Citypulse d2.2 Smart City Framework v2.3
Citypulse d2.2 Smart City Framework v2.3
Citypulse d2.2 Smart City Framework v2.3
Collaborative Project
Smart City Framework
Document Ref. D2.2
Workpackage WP2
Delivery of Version 1.0 M12 (31 August 2015)
Delivery of Updated Version 11 February 2016
Status Final
Version V2.3
On a very high level Smart City Framework (or simply the framework) can be shown in Figure 1. The
boundaries of the framework are the different interfaces (I/F in the figure) towards the applications
and towards the Information sources/sinks. The framework can be used as a tool to address smart city
issues and therefore it should be utilised by smart city related applications. Similarly, the framework
needs to use information sources and sinks related to a smart city. The figure shows that Internet of
Things (IoT) Sensors deployed in a city environment can be one type of source of real-time
information. Moreover, IoT Actuators can be the sinks of information coming from either the
framework or the applications. Another type of information source is the legacy information sources
provided already by a city e.g. Open Data portals, city GIS (Geographical Information System) data etc.
A City Information Sink represents the city infrastructure that the framework can use to store
processed information produced by the framework. Apart from information coming from sensors or
the City Information Sources, information about the situation in a city can originate from the citizens
themselves through the use of social media (e.g. twitter feeds). Therefore these sources are also
included as relevant inputs sources for the framework. The difference between these sources and the
1. Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Definition of the Smart City Framework ........................................................................................ 8
2.1 Smart City Framework stakeholders ............................................................................... 9
2.2 Stakeholder concerns ........................................................................................................ 9
2.2.1 Discussion .................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Baseline assumptions, scope and boundary conditions ............................................. 10
2.4 Contribution of Work Packages and stakeholder concerns ....................................... 12
3. Description of Work High Level architecture ............................................................................... 14
4. Smart City Framework Specification ............................................................................................ 15
4.1 Functional View ................................................................................................................ 16
4.1.1 Information Sources Functional Group ......................................................................... 16
4.1.2 Information Sinks Functional Group ............................................................................. 17
4.1.3 Large Scale Data Analysis Functional Group ............................................................... 17
4.1.4 Knowledge Base Functional Group .............................................................................. 19
4.1.5 Reliable Information Processing Functional Group ...................................................... 20
4.1.6 Reasoning and Decision Support Functional Group..................................................... 21
4.1.7 Actuation Functional Group .......................................................................................... 21
4.1.8 Exposure Functional Group .......................................................................................... 22
4.1.9 Framework Management Functional Group ................................................................. 22
1. Introduction
A city is a form of human habitat extremely diverse in terms of infrastructure and people. Smartness
is one of the qualifiers for a city that has mainly emerged from the Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) community. The term smart city is not well defined in the literature and subject to
interpretation according to the scope of activity that the term is used in. For the purposes of the
CityPulse project we choose to scope the term Smart City from [Holler14]. In summary according to
[Holler14] a Smart City is a city that utilizes ICT in order to a) efficiently manage existing infrastructure
and assist in development of new infrastructure, b) provide efficient services to citizens, c) enable
efficient organization of city authorities in order to deliver these efficient services to citizens in a
fashion that complies to the environmental mandates and d) enable the private and public sector to
develop new and innovative businesses that serve the citizens. A city contains a large number of
physical infrastructure and human capital that interacts with each other and motivates the
introduction of ICT:
a) A city contains semi-static physical or hard infrastructure for example roads, parks, buildings,
trains tracks, etc. This infrastructure needs to be monitored for efficiency and fault detection
b) A city contains energy, water and waste infrastructure in order to support living that
potentially need monitoring and control
c) A city involves humans, animals and things involved in the daily human activities which could
be supported by a city-wise ICT system
A city-wise ICT system supporting the city authorities, businesses and the citizens need to address a
few fundamental challenges:
In order for a smart city to become a reality and address the above challenges the general structure
of an ICT system supporting a smart city as well as a number of general guidelines about the smart
city ICT infrastructure should be provided. This structure and guidelines is what a “Framework”
encompasses in the context of this deliverable. The main reason for providing a framework as opposed
to specific architecture and technology recommendations is basically two fold: a) The diversity of the
cities in terms of their hard infrastructure and human capital and b) the ever changing nature and
The definition of a problem is the single most important step for moving towards the solution. Hence
the problem of the specification of the Smart City Framework (SCF) must start with the definition of
the framework itself. The definition contains information about the technical objectives of the
framework as stated in the CityPulse Description of Work (DoW), the description of the groups of
individuals that have a stake on the framework and a set of concerns manifested in requirements,
design goals and constraints. In addition, the framework should include the description of the scope
and baseline assumptions guiding the formation of the framework as well as the set of components
that comprise the SCF together with the relationship between the components. It should be noted
that not all parts of the SCF are finalized in this deliverable. Rather this deliverable aims at setting the
initial frame in which other work packages (WP) will develop throughout the course of the project.
The SCF reuses concepts from existing platforms, ICT networks and Internet of Things enablers to
develop and test a distributed framework for the semantic discovery and processing of large-scale
real-time IoT and relevant social data streams. The Smart City Framework aims at bridging the gap
between the related technologies and platforms (e.g. iCity platform[iCity]) and the higher-level
knowledge that is required from intelligent decision-making by citizens and city operation services.
While the existing solutions focus on publishing the data and creating service enablers to
interact/access to IoT infrastructures in the cities, the SCF focuses on integration and federation of IoT
(and social) data streams and provides processing and analysis mechanisms to aggregate, summarize
and create higher-level abstractions from myriad of multimodal streaming data. This provides a
mechanism for responding to real-time queries, and event detection and knowledge extraction and
discovery processes that are required by end users and city operators to make intelligent and
situation-aware decisions in different domains from daily-life tasks (e.g. commuting in the city) to
operation planning and maintenance.
The deliverable is structured as follows. Section 2 provides a high level definition of the Framework
covering the objectives of framework, the stakeholders and their concerns and the boundary
conditions for a smart city framework. Section 3 presents a high level view of the framework
originating from the description of work of the CityPulse project, which mainly covers work package
responsibilities. Section 4 describes in detail the Smart City Framework from a number of views
according to the current presentation style of modern architectures. Section 5 includes a description
of the main design concepts, which guided the Smart City Framework. Section 6 outlines the state of
the art in existing frameworks and finally Section 7 concludes the report.
• User differentiation: This criterion measures the impact (positive or negative of a scenario) to
citizen’s daily life as well as the degree of acceptance by the society.
• City Relevance: This criterion measures the degree that the scenario is relevant to a city.
• Data Streaming: This criterion measures whether or not the available data are streaming or
• Decision Support: This criterion indicates the level of complexity of the scenario
• Big Data: This criterion measures the existence of big data volumes and large number of
Deliverable D2.1 [CityPulse-D2.1] also produced a list of requirements relating the above criteria and
use cases. The relevant technical requirements for the Smart City Framework are the Data Streaming,
Decision Support and Big Data. Here we provide a consolidated list of the relevant requirements
written in technical language. Please note that the words “SHALL”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT” have
similar semantics as in the Internet Engineering task Force (IETF) Request For Comments (RFC)
documents [RFC2119]:
2.2.1 Discussion
The above technical requirement list as well as the selected scenarios from deliverable D2.1 were used
as a basis for the development of the SCF and to ignite further study for the different technical work
packages. Here we summarise some of the motivation of the choices of the SCF components based on
these individual WP studies.
Some of the selected scenarios deal with data and information created by people using mobile
applications or web interfaces. Some scenarios make an extensive use of simple physical sensors, e.g.
temperature or pollution sensors. Due to faulty sensors or intentionally provided misinformation the
data sets have to be evaluated before usage. To achieve this, all data sets are annotated with quality
values describing the grade of the provided information. The expected number of data streams on the
one side and limited memory and computation time on the other side require the use of incremental
algorithms to annotate data sets. To disregard incorrect information sources an additional reputation
has to be integrated into the framework that rates the trustworthiness of data sources over time and
allow applications to select the most proper and trusty data stream. Aggregation mechanisms have to
be applied to efficiently monitor a sensor’s past behaviour. Additionally, the integration of test
possibilities for new applications ensures that they are working correctly before they are used in the
real world environment.
Figure 2 – Smart City Framework scope
From the high level view of the framework we can make the following observations. Please note that
the words “SHALL”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT” have similar semantics as in the Internet Engineering
task Force (IETF) Request For Comments (RFC) documents[RFC2119]. For completeness we reiterate
here the main terms used below. "SHALL", means that the definition is an absolute requirement of
the specification. “SHOULD” means that mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular
circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully
weighed before choosing a different course. “SHOULD NOT” means that there may exist valid reasons
in particular circumstances when the particular behaviour is acceptable or even useful, but the full
1. The SCF SHOULD integrate online IoT Data Sources, online Social Media Sources as well as City
Information Sources, which are typically semi-static sources (for the definition of the semi-
static as opposed to real-time please see below). The interfaces (IoT, Social Media, City
Information interfaces) supported by the SCF for accessing these data sources SHOULD be
specified or recommendations SHOULD be provided by the project
2. The SCF SHALL support access to Smart City Information Sinks and SHALL specify the interfaces
(IoT Actuator, Social Media Sink, City Information Sink interfaces) towards these sinks.
3. The SCF SHOULD support Smart City Applications accessing the value added services that the
SCF provides by using the above-mentioned data sources. The interfaces for application
developers (Smart City Application interfaces) SHOULD be specified or recommendations
SHOULD be provided by the project
4. The SCF SHALL support Smart Framework management portals as a special type of application
accessing a special type of interfaces (Management Interfaces). The interfaces for
management application developers SHOULD be specified or recommendations SHOULD be
provided by the project
5. The SCF SHOULD provide recommendations or SHALL specify the internal SCF architecture
6. The SCF SHOULD provide recommendations or SHALL specify the internal SCF components
7. The SCF SHOULD NOT stretch in the domain of IoT Sources/Sinks, Social Media Sources/Sinks
or the City Information Sources/Sinks in other words, these technical areas are not concerns
of any SCF stakeholder. In other words, the SCF does not provide guidelines for which City
information sources should exist.
8. The SCF SHOULD NOT stretch to the domain of application frameworks for creating SCF
applications. In other words, the SCF does not provide guidelines for which City application
should exist.
The three different types of information sources (IoT , Social Media and City Information) are typical
representations of both real-time and semi-static information. By real-time information sources we
mean the sources that report relatively fast, i.e. from a few samples per day to a few samples per
second while by semi-static information sources we mean sources that report relatively slow or
contain non-changing information (e.g. city real estate property coordinates that may change on the
order of once per a few tens of years).
An initial mapping between these parts of the framework specification and the stakeholders, is given
in the table below. An “X” indicates that a stakeholder may be interested in the specific part of the
SCF because this part potentially addresses the specific stakeholder concerns. The City IT services are
interested in every facet of the framework and specific components since the need to know how the
system works in order to support other city departments, the city authorities or the citizens. The City
Departments as mainly users of the framework are mainly interested in the tools and applications
using the framework and the information model that these tools and application use. The City Decision
Makers as well as the citizens need to understand the framework mainly from the services it provides
to the citizens and therefore they are interested only the in tools and applications that the citizens
could use. The Third Party providers that could potentially contribute to the city with software in the
framework, tools and applications need to know the respective details as well as the information
models, interfaces and overall architecture in order to do the appropriate system integration.
City Stakeholders
Third party
Deliverable/Stakeholder City City Decision
City IT services providers
Departments makers
Recommendation documents
Overall architecture X X
Information models X X X
Software components X
Interfaces X X
Tools X X X X
Applications X X X X
One observation about the high level architecture from the DoW is that it does not address the issue
of actuation, information dissemination or storage. The DoW presents a CityPulse system as mainly a
data analytics system while a Smart City Framework is both an analytics and action framework at least
from a conceptual point of view. Therefore, the presentation of the SCF also includes the actuation,
information dissemination and storage functional components for the sake of completeness. However
the description of these components is rather high level as at the time of the writing of this report
there is no corresponding work plan for the project to address these components.
Smart Adaptation
IoT stream
Smart Control
of Semantics
WP3 Large-Scale Data Analysis
Data stream
Figure 3 – Smart City Framework high level architecture
• Functional View: This is a description of what the system does without providing details on
how and where the functions are realized.
• Interface and Information view: This is a description of how the different functional
components communicate with each other and how information is generated, how it flows
and how it is transformed in the framework. Typically in a system architecture description
each of these views is covered in a separate section but these views are quite similar for the
Figure 4 – Smart City Framework functional view
a) Internet of Things deployments which represent sensor and identification tag infrastructure
deployed in the city environment; these sources can be streaming asynchronously or they can
be polled
b) Social media sources that represent streaming text messages from social media such as
d) Internet of Things deployments which represent actuator and identification tag infrastructure
deployed in the city environment to which control commands can be dispatched (actuators)
or identification information could be written (tags). An example of an actuator is a city sign
that the city authorities use to push public announcements to the citizens.
e) Social media sinks that represent e.g. social media channels to which information could be
send (e.g. “main street is heavily congested”).
f) City information sinks that represent both static and dynamic information repositories about
the city that could potentially be updated by the SCF. An example of a city information sink is
a traffic congestion repository operated by the city authorities.
Virtualization Function
The virtualisation function (not necessarily a single software component) provides open APIs and
common services to publish real world data streams from IoT, social media and city information
sources, and create virtual representations of them. It uses the selected interfaces towards the data
sources and converts them into streams if applicable and if they are not already in this form. An
example of a source that could be converted into a stream but not originally offered as such is a sensor
that can only be polled. For the sources which cannot be converted into streams such as static
demographic data this function allows access to the related data with a request-response type of
interface. This function is responsible for the connectivity aspects of on-boarding new sources for
example reachability information (e.g. IP address), interface description, access control credentials,
etc. This function is also responsible for adaptation between a proprietary source interface and the
internal SCF interface that other components use.
This function performs semantic annotation to the virtualized streams or the responses of semi-static
information sources. In order to perform the semantic annotation this function utilises a knowledge
base of static and inferred facts about the information source (e.g. location), hence this function is
related to the Knowledge Base functional group. The output of the semantic annotation function is a
semantically annotated stream or semantically annotated response from the virtualized semi-static
information source.
This functional component is responsible for the integration and abstraction of the federated data
streams. Integration of relevant streams is performed by automatic discovery and binding of
streaming sources by the discovery component (not shown in the picture to avoid cluttering). The
Discovery component utilises a stream metadata store to automatically discover relevant data
streams and filters the discovered streams based on QoS/QoI constraints and preferences defined
within the application request. This component is also responsible for the integration of
heterogeneous data streams and (semi) static data sources to generate mashed up streams according
to the application requirement.
Event Detection
The output of the data aggregation model can vary over time. Especially in sensor networks or IoT
deployments the state of an observation is constantly changing and most likely following some
patterns. To perceive a concept or phenomena both the current and past states are required. To
model and include this time-dependent aspect of higher-level concept creation, we combine the
previous static model with machine learning techniques. Thus, it enables to use the abstractions
obtained from the data aggregation component to acquire events and processes that occur over a
certain amount of time. For instance, the congestion level of traffic changes during a day from normal
over busy and back to normal that represents a daily traffic pattern. Each of these patterns can be
modelled as a new state that eventually can be perceived as outliers. Finally, the event detection
component transforms observation and measurement data (originated from sensory devices) and
relations into higher-level abstractions to formalise concepts and knowledge from the underlying raw
data [Ganz13].
This function interfaces the requests from other functional groups, performs run-time management
of semantic annotation, aggregation and mash up and event filtering. It includes a Resource/Stream
Directory which manages metadata information about the information sources currently feeding
information to the framework, the virtualized streams or the virtualized semi-static information
sources, the aggregate and mashed up streams and their configuration (e.g. stream #5 is an aggregate
of streams #1 and #3 with the aggregation function #56), the event specifications and their
configurations etc.
Figure 5 – SCF Knowledge Base
This function interfaces all the other components and performs access to the stores in the Knowledge
base FG. The management component provides a unified access (end)-point to the information and
offers the means to update and alter resources during the workflow to allow components to update
and rectify parameters throughout their evaluation. The knowledge base (KB) contains all information
that is acquired through the SCF, which is deemed worthy to be stored. The knowledge base
represents the Meta information about the particular streams including provenance, QoI parameters
and the streaming data. The KB is represented as a semantic model that follows the linked data
approach to model and trace relations between parameters, stream sources and the data payload.
The data payload is partly stored in the Stream Datastore upon request. The Knowledge management
component serves as a single entry endpoint for all information related queries to avoid redundancies
and keep an integrated data model.
This is a store of the user profiles used for the user-centric decision support described later in the text.
The user storage models the relations between created and maintained streams and provides an
access control mechanism to provide rights management. The user-centric decision support refers to
decision support mechanisms that take into account the types of users (e.g. elderly people in a city
environment) making the requests to the SCF.
This is a store of selected semantically annotated streams generated by the Large Scale Data Analysis
FG i.e. semantically annotated virtualized streams, aggregated/mashed up streams or event streams.
Please note that not all the possible semantically annotated streams are stored here, only a selected
set. The configurations about which streams are stored exist in the Resource/Stream Management
function of the Large Scale Data Analysis FG.
This is a store of raw virtualized streams generated by the Large Scale Data Analysis FG. Please note
that not all the possible raw streams are stored here, only a selected set. The configurations about
This contains static/factual as well as inferred knowledge objects and rules. For example, it may
contain city map information annotated with road addresses as well as rules operating on this
knowledge to group certain parts of a city bounded certain roads into one city region with a specific
QoI Datastore
This store maintains the Quality of Information (QoI) and reputation results produced by the
Reputation and QoI Evaluation system Function described below.
This function is triggered by new events detected in the Large Scale Data Analysis FG. It updates the
QoI data for one or more corresponding data streams and also informs the Reasoning and Decision
Support FG about significant changes of the QoI in the data streams. The resulting QoI and reputation
describing a data stream is stored in the QoI Datastore. Other components are able to query the QoI
at the QoI Datastore. Also, new data streams can be registered with initial QoI values.
This function is responsible to test the reliability, robustness and performance of the Smart City
applications. It utilises (a subset of) the CityPulse Reference Data Set (will be described in D2.3)
injected as test data into the Virtualization component through the SCF interface. The Test
Management Function controls the Test Execution and also evaluates the availability and reliability of
information provided for applications as well as the application’s output.
Monitoring Function
This function observes data streams and detects outliers, violations against the QoI and other
inconsistencies, e.g. the breakdown of a data source. If necessary, e.g. because of mismatching QoI
requirements, the fault recovery function is informed. Unlike the testing this is done during runtime
and hence has to cope with large amounts of data. To avoid performance issues the monitoring
function therefore directly interacts with the stream virtualisation.
The adaptive functionality of this component lays in the ability of identifying and reacting to changes
in two different ways:
1) monitoring and detecting changes in Non-Functional Properties (NFP) at the service stream
level, to suggest changes in the discovery and binding process if due to such change, some
application-specific constraints on those properties are violated
2) monitoring events that might be relevant for the reasoning task to be performed, matching
those events against contextual requirements and user profiles to determine whether they
refer to a relevant change in the real world or they need to be filtered out (this operation
might need feedback from the user)
This functional block is in charge of reasoning about events that are relevant for a particular task.
These events are detected by the adaptive reasoning functional block. The Decision Support functional
block has different reasoning modules that are application dependent (such as a module that
computes the optimal path from one location to another, according to some constraints and
preferences specified by the user explicitly or implicitly derived by users’ profiles), and will also provide
a generic module to incorporate (implicit and explicit) usage patterns, contextual information and
configuration preferences to provide support to decisions. The Decision Support functional block is
also including the functionalities that allow deriving and updating user profiles.
Visualization Function
User feedback will be considered and specific modalities to personalize users’ experience will be
The virtualisation function (not necessarily a single software component) provides open APIs and
common services to allow access to heterogeneous control commands or sinks of information. This
function is responsible for the connectivity aspects of on-boarding new sinks for example reachability
information (e.g. IP address), interface description, access control credentials, etc. This function is also
responsible for adaptation between a proprietary sink interface and the internal SCF interface that
other components use.
The actuation management function provides the execution environment of the decomposition of
complex actuation tasks to simple actuation commands for the actuators or the information sinks. For
example a complex actuation task could be to turn off the streetlights for a specific street. This
complex actuation task is decomposed into single commands to individual streetlights on the specific
street. This function also includes concurrency control of multiple actuation requests to the same
actuator/sink. This function includes metadata information/descriptions about the actuators or
information sinks as well as description of complex actuation tasks and their decomposition into
simpler actions.
The fault management function is responsible for the detection and resolution of faults in the
framework. It is assumed that this function handles the escalation of faults and exceptions coming
from other framework functions and it typically involves a human operator for the fault resolution.
The configuration management function maintains the configuration of the framework and allows
other functions to read and write this configuration. This function also contains a software repository
for the framework software components.
The accounting management maintains statistics and accounting figures for the operation of each
framework component as well the interactions between framework components and the interactions
across the smart city framework. The purpose of this function is to assist any charging and billing
system based on usage statistics. This function may be redundant when no charging of the framework
usage is expected.
Performance Management
The performance management function is responsible for the collection and analysis of performance
statistics for the operation of the framework. For example a smart city application request may take
too long to be processed in the framework and therefore its end-to-end delay performance will be
poor. Performance management is typically used along with configuration management in order to
improve poor performing systems.
The Security and Privacy management function is responsible for the secure operation of the whole
framework as well as the necessary privacy preservation functions. This function includes components
such as an Authentication (which in turn includes Identity Management), Authorization (access control
rules and enforcement thereof), Key management (for all the authentication/encryption keys involved
in the framework), Trust and Reputation, Privacy Preservation, etc. This function is presented in more
detail in the Security and Privacy view below.
The virtualisation component is introduced to facilitate seamless access and management of sensor
observation and measurement data based on semantic web technologies. It defines an interface in
which sensor services can collaborate and cooperate to support data access and integration from
different sensor networks and application services that provides the real world information for
intelligent decision making. With the semantic descriptions and service interfaces, it enables
unconstrained access to large-scale and distributed sensor services across heterogeneous sensor
Figure 6 – Information flow of the Large Scale Data Analysis FG
The middleware component is represented with double line arrows in the information flow view,
which enables delivery of large volume of data that can influence the performance of the smart city
systems that use IoT data. The data wrappers manage the communication protocol with the sensors
and provide sensor observations into the system in an effort to annotate them using ontologies.
However, while IoT applications are distributed systems, there's two crucial points that needs to be
accomplished for the communication between the components of the framework. Firstly, the data
coming from the data wrappers has to be passed through to the data processing components such as
the Reliable Information Processing and the Semantic Annotation. Since the components can be
developed on different platforms there is a need for a unified, platform neutral format for the
Semantic Annotation
Describing the obtained data stream for interoperability or facilitated search is the core objective of
semantic annotation component, as many information management tools. However, the amount of
traffic generated by Smart City applications can be voluminous, particularly for real time applications
in environments with resource constrains devices, for example sensors with limited bandwidth,
memory or power. Therefore, the information model that is being used by the system not only needs
to explicitly represent the meaning and relationships of terms in vocabularies but also should be
lightweight in order to reduce the traffic and processing time. In this component, we use a lightweight
information model to annotate sensory data, which is based on well-known models such as SSN[SSN]
and IoT.est[Wang12].
This component enables automated discovery and federation of the heterogeneous data by
determining relevant sensor data sources and their processing techniques. An event request
containing functional requirements (e.g. type of sensors) and non-functional requirements (e.g.
QoI/QoS constraints and preferences) is received by this component. Discovery component processes
the event request and discovers the relevant data source by utilising knowledge base containing
stream description and their QoI/QoS values. Once the relevant data sources are determined, the
federation component integrates the semantically annotated data streams according to the user
requests. Various optimisation techniques (e.g. indexing and caching) are also applied to efficiently
integrate relevant stream as well as static data sources. Federation component generates mashed up
data streams as an output.
Data Aggregation
Data aggregation and compression are the most important remedies utilized to decrease
communication traffic in IoT. Data aggregation or data fusion can help to extract meaningful features
from collected sensor streams. Another method to reduce the communication traffic for the sensory
data is to reduce the size of the messages. This can be applied using data compression algorithms.
However, compressing the data itself could lead to a loss of information (in lossy compression) and
the compression techniques can require higher power consumption as it might require data
processing before transmission, and in long term observations (e.g. environmental monitoring
applications) compression techniques can still produce large amounts of data [Kimura05]. Chen et al.
[Chen09] give an overview about approaches that create a summarised data stream of a set of sensory
data streams and use the aggregated data for transmission. The aggregation of the data usually relies
on the mathematical sum, max, min, average and count aggregate functions [Jesus11]. In large
In this component, we perform local data processing and create higher-level data abstractions that
can be communicated globally. We process the stored raw sensory data using the Knowledge
Acquisition Toolkit ([KAT]), which is designed to extract and represent human understandable
information from raw data. The toolkit includes a collection of algorithms ranging from data and signal
pre-processing algorithms such as Frequency Filters, dimensionality reduction techniques such as PCA,
Wavelets, FFT, SAX, and Feature Extraction and Abstraction and Inference methods such as Clustering,
Classification and Logical Reasoning.
Event detection
While the state of sensor observations are continually changing and most likely following some
patterns, we use the event detection component in order to perceive a concept or phenomena using
both the current and past states. To model and include this time-dependent aspect of higher-level
concept creation, we use machine learning methods to acquire events and processes that occur over
a certain amount of time. For instance, the state of a road traffic or congestion (e.g. busy, normal,
low), that occurs in various regions, can be modelled in the event detection component based on
several abstractions inferred during the day, and derivations from this pattern can lead to a new event
observation that eventually can be provided to the real-time intelligence layer.
Domain Reference
User Profiles
Knowledge Data Set fetchTestData
Technical Adaptation
generateEstimatedEvents Conflict Resolution &
Fault Recovery
register/getStreamQuality QoI
Figure 7 – Reliable Information Processing architecture
The reliable information processing consists of the following components which are shown in Figure
7 and described in detail in the following:
The Reputation & QoI Evaluation System is the main component of the reliable information
processing. It is responsible for the active evaluation of QoI for data sources and their steady adaption
triggered by events that could be sent by the monitoring components and the event management
components of other CityPulse framework modules. In contrast to the simpler monitoring
components the Evaluation System has a complete view about all data sources and can find additional
relationships between the data sources. With additional historical data is possible to adapt the QoI
and save them to the QoI Datastore. In addition the reputation of data sources is calculated to
maintain the trustworthiness of different data sources. Both the QoI and the reputation of a source
The monitoring module consists of two components. The Atomic Monitoring is responsible for
watching one single data stream for inconsistencies. As an example a data stream for an indoor
temperature sensor should only deliver temperatures between 10 and 40 degrees. Otherwise there
might be something strange happen or the sensor has a defect. Additionally the Atomic Monitoring
could apply an incremental time series analysis to the data streams to model an expected behaviour
of the delivered information. Because of the fact that the monitoring needs direct access to the data
streams it is placed near the virtualisation of the stream.
In contrast to the Atomic Monitoring that watches the RAW data of one stream the Correlation
Monitoring combines some Atomic Monitoring components and watches the abstract values that are
delivered. Bases on entity-, time- and geospatial- relationships the different Atomic Monitoring
components are aggregated and checked for plausibility. With the Correlation Monitoring it is possible
to detect faulty information sources within a group of data sources by comparison with other group
The conflict resolution and fault recovery component is triggered when one or several streams, used
by an application, are not able to ensure the same QoI parameters (as were specified when the
application was instantiated). Its role is to temporary generated estimated events for the above
mentioned streams. Different interpolation methods and prediction models will be used for
generating the estimated events. The interpolation methods are used when there are similar data
sources in the surrounding area of the “faulty” data stream. If there are no other streams in the
surrounding area a prediction model will be used instead. In this case fault recovery component will
cache the events generated by the data source in the previous period (defined by the domain expert,
e.g. one hour) and using this data will generate the predictions.
The fault recovery component generates the estimated events only for a short period of time. If the
problem persists (the QoI of the stream was not restored to the initial value) the adaptation
component triggers the resource discovery component to find an alternative data source.
The additional test module adds the possibility to test new CityPulse applications. Therefore a
reference data set is used. Driven by the use of the TestManagement component the data set is
injected via the TestExecution into the Virtualisation layer of the CityPulse framework. The correct
function of the new application is then evaluated through some evaluation interfaces. The whole
testing component is designed to get used within the design time of a new application prior to
deployment for public usage.
The flow is initiated by a user request, coming from the smart city application via the visualization
component of the Reasoning and Decision Support FG.
The implicit user profile and the explicit application request and user requirements as well as
background knowledge are mapped to a machine-readable format (XML-like) and passed onto the
Decision Support component. The Decision Support component triggers a request for relevant up-to-
date data to the stream discovery service, which comply with user preferences and initial application
requirements based on NFP (e.g. accuracy, time of response, and other QoI parameters). The response
to such request is passed back to the Decision Support component that provides an initial response to
the visualization component for the user.
At this point two adaptive mechanisms are triggered till the user completes the task (e.g. gets to a
destination along a path):
1. Technical Adaptation: this component receives notifications from the QoI interface in
WP4 whenever there are some changes in the QoI of the streaming sources that have
been selected by the Data Federation and Mash-up component to provide data; when
such notified changes are in contrast with the QoI of sources selected for the
composition plan that is providing answers to the application request, a request for
adaptation and re-discovery of new more suitable sources is requested to the
Federation component.
2. Unexpected event detection (and contextual filtering): as soon as the initial answer is
provided to the user, the Decision Support component subscribes to a set of events
that are related to the reasoning task (e.g. for travel planner task, accidents or road
works might be relevant events). When any of such event is detected, the Event
Manager sends a notification to the Contextual Filtering component; the Contextual
Filtering component considers the user-dependent query response generated initially
to determine if the relevant event is potentially critical and, if so, generates a trigger
for a new data request to the Data Retriever, and communicates a list of critical events
to the Decision Support component to perform a new computation and provide
updated results to the user.
Stream Reasoning
profile Learning
Visualization Query
User-centric Decision Support
Information Composition
Processing Plan
Figure 9 – Actuation FG interface and information view
Since the focus of the CityPulse project is on the analytics functionality rather than the security and
privacy concerns, we choose to rely on the state of the art techniques for addressing these concerns
rather than re-invent existing work.
With respect to privacy there are only a few potential entry and exposure points of private user-
related information that the SCF needs to address. Private user-related information may enter the SCF
through: a) though user registrations that result in the user profiles being stored in the Knowledge
Base, b) the information sources (IoT, social media, city information sources). Moreover potentially
private information (e.g. user profile information or stream data) may be exposed to CityPulse
applications though the CityPulse API. User profiles as already described in deliverable D5.1 [CityPulse-
D5.1] are stored for the sole purpose to assist the decision support mechanisms and through access
control mechanisms (Authorization function) they are shared only to their owners. Aggregation
techniques are used to create the profiles of groups of users (aggregate user profiles), which are
shared to any CityPulse application through the CityPulse API if the application needs this information
(e.g. “users between the ages of 20-40 prefer specific kinds of information”).
With respect to the information sources the city information sources are assumed and expected to be
void of personal user information and thus the IoT and social media sources might be the source for
any privacy concern. Below we present a discussion on the specific security and privacy aspects of the
IoT and social media streams and how the state of the art can be used to address these concerns.
In general we can assume that the SCF does not expose (via the Exposure FG) individual raw stream
data (either IoT or social media data) since the Large Scale Data Analysis FG and Reasoning & Decision
Support FG are expected to aggregate and fuse the streams thus removing any personal information.
Examples of enabling technologies for aggregation are summarization techniques (via machine
learning) are data cubes [DataCubes].
Moreover semantically annotated IoT streams (in the Large Scale Data Analysis FG) can re-use the
standardisation efforts by both the W3C [W3C] and OASIS [OASIS] with respect to privacy for web data
since annotated IoT streams do not differ radically from annotated web data. The relevant standards
(including WebID [WebID] as well as Access control languages like XACML [XACML]) have been
enhanced or adapted through semantic technologies and they fulfil the requirement for a secure and
privacy-preserving SCF.
The social data within the context of the CityPulse project are expected to be collected from social
media sources via open APIs (e.g. Twitter API) and/or user submitted information via smart devices
(e.g. an app running on users mobile devices). Typically this kind of social information collected from
sources such as Twitter is often in natural text form as shown in Figure 10. The motivation behind the
use of social media streams in the context of Smart Cities is to provide a comprehensive view of events
in a city (complementing other modalities such as observations provided by the IoT resources). Twitter
(a microblogging platform) has developed into a near real-time source of information spanning
heterogeneous topics of varying importance. With over 500 million users world-wide, Twitter
generates 500 million tweets a day.
Figure 10 – Tweets reporting various concerns about a city spanning power supply, water quality, traffic jams,
and public transport delays
Increasingly, tweets do provide interesting and vital information such as status of public transport,
traffic and environmental conditions, public safety, and general events in a city. The CityPulse project
attempts to address the following research questions: a) how city infrastructure related events can be
extracted from tweets, b) how event and location knowledge bases can be exploited for event
extraction and c) how accurate the extraction of the city events is from tweets.
However users who have published Twitter data also have profiles on the SCF and sometimes with
their real name and even with their location. Even though the Twitter data is public this public data
can still be personal. Privacy in this context is an important issue. The project will consider different
approaches to address this issue. We will not develop new methods and do research in privacy
preservation but will use the state-of-the-art solutions to address the privacy issues.
A few key steps are considered in using social data from in CityPulse. For city event analysis it is
expected that tweets will be stripped off user identification information resulting in a stream of data
which includes only the text, time, location and other relevant metadata. Moreover the resulting
stream of text is tagged via an automated process. An example of the result of the removal or personal
information and the tagging of a tweet is shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11 – A sample twitter text with annotation regarding the topic and location
However, tweets can still contain information about persons, location and other data that can make
a person identifiable or refer to an event that has some privacy concerns. To address this issue, a social
data analysis method is expected to use a pre-defined taxonomy of the events (i.e. an event ontology)
in which only the events defined in this taxonomy will be identified and reported. These events will
be generic for example accident, fire, traffic jam, air pollution, slow moving traffic and the event report
will only contain the event “concept”, start and end time and the location of the event. Figure 12
shows how location of an event is expected to be reported without any personal identification
information. For internal trust and reliability issues there might be a pre-analysis of the collected data
before submitting it to our event analysis but this analysis will take place close to the social media
source and will not store the personal information.
Figure 12 – Reporting location and using Geo-hashing for defining boundary of an event
Figure 13 shows a set of sample event concepts, which we are using for social data analysis. The results
of the latter work will be reported in WP3 and here we only show the event concepts to clarify the
privacy issues. Figure 14 shows a set of events that will be reported after the social media analysis.
Figure 14 – A set of events in a social data analysis scenario
In the above we discussed an approach that we have taken in the project for privacy preservation in
reporting the city incidents using the social data; however there still could be other security and
privacy issues and concern depending on the use-case and how the data is going to be collected and
4.3.4 Discussion
Overall for both IoT and social data source, there are several state-of-the-art techniques for
aggregation, anonymisation and privacy preservation that can be used in the CityPulse SCF.
During implementation of the use-cases we will analyse the privacy and security requirements (the
privacy issues in non-technical terms are already included in the use-case scenarios reported in D2.1
[CityPulse-D2.1]) and we will provide an application level privacy and security solution for the use-
cases and will report on the best practices.
Figure 15 – Mapping a subset of the CityPulse functional components to the IoT-A reference architecture
The implications of mapping the Smart City Framework components to the IoT-A are:
1) IoT-A only covers IoT related functional components. Other CityPulse SCF components that
are not IoT-specific are mapped to the Application Functional Group of the IoT-A architecture.
2) The SCF components mapped to IoT-A functional groups IoT-Service, Virtual Entity (VE),
Service Organization and IoT Process Management are assumed to follow a Service Oriented
Architecture principle. In turn this means that these components expose service interfaces
that can be invoked by any other service in the SCF and the requirement that the service
interfaces are registered into a service registry so that they are discoverable.
3) The SCF components mapped to the IoT-A functional groups IoT-Service, Virtual Entity (VE),
Service Organization and IoT Process Management are assumed to expose their interfaces to
any other SCF components in the SCF. The motivation is that the FGs IoT-Service VE Service,
Service Organization and IoT Process Management are assumed in the IoT-A architecture to
expose their services to the applications i.e. high level components.
The CityPulse SCF components that relate to the IoT-A functional architecture view are the following:
1) IoT Sources and IoT Actuators map to the IoT-A Device functional group since these are
typically the sensors and actuators deployed in a city environment. Moreover Social Media
Sources that report IoT-related information can also be conceptually mapped in the IoT-A
Device FG in the sense that e.g the mobile phone used for reporting e.g. a fire can be
considered an IoT “sensor” for fires.
While the rest of the document includes the Smart City Framework design at the end of the first year
of the CityPulse project, this section describes an update of the framework at the end of the second
year. This update is not required according to the DoW, nevertheless the project decided to publish it
as a courtesy to the research community. The update reflects the impact of the results of the individual
work packages on the system architecture and the update should be considered as the CityPulse final
architecture. Figure 16 below shows the updated functional architecture annotated with the
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for each functional component. The description of the
functions and the APIs is provided below. Please note that the APIs are described in natural language
and not in a specific programming language although some information may exist about the
implementation details of selected functions. A subset of these APIs are either already implemented
or will be implemented in in the CityPulse prototype platform.
The Resource management component is responsible for managing all Data Wrappers. During runtime
an application developer or the CityPulse framework operator can deploy new Data Wrappers to
include data from new data streams. Furthermore deployed Data Wrappers can be deactivated or
removed from the system. For a definition of the Data Wrapper please see below.
Figure 16 – Update of the Smart City Framework at the end of year two (2) of the project
A Data Wrapper is the gateway of a data stream into the CityPulse framework. Depending on the type
of stream, transport technology or the stream data format many different Data Wrappers may exist.
Basic information about the stream is provided via a SensorDescription. A SensorDescription also
holds all required information for the semantic annotation of the stream and observations.
Operational details are implemented extending a set of abstract classes in the programming language
Python. Often required features, such as periodic pulling of data from a HTTP resource, have been
developed within the CityPulse project and can be used directly. The implementation along with a
deployment descriptor can be bundled and transferred to the Resource Management via the Resource
Management API.
The Data Aggregation component deals with large volumes of data using time series analysis and data
compression techniques to reduce the size of raw sensor observations that are delivered by data
wrappers. This allows reducing the communication overhead in the CityPulse framework and helps
performing more advanced tasks in large scale, such as clustering, outlier detection or event detection.
To effectively access and use sensor data, the semantic representation of the aggregations and
abstractions are crucial to provide machine-interpretable observations for higher-level interpretations
of the real world context. To date, most of the smart city frameworks transmit raw sensor data and
lack energy efficient time series analysis as well as granular semantic representation of the temporal
and spatial information for the aggregated data.
Data Federation
The main objective of the Data Federation component is to compose sensor streams and respond to
explicit user/application queries over the streams. The sensor streams are modelled as primitive event
services and the query is modelled as a complex event pattern. Users/Applications can also specify
their non-functional requirements as QoS constraints and preferences.
Event Detection
The Event Detection component is generic and can be used to detect relevant events for the city by
processing the sensor streams. The component has a Java API, which allows the user to define custom
made event detection patterns.
Contextual Filtering
The Contextual Filtering component aims at providing adaptive feedback to the users by triggering
new configurations that take into account the potential effect of detected events and user's context.
The application developers can trigger the filtering mechanism in order to obtain the critical events,
which affect a user based on her/his context. They can also rank these critical events by providing the
logic of ranking factors (eg. the closer (temporal) events are, the more critical they are).In detail,
developers need to provide UserActivity, InterestArea, Effects, and RankFactors with their total order
as input of the function startCF(UserActivity, InterestArea, Effects, RankFactors) in order to obtain the
ContextualEvent with the criticality.
Decision Support
The Decision Support component supports decision-making that takes into account the user-centric
factors and usage patterns. User-centric factors such as handling user requirements, preferences and
previous application usage patterns will enable goal-driven customisation of smart city applications
and provide dedicated decision-making support to users.
The Fault Recovery component is strongly integrated in the Data Wrapper component. When the Fault
Recovery is turned on, an instance of FaultRecovery component is triggered for estimating the
observations when the stream quality is low.
Atomic Monitoring
The Atomic Monitoring component is strongly integrated into the Data Wrapper. After some initial
processing steps on the received data by the wrapper, an instance of the Atomic Monitoring is called
to calculate the quality.
Composite Monitoring
The composite monitoring provides the validation of events by comparing them to correlated streams
that could affect or be affected by the event. This data evaluation will be triggered automatically if
resources are available but can also be triggered manually via an API, which allows evaluating a certain
event. The API can also be used to update the models of potentially affected service categories.
This component allows spatiotemporal searches for related events and streams. It allows access to
the geo data infrastructure, which is based on Openstreetmap and gives access to the multimodal
routing tool.
Technical Adaptation
The Technical Adaptation component monitors the QoS performance of the queries registered at the
Data Federation component and make adjustments when necessary. The recovery and adjustments
can be transparent to the user/application. Currently the technical adaptation module is tightly
coupled with the ACEIS engine and provides an API to specify the mode of the adaptation as follows:
6. State of the Art
This section presents the state of the art on smart city frameworks as defined for this deliverable. The
existing work does not have exactly the same aims as the CityPulse project and therefore covers parts
of the targeted functionality by CityPulse.
The Smart City Framework aims at bridging the gap between the related technologies and platforms
(e.g. iCity platform[iCity]) and the higher-level knowledge that is required from intelligent decision-
making by citizens and city operation services. While the existing solutions focus on publishing the
data and creating service enablers to interact/access to IoT infrastructures in the cities, the SCF
focuses on integration and federation of IoT (and social) data streams and provides processing and
6.1 KAT
The Knowledge Acquisition Toolkit [KAT] is designed to support the process of knowledge acquisition
from numerical sensory data. It aims to provide a toolkit that is able to extract and represent human
understandable and/or machine interpretable information from raw data.
The toolkit includes a collection of algorithms on each step of the acquisition workflow ranging from
data and signal pre-processing algorithms such as Frequency Filters, dimensionality reduction
techniques such as PCA, Wavelets, FFT, SAX, and Feature Extraction and Abstraction and Inference
methods such as Clustering, Classification and Logical Reasoning. KAT can be used to design and
evaluate algorithms for sensor data that aim to extract and find new insights from the data.
6.2 GSN
Global Sensor Networks (GSN)[GSN] provides a generic platform for deploying sensor networks and
processing data produced by the sensor network in a distributed fashion.
GSN achieves this goal by supporting rapid and simple deployment of a wide range of sensor network
technologies, facilitating the flexible integration and discovery of sensor networks and sensor data,
enabling fast deployment and addition of new platforms, providing distributed querying, filtering, and
combination of sensor data, and supporting the dynamic adaption of the system configuration during
The development of GSN is based on the observation that most of the requirements between the
software platforms developed for sensor networks are similar, and it offers virtual sensors as a simple
and powerful abstraction which enables the user to declaratively specify XML-based deployment
descriptors in combination with the possibility to integrate sensor network data through plain SQL
queries over local and remote sensor data sources.
6.3 iCity
The European project iCity [iCity] provides a framework for smart cities to create, deploy and operate
services that utilise publically available information from digital assets and infrastructures. iCity
extends the idea of Open Data and approaches to develop Open Infrastructures where public users
can access and use the information from ICT networks that are deployed in the cities. The project
provides tools and mechanisms for the third party service developers to enable sharing and ac-cessing
the infrastructure and the data from the smart cities to the end-users and city authorities. In overall
iCity provides a platform for smart cities to share their information and provide access to the city
infrastructures. The platform will enable third parties to develop services that access and use this
information. The project is expected to create a set of services for public interest (e.g. mobile apps,
web services) created by third parties or end-users that will be offered through the iCity Platform. iCity
also aims to make the users involved in creation and utilisation of the services on the iCity platform.
6.5 IoT.est
The European project IoT.est [IoT.est] aims at developing an IoT service creation environment whilst
bridging the gap between various business services and the heterogeneity of networked sensors,
actuators and objects. The approach employs semantic service descriptions to compose IoT services
and derive corresponding functional conformance tests, semi-automatically. To enable IoT
integration, a consistent service concept is specified. The implemented platform enables re-usage of
atomic IoT services by composing them with the use of BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation).
6.6 OpenIoT
The European project OpenIoT [OpenIoT] aims at providing an Open Source Blueprint for large scale
self-organizing cloud environments for IoT Applications. Besides enabling the concept of “Sensing-as-
a-service” and providing efficient ways to manage cloud environments in IoT context via utility-based
IoT services, OpenIoT also includes a middleware platform and tools for development of cloud-based
IoT applications. Such platform blends IoT with semantic technologies (based on SSN ontology) for
better interoperability, and supports virtually any sensor type available, including physical and virtual
sensors. Furthermore, the platform provides access to an enhanced version of GSN (X-GSN), includes
several visual tools and supports the implementation of on-demand IoT services. The OpenIoT
architecture is a practical instantiation of the IOT-A[IoT-A] / IERC[IERC] ARM.
6.7 S-Cube
The European Network of Excellence S-Cube [S-Cube] exploited the synergy and learning effects across
traditional research boundaries, and devised an integrated set of principles, techniques and methods
for engineering, adapting and monitoring hybrid service based applications, while guaranteeing end-
to-end quality provision and SLA conformance.
6.8 PLAY
The European project PLAY [PLAY] aimed at revolutionising the way that People, Things and Services
cooperate in the Future Internet by enabling ubiquitous exchange of information between
heterogeneous services in large scale distributed environments. It proposed the idea of situational-
The framework provides interconnected IoT infrastructure and physical deployment of IoT in the
following cities: Santander, Guildford, Lubeck and Belgrade. It supports secure IoT communication
providing support for various experiments. The SmartSantander testbed consists of four subsystems,
which operate across a set of different devices (IoT,Gateway and Testbed server nodes) providing
different characteristics and capabilities, as follows: Authentication, Authorization and Accounting;
Testbed management; Experimental support; Application support.
The European project SPITFIRE [SPITFIRE] project aims to facilitate the efficient development of
robust, interoperable and scalable applications in the Internet of Things. The SPITFIRE key objectives
include: enabling search, interpretation and transformation of low level data on the basis of its explicit
semantics, and developing a common semantic abstraction of the real world entities. The Service
model and event-handling in SmartCity may benefit from the approaches developed in SPITFIRE
project. However, the focus of the CityPulse project goes beyond providing IoT abstraction layer.
CityPulse plans to provide an open service market matchmaking platform making both IoT and various
data streams discoverable taking into the account environmental dynamics. CityPulse will provide
support for reactive, smart applications allowing building smarter and real-world driven applications.
7. Conclusion
This report presented the CityPulse Smart City Framework, a high level architecture of the CityPulse
technical components, how they are related and how they interact with each other. The SCF is an
initial step for other CityPulse work packages to set a common language and common boundaries of
the individual innovations as well as city stakeholders as a general map of the innovations that the
project will contribute with. However the SCF specification describes more functionality than intended
from the description of work and therefore this functionality will not be explored or detailed further
within the technical work packages (WP3-WP6). For example a large part of the framework
management and management applications are not expected to be developed further in research
because they may already be covered by state of the art techniques. Nevertheless the framework as
specified in this report covers the promised description of work and it has already been used by
individual work packages other than WP2, for their internal system architecture definitions.
FC Functional Component
FG Functional Group
FP Functional Properties
I/F Interface
KB Knowledge Base
VE Virtual Entity
VO Virtual Object
WP Work package
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