulting pressure profiles. Upon closing the doors the air flow is
-100 -50 0 50 100 150 restricted from exiting the building. This results in a substantial
ΔP across door [Pa] increase in the internal building pressure across all floors. The
primary effect of this pressure increase on the fire floors is a nearly
Fig. 5. Pressure differences for coupled stairwell and elevator shaft pressurization 25 Pa increase in the across door pressure differences for both
calibrated for cold day (12 C) conditions with a fire simulated on the 19th floor with stairwells and elevators on the four fire floors. The commercial
the exterior building doors open. The exterior building doors are in the open position:
building model is more tightly sealed and experiences a nearly
(a) Case 3, Model 1 (commercial), and (b) Case 4, Model 2 (residential).
75 Pa increase. Also note that the across stairwell door pressure on
residential building Model 2 is shown hereinafter. Results for the the roof level is now significantly larger than 87 Pa. If the building is
commercial building model are similar. originally calibrated near the maximum across elevator door
Pressurization systems are typically calibrated with the building pressure differences on the fire floors (as is the current situation),
doors propped open (although Seattle is an exception). Once cali- operation without a flow pathway to the ambient on the ground
brated the fan flow rates are typically fixed constant and operate floor could result in code violations if the system is operated with
identically irregardless to changes in the building configuration, the exterior doors closed. However, an automatic venting system
ambient air temperature, wind, etc. There is no dynamic for the recall floor could negate this over pressurization effect.
compensation to ensure proper pressure differences are achieved As mentioned above, the standard IBC type elevator pressuri-
for other system configurations (or for actual fire situations). zation system is essentially impossible to calibrate to strict adher-
ence if the exterior building doors are closed in the model [5] (due
to large air flow rates pressurizing the building). Fig. 7 provides
pressure profiles for this situation for the Seattle approach. The data
35 corresponds to Case 5 which is identical to Case 4 except that the
system is calibrated with the exterior door closed. These results
30 show that the Seattle approach actually has an opposite effect of
the exterior door position than observed in the author’s previous
Floor Number
studies. Under the standard code language the pressure differen-
20 tials are measured across the elevator doors on all floors. If the
15 exterior building door is closed then the air flow exiting the ground
floor elevator doors acts to pressurize the ground floor itself. This
10 acts to reduce the “across door” pressure difference. More air must
5 Elevator be forced into the elevator shaft to finally raise the across door
Stairwell pressure difference; resulting in a highly pressurized building. The
0 Residential standard approach would, therefore, require tremendous fan flow
-100 -50 0 50 100 150 rates if it were to meet strict adherence with the exterior doors
ΔP across door [Pa] closed.
In contrast, the Seattle approach only considers the pressure
Fig. 6. Pressure differences for Model 2 (residential) with coupled stairwell and
elevator shaft pressurization calibrated for cold day (12 C) conditions with a fire
difference from the hoistway to the ambient for the non-fire floors.
simulated on the 19th floor with the exterior building doors open. The results corre- With the exterior doors open sufficient air must be supplied to
spond to Case 4 but operating with the exterior building door in the closed position. simply raise the pressure within the shaft to 25 Pa above the
Author's personal copy