Improved Spectrometric Analysis For Positive Material Identification (PMI)

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When results matter

Improved Spectrometric
Analysis for Positive Material
Identification (PMI)
Mobile and Portable Spectrometers for
Infrastructure Integrity Testing in the Process Industries


Explosions, fires, and other incidents at oil In many cases, the presence or absence of a
refineries, petrochemical complexes, power particular alloying element in a steel component
plants, and similar installations receive wide and can be critical to its performance, but impossible
often sensational publicity, particularly when to detect by a physical inspection of the item. In
there is loss of life or personal injury. Apart from recent decades, positive material identification
the human cost, financial losses to operators and (PMI) has become accepted practice in the
insurers can run to many millions of dollars. Often process and equipment supply industries.
described as “accidents,” these incidents are not
infrequently traced to the use of piping, valves, Modern spectrometric analyzers are vital
and similar components made of inappropriate components for the performance of PMI in the
materials. demanding process plant environment.

The Role of PMI Another example: ultrapure water would

A few examples of situations that can arise not normally be thought of as particularly
from the use of inappropriate materials, corrosive. But under certain conditions,
sometimes with disastrous results, will it can be responsible for a mechanism
illustrate the need for PMI. known as flow-accelerated corrosion,
or FAC. This has been experienced
Hydrogen gas is frequently encountered particularly in power generation, where
in petroleum and chemical processes. ultrapure water and wet steam run through
However, at high temperatures and condensate lines in cooling systems. The
pressures, it can cause high temperature factors giving rise to FAC are complex, but
hydrogen attack (HTHA) in steel piping essentially, when hot water or steam with
and other components. If undetected, a low oxygen content flows along a carbon
this can lead over time to component steel pipe, a protective oxide film (Fe3O4)
failure — with fire and explosion the likely normally found on the steel surface can
result. At elevated temperatures (above be dissolved. (In a chemical reaction, the
about 400 °F (204 °C)), hydrogen atoms metal actually creates corrosion to regain
can readily diffuse into carbon steels. this oxide.) Over time, metal is gradually
The diffused hydrogen reacts with the eroded, leading to thinning and weakening
carbon in the steel to form methane gas. of the pipe — and ultimately to failure.
This can accumulate at grain boundaries, FAC has been responsible for several
weakening the steel and leading to cracks, high-profile accidents in the nuclear power
fissures, and ultimately component failure. industry. Like HTHA, it can be prevented by
There are well-documented cases where the use of steel alloyed with chromium.
HTHA has led to catastrophic component
failure due to the incorrect installation of These two examples might suggest that
a low-alloy steel component. The use of chrome steels are always the answer to
steel alloys containing elements such as chemical plant corrosion. The situation is
chromium, which has a stabilizing effect on more complex. Type 316 stainless steels,
the iron carbides, can effectively prevent widely used in the construction of chemical
HTHA. plants, all contain chromium. However,
their mechanical strength and durability
depend also on their carbon content.
Type 316 stainless steel contains up to
0.07% carbon, whereas 316L contains
a maximum of only 0.03%. This small
absolute difference is enough to give
the alloys clearly different intergranular
corrosion behavior. Welded seams formed
with low-carbon 316L are more durable
than welds with the higher-carbon alloy.

Other elements besides carbon can also

play a critical role. In a third example,

required parts of good manufacturing

practices (GMP) in tightly regulated
industries such as pharmaceuticals and

The Challenge
The industry-standard approach for
achieving efficient PMI is via elemental
analysis of materials. Traditional analytical
techniques involve taking a process
General corrosion (flow-influenced) sample and subjecting it to analysis in a
(Photo courtesy of the Energy
laboratory. This always involves delays
Institute, London)
and expense, and may well be difficult
or impossible while a process plant is in
sulfidation corrosion can occur when operation. Shutting down an oil refinery
some grades of steel piping are exposed to take a metal sample is hardly a realistic
to process fluids containing hydrogen proposition.
sulfide (H2S), or to hydrogen-free (H2-free)
fluids containing certain hydrocarbons The ideal analytical technique for PMI

with sulfur compounds. Chromium is should be fast, simple to use on-site,

certainly one answer: generally, the lower and preferably nondestructive, so as

the chromium content, the faster the not to compromise the integrity of the

corrosion. However with carbon steels, component tested. The ability to test

the silicon content is also important. In the components while the plant is operational,

presence of those H2-free hydrocarbons which may involve coming into contact

with sulfur compounds, carbon steels with with piping surface temperatures of several

silicon content below 0.1% experience a hundred degrees, would be an added

high rate of corrosion. Steel grades with bonus. Minimal sample preparation should

higher silicon levels experience much be required.

lower corrosion rates.

Instrumental Solutions
To prevent corrosion or other adverse The right handheld X-ray fluorescence

developments, PMI plays a vital role not (XRF) spectrometer can satisfy most

only during the construction, operation, PMI analysis requirements. Example:

and maintenance of process plants, but at the SPECTRO xSORT handheld analyzer

all stages of the plant equipment supply employs the latest XRF technology to

chain. Incorrect identification of raw provide a comprehensive, easy-to-use

materials, poor record keeping, or missing solution for numerous process industry

documentation could all result in the use PMI applications.

of inappropriate components. Even when

For even more challenging requirements
the correct materials are used, traceability
— such as the measurement of nitrogen
and validation of the materials used in
or boron, or of carbon as in the stainless
formulation and synthesis processes are

steel type differentiation This emitted energy, or emission spectrum,

above — the answer may be is characteristic of the elements contained
larger, more powerful, but in the sample. Its intensity is proportional
still field-deployable models to their concentration. The two techniques,
such as the SPECTROTEST XRF and OES, differ in the type of energy
mobile analyzer or the used to excite the sample atoms: in the
SPECTROPORT portable former, it’s a beam of X-rays; in the latter,
analyzer. Both are based on an electric arc or spark. The relevant
optical emission spectrometry aspects of the instruments are covered
(OES), and both are fully at below.
home in process industry PMI
working conditions.
Alloy and AlloyPlus
All three analyzers are The design, performance, and
manufactured by SPECTRO simple operation of the SPECTRO
Analytical Instruments, xSORT handheld X-ray fluorescence
and employ the latest spectrometer make it ideal for PMI in the
technologies in their petrochemical and other process sectors.
respective techniques. Its XRF spectrometry is a well-proven
Together, they provide a technique for metals analysis, popular
comprehensive solution for since its introduction in the 1950s.
The spectrometric principle in action: X-rays excite
the inner electrons, which emit characteristic XRF and OES instruments
energy as they return to normal.
can be used by operators
without analytical expertise
to return accurate analyses of even
complex alloys in seconds rather than
minutes or hours, and to deliver reliable
alloy identification.

Both techniques work on the spectroscopic The technique works by irradiating the
principle, which relies on the internal surface of the sample with a beam of
atomic structure of the material being X-rays. This induces fluorescence of
analyzed. The atoms of the sample are the atoms in the sample, which is then
excited by an external source of energy, reemitted as X-rays of a lower energy.
which is absorbed by and raises the Each element emits X-rays of a different
energy level of the electrons in the sample and unique energy or wavelength,
atoms. This excited state is unstable. So whose intensity is proportional to
the electrons rapidly return to their normal the concentration of that element in
state, emitting energy as they do so. the sample. The analyzer’s detection
technology can discriminate between
the energies emitted, and measure each

one’s intensity — hence determining the Analytical performance

concentration of the different elements in SPECTRO xSORT can provide metal
the sample. grade analysis for most metals and alloys
in only 2 seconds.
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments has
supplied X-ray spectrometers to the Of course, light elements such as silicon,
metallurgical industries for many years. phosphourus, and sulfur are traditionally
That experience is built into SPECTRO more difficult to measure via XRF than
xSORT. So it can discriminate quickly and heavy alloying elements like chromium
easily between many alloy types, and and copper.
also identify specific alloys within those
However, the latest SPECTRO xSORT
models utilize a miniaturized, low-power
Convenience and portability X-ray tube rated at 50 kilovolts (kV),
The latest SPECTRO xSORT models have with a rhodium anode, providing exactly
been optimized for fatigue-free, on-site defined excitation for excellent stability
analysis. and precision. This is complemented by
a new high-count readout system and a
Complete with battery
high-resolution, high-sensitivity silicon
pack, the SPECTRO
drift detector (SDD). (These technologies
xSORT weighs less
are versions of those used in high-
than 4 lb (1.64 kg)
performance laboratory instruments
and features an
like the top-of-the-line SPECTRO
ergonomically designed
XEPOS analyzer.) Combined, they
“pistol-grip” handle. To
enable the handheld SPECTRO xSORT
operate, the user grips
to furnish accurate, high-productivity
the handle, presses
spectrochemical analysis and screening
the flexible X-ray
of numerous elements in PMI work —
safety gasket onto the
including difficult-to-analyze light metals
surface of the test sample, and pulls
such as silicon.
the trigger. Usually little or no sample
preparation is required, but where For example, SPECTRO xSORT can thus
conditions might affect results (because differentiate between various steel alloys
X-ray analysis detects both surface and on the basis of their silicon content in 7
underlying materials), surfaces of uneven seconds.
or corroded samples may be improved
This speed of analysis is conducive
by grinding with a suitable abrasive. The
to high productivity, and to operator
user interface and results are displayed
comfort in keeping a handheld
on an optimally positioned touchscreen.
instrument stationary on a sample,
The instrument is robust, with a housing
particularly in challenging plant
of shock-resistant ABS plastic. When not
conditions. For instance, it minimizes
in use, it can be carried in a convenient
the time the unit (and operator) needs

to spend near any high-temperature SPECTRO xSORT can show a simple

surface. So reliable measurements can pass/fail message, using the first sample
be obtained from surfaces as hot as measured as a reference and comparing
930°F (500 °C). all subsequent test pieces to it.

Note that some XRF handhelds had The predefined grade library delivered
difficulty in measuring light elements. with the instrument can be easily
Readings are at or below their limits extended by adding data from the
of detection (LODs). Such instruments optional SPECTRO Metals Database.
required a substantially longer time Customized new grade libraries may also
— perhaps 60 seconds — for reliable be created. All results can be stored in
measurements in these cases. the instrument, or sent to a USB drive,
network, or printer as XML or PDF files,
Also, other instruments may require the
via wireless Bluetooth interface. An
path of the X-ray beam to be flushed
optional integrated camera can even add
with helium gas, or to be maintained
images of the sample measured.
in a vacuum, during the measurement.
SPECTRO xSORT measures every sample
— even those containing light elements
— in air, with no method switching,
helium purge, or vacuum.

Easy to Use
It doesn’t take a skilled
analyst to perform
successful PMI with
SPECTRO Metals Database
The instrument uses stored calibrations
graphical interface allows
combined with SPECTRO’s unique iCAL
operations to be selected
(intelligent calibration logic) software.
directly on the touchscreen
With any XRF instrument, these
using a finger or stylus.
calibrations must be checked periodically
Users may choose a against a known standard to standardize
complete analysis, or have the system. SPECTRO xSORT is fitted
the instrument compare with an automatic shutter that uniquely
the analysis against its fulfills two purposes: to protect internal
extensive internal alloy components, and to serve as sample
library and display only material for the iCAL standardization.
the material’s grade Any calibration adjustments are made
specification on the screen. automatically. No separate sample or
Even more conveniently, tedious operator standardization routine
in some situations is required.

AlSI 304 Results of PMI With SPECTRO xSORT

Element Measurement time: 2 Sec
The previous results illustrate the ability of
SPECTRO xSORT to distinguish between
Certified Value [%] Average Value [%] 2 * SD [%]
different alloys. In each case, the average
Mn 1.48 1.46 0.048
values quoted are based on three
Cr 18.37 18.33 0.10
measurements, but a single measurement
Mo 0.20 0.21 0.014
would suffice to identify the alloy.
Ni 8.09 8.06 0.13
SPECTRO xSORT calculates and displays
Cu 0.40 0.43 0.027
the result’s calculated error automatically,
if required. The unit doesn’t display all
analytical results unless instructed, given
AlSI 316
its ability to identify the alloy automatically.
Element Measurement time: 2 Sec
Certified Value [%) Average Value [%] 2 * SD [%] As mentioned, minor differences in
Mn 1.78 1.89 0.051 composition can significantly affect the
Cr 16.56 16.60 0.075 performance of different alloys. One of
Mo 2.11 2.18 0.025 the most popular steels for chemical plant
Ni 10.38 10.41 0.123 construction is Type 304 stainless, the
Cu 0.17 0.19 0.011 standard austenitic chrome-nickel steel
Differences in the molybdenum content alloy. Considered practically indestructible
clearly distinguish the two alloys. and characterized by high corrosion
resistance, it’s especially suitable for
vessels and piping that contain aggressive
liquids at high temperature and pressure.
However, it’s not a universal solution: hot
acetic acid causes accelerated corrosion
of Type 304 steel. Type 316 stainless
steel, with a higher molybdenum content,
is more resistant to this corrosion.
Fortunately, SPECTRO xSORT can
differentiate between these alloys easily.

Corrosion by an acidic process chemical (scale inhibitor)

(Photo courtesy of the Energy Institute, London)

[Note: Concentration values in the tables below are expressed as percentages;

the precision of the measurement is expressed by SD or 2*SD, also in percent
concentration. SD is the standard deviation of a number of measurements, and
indicates the spread of the data about the average (or mean) result. The smaller
the SD, the better the precision of the measurement. 2*SD, also known as “two
sigma,” is twice the standard deviation; it indicates that 95% of readings will fall
within this range.

In the examples given, these values are calculated on the basis of three separate
measurements, but SPECTRO xSORT can also use the data collected during a
single measurement to calculate an SD. Clearly any concentration reported that
is of the same magnitude as the measurement error will be unreliable — which
leads to the concept of limit of detection (LOD): the lowest concentration that can
be reliably measured. This is conventionally three times the SD. SPECTRO xSORT
can be set up to either display the < symbol, or not to report a result, if it detects a
concentration lower than the LOD.]

Survival in most chlorine Alloy C-22

environments requires alloys
Element Measurement time: 2 Sec
with a higher content of chrome
Certified Value [%) Average Value [%] 2 * SD [%]
and molybdenum. In addition, a
Cr 21.32 21.48 0.090
high level of tungsten, as in alloys
Mo 13.02 12.76 0.075
C-22 and C-276, results in good
W 2.87 2.93 0.035
resistance to pitting and crevice
Fe 3.63 3.54 0.055
Co 0.59 0.57 0.033
Ni 57.30 57.96 0.084

Alloy C-276
Element Measurement time: 2 Sec
Certified Value [%) Average Value [%] 2 * SD [%]
Cr 15.70 15.74 0.052
Mo 15.70 15.44 0.109
W 3.25 3.27 0.019
Fe 5.25 5.09 0.052
Co 0.23 0.23 0.046
Ni 59.00 59.13 0.53

AlSI 321 The significant elements in these alloys

are heavy elements, easily determined by
Measurement time: 2 Sec
Element many XRF instruments. Lighter elements
Certified Value [%) Average Value [%] 2 * SD [%]
may be more difficult to measure, and
Mn 1.52 1.52 0.061 it is here that the superior performance
Cr 17.45 17.46 0.11 of SPECTRO xSORT becomes apparent.
Mo 0.36 0.36 0.018 AISI 321 is a general-purpose austenitic
Ni 9.42 9.39 0.064 stainless steel, with added titanium to
Ti 0.63 0.62 0.036 reduce intergranular corrosion. With its
V 0.13 0.13 0.020 high signal throughput, SPECTRO xSORT
Cu 0.30 0.32 0.019 can reliably determine titanium and
differentiate between 321 and 304 in only
2 seconds.

AlSI 303 Type 304 austenitic chrome-nickel

steel, while offering good corrosion
Measurement time: 2 Sec/additional 5 Sec for Si and S
Element resistance, is difficult to machine. Type
Certified Value [%) Average Value [%] 2 * SD [%]
303 austenitic chrome-nickel steel is
Si 0.63 0.74 0.10 excellent for machining, and has a lower
Mn 1.87 1.84 0.031 corrosion resistance. Cause: different
S 0.38 0.32 0.024 sulfur contents. Type 304 contains a
Cr 17.35 17.43 0.07 maximum of 0.03% sulfur, whereas
Mo 0.58 0.58 0.015 303 contains a minimum of 0.15%. The
Ni 8.64 8.62 0.085 measurement of sulfur is even more of
V 0.11 0.11 0.022 a challenge for XRF technology than
Cu 0.51 0.53 0.029 the measurement of silicon, but with a
slightly longer measuring time of only
7 seconds, SPECTRO xSORT AlloyPlus
can identify the higher sulfur content and
separate the 303 and 304 grades.

1117 For cases where such light-element analysis

requires utmost precision, the instrument
Measurement time: 2 Sec
now delivers dependable results in only
Mn Cr Ni Mo Cu Fe
22 seconds. But for most users, its most
1 1.03 0.064 0.051 0.016 0.063 98.4 significant improvement comes in the
2 1.04 0.071 0.054 0.017 0.066 98.6 routine grade identification and sorting
3 1.04 0.066 0.037 0.017 0.044 98.6 necessary for the great majority of analyses.
4 1.01 0.077 0.056 0.013 0.052 98.6 Here, the new model can determine low
5 1.06 0.076 0.051 0.017 0.064 98.6 silicon levels with twice (2X) the precision
6 1.03 0.073 0.051 0.01 0.051 98.6 of previous models — and in half the time.
7 1.08 0.066 0.049 0.017 0.059 98.6 Thus sorting and identification of light-
8 1.04 0.077 0.042 0.017 0.041 98.6 element alloys can be accomplished in only
9 1.06 0.073 0.056 0.011 0.055 98.6 7 seconds.
10 1.02 0.073 0.054 0.02 0.066 98
Average 1.04 0.072 0.05 0.015 0.056 98.5 In addition, precision in determining other
Value [%] alloying elements — including corrosion-
2 * SD [%] 0.02 0.005 0.007 0.003 0.009 inhibiting chromium — improved 3X to 5X
Given 1.07 0.076 0.042 0.016 0.085 over previous models. As is the case with
Analysis of Cr, Cu, Mo in a carbon steel for FAC applications most alloys, lower chromium content levels
in steel were accurately measured in only 2

Element Measurement time Analysis [%] 2 * SD [%] Given [%]

5s <0.08
10s <0.056
Si 0.05
20s 0.066 0.012
30s 0.076 0.01
Mn 2s 1.04 0.02 1.07
Cr 2s 0.072 0.005 0.076
Ni 2s 0.05 0.007 0.042
Mo 2s 0.015 0.003 0.016
Cu 2s 0.056 0.009 0.085
Fe 2s 98.5

Quick grade ID and analysis of low Si in a carbon steel

(analysis is done out of 5 repeats)

SPECTROTEST and SPECTROPORT and visible regions of the spectrum. The

As the above results show, SPECTRO arc or spark is generated at a sample probe
xSORT can handle most process on a flexible umbilical cord up to 8 meters
industry PMI tasks. However, some cases (m) long. As with SPECTRO xSORT, the
may require more precise analysis, or operator simply places the probe in contact
measurements of elements outside the with the sample to take a measurement.
scope of XRF technology (such as carbon, (Because metal atoms are expelled during
boron, or nitrogen), for comprehensive an ark spark measurement, a small burn
PMI. mark occurs on the sample surface.) Light
emitted by the sample is transferred via
These circumstances may call instead fiber optic to the optical system, where it
for use of the SPECTROTEST mobile arc/ is separated into its different wavelengths
spark optical emission spectrometry (OES) using a diffraction grating. Individual
analyzer, or its smaller, lighter relative: the intensities are then measured with a
SPECTROPORT portable arc/spark OES suitable detector.
metals analyzer. Compared to SPECTRO
xSORT, both offer larger but still field- SPECTROTEST and SPECTROPORT both
deployable form factors, combined with employ a state-of-the-art detector: highly
superior analytical performance. sensitive, fast, multiple CCDs deliver high-
speed analysis and generate high-quality
Both SPECTROTEST and SPECTROPORT data. This enables the same sophisticated
analyzers utilize the OES principle. In this approach to data handling as in SPECTRO
technique, the atoms in the sample are xSORT. So all three instruments use unique
excited not by X-rays but by an electric arc iCAL procedures, and can identify and
or spark, so that each element emits light verify´alloys automatically in seconds.
of characteristic wavelengths in ultraviolet

AlSI 316 Results of PMI with SPECTROTEST

Measurement time: 10 Sec
Element As mentioned, the only difference between
Certified Value [%) Average Value [%] 2 * SD [%]
Type 316 and Type 316L stainless steel is
C 0.042 0.045 0.002
carbon content: the 316 alloy contains up
Si 0.26 0.29 0.013 to 0.07% carbon; the 316L, a maximum
Mn 1.25 1.17 0.024 of 0.03%. Both SPECTROTEST and
P 0.022 0.019 0.004 SPECTROPORT can easily differentiate
S 0.020 0.021 0.003 between them. (See SPECTROTEST results
Cr 16.64 16.16 0.174 at left; SPECTROPORT results would be
Mo 2.11 2.05 0.067 similar.)
Ni 10.66 10.80 0.119
V 0.13 0.13 0.007 Nitrogen is yet more difficult to analyze —
Cu 0.09 0.11 0.004 beyond the capabilities of xSORT or even
AlSI 316L
meets the challenge. It can conduct on-site
Measurement time: 10 Sec identification of austenitic (duplex) steels
Certified Value [%) Average Value [%] 2 * SD [%] alloyed with nitrogen. Nitrogen stabilizes
C 0.019 0.022 0.001 the austenitic structure without decreasing
Si 0.44 0.46 0.004 durability. In high-alloy, chemically resistant
Mn 1.21 1.18 0.012 steels, it also somewhat increases
P 0.026 0.023 0.003 resistance to corrosion, especially pitting
S 0.020 0.023 0.003 corrosion. Among duplex steels, the
Cr 17.36 17.05 0.047 X2CrNiMoN 22-5-3 (1.4462) grade has
Mo 2.11 2.04 0.001 found wide acceptance. The nitrogen
Ni 11.86 12.09 0.082 content in duplex steels usually ranges
V 0.05 0.06 0.001 from 0.10% to 0.22%.
Cu 0.09 0.11 0.004
Duplex Alloy 1.4462 (X2CrNiMoN 22-5-3) PMI has become an essential part of
Measurement time: 10 Sec good practice and risk reduction in the
Element process industries. Elemental analysis
Certified Value [%) Average Value [%] 2 * SD [%]
of alloy samples — including previously
C 0.013 0.019 0.001
difficult-to-measure light elements — can
Si 0.47 0.55 0.011
improve efficiency and add value to PMI
Mn 1.74 1.62 0.016
efforts. The SPECTRO xSORT handheld
P 0.023 0.014 0.004
XRF analyzer, SPECTROPORT portable
S 0.002 <0.002
OES analyzer, and SPECTROTEST mobile
Cr 22.41 21.64 0.046
OES analyzer provide a complete solution.
Mo 2.89 2.64 0.020
They offer accurate, rapid, and reliable
Ni 6.01 5.88 0.076
alloy identification on site for PMI in this
V 0.15 0.12 0.001
demanding sector.
N 0.103 0.139 0.019

Choosing a handheld XRF analyzer

Handheld XRF spectrometers are not created equal. Documentation/connection flexibility. Why get
Make sure the instruments you consider can meet the stuck with limited choice of results formats to document
needs of your specific PMI tasks with the right mix of compliance? Flexible SPECTRO xSORT lets you save
proven performance, innovative features, and tested results in different formats at different destinations
convenience. Look for the following benefits: simultaneously. Save to USB drive, network, or printer as
XML or PDF, and (via an integrated camera) combine with
Field-proven performance and speed. Consider images of the sample measured.
models that have proved they can perform well in
challenging plant or field locations. One key for highly Easy standardization and built-in protection. Try
reliable yet high-volume PMI: the ability to deliver to find instruments that avoid tedious multiple-sample
dependable results in seconds. standardization. Example: SPECTRO xSORT provides
unique one-sample, one-time standardization. The shutter
Operating flexibility. Some older models require even functions as the system’s standardization sample,
time-consuming procedures such as switching analytical while also offering built-in protection of detector and tube,
methods between samples, or demand helium purges or even when analyzing light elements.
vacuum for accurate operation. Find an instrument that
lets you analyze the alloys you need: simply, easily, and Large metals database. Choose devices that can easily
quickly. accommodate new alloys (e.g., with light elements) or
materials. For instance, SPECTRO xSORT lets you extend
prepackaged libraries and/or create new customized grade
Contact Us




SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH SPECTRO Analytical Instruments Inc. AMETEK Commercial
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© 2017 AMETEK Inc., all rights reserved, subject to technical modifications • A-17, Rev. 5 • Photos: SPECTRO, Corbis, Getty Images, iStockphoto • Registered
trademarks of SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH • : USA (3,645,267); EU (005673694); “SPECTRO”: EU (009693763); iCAL: USA (3,189,726),
EU (003131919); xSORT: USA (IR 3,767,555); Japan, China (IR 978 588); EU (007058456) “SPECTROTEST”: USA (4,103,718), EU (004206173);
SPECTROPORT: USA (5,056,898), Germany (1283844), China (3,189,726)

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