Analysis of Compressible Effect in The Flow Metering by Orifice Plate Using CFD
Analysis of Compressible Effect in The Flow Metering by Orifice Plate Using CFD
Analysis of Compressible Effect in The Flow Metering by Orifice Plate Using CFD
The orifice plate is a typical obstruction type of flow meter, widely used in industries for flow measurement. ISO-
5167-1 and BS1042 standards provide the value of Discharge Coefficient for both standard Orifice Plate and
Quarter Circle Orifice Plate. In the present work, an attempt is made to study and develop a computational model of
flow through an Orifice Plate which can be used as an efficient and easy means for predicting the compressibility
effect using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. ANSYS FLUENT-14 has been used as a tool to
perform the modelling and simulation of flow through Orifice Plate. Analysis of flow through Orifice Plate has
demonstrated the capability of the CFD methodology for predicting the accurately the values of C d, ε and CPL over a
wide range of operating conditions. CFD methodology also has been used to analyse the effect of various
parameters like diameter ratio, Reynolds number, and pressure ratio on the performance parameters of the orifice
meters. It has been demonstrated that the validated CFD methodology can be used to predict the performance
parameters of orifice plate assemblies even under conditions not covered by ISO 5167-1 and BS1042 standards.
Keywords: Coefficient of Discharge, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Expansibility Factor, Quarter Circle Orifice
Plate, Square Edge Orifice Plate, Permanent Pressure Loss Coefficient.
IJSRSET162420 | Received : 07 July 2016 | Accepted : 17 July 2016 | July-August-2016 [(2)4: 170-180]
analysis Flow through orifice plate assemblies used for d is the orifice throat diameter, m
specialized non standard working conditions, R.Kis et al D is the upstream pipe diameter, m
[4] have reported a CFD analysis of flow through a high ∆P is the differential pressure, Pa
pressure natural gas pipeline with an undeformed and ε is the expansibility factor
deformed orifice plate. It is observed from the above that ρ1 is the density at upstream pressure tap location,
the compressibility effect in the flow through orifice Kg/m3
plates has not been analyzed fully. Hence in the present
study CFD has been used to study the effect of Eqn.1.2 is based on the assumptions that the flow is
compressibility of the fluid on the performance steady, incompressible, and in viscid flow. However in
parameters of the orifice meters over a wide range of order to take into account the real fluid effects like
operating conditions. viscosity and compressibility, empirical coefficients Cd
and ε are introduced in the Eqn.1.2. The discharge
coefficient Cd is defined as the ratio of actual flow rate
Principle of Orifice Plate
to the theoretical flow rate (calculated on basis of
Bernoulli’s theorem). The value of Cd depends on the
The Orifice Plate is an obstruction type flow meter
several factors like β, Re, wall roughness, orifice
consists of a circular plate at the center cross section as
geometry etc. The expansibility factor ε is introduced to
shown in the Fig.1.
take into account to change in density of the fluid as it is
passes through the orifice plate for the incompressible
fluids ε has a value of unity and for the compressible
flow is also less unity. Over the years the orifice plates
have been used for metering different fluids (liquid, gas,
mixed flow etc...). The performances of these meters in
Figure 1: Orifice Plate terms of value of discharge coefficient and pressure loss
have not been investigated fully by the researchers.
The function of the downstream region is to increase the
velocity of the fluid and temporarily reduce its static Discharge Coefficient (Cd)
pressure. Thus the pressure difference between the inlet
and the vena contracta is developed. This pressure As per ISO 5167 the discharge coefficient for the
difference is correlated to the rate of flow of fluid by concentric standard orifice plate assembly is given by
using Bernoulli’s equation. following expression
( ) (
However, in order to obtain a significant measurable ) (1.3)
pressure drop, different types of pressure tappings are Where, ⁄ is the diameter ratio
used (corner taps, flange taps and D and D/2 taps) in the
is the Reynolds number
orifice plate. In comparison to the Venturimeter, the
pressure recovery is much less in the case of orifice ⁄ is the distance of the upstream tapping
plate. As per ISO 5167-1 and BS1042 standards [5], the from the upstream face of the plate
mass flow rate in an orifice plate (Qm in Kg/s) for a ⁄ is the distance of the downstream
compressible fluid is given by:
tappings from the downstream of the plate
In order to validate the CFD methodology, simulation Figure 3. Mesh of Quadrilateral Elements Used For
carried out for a standard orifice plate with following the Orifice Plate for Analysis
dimensions (see Table. 1) and Fig. 2 dimensions of the III. VALIDATION OF CFD METHODOLOGY
flow domain used to analysis of flow through standard
orifice plate.
The Realizable Spalart Allmars turbulence model with Figure 4(c) Velocity Vector
standard wall conditions was selected to model to the Figure 4 Contours and Vector Plots for
turbulent flow field. This choice was based on the Incompressible Flow through an Standard Orifice Plate
computations made with different turbulence models (D=50mm, β=0.5)
(like K-omega standard, K-omega-SST and K-ε-
standard) and the above model gave the best agreement IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
for computed values of Cd with standard values.
Having validated the CFD methodology, simulations
For the validation the fluid selected is incompressible were performed over a wide range of parameters. Orifice
liquid with suitable boundary conditions. Velocity at the plate discharge coefficients were calculated from the
inlet was specified as 3m/s and at outlet the gauge CFD predicted pressure differentials. The simulations
pressure was set to zero. The density and viscosity of the were done by keeping constant Reynolds number.
fluid as chosen to achieve the desired Reynolds number Initially the simulation was carried out for a standard
Heat transfer from the wall of the domain was neglected. concentric orifice plate and the CFD results were
The solution was computed in the commercial CFD code validated with the standards. Further the studies were
FLUENT 14, in which the pressure based solver, was concentrated on compressibility effect, permanent
selected for this particular case. The computations were pressure loss coefficient for different orifice plates such
made at a Reynolds number of 1×105 and the as standard orifice plate, quarter circle orifice plate and
computated value of Cd for flange taps is 0.6041 which square edge orifice plate.
is in excellent agreement with the standard value given
in ISO-5167(0.6058) and hence CFD methodology was A. Compressibility Effect on Standard Concentric
validated. The pressure and velocity contours along with Orifice Plate:
velocity vectors are shown in the Fig. 4. From the
contours it is clearly observed that the velocity is Computations have been made for the orifice plate
increased in the upstream section of the pipe with the already described (D=50mm, β=0.5 and Re=1×105)
corresponding reduction in the pressure, maximum during the validation. Analyses are made for different
velocity (minimum pressure) is recorded at the throat diameter ratios in the range 0.3 to 0.7 for the flow of an
and velocity reduces when flow passes over the orifice incompressible fluid at a constant Reynolds number of
plate section while the pressure recovery occurs in this 1×105. The results are tabulated in Table 2. Table 2 also
section. The vector plot shows the flow pattern of the shows the standard values of Cd as per ISO 5167. It is
fluid particles inside the orifice plate. observed that the computed values of Cd are within the
uncertainty limits of the standard values. It is observed
to analyse the effect of compressibility. The gas is 0.3 0.2249 0.5956 0.5769 0.9686 0.9457
assumed to be a perfect gas having a specific heat ratio
0.4 0.1562 0.5967 0.5794 0.9710 0.9639
of 1.4. Further the density of gas at standard temperature
and pressure (p= 76cmHg, T=288K) is taken as 1.225 0.5 0.2571 0.5999 0.5675 0.9460 0.9334
kg/m3. Energy equations are also solved. Temperature at 0.6 0.0115 0.6056 0.5968 0.9855 0.9969
the inlet is 288K and the adiabatic boundary condition is
specified at the outlet. Thus the CFD results give not 0.7 0.3060 0.6168 0.5619 0.9109 0.9117
For each run, the values of inlet velocity and viscosity CFD
are adjusted to obtain the desired Reynolds number. ISO
Further these parameters are chosen in a manner by
which a wide range of ∆p/p1 is covered during the
computation and the results are tabulated in the Table 3. ∆p/p1
The comparison between the computed values of the
Discharge coefficient and expansibility factor with the
values given in ISO 5167-1 standard for the standard
orifice plate with pipe diameter is 40mm and Reynolds Figure 5. Variation of Expansibility Factor with
number of 1×105. Pressure Ratio (D=40mm, Re=1×105, β=0.3 To 0.7)
Table 4 gives the codal values of the discharge Hence the Fig.5 are also shows the excellent agreement
coefficient for both incompressible and compressible between the computated and standard values of ε. Hence
flow further the values of ∆p/p1are also tabulated it is the demonstrated that the validated CFD methodology
observed the value of the discharge coefficient for can be used to predict the value of ε of a standard orifice
compressible flow is always less than the incompressible plate under varying conditions. The contours of the
Fig. 6(c) shows the velocity vector plot. It is observed Figure 6(d) Density Contours
that the velocity maximum as jet comes out from the
orifice plate. Further a small separated flow region at
flow pass over the orifice section where the flow is re-
circulating is also clearly seen in the velocity vector plot.
Fig.6 (d) shows the density contours. It is observed that
the density of the fluid decreases as passes through the
orifice plate and then recovers as it flow pass over the Figure 6(e) Temperature Contours
orifice section however the recovery is not complete and
hence the density of fluid is lower at the outlet as Figure 6. Contours and Vectors plot for Compressible
compared to inlet this can attributed the pressure drop in Flow (β=0.5, D=40mm, Re=1×105)
the orifice plate. And Fig.6 (e) shows the temperature
contours. It is observed that the temperature of the fluid Effect on Permanent Pressure Loss Coefficient
decreases as passes through the orifice and then recovers
as it flow pass over the orifice plate. The pressure loss caused by the orifice plate can be
determined by the pressure measurement made before
and after installation of the orifice plate in a pipe flows.
The permanent pressure loss coefficient (CPL) is the ratio
of the pressure loss (∆P¹¹-∆P¹) to the differential
pressure loss across the orifice plate. The permanent
pressure loss coefficient CPL is given as
The computation as relevant that the relation given in Figure 7. Design of Quarter Circle Orifice
ISO-5167 accurately predicts the permanent pressure According to BS 1042 the limits to use for
loss due to the orifice plate, it is observed from the Quarter circle orifice plate are specified below
tabulated values that the computed values of the CPL and
codal values are in good agreement even in the case of d > 15mm, D < 500mm, 0.245 < β < 0.6 and
compressible fluid flows. The deviations are same order ReD < 105β
of magnitude as uncertainty in the codal values. Hence it The discharge coefficient is given by the
can be conclude that CFD can be used for calculating following equation
CPL for both compressible and incompressible fluids.
Reynolds Cd Cd Deviation
number (BS1042) (CFD) in %
5000 0.802 0.7995 -0.3117
10000 0.802 0.7976 -0.5486
20000 0.802 0.7973 -0.5860
Figure 8. Mesh of Quadrilateral Elements Used For the 50000 0.802 0.8038 +0.2244
100000 0.802 0.8155 +1.6832
Quarter Circle Orifice Plate for Analysis
Expansibility factor
The Comparison between the computed and codal Figure 9. Variation of Expansibility Factor with
values of Cd and ε for quarter circle orifice plate is listed Pressure Ratio (D=50mm, β=0.3 to 0.6)
in the Table 10. The computations have been repeated
Hence Fig.9 also shows the excellent agreement between
for the above case using air as working fluid. It is
the computated and standard values of ε. Hence it is
observed that the value of the discharge coefficient for
demonstrated that the validated CFD methodology can
compressible flow is always less than the incompressible
be used to predict the value of ε of a quarter circle
flow. The ratio of the two represents the expansibility
orifice plate under varying conditions. The contours of
coefficient. The values of ε are also tabulated in the
the velocity, pressure, density, temperature and velocity
Table 10.
vector of the quarter circle orifice plate is as shown in
the Fig.8 for the compressible flows.
The values of ε calculated on the basis of equations in
BS1042 standards are also given in the Table 10. The
Fig. 10(a) shows the pressure contours. It is observed
deviations in the computed value and BS standard value
that the maximum pressure occurs when flow
are observed to be of order of 1.5% in the most of the
approaches in orifice plate and pressure reduces when
cases. It is also observed that the input data has been
flow passes over the orifice.
Fig.10 (e) shows the temperature contours. It is observed Figure 10(e) Temperature Contours
that the temperature of the fluid decreases as passes Figure 10 Contours and Vectors plot for Compressible
through the orifice and then recovers as it flow pass over Flow (β=0.5, D=50mm, Re=50000)
the orifice plate.
Effect of Permanent Pressure Loss Coefficient