31IJELS 109202050 Licensing PDF
31IJELS 109202050 Licensing PDF
31IJELS 109202050 Licensing PDF
Department of Linguistics & CSTLs, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, M.P., India
Abstract— The present paper explains licensing and identification in Maithili in relation to other null
subject language within Minimalist approach. It shows Maithili is consistent null subject language and
also allows thematic and non-thematic pro. Maithili allows null subject in both of the clauses either in root
clauses or in embedded clauses. Many scholars have developed their theories regarding null subject
language. But, I am going to focus on well-known linguists who worked on pro-drop parameter in the field
of linguistics. Various scholars with different theories give their ideas on pro from traditional to minimalist
framework. Further we deal with licensing and identification of pro. Licensing and Identification are two
independent processes but are closely interrelated. This paper investigates various properties of pro in
Maithili and verbal morphology.
Keywords— pro-drop, null subject, finite clause, verb agreement, honorific degree.
overtly in such non-pro drop languages. These types of (a) licensed and
non-pro drop languages are called as non-null subject (b) identified.
languages. Examples of non-null subject languages are like
Rizzi (1986a) followed Taraldsan (1978) and gave light on
English, French etc. Consider the following English
the importance of rich agreement to license NSs.
According to Rizzi (1986a) person-number are enough to
2. a. Do you come tomorrow? licensing NSs. Language like Chinese which lacks verbal
b. *Do (pro) come tomorrow? agreement, since it allows empty subjects. On the other
c. are you coming to college today? side Rizzi (1986a) points out that the person-number is
enough to license null subjects.
d.* are (pro) coming to college today?
2.3. Jaeggli and Safir’s proposal (1989)
Jaeggli and Safir (1989) proposed Morphological
Since English is non-null subject language it doesn’t allow
Uniformity which distinguishes PDL and NPDL’s.
pro drop in the sentences. If we observe the above
Morphologically Uniformity are inflectional /paradigm in
sentences 2(b,d) are ungrammatical. Similarly, French also
a language is morphologically uniform if the paradigm has
doesn’t allow null subjects in the sentences.
either only underived inflectional (stem) forms or only
derived inflectionl form (stem+affixes). According to
II. VARIOUS PROPOSALS OF PRO DROP morphological informality language has paradigm with
PARAMETER Morphological system. Languages like Spanish, Germanic,
etc. Maithili comes under Morphological Uniformity. This
Perlmutter (1971) firstly introduced the notion of Pro-Drop
language is Morphological Uniformity because it has such
Parameter (PDP) in the field of linguistics. Pro-drop
type of paradigm which is suggested by Osvaldo Jaeggi &
parameter is a parameter that determines whether a
Kenneth J. Safir (1989). In this language every paradigm
language is a pro-drop language or not. In case of pro-drop
has its own affixes under verbal inflection. In other words,
languages parameter allows an empty pro-element to be
we can say that paradigm is uniform of all its form are
identified by its governor. Languages, lack of subject
morphologically complex or if none of them are. If the
actually have both null version of ‘thematic and expletive’,
paradigm is mixed, that means, if some of its form will be
and this properties correlates with syntactic properties.
Stem+affixes and some of its form will be only stem then
Now, we discuss on major pro-drop parameter proposals
we can say that it is not Morphological Uniformity.
given by the different linguistics after Perlmutter (1971).
Through given example in English and French, we will see
2.1. Noam Chomsky Proposal (1982) how Morphological uniformity is violated.
Chomsky followed Teraldsen’s (1978) opinion and 2.4. Null Subject parameter
formulated the PDP (1981) that allows empty pronominal
Perlmutter (1971) firstly argued on pro-drop parameter
subject in a matrix clause or finite clause. Chomsky
(PDP) or NSP. Jaeggli& Safir (1989) pointed out that null
suggested (1981) ‘Rule R’ (affix hoping) may apply either
subjects are permitted in all and languages are
in syntax or in PF in PDL’s while it permits only in
morphologically uniform inflection paradigm. The basic
NPDL’s. By applying ‘R Rule’ in Italian language, the
observation on null subject languages like Spanish, Italian
subject position becomes ungoverned at Surface Structure
is that:
permits ‘pro’. But when we come on English language the
PF component, the subject is governed at S-Structure and • ability to drop the pronoun
‘pro’ is ruled out. Torrego (1981) pointed out the ‘Rule R’ • that- trace filter
does not account for Spanish. So Chomsky (1982) • free subject inversion
abounded the concept of ‘pro-drop’ in tensed clause is Languages from the entire world will have these features
PRO in PDL’s formulated a new empty category called or none of them. Spanish and Italian [+pro-drop] having
pro. Again Chomsky returned to the original position that the properties and English and French [-pro-drop] don’t
the pro-drop parameter to rich AGR. have these features. Null Subject languages (NSLs) have
2.2. Rizzi Proposal (1986a) certain properties or parameters which differ from non-
Rizzi (1986a) theory of null subjects can occur two NSLs. Rizzi’s (1982) work on null subjects have been
parameters are involved, a licensing parameter and observed that NSLs like Italian, Spanish and non-NSLs
identification parameter. For null subjects, they must be like English & French as cited in (Camacho, Jose 2). Many
scholars have given their proposals regarding null subject
ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.55.31 1548
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online: https://ijels.com/
parameters. Holmberg and Roberts (2010) observed that The absence of any satisfactory solution to the problem
there are four types of null subject parameters: regarding thematic null subject languages, Cole concluded
i. Consistent null-subject languages that subject verb agreement must where the overt thematic
pronouns coincide with its presence. Molvyn Cole (2009)
ii. Expletive null-subject languages
concluded two diagnostic features for thematic null
iii. Discourse null-subject languages subjects i.e. mention below.
iv. Partial null-subject languages. i. By reference to an antecedent in context.
By analysing these types, we can say that Maithili comes ii. By subject verb AGR upto the point of morphological
under consistent null subject language type. Maithili can maximality.
drop the pronoun in any tense. It is noticed that tense and
Cole (2009) also argued that languages which are rich
agreement is always present in all Maithili root clauses.
agreement inflections have thematic null subject and
However, Maithili allows dropping the pronouns in any
languages such as Chinese which have recoverable
context. Consider some of the list of NSLs.
i. Chinese- no verbal morphology
ii. Spanish- subject verb agreement for person and number
iii. Bengali- subject verb agreement for person and
Rizzi (1986) argued that null pronouns are licensed by a
honorific grade
governing head and have their semantic content recovered
by the features of that head i.e. represented by subject verb iv. Maithili- subject verb agreement for person and
agreement in thematic subject pro. These approached honorific grade
created the some issues for some null subject languages Now, it is clear that one requirement for thematic null
like Chinese, Japanese, and some East Asian languages. subjects are morphological maximality which we can see
C.T.J Huang (1984, 1989) tried to resolve this problem by in the above mentioned data. Morphological maximality
applying variable analysis and his General Control Rule refers that the maximum extent to which null subjects can
(regarding PRO/pro). His proposal was proved be recovered by agreement in the language i.e. number,
unsatisfactory by Xu (1986), Xu & Langendoen (1985) gender, and person. As we see person and number in
and Y. Huang (2000). In Jaeggli & Safir proposed that Spanish, person in Bengali and Maithili but absence in
thematic null subject can be considered only in Chinese. So, thematic null subjects in Chinese recovers it’s
morphologically uniform languages. These languages have meaning from contextual items. We look Spanish has rich
either feature like identifying morphology throughout their verb agreement but still thematic null subject is recovered
verb paradigm or no identifying morphology throughout by contextual items.
their verb paradigm. 3. Juan llegaba a case Ɵ
But these features are not suitable for some of the Tenia las llaves
languages like Norweign, Swedish & Danish lack both Joan arrives-3S.IMPERF to house. have-
verbal morphology and thematic null subjects. Cole (2010) 1/3S IMPERF the keys
mentioned in his paper that overt pronouns are necessary
Joan was arriving home. He had the keys.
in languages with weak agreement to give an importance
that AGR through the spec agreement. It is not required in Through the example (3), it is established that, in Spanish
rich AGR languages and also not necessary in languages where thematic null subjects are not recovered by
lacking AGR for person and number. Spec is only one agreement, it can be recovered by contextual items. It is
personality who makes the clear concept regarding the also observed in most of the languages like Italian,
absence of thematic null subjects in Swedish by relating it Portuguese, Turkish, Hindi, etc.
to the presence of Adjective, Nouns and Determiners in Languages like Chamorro and Irish, the subjects must be
that language. After that her concept was countered by the null when verb shows person subject agreement. Maithili
concept of the absence of subject verb agreement and is a pro drop language. It doesn’t allow gender and number
thematic null subjects by Danish, Norwegien, Afrikans, feature. Maithili shows person and honorific grade (H,
etc. (Tomoika, 2003), (Neelena & Szendari, 2007), NH, MH) feature. Here, referential content of pro can be
(Franscarelle, 2007) work on these thematic null subject recover by person and honorific grade feature. Subjects
languages are not so much successful. may be thematic or expletive (non-thematic). And some of
ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.55.31 1549
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online: https://ijels.com/
the languages allow both type of subject to be null or any person, aspect, and honorific degree (H, NH). Maithili
of them. There are four possible combinations of doesn’t show number and gender; it allows person and
null/overt and expletive/thematic subjects, which are honorific grade (H, MH, NH).
mentioned below: Now, we look some data of expletive pro in Maithili.
i. Null thematic subjects/null expletive subjects 5. i. bͻrsᴂi ch-ai
ii. Overt thematic subjects/null expletive
rain AUX-AGR.3NH
iii. Null thematic subjects/overt expletive It is raining.
iv. Overt thematic subjects/overt expletive
ii. ek-ta raja rah-ᴂl
(Camacho, Jose, 2013) one-CLAS king be-PST.3NH
Most of the languages like Spanish, Chamorro & Quechua There was a king.
have both combinations of null thematic subjects/null
expletive subjects. Whereas, York Creole shows that
thematic subjects can be overt but expletive are null as
cites in (Camacho, Jose, 2013). Finnish allows thematic iii. lagait ᶕich [ki o nᶕi
subjects can be null but /some expletive are obligatory kha-it]
overt. At last, English and French show both types of seems AUX.PRE.3NH [that he/she not
clauses i.e. pronominal or expletive. eat-FUT.3NH]
Maithili allows thematic pro in root clauses as well as It seems that he will not eat.
embedded clauses. Consider the following examples.
4. i. pro ᴂ-l-e Expletive NS is not phonetically present but it exists. It
come-PST-2NH always shows 3rd person, singular, agreement. Maithili
You came. allows expletive null subjects in root and embedded
clauses as shown in
5(i-iii). The content of pro can be recovered by the verb
ii. pro ge-l-ah
which reflects tense, person and honorific degree(NH).
He went.
Maithili verbs are marked with tense, mood and aspect.
iii. hǝm bujh- ǝit chi [ki The Maithili verb encodes the person and honorific grade
pro ᴂ-l] of the subject noun phrase. The verb agreement inflection
i understand-IMPERF AUX.PRE.1 [COMP is determined by person and honorific grade of the subject.
come-PST.3NH] In some cases honorificity of object can take over subject
to mark agreement onto the verb. The honorificity has
I understand that he came.
many grades in Maithili, i.e. high, low, mid. Yadav (1996)
talked about two-dimensional agreement in Maithili, i.e.
iv. [jᴐ pro bhukh lǝgǝ-l-u tǝ] ahã kh primary and secondary agreement. In primary agreement
iǝh lᴂ-b the verb copies the person and honorific features of the
subject. Whereas in case of secondary agreement verb
[if hungry feel-FUT-2H then] you
copies both features i.e., subject and object. The
eat take-FUT.2H
Agreement is overtly realized between Verb and NP (noun
If you feel hungry you will eat. phrase). The verb changes its form according to PNG
(person, number and gender) of the Subject. In all
Maithili allows null subjects freely, which is languages these features may not be overtly present across
grammatically acceptable. The dropped pronominals are the world. The Basic type of verb agreement in Maithili is
hǝm ‘I’, tu ‘you’ o ‘he/she’. The verb reflects tense, person and honorific grade of the subject.
ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.55.31 1550
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online: https://ijels.com/
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valuable support in my entire life.
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