Toughening of Epoxy Adhesives by Nanoparticles PDF
Toughening of Epoxy Adhesives by Nanoparticles PDF
Toughening of Epoxy Adhesives by Nanoparticles PDF
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With the emergence and commercialization of nanoparticles, new opportunities have
ening of epoxy adhesives using nanoparticles without sacrificing strength, rigidi
temperature, as is the case with conventional elastomeric tougheners. Inorganic F
disulfide (IF-WS2) nanoparticles and functionalized nano-POSS (Polyhedral-Oligomeric
were used to study the effects of nanoparticles on the toughening and mechanical
high temperature curing epoxy systems. Experimental results indicated that IF-WS2 i
toughness by more than 10 fold in both epoxy systems at very low concentrations (
increasing its storage modulus and preserving its glass transition temperature. Epo
demonstrated an increase in toughness in addition to preserving rigidity and therm
concentrations (3 wt%). It was postulated that chemical interaction of the sulfide
the inherent properties of WS2 were the decisive factors with respect to the outsta
case IF-WS2.
Nano-toughening, epoxy adhesives, POSS, WS2
1. Introduction
2, Experimental
Gc = : ^ — , (1)
2B da
where PQ — the critical load for crack initiation, C — the specimen's
B — the width of the specimen and a — the crack length. Here dC/da is
da EsB\h^ ' hj'
where is the elastic modulus of the beam and h is half the thick
bonded DCB specimen. These A S T M equations do not take into account t
sive parameters. Fracture toughness was also evaluated using Penado'
Gc =
h\ 3 /h'
Tables 1 and 2 summarize the results of shear and peel adhesion str
low-temperature and high-temperature curing epoxies with IF-WS2 nano
can be seen, there is an optimal concentration of nanoparticles, a
both systems, where the shear strength and peel strength reach a m
The Tg of both high- and low-temperature curing systems did not ch
WS2 was incorporated i n the whole concentration range studied. The
Figure 2. (a) SEM image of octaphenyl functionalised POSS (x8000), (b) SEM im
functionalised POSS (x 8000) and (c) SEM image epoxy functionalised POSS (x 8000
Table 1.
Shear (kg/cm-^) and peel (N/mm) strengths of low-temperature epoxy/rF-WS2 systems
Table 2.
Shear (kg/cm^) and peel strengths (N/mm) of high-temperature epoxy/IF-WS2 system
- A
Failure modes: adhesional
— or interfacial,
— cohesive,
C M — mixed.
Table 3.
Shear strength ^)
of low-temperature epoxy resin/POSS systems
Table 4.
Peel strength (N/mm) of low-temperature epoxy resin/POSS systems
Table 5.
Shear (kg/cm^) and peel (N/mm) strengths for various high-temperature epoxy/POSS
timal concentrations
Table 6.
Tg values of low-temperature epoxy resin with optimal concentrations of POSS
Table 7.
Tg (°C) values of high-temperature epoxy resin with POSS
The impact strength for low temperature curing epoxy with various co
and functionalities o f POSS and IF-WS2 are summarized i n Figs 3 and
seen that the impact resistance, at optimal concentration, increase
150% for POSS at 3 w t % and by more than 200% for IF-WS2 at 0.3 w
failures were cohesive i n the adhesive. The failure surface was roug
in appearance. For comparison, a set of impact adhesion samples w
using a toughened epoxy film adhesive ( F M 73, Cytec) cured at 120°
gave impact strength of 9.5 N m , which equals the results obtained w
IF-WS2 filled epoxy adhesives.
3 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
POSS (wt%)
2 "1 1 ' 1 1
Table 8.
(J/m^) of POSS/epoxy (low temp.) nanocomposites calculated with the ASTM equati
nado model
Table 9.
GQ (J/m^) of IF-WS2/epoxy (low temp.) nanocomposites, cal-
culated with the ASTM equation and Penado model
0 196 255
0.3 1276 1540
0.5 514 580
1.0 511 636
2.0 452 493
Table 10.
Gc (J/m^) of IF-WS2/epoxy (high temp.) nanocomposites, cal-
culated with the ASTM equation and Penado model
0 588 511
0.3 2903 2328
0.5 1098 965
1.0 433 403
3.0 493 452
5.0 1156 916
- 1 0 ^im
20 lam
I 1
I 1
1 \x.m
Figure 14. Impact failure surface for 0.3 wt% IF-WS2/epoxy (roughness).
4. Conclusions
9. H. Dodiuk and S. Kenig, in: Proc. Adhesion. Soc. Meeting, Wilmington, NC, p. 5
10. H. Dodiuk-Kenig, S. Kenig, 1. Belinsky, A. Dotan and A. Buchman, Int. J. Adh
25,211 (2005).
11. L. Rapoport, N. Fleischer and R. Tenne, Adv. Mater 15, 651-655 (2003).
12. E. Penado, /. Composite Mater. 27, 383 (1993).