Ferromortar 707: Iron Fortified Non-Shrink Grout For Dry-Pack To Pourable Installation

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Ferromortar 707

Iron Fortified non-shrink grout for dry-pack to pourable installation

Description Fatigue Resistance

Ferromortar 707 is a ready to use blend of carefully The iron aggregate particles in Ferromortar 707
selected, graded siliceous and iron aggregate with reinforce the hardened grout giving exceptional
special shrinkage compen-sating agents, portland flexural strength and resistance to repetitive or
cement and chemical additives for easy preparation dynamic loads, induced by compressors, milling
of dry pack to pourable grout. equipment, winders, motors, turbines or similar
Special Features
Exterior Use Physical Properties
Ferromortar 707 is suitable for exterior use except The following are typical strength devel-opment
for decorative concrete where slight surface characteristics (at 21°C)
discoloration may not be desirable.
A) Compressive Strength
Positive Contact MPa
Ferromortar 707 is non-bleeding and non-shrink,
maintaining critical contact to the underside of base 80 Plastic
plates of precision aligned equipment, rails, gantries 70
etc, thus ensuring proper stress transfer to
60 Pourable
supportive concrete. It has special advantages for
grouting gantry rails and support plates, where it is
not necessary to flow the grout, as flowable grouts 40
require unnecessary complex shuttering. 30
Corrosion Inhibition 10
Ferromortar 707 contains no reactive chlorides, and
its non-shrink characteristic is not achieved by iron 3 7 28
aggregate expansion.
It contains corrosion inhibition elements that protect
encased or adjacent metals, although some surface B) Flexural Strength
discoloration will be seen if any iron particles are The following flexural strength properties may be
open to aggressive elements. It is available in expected:-
sulphate resistant cement type.
Pourable Grout 7 days 8 MPa
28 days 10 MPa
Dry-Pack Grout 7 days 9 MPa
28 days 12 MPa
Ferromortar 707
Water Addition Temperature
Water added at the following rates per Do not grout in freezing weather. Frozen grout
25 kg bag of Ferromortar 707 will give the means chopping out and re-grouting. Avoid
consistency indicated:- excessive heat (35°C) especially where grout is
placed more than 100mm in one lift. If in doubt
Dry Pack 2½l consult BASF Construction Chemicals South-
Plastic 3l Africa’s Technical Services, or postpone grouting to
Pourable 3½l await better conditions.

For flowable and very fluid consistencies use

Ferroflow 939.
All exposed areas of grout must be coated with a
good quality curing compound and protected for at
least seven days. Proper curing is vital to
Small trial batches will indicate levels suited to
successful grouting.
particular requirements. A dry-pack mix should form
a patty when squeezed together in the hand and
when worked with a trowel should give a cohesive,
Trowel and rod plastic mixtures into place.
plaster-like surface. A dry-pack mix should have no
Caulk dry-pack mixes using wooden tamping tool
slump except when vibrated.
and mallet. Ensure that shutters are firmly in place
to cater for hammering dry-pack. Refer to BASF
Working Time
Construction Chemicals South-Africa “Grouting
Ferromortar 707 should be mixed and placed
Specification and Placing Procedures”.
immediately, do not mix more than 30 minutes
requirements at any one mixing. Discard material,
which has been allowed to stand for more than ½
Per cubic metre of placed grout 84 to 90 pockets -
hour, and do not retemper, hardened material.
(2100 to 2250 kg) will be needed.

Place two thirds of the mix water into the mixer or
As for portland cement keep dry in closed bags.
wheelbarrow first, add the grout powder to this
mixing all the time. Add the final water to give the
desired consistency.
25 kilogram polylined bags.
All areas to be grouted must be free of grease or dirt Shelf Life
and concrete must be well soaked for at least five 9 months correctly stored.
hours before placement of the grout to eliminate

Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is
given or implied with any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the
competence of any labour involved in the application are beyond our control.
As all BASF’s technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.
BASF Construction Chemicals South Africa (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 420, Westonaria, 1780 61 Brunton Circle, Founders Hill, Modderfontein, 1645
11 Pullinger Street, Westonaria, 1779 P O Box 75845, Garden View, 2047
Tel: +27 11 754 1343 Phone +27-11-452 6557
Fax: +27 11 754 1105 Fax +27-11-452 3595
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: basf [email protected]

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