Implementation of The Integrated TOD Spatial Model For Jakarta Metropolitan Region

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Implementation of the Integrated TOD Spatial Model for Jakarta Metropolitan


Article  in  KnE Social Sciences · July 2019

DOI: 10.18502/kss.v3i18.4717


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3 authors, including:

Herika Muhamad Taki Mohamed Maatouk

Universitas Trisakti Minia University


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Planning model of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) to direct the development of transport master plan in Jakarta Metropolitan View project

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UNNES International Conference on
Research Innovation and Commercialization 2018
Volume 2019

Conference Paper

Implementation of the Integrated TOD Spatial

Model for Jakarta Metropolitan Region
H M Taki1 , M M H Maatouk1 , and F Ahmadi2
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Environmental Design, King Abdulaziz
University, Abdullah Suleiman Street Al Jamiaa District 80200, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
Department of Primary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri
Semarang, Jalan Wonosari 15 Ngaliyan, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Jakarta Metropolitan Region ( JMR) is the biggest megacity urban areas in Indonesia.
However, the existing public transport facilities are not adequately fulfilling the demand
of its inhabitant. Therefore, it is important for overcoming those issues with shed light on
the integration of spatial and transportation by applying Transit Oriented Development
(TOD) model. The method of this paper using the spatial and transportation approach
by differentiates TOD each railway stations based on the typology. The results were
that the TOD spatial model is focusing on solving public transport issues related to
Corresponding Author: urban planning. Therefore, certain policy from stakeholders for this region greatly
H M Taki
encourages transport planning in a more sustainable manner.
[email protected]

Received: 21 May 2019

Accepted: 26 June 2019
Published: 7 July 2019

Publishing services provided by 1. Introduction

Knowledge E

H M Taki et al. This article is Land use and transportation are the key factors to urban and regional planning [1]. The
distributed under the terms of
well-regulated city is characterized by the conditions of land use and transportation
the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which
systems and it indicates economic prosperity. However, there is a tendency that the
permits unrestricted use and city development is followed by the various issues of transportation and land use [2].
redistribution provided that the
These issues include traffic congestion, energy wastage, delayed travel time, air and
original author and source are
credited. sound pollution. This is a complex problem that involves many aspects and interrelated.
Thereby, many researches were conducted to pursue the solution of these issues. Most
Selection and Peer-review under
the responsibility of the UICRIC previous studies examine the application of TOD in Indonesian cities [3]. Nevertheless,
Conference Committee.
lack of study determined the typology of TOD at the regional and urban levels as well as
improving transport and spatial planning in an integrated manner. Therefore, this study
introduces an integrated TOD as spatial model to guide transport planning of JMR [4].
Transit Oriented Development is a pattern or concept of urban planning with syn-
ergized and integrated transportation by accommodating new growth, strengthening
the living environment, expanding options and benefits, through the optimization of
public transport networks, such as buses and trains, making it easier for residents to

How to cite this article: H M Taki, M M H Maatouk, and F Ahmadi, (2019), “Implementation of the Integrated TOD Spatial Model for Jakarta
Metropolitan Region” in UNNES International Conference on Research Innovation and Commercialization 2018, KnE Social Sciences, pages 234– Page 234
246. DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i18.4717

access city resources creating an efficient city [5]. The TOD area is a mix of residential
areas with commercial areas and transit stop or stations (train, metro, tram, bus) [6],
surrounded by the development of high-density areas or the denser areas to spread
out of the centre [7]. The TOD area is generally within 400-800 meters of radius from
the transit stop, as this is a suitable distance for pedestrians, so this is a solution to the
problem of distance barriers between the stations to the residential area [8].
Initially, the concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) emerged as a reaction
to the urban sprawl phenomenon followed by high population depends on the use of
highways and private vehicles [9]. Proposed TOD as one of the most sustainable forms
of urban development and has been practiced in many cities of the world to reduce the
dominance of private vehicle use and promote a viable settlement pattern in carrying
transit-based movements [10]. in their studies applied TOD in the big cities of the world
and reported that the area around the transit point gives an influence in attracting much
passenger [11]. The results of other TOD studies pointed out that the diversion of vehicle
usage from private to public transport is influenced by the design of the area around
the transit node. It indicates the need for integration of regional planning around transit
sites with network planning and transportation facilities to be developed.

2. Area of Study and Data

2.1. Transportation plan of JMR

A railway system of Jakarta Metropolitan Region services Jakarta, Bogor, Depok,

Tangerang, and Bekasi. The rail system uses rapid transit rolling stock standard and
operates at high frequency with a minimum headway. The network route is recognized
by Table 1 and Figure 1 below.

Table 1: List of datasets.

Lines Services No. of stations Length

Bogor Jakarta Kota to Bogor 26 54.8 km (34.1 mi)
Serpong Tanah Abang to Serpong 7 55.6 km (34.5 mi)
Bekasi Jakarta Kota to Bekasi via Pasar Senen 13 26.5 km (16.5 mi)
Tangerang Duri to Tangerang 8 19.2 km (11.9 mi)

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Figure 1: Railway route of JMR.

2.2. Datasets

The data in this research is spatial data related to land use and attributes data related
to transportation. These table were obtained by using a data collection method with
secondary survey technique. Secondary survey is to conduct an institutional survey
and survey of literature sourced from previous researches. In addition, there are also
government documents and other documents that can support the analysis process in
this study.

Table 2: List of datasets.

Datasets Source Year

Administrative boundaries Geospatial Information Agency 2015
Land use Ministry of Transportation 2014
Railway network and stations Ministry of Transportation 2015
Actual TOD map Previous research 2017
Potential TOD map Previous research 2017

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3. Methodology
3.1. Conceptual framework

The methodology is done by studying the literature about the concept of TOD, land use,
and transportation, collecting and analyzing spatial and non-spatial data. The finding
of study is obtained by creating an integrated TOD by combining actual and potential
TOD, differentiating TOD based on typology, afterward implementing the integrated
TOD spatial model to guide transport planning.

Figure 2: Conceptual framework of the study.

4. Result and Discussions

4.1. Planning concept appropriate to employ TOD

The transport network pattern of JMR is the radial system and spatial form is the
multinucleated urban structure with corridors and nodes [12]. It means that the intense
land uses in this structure are extended out from the CBD along major transportation
routes. [13] promote to the placement of TOD on that location with the proposal like

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Figure 3 below. Placement of stations and railways right on the hub and passing the
entire main cities of this region.

Figure 3: Public transport network plan [13].

The development proposal of BRT, LRT, and MRT with TOD is designed to cover
the entire JMR area by looking at physical conditions of land use and available road
network [14]. Improvisation of this public transport connecting sub-urban and urban
areas between Jakarta and surrounding area, with good ties is expected to create
solutions from various issues that occur such as congestion and environmental pollution.

4.2. TOD typology

TOD typology is done by grouping transit areas according to existing conditions so

that it is useful to identify potential TOD.[15] introduced the TOD typology into Urban
and Neighborhood TOD. This study distinguishes different TOD typologies based on
their development location. as in metropolitan areas, regions have not developed, and
regions are experiencing urbanization. [16] gave typology a TOD Regional Center, Urban

DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i18.4717 Page 238


Center TOD, TOD Suburban Center and Transit-Town TOD. In this study of TOD typology
is limited to Regional, Urban and Suburban with the following explanation:

4.2.1. Regional TOD

TOD with regional service centers, namely the development of the region as a center
of economic activity and regional community. This TOD creates synergy between
the community and the region, between work and settlement, between the level of
density and service, between individuals and society. identify the TOD Regional with
the presence of thematic land-use mix, with the dominance of the building environment
served by various modes of transportation in a network.

Figure 4: Landscape of Regional TOD.

4.2.2. Urban TOD

TOD with the city service scale, which is the character of urban development as the
primary functioning economic center in the main circulation path of the city such as
intercity bus stops and train stations both light rail and heavy rail. Urban TOD was
developed in conjunction with commercial functions that have high intensity, office
blocks, and high-density dwellings. Planning of TOD patterns have a high density
because it allows direct access to transit points without having to change other modes.

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Figure 5: Landscape of Urban TOD.

4.2.3. Suburban TOD

TOD as a sub-city service center. TOD located on the feeder bus lane is in a medium
density residential environment, public, service, retail and recreational facilities. Local
residences and shops must be adapted to the context of the environment and the level
of transit services. This concept also helps the development of housing for the middle
to lower class, with the possibility of mixing a variety of dwellings. Suburban TOD is
equipped with public facilities and green open spaces and provides easy access for
users of movement mode.

Figure 6: Landscape for Suburban TOD.

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4.3. Producing TOD typology based on the spatial model for JMR

The method used in this study is a data analysis from own previous research which has
resulted in a basic spatial model for urban transport planning. Data derived from actual
and potential TOD which are combined to produce an integrated map of TOD in JMR.
The method used for the analysis is multicriteria analysis to get actual TOD and the
land suitability evaluation method to get potential TOD. Both methods are supported by
AHP techniques to gain priority criteria values and GIS applications to explain spatial in
the map.
The evaluation of actual TOD produced the actual TOD index map in the JMR. Actual
TOD index means an assessment of the existing station and related to transportation
aspect. The unit of analysis carried out based on the node of the train station location,
which is explained by the index. The method is used in this study is a combination of
AHP and multicriteria analysis technique. The tools used are GIS application to display
the resulting map obtained.

Actual TOD means an actual or existing Potential TOD means a potential

condition of station (transportation) location for the new station (spatial)
Figure 7: Actual and Potential TOD.

The planning of potential TOD also from own previous research has been done by
with analysis unit is the whole area of JMR. Potential TOD means a potential location
for the new station and it relates to the spatial aspect. The method used is the land
suitability evaluation method involving 20 criteria to obtain a very potential area for
developing a new station. The study is done in more detail by using spatial statistical
analysis technique for getting the hotspot area which is very significant for a new TOD
station. The results obtained are many clusters of hotspots in the urban center ( Jakarta
downtown) and few in surrounding areas (Tangerang, Depok, and Bogor).
Figure 8 above shown a station typology of TOD based on actual and potential. This
typology is found in the administrative area of JMR. It describes TOD implementation in

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Figure 8: The typology of integrated TOD spatial model.

JMR based on its typology. Each type is taken one example of a station that represents
other stations of the same type, this scenario can be used as a model by the government
and related parties. Each type is represented by samples such as Sudirman station for
Regional TOD, Depok station for Urban TOD and Bojonggede station for Suburban TOD,
all these examples represent the whole type of TOD and stations spread throughout
the JMR.
Figure 9 above is the implementation of TOD typology into the transport planning in
JMR. The figure shows the difference in each station based on TOD typology where
the green color indicates the Urban TOD type, the blue indicates Suburban TOD and
the yellow color indicates Regional TOD. The application of TOD typology is the finding
that conducted in this study.

4.4. Planning scenarios of TOD typology in micro level

Planning TOD is intended for mixed housing or trading lands that are planned to
maximize access to public transport and are often added to other activities to encourage
the use of public transport modes. Allocation of land around station is developed with
difference of density level among buildings. The following Figure 10 shows the TOD
zonation in detail based on the distance calculated from the station as the center point.
Transit Oriented Development as a transportation development concept that syner-
gizes with spatial to accommodate new growth by strengthening residential environment

DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i18.4717 Page 242


Figure 9: Transport planning of JMR equipped by TOD typology.

Figure 10: TOD zonation.

and expansion of options and benefits, through the optimization of mass public transport
network making it easier for residents to access city resources. The following is a
proposed future planning scenario in micro level for the development of the area around
TOD applied in JMR region based on its typology.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

JMR is a metropolitan region including several surrounding cities with the centre is
Jakarta capital city. The railway network in the study area connected Tangerang, Depok,
Bekasi, and Bogor. Therefore, the TOD become a key actor as the station to service

DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i18.4717 Page 243


Table 3: TOD typology.

TOD typology
Regional Urban Suburban
200m 400m 800m 200m 400m 800m 200m 400m 800m
Sustainability requirement
Targeted Platinum Gold Silver Gold Gold Silver Gold Silver Bronze
rank of
Connectivity requirement
Maximum 75-120 75-150 120-150 75-120 120-150 150-180 120-150 150-180 120-240
length of
land (m)
Open space requirement
Width of 9-+14 7.5-+10 6-+8 8-+12 6-+10 6-+8 6-+10 6-+8 5-+8
paths (m)
Ratio of 10-15% 10-15% 10-15% 10-20% 10-20% 5-15% 10-20% 10-20% 10-20%
public open
Building regulation
FAR 5-10 3.5-6 1.2-1.8 3-5 2-4 1.2-1.8 2-4 1.5-2 1.2-1.8
Maximum 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
Maximum No No No 10 8 3 8 4 3
number of control control control
Active 70-100% 65-90% 50-80% 60-100% 50-80% <50% 60-90% 60-90% <40%
Land use
Ratio of 20% 30% 40% 45% 50% 70% 60% 75% 85%
Nature of Under- Under- Under- Under- Under- Over- Under- Multi Super-
parking ground/ ground/ ground/ ground/ ground/ ground ground floor ficial
multi multi multi multi multi
floor floor floor floor floor
For every 1.18-1.66 1.56-1.79 1.44-1.65 1.15-1.51 1.43-1.59 1.23-1.37 1.30-1.46 1.14-1.27 0.94-1.06
100 m2 out
of the total
built up

residential areas which cover all the regions. Implementation of the integrated TOD
spatial model is very helpful to overcome transportations issues. This study devel-
oped three type of TOD spatial model namely Regional, Urban and Suburban TOD.
It improves services the facilities of public transport service and provides important
support for JMR’s role as a leading metropolitan region. The conclusion is the planning

DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i18.4717 Page 244


of a spatial model of TOD typology help reducing congestion, improving waiting times
and overcoming commuter inconvenience.


This study was supported by Department of Urban and Regional Planning, King Abdu-
laziz University (KAU), Jeddah-Saudi Arabia and Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri
Semarang (UNS), Semarang, Indonesia.


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