ANN Inventory
ANN Inventory
ANN Inventory
Purpose of the article: To examine suitable methods of artificial neural networks and their application in
business operations, specifically to the supply chain management. The article discusses construction of an
artificial neural networks model that can be used to facilitate optimization of inventory level and thus improve
the ordering system and inventory management. For the data analysis from the area of wholesale trade with
connecting material is used.
Methodology/methods: Methods used in the paper consists especially of artificial neural networks and
ANN-based modelling. For data analysis and preprocessing, MS Office Excel software is used. As an
instrument for neural network forecasting MathWorks MATLAB Neural Network Tool was used. Deductive
quantitative methods for research are also used.
Scientific aim: The effort is directed at finding whether the method of prediction using artificial neural
networks is suitable as a tool for enhancing the ordering system of an enterprise. The research also focuses on
finding what architecture of the artificial neural networks model is the most suitable for subsequent prediction.
Findings: Artificial neural networks models can be used for inventory management and lot-sizing problem
successfully. A network with the TRAINGDX training function and TANSIG transfer function and
6-8-1 architecture can be considered the most suitable for artificial neural network, as it shows the best results
for subsequent prediction.
Conclusions: It can be concluded that the created model of artificial neural network can be successfully used
for predicting order size and therefore for improving the order cycle of an enterprise. Conclusions resulting
from the paper are beneficial for further research.
Tereza Šustrová: A Suitable Artificial Intelligence Model for Inventory Level Optimization
Tereza Šustrová: A Suitable Artificial Intelligence Model for Inventory Level Optimization
optimal solutions, and so on are among the most comes with a lower prediction error than other
important current trends. For example, McNelis methods.
in his paper (McNelis, 2003) applies the neural Research introduced by Hachicha (2011) also
network methodology to inflation forecasting in uses artificial neural network and deals with the
the Euro-area and the USA. There are many other lot-sizing problem in supply chain by application of
research methods besides modelling, such as metamodelling simulation. The supply chain which
laboratory experiment (Gammisch, Balina, 2015), is a subject of research operates in make-to-order
case study (Rudiene, 2014) etc. environment (no possibility of stock keeping and
The modeling of phenomena which arise from limited production capacity) and is characterized
economic reality and are described by statistical data by multi-product, multi stage, multi-location
is possible thanks to methods based predominantly production planning with capacity constraints and
on branches of mathematics such as statistics, stochastic parameters such as lot arrivals order,
numerical methods, operational research, linear and transit time, set-up time, processing time, etc. The
dynamic programming, optimization, etc. (see, for results confirm the effectiveness, flexibility and
example, Novotná (2012) or Novotná (2014)). usability of the artificial neural network method in
The study of various model situations, focus on practical applications.
simulating conditions, searching for outcomes, Another artificial neural network-based model
optimal solutions, and so on are among the most was developed by Paul, Azaeem (2011) which
important current trends. The paper Ioana et al. determines the optimum level of finished goods
(2010) presents a new concept for fuzzy logic in inventory as a function of product demand, setup,
economic processes. In his paper Zhang (2012), holding, and material costs. The model was tested
investigated the sensitivity of estimated technical with a manufacturing industry data and the results
efficiency scores by different methods including the indicated that the model can be used to forecast
stochastic distance function frontier. finished goods inventory level in response to the
Artificial neural network models have been used model parameters. Overall, the model can be applied
to successfully solve the demand forecasting and for optimization of finished goods inventory for any
production scheduling problem. In their paper, manufacturing enterprise.
Gaafar, Choueiki (2000) applied a neural network A fast convergent BP neural network model for
model to a lot-sizing problem which is part of predicting inventory level is described in a paper by
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) for the case He (2013). The paper also applies the improved BP
of deterministic time-varying demand over a fixed neural network model to predict the inventory level
planning horizon. of an automotive parts company. The results show
Paper presented by Megala, Jawahar (2006) that the improved algorithm not only significantly
addresses a dynamic lot sizing problem with exceeds the standard algorithm but also outperforms
capacity constraint and discount price structure. some other improved BP algorithms both on
Two meta-heuristics, genetic algorithm and Hopfield convergence rate and prediction accuracy.
neural network are designed for dynamic lot sizing We can summarize that soft computing methods
problem. A computational study in paper shows that can be successfully used in the area of inventory
genetic algorithm is capable of producing adequate management and optimization. Developed models
result whereas Hopfield neural network produces often showed robustness, high performance and gave
satisfactory results only for small size problems. a valid solution to the presented problem. Research
Aburto, Weber (2007) in their research presented a of artificial neural networks confirmed their usability
hybrid intelligent system combining Autoregressive and effectiveness in practical application especially
Integrated Moving Average models and neural for solving the lot-sizing problem in production
networks for demand forecasting. Study showed planning systems. Now we can concentrate on
improvements in forecasting accuracy and proposed development of a soft computing methods-based
a replenishment system for a Chilean supermarket, model for solving the lot-sizing problem in business
which leads simultaneously to fewer sales failures venture.
and lower inventory levels.
Artificial neural network structure was also used
and compared with traditional statistical methods by 2. Artificial neural networks
Hamzaçebi (2008). The results from the modeled
artificial neural network utilized for time-series Artificial neural networks are a branch of artificial
forecasting proved that the proposed ANN model intelligence. Multi-layer perceptron form one type
Tereza Šustrová: A Suitable Artificial Intelligence Model for Inventory Level Optimization
of artificial neural network. We know also Single-la- ANN model which can be used to optimize inven-
yer perceptron ANN, Radial basis function networks tory level and thus improve inventory management
or the whole group of Recurrent/feedback networks and order system of an enterprise. The variables of
(Gardner et al., 1998). current demand, demand in the next 3 months, de-
Artificial neural networks represent an analogy mand in 3 months following after the 3-month or-
to human thinking, a simplified imitation of the der cycle (3-month delay), current inventory level,
principle of human brain. They are described as the purchase prices and transport costs are used as input
black box with unknown inner structure and known parameters. Output data is the ordered quantity.
outputs. Artificial neural networks usually work in All input, output and sample data were provided
two stages. In the first stage the network acts as an by an existing company, a wholesale dealer with
inexperienced man, learning to set its parameters connecting materials. Being part of a supply chain,
to correspond to the required network topology. In the company buys from an Asian supplier and has
the second stage the network already independently to allow for a replenishment lead time of up to
transforms inputs to outputs on the basis of 60 days from the date of order. The data represents
knowledge obtained in the first stage. Each neural the information about the highest-turnover type of
network consists of defined layers, input layers, goods on the company’s assortment, as monitored
hidden layers and output layers, and the learning from January 2009 to December 2014.
method and the knowledge acquisition process. This study develops the model of neural network
Neural networks are appropriate in situations to determine the optimum amount of ordered goods
when chance plays a significant role in the process to optimize the current inventory amount. The
and deterministic relations are so complex and selection of input and output parameters is crucial
interwoven that they cannot be analysed and for the model construction. The input variables
identified. They are therefore used for modelling of for this model are the 6 most significant factors
complex and irreversible strategic decisions where affecting decisions on ordered amounts. These
a network with more hidden layers is appropriate are the current demand (monthly), demand in the
(Dostál, 2008, p. 42). next 3 months, demand in the following 3 months,
Some authors have recently focused a great part of current warehouse value, purchase price per unit and
their attention on the so called Neural-fuzzy systems transport costs per unit. The output parameter of the
combining the techniques of fuzzy modelling and model is optimal amount of purchased goods. Inputs
neural networks. Neural-fuzzy models combine and outputs are presented in Figure 1.
the advantages of fuzzy logic and neural networks, The neural network model has been constructed
namely adaptability, quick convergence and high using the MathWorks MATLAB programme. The
accuracy (Shie-Jue, Chen-Sen, 2003). following steps need to be taken when constructing
the model of neural network: collection of input,
output and sample dataset, designing, training and
3. Proposed Artificial neural network model validation of neural network.
Before using collected dataset with neural
The aim of the research is the use of artificial neu- network, data must be processed into input-output
ral network methods in designing an order cycle of patterns. Each pattern is formed with an input vector
an enterprise. This paper deals with developing an and the corresponding target vector . Input and
Figure 1. Diagram of the inputs and output of constructed neural network. Source: Author’s own study.
Tereza Šustrová: A Suitable Artificial Intelligence Model for Inventory Level Optimization
output data must be transformed into standardized visualize and simulate neural networks; it can be
form within the range of 0 to 1 in order to achieve used for applications such as data fitting, pattern
consistent result while using ANN. recognition, clustering, time-series prediction, and
The standardization is done using the following dynamic system modelling and control.
equation: A feed-forward backpropagation network model
xi − min ( xi ) with one hidden layer and output layer is used,
Xi = , (1) while the number of hidden neurons can be defined.
max ( xi ) − min ( xi ) As training function was used both TRAINGDX
where is the ith element of the input or target vector and TRAINSCG, adaptation learning function was
and Xi is corresponding standardized value within used LEARNGDM, also TANSIG transfer function
0 and 1. An example of standardised input-output is used. The maximum number of training epochs
vectors is shown in Table 1. is set to be 1 000 and the maximum number of
A total of 31 input-output dataset pairs were validation checks is set to 1 000. The architecture of
collected. This dataset was divided randomly into proposed ANN model is shown in Figure 2.
two categories – training dataset which consists The neural network training is performed using
of 77% of the data and test dataset with 23% of 24 data samples containing both input and output
the data. There are 24 training patterns, which are data. The coefficient of determination value (R2)
used further to model the artificial neural network. for training phase is calculated to evaluate the
After completion of the network training the model performance of network during the training. Values
is tested with 6 data samples and the network of the R2 indicator are between 0 and 1, the objective
performance is evaluated. The sample of input and being to determine the accuracy of the predicted
output dataset is shown in Table 1. data. Therefore the closer the R2 coefficient is to
1, the more accurate the neural network can be
3.1 Neural Network Architecture After reaching the best possible R2 coefficient
MathWorks MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox value the testing of newly emerged trained neural
was used for construction of the inventory manage- network is performed. The sample of 7 data vectors
ment model which provides functions and apps for containing both input and output data is used for
modeling complex nonlinear systems that are not testing; however, for the neural network only the
easily modeled with a closed form equation. With input vector is used. The neural network testing
neural network toolbox it is possible to design, train, output is later compared to the real output value
Tereza Šustrová: A Suitable Artificial Intelligence Model for Inventory Level Optimization
– i.e. with amount ordered in reality. The testing riable too. The evaluation of optimal neural network
performance is evaluated by an error measure – was governed by the MSE value. Neural networks
Mean squared error (MSE). MSE is the average with lower MSE value and at the same time with
squared difference between outputs and targets. R2 value closer to 1 were considered more suitable.
Lower values are better, zero means no error. The Table 2 shows R2 and MSE values of the
constructed neural network models. It shows the
results of network training and testing with the
4. Results and Discussion TANSIG and LOGSIG transfer function and with
TRAINGDX and TRAINSCG training functions
To evaluate a suitable artificial neural network for for the respective values of hidden neuron numbers
inventory level optimization and order cycle man- used for ANN. The overview indicates that neural
agement. To find the best constructed artificial ne- networks using the TRAINGDX training function
ural network with optimal architecture, 16 neural and the TANSIG transfer function generally
networks with the TRAINGDX or TRAINSCG performed better; with higher number of neurons
learning function and with the TANSIG or LOGSIG the network performance tends to decrease. The
transfer function were constructed, trained and tes- lowest MSE values (0.029) and at the same time
ted. The number of neurons in hidden layer was va- the highest R2 values (0.99) are demonstrated by
Neurons 8 10 12 15 8 10 12 15
R2 0.990 0.920 0.970 0.910 0.980 0.950 0.920 0.950
MSE 0.023 0.030 0.029 0.075 0.050 0.040 0.032 0.035
R2 0.900 0.960 0.940 0.900 0.840 0.970 0.990 0.890
MSE 0.033 0.030 0.044 0.036 0.053 0.032 0.034 0.096
Source: Author’s own study.
Training Parameters
Maximum number of training epochs (iterations) 1,000
Maximum training time Infinite
Maximum performance value 0
Minimum gradient magnitude 0.00001
Learning rate 0.01
Source: Author’s own study.
Tereza Šustrová: A Suitable Artificial Intelligence Model for Inventory Level Optimization
the neural network with 8 hidden neurons; on the demand in the next 3 months, demand in 3 months
contrary the largest error (0.075) and the lowest R2 following after the 3-month order cycle (3-month
value (0.91) is demonstrated by the neural network delay), current warehouse values, purchase price
with 15 hidden neurons. and transport costs.
The absolutely best performance was shown The architecture with feed-forward back
by the neural network with 8 hidden neurons, propagation learning algorithm, TRAINGDX
TRAINGDX training function and TANSIG transfer training function and TANSIG transfer function
function. Therefore, the neural network with the and 6-8-1 architecture was assessed as the most
6-8-1 architecture has been chosen as the optimal suitable neural network. A performance of neural
model for subsequent prediction and for designing network model was evaluated by Coefficient of
the ordering system of a company. Determination (R2) and Mean Squared Error.
Table 3 presents a summary of the proposed The constructed model of artificial neural network
network architecture, consisting of 6 input neuron can be used for further order cycle optimization.
(inputs), 8 neurons in hidden layer and one output The future order amount can be planned based
neuron (target). The R2 and MSE indicators were on predicated demand and thus the inventory
used to find the optimal network architecture; these management can be improved as a part of supply
indicators were used for evaluation of each neural chain management. The article presents artificial
network. neural networks as very useful and bringing many
opportunities for further research.
5. Conclusion
The article investigates the options of using artificial
neural networks and their applications in a compa- This paper was supported by grant FP-S-15-2787
ny ordering system. Within the research a model of “Effective Use of ICT and Quantitative Methods for
artificial neural network was developed to optimize Business Processes Optimization” from the Internal
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