Samtech 200 Epoxy Grout: Three Component Rapid Cure High Strength Epoxy Grout

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Samtech 200 Epoxy Grout

Three component rapid cure high strength epoxy grout

Description Typical Uses

Samtech 200 Epoxy Grout is a three component Machine Base Grouting
epoxy grout designed for projects where short grout Engines, compressors, presses, gas engines, paper
curing time is advantageous. The epoxy machines, mill crushers, pumps, motors, generators
components are packaged in containers, which can and other heavy equipment found in oil refineries,
be used for combining the resin and hardener, thus cement plants, pulp mills, steel mills, manufacturing
facilitating material mixing. Each unit is packaged to plants and chemical plants.
ensure accurate quantity proportions.
Anchor Grouting
Special Features Anchor bolts railings, floor plates, tracks, traffic
Volume Stability - Cures (hardens) at controlled markers and other metal inserts.
rate with negligible volume change.
Structural Grouting
High Early Strength - Compressive strength Column bases, bridge seats.
exceeds those for conventional epoxy grouts and
provides an increased safety level against grout Properties
failure under rigorous operating conditions. High Compressive Strength 110 MPa, 7 days @ 21°C.
compressive strengths guard against grout failure Bond Strength to Steel 7 MPa
Bond Strength to Concrete Better than concrete
under conditions of heavy shock and repeated Specific Gravity 2,24
vibration. Density 2240kg/m3
Water Absorption .15%
Impact Strength Exceeds that of concrete
Oil Resistant - Non absorptive and impervious to oil. Coefficient of Expansion 28.6 x 10-6 mm/mm/°C.
Flash Point:
Part A Resin 71°C.
Impact Resistance - Withstands repeated shock
Part B Hardener 120°C.
and constant vibration.

Freeze-Thaw Resistant - Unaffected by freeze thaw Chemical Resistance

cycles. Oil and Solvents Non absorptive.
Organic Acids Not affected (some exceptions:
Reduced Down Time and labour Costs - consult Degussa Construction
Products Technical Services for
Equipment may be partially or fully grouted in place specific guidance).
without the necessity of dismantling procedures.
Diluted Oxidizing Acids Not affected.
Non oxidizing Mineral Acids and Salts Not affected.
Alkali Not affected.
Samtech 200 Epoxy Grout
Curing Time and Compressive Strengths Application
Temp. 24 hours 48 hours 7 days Concrete
21°C 85.7 MPa 98 MPa 110 MPa
4°C Nil 10 MPa 41 MPa Concrete surfaces must be sound, dry, and free of
oil, dirt, grease and other foreign matter. Remove
Note: Machinery should not be used before 7 days laitance from new concrete by brushing,
where temperatures are in the range of 5°C to 10°C. sandblasting or acid etching. Following acid etching,
flush concrete with copious amounts of clean water,
then neutralize with alkaline solution. Flush again
with clean water, and then allow to dry completely
Standard unit consisting of:
before grouting begins.
1 litre kit
Part A 300gms Net Resin
Part B 70gms Net Hardener Use wood or metal forms, designed to withstand
Aggregate grout pressure without leaking.
Coat contact surfaces of forms with common paste
2 litre kit wax to prevent bond with grout.
Part A 600gms Net Resin
Part B 140g Net Hardener
Aggregate Note: Surfaces to be bonded must not come into
contact with wax!
5 litre kit
Part A 1,5kg Net Resin Metals
Part B 350g Net Hardener For best results, sandblast surfaces to white metal.
Aggregate 1 bag
Where this is not feasible, clean the contact surface
10 litre kit with solvent and wire brush to remove oil, grease,
Part A 3,0kg Net Resin loose paint and rust.
Part B 700g Net Hardener
Aggregate 2 bags Mixing
Mix Part A and Part B using a low speed power
20 litre kit paddle for a minimum of 3 minutes, then pour into a
Part A 6,0kg Net resin
Part B 1400g Net Hardener
clean mortar or plaster mixer. Slowly add all of the
Aggregate 4 bags aggregate and mix for 8 to 10 minutes after the
mixer is charged. Mixed material must be placed
The above proportions should be used to achieve the within 60 minutes. Discard material not placed
nett yields. Note: Addition of a contingency factor within this time.
of up to 10% is advisable. For some "blind" or
intrusion methods by pressure pumping, the Smaller quantities may be mixed, using a mortar pan
aggregate may be omitted entirely. and hoe or trowel, but ensure that exact mix
proportions are maintained.
Samtech 200 Epoxy Grout
Placing and Finishing Storage
Use clean, flat, concrete shovels, metal buckets and Storage Temperature: Preferably 15°C to 27°C. Will
clean concrete tools to avoid contamination of the not be damaged by intermittent higher temperatures
mix. The finished grout surface does not need any or freezing.
protective coating.
Shelf Life
Clean-up One year plus, if containers kept hermetically
Clean all tools and equipment promptly with BASF sealed.
CC SA Products 609 Thinner and Cleaner.

Healthy and Safety Precautions

In case of contact, wash affected area, with soap
and copious amounts of water.

For eye contact, flush eye with water for 15 minutes

and get prompt medical attention. The use of rubber
gloves and goggles is recommended while handling
the grout.

Avoid inhaling fumes. Use in adequately ventilated

area. Do not smoke while using the grout. Post
"NO SMOKING" signs in the mixing area.

For emergency treatment refer to hazardous

material information sheet.

Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is
given or implied with any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the
competence of any labour involved in the application are beyond our control.
As all BASF’s technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.
BASF Construction Chemicals South Africa (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 420, Westonaria, 1780 61 Brunton Circle, Founders Hill, Modderfontein, 1645
11 Pullinger Street, Westonaria, 1779 P O Box 75845, Garden View, 2047
Tel: +27 11 754 1343 Phone +27-11-452 6557
Fax: +27 11 754 1105 Fax +27-11-452 3595
e-mail: e-mail:

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