Improving Bingham Plastic Frictional Pressure-Loss Predictions For Oil Wells
Improving Bingham Plastic Frictional Pressure-Loss Predictions For Oil Wells
Improving Bingham Plastic Frictional Pressure-Loss Predictions For Oil Wells
ABSTRACT : Accurate estimation of drilling fluid friction pressure losses during well planning and onsite is
necessary to perform drilling and well completions without serious problems. Improper hydraulics can result in
costly problems. This study focused on evaluating most commonly used methods for calculating Bingham
Plastics drilling fluid pressure losses particularly those based on two viscometer readings. Most of these flow
equations are already in use by the drilling industry, and are all direct and simple enough to use in a
spreadsheet program. Though these calculations methods utilize only two viscometer readings to estimate
rheological parameters, however they employ different equivalent diameter for annulus, different turbulent flow
friction factors and different critical Reynolds-number/velocity or different turbulence criteria. Frictional
pressure losses predicted by Bingham Plastic model as per different methods were compared statistically to
field data. Results show that methods under investigation agree in predicting laminar pressure losses and differ
in predicting turbulent pressure losses. Several dissimilarities of methods are responsible for different pressure
loss predictions such as different turbulence criteria, equivalent diameter and turbulent friction factor.
Improved pressure loss predictions were possible by calculating Reynolds number using effective viscosity,
using modified Blasius equation for estimating friction factor and using hydraulic diameter definition. Total
average absolute percentage errors between 3 - 5% have been obtained.
KEYWORDS Bingham Plastic, Frictional Pressure Losses, Friction Factor, Annular Equivalent Diameter,
Critical Reynolds Number.
Date of Submission: 01-04-2022 Date of acceptance: 10-04-2022
Rig hydraulics optimization includes planning for optimum flow rates, bit nozzle sizes and acceptable
equivalent circulation densities (ECD). Generally, the most important aspects of the hydraulic system include
ensuring proper hole cleaning, evaluating pressure increases in wellbore during circulation, minimize hole
erosion, increase penetration rate, control surge and swab pressure, size surface equipment and mud pumps,
keeping ECD and bottom hole pressure below formation fracture pressures. [1 ]-[2 ]. Therefore, well hydraulics
play an essential role during drilling and perfect estimations of pressure losses are of utmost importance for a
successful drilling job.
Drilling in deep water horizons presents many challenges and is characterized with narrow margins
between formation pore pressure and fracture pressure gradients. Estimating drilling fluid frictional pressure
loss values to be considerably higher or lower than actual values will result in circulating the drilling fluids with
either higher or lower velocities than required. Higher velocities will increase cost for unnecessary additional
fluid, require higher pumping and fluid handling capacities, consume more power, increase erosion of uncased
sections [3]. The annulus frictional pressure loss may significantly increase up to the extent that violates
allowable ECD. As the drilling continues this way, the ECD becomes more critical and formation fracturing and
loss of circulation, becomes the role than the exception [4]. Accordingly, prediction of frictional pressure loss
with a considerable degree of accuracy will assist in determining optimal circulation rate that will provide
sufficient hole cleaning and yet minimizes fluid volume, power, and equipment requirements.
During drilling, any change in stand pipe pressure (SPP) is probably an indication of downhole
problems. Depending on magnitude, increase or decrease of SPP, several problems may be identified. A sudden
decrease in SPP may be interpreted as bit washout/lost jet, opening of already plugged bit nozzles, drill string Page 15
American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2022
washout and twist-off, kick flows and mud loss. Meanwhile, a sudden increase in SPP may be interpreted to be a
result of bit nozzles plugging, tight holes, cuttings accumulations [5]-[6].
Wellbore hydraulic optimization involves selecting the proper rheological model that represents the
drilling fluid under consideration. Drilling fluids commonly used are non-Newtonian in nature and the friction
pressure loss predictive equations are complex and less accurate due to many simplifying assumptions. The
most rheological models for the past half-century are Newtonian, Bingham Plastics (BP) and Power Law (PL)
model [7].There are several sources of errors in conventional pressure loss calculations which has been
discussed by several authors [5] such as ignorance of tool joints in pressure loss calculations, ignoring pipe
roughness, assumption about effective viscosity, using different critical Reynolds number, ignoring temperature
and pressure effects on mud rheology, ignoring rotation and eccentricity effects, use of different discharge
coefficient (Cd) in conventional bit pressure drop equation, ignoring presence of cuttings in annulus and their
effect on mud weight found in annulus.
Chowdhury et al. [6] estimated SPP using Newtonian, BP, PL and Herschle-Bulkley models. The
rheological constants associated with each of the four models are calculated using regression analysis and the
SPP predicted values were compared with measured values. The BP model produces best SPP estimates for all
the three flow rates for the drilling conditions considered. BP model have been reported by Rostami [9] to
overestimate drilling fluid pressure losses. On the other hand, Ashena et al. [5] reported that BP under-estimates
frictional pressure losses. Ashena et al. have improved SPP predictions of BP fluids by applying a coefficient in
to its turbulent pressure loss calculations. They argues that this coefficient encompasses the effects of the
drillpipe rotation, tool joint, and other effects in estimation of pressure losses.
During annular flow, shear forces will act between the fluid and the outside of the drillpipe and the
inside diameter of the wellbore. For concentric annuli, the geometry of conduit can be expressed by the
equivalent diameter. Pipe flow equations are extended to annular geometry and the same equations which are
used for pipe flow are used for annulus flow by simply replacing the pipe diameter with an equivalent diameter.
Several equivalent diameter definitions are proposed in literature, however, two equations are widely used [10]-
[11]. The first equation is based upon the definition of hydraulic radius, which is the ratio of the cross sectional
area to the wetted perimeter of the flow channel. Based on this definition, the equivalent diameter is equal to
four times the hydraulic radius and for concentric annulus it is the difference between the internal diameter of
the inner conduit, i.e. Dhyd = (Dh-Dp). If there is no inner pipe, Dp = 0, the equivalent hydraulic diameter
correctly reduces to the inner diameter of the outer pipe, Dh. This definition is adopted by major drilling text
books [12]-[14]. Bourgoyne et al. [11] argue that the wider use of this definition is probably due to the
simplicity of the method rather than a superior accuracy. The second most popular equivalent diameter equation
used is the slot flow approximation for annulus [11].
It is widely accepted that in laminar flow shear resistance is dependent solely on the sliding action of
layers. However, in turbulent flow the additional shear resistance is dependent on the magnitude of the velocity
[13]. Hence, it becomes necessary to use criteria to determine the flow regime. This criterion is simply depends
on the critical Reynolds number. The Reynolds number is dimensionless and is found by multiplying the mud
density, velocity, and hydraulic diameter and dividing by the effective viscosity. However, there is a
discrepancy in researcher's opinion on the values of the critical Reynolds number that should be considered to
delineate the threshold between laminar and turbulent regimes. Some researchers, considered the value of 2000
as the critical Reynolds number [14]. Similarly, others consider a critical Reynolds number of 2100 [11]. On the
other hand, Moore and Rabia [12]-[13] used a critical Reynolds number of 3000.
In this paper, in depth investigation has been researched on Bingham Plastic frictional pressure loss
calculations methods. Investigations include the effect of using different critical Reynolds number, the effect of
using different equivalent annulus diameters and different friction factor in turbulent flow pressure loss
estimation. For validation, we make use of data published by Ashena et al. [5]. The frictional pressure loss were
calculated using different methods for Bingham Plastic model. The methods described by Moore [12], Rabia
[13] Adams [14], Bourgoyne et al. [11], and Carden et al. [15] are considered. Page 16
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Fluid Rheology
Rheology is defined as the study of the deformation and flow of matter. From a rheological
perspective, drilling fluids are thixotropic (time-dependent) as well as temperature and pressure dependent [4].
There are many publications in the literature that deal with the flow of non-Newtonian drilling fluids in pipes.
The Bingham Plastic, BP, [17] is often used for non-Newtonian fluid pipe hydraulic calculation because of its
simplicity and good description of rheology of bentonite drilling fluid. In conventional drilling, BP drilling
fluids behavior is defined with only two points of the rheological relation (R600 and R300). The BP widely used in
the drilling fluid industry to describe characteristics of many types of drilling fluids. Fluids obeying this model
exhibit a linear shear-stress/shear-rate behavior after an initial shear stress threshold has been exceeded "YP". A
rheogram of BP model on rectilinear coordinates is a straight line that intersects the zero shear-rate axis at a
shear-stress greater than zero (YP). Equation 1 describes the BP model. The term "YP" is the yield point which
is the threshold stress (intercept) and "PV" is the plastic viscosity demonstrated by the slope of the line. The
model deviates from a Newtonian model by the YP term. When YP equal to zero the model reverts back to the
Newtonian model.
……Eq. (1)
To calculate BP "PV" and "YP", a mud's Fann 35 VG meter dial readings and corresponding
revolutions per minute are required. Two data pairs are required for a solution. Generally, R600/R300, are in
common use. Equations 2 and 3 are general equations for determining the BP plastic viscosity and yield point,
……Eq. (2)
……Eq. (3) Page 17
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Laminar flow of a drilling fluid, when using the BP model, can be described by equation (8) for pipe
flow. Equation (9) is used for annulus flow which has been derived with a slot flow approximation of the
annulus. Laminar flow equations of BP model are robust and well accepted by industry and adopted in many
text books [11]-[15][19]-[20]. However, equations are sometimes presented in different units. Moore [12], Rabia
[13], Carden et al. [15] and Hossain & Al-Mejed [20] expressed fluid velocity in foot per minute while Adams
[14], Bourgoyne et al. [11], and Guo & Li [19] expressed velocity in feet per second. For turbulent pipe flow of
BP equations (10 -13) are normally used. Equations (14 – 17) are used for turbulent annular flow. These are
empirical equations and are slightly different because they used different relationships between friction factor
and Reynolds number. Moore [12] used a different linear relationship between the friction factor and the
Reynolds number (f = 0.046/Re0.2) than those used by Adams [14] (f = 0.0791/Re0.25) and Rabia [13] (f =
0.057/Re0.2). Similarly, Carden et al. [15] used different linear relationships (f = 0.058/Re0.22). Bourgoyne et al.
[11] provide an alternative method for calculating pressure losses of BP fluids during turbulent pipe flow by
using fanning equation of Newtonian fluids (Eq. 4) and modified for annular flow by using the slot diameter
definition (Eq. 6). Equations (18 & 19) are the field-units version of the Fanning equation for pipe and annular
flow, respectively. The friction factor in these equations are determined using the Colebrook [21] function for
smooth pipes (Eq. 20) or one of the simplified explicit alternatives (Eq. 21 – Moody [22]; Eq. 22 – Chen [23]).
The Reynolds number (Eq. 23) is calculated by using an apparent viscosity (Eq. 24) and compared to a critical
Reynolds number of 2100 and used for the estimation of the friction factor. Hank's [24] Hedstrom number (Eq.
25) can be used as an alternative turbulence criteria for BP fluids from which a critical Reynolds number is
identified (Eq. 26-27). This Reynolds number is then compared to a Reynolds number that is calculated using
the BP plastic viscosity (Eq. 28).
Where: in psi; L in
…… Eq. (10) feet; PV in cp; V in ft/s; Q
in gal/min; YP in
lb/100ft2; D in inches; ρ in
……. Eq. (11) lb/gal;"A" for Adams; "B"
for Bourgoyne et al.;
"G&L" for Guo and Li;
……. Eq. (12)
"H&A" for Hossain and
…… Eq. (13)
…… Eq. (14) Page 18
American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2022
…… Eq. (27)
Turbulence Criteria
In order to calculate frictional pressure loss, it must be determined if the flow regime is laminar or
turbulent, this is done by calculating the Reynolds number. However, there is a discrepancy in researcher's
opinion on the values of the critical Reynolds number that should be considered to delineate the threshold
between laminar and turbulent regimes. Bourgoyne et al. [11] adopted alternative criteria for BP as presented in
the previous section. Other researcher are confronting between NRe = 2000 and NRe = 3000. It should be noted
that the term critical velocity is used to define the single velocity at which the flow regime changes from laminar
to turbulent (Eq. 29-32). This variable is derived from the Reynolds number equation (NRe = ρDV/µ) is the most
important since all other members of the equation are considered constant. However, the equations are different
according to the critical Reynolds number used, i.e. 2000 or 3000.
…… Eq. (29)
Where: D in
inches; PV in cp;
YP in lb/100ft2;
…… Eq. (30)
ρ in lb/gal; "R"
stands for
Rabia;"A" for
…… Eq. (31) Adams; "H&A"
for Hossain &
……..(32) Page 19
American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2022
Where: is pressure loss at surface connections in psi; is pressure loss at bit in psi; dn is
nozzle diameter in 1/32 inches; PV in cp; ρ in lb/gal
Field Data
Ashena et al. [5] provided a total of 15 case studies collected from seven wells, some of these cases
have very similarities. For every case only PV and YP are available. All cases are in 8 1/2-in borehole; drillpipe
outside diameter 5-in and inside diameter 4.276-in; drillcollar outside diameter 6 1/2-in and inside diameter 3-in.
Borehole depth spans from 5810-ft to 11057-ft and the corresponding drillpipe length spans from 5315-ft to
10473-ft. Mud density ranges from 8.82 to 10.6 lb/gal with one exceptional mud weight (19.6 lb/gal). Plastic
viscosities ranges from 5 cp to 32 cp with one exceptional PV (56 cp). Yield point ranges from 6 to 14 lb/100ft2
with one exceptional YP (19 lb/100ft2). Circulation rate spans from 238 gallon/min (gpm) to 490 gpm. Case no
2 and 3 are very similar except for borehole depth, accordingly we selected one of them. Similarly, case no 10 to
14 are identical except for borehole depth we therefore selected only one of them. Case no 1 is excluded because
of presence of downhole motor. Finally, we consider a total of 8 cases from Ashena data these are: cases no 2, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 15. The validation is based on using the average absolute percent error (AAPE) for every
case and for all the cases as follows (Eq. 35-36). Page 20
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different SPP predictions. It becomes awesome however, to isolate the effect of different flow regime for the
purpose of evaluating the predictability power of the methods.
AAPE (%)
Moore 17.0 9.80 24.9 2.37 6.09 5.18 7.73 11.6 22.2 11.8
Carden 22.2 13.8 31.5 2.93 10.8 5.71 8.41 16.1 25.6 15.2
Adams 4.26 4.13 15.9 13.3 2.42 2.81 8.62 4.25 13.8 7.73
Bour 6.58 2.44 17.3 12.4 0.53 2.99 7.73 5.67 15.5 7.92
Rabia 8.01 1.46 19.5 4.04 1.34 3.88 5.18 5.14 16.9 7.28
Ashena-M 1.38 3.57 10.9 4.50 6.54 3.82 8.81 1.81 11% 5.82
Ashena 7.50 2.31 15.1 3.10 1.25 4.92 10.5 2.96 14.8 6.95 Page 21
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Where: µ is effective viscosity in cp; τs is shear stress in dyne/cm2; γ is shear rate in s-1; PV is BP plastic
viscosity in cp; V is average velocity in ft/s; YP is the BP yield point in lb/100ft 2; D in inches
The next step was to use the Blasius equation (f = 0.0791/Re0.25) to estimate the friction factor while
using the previously proposed viscosities in estimating the Reynolds number. The hydraulic diameter definition
has been used to represent the annular flow. Fig. 3 show the results for a critical Reynolds number of 2000 and
3000. As shown in figures, improvements in SPP predictions are possible using the Blasius equation and the
effective viscosity. Total AAPE of nearly 7% have been achieved for both critical Reynolds number. These
values are slightly better than the values predicted by Bourgyone et al. Page 22
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AAPE (%)
C2 C4 C5 C7 C8 C9 C12 C15 Ave C2 C4 C5 C7 C8 C9 C12 C15 Ave
Plastic 14.0 12.0 18.6 27.9 35.6 20.2 12.2 21.2 20.2 Plastic 14.0 12.0 18.6 27.9 35.5 21.3 12.2 21.2 20.3
Effective 5.23 7.33 12.0 3.58 1.84 8.28 6.49 10.7 6.94 Effective 3.31 7.25 13.6 2.74 1.84 8.28 6.49 11.2 6.84
Apparent 19.0 20.0 9.21 43.1 16.1 23.4 22.4 2.78 19.5 Apparent 19.0 20.0 9.39 43.1 16.1 23.4 22.4 3.07 19.5
Ashena-M 1.38 3.57 10.9 6.54 3.82 8.81 1.81 11.0 5.99 Ashena-M 1.38 3.57 10.9 6.54 3.82 8.81 1.81 11.0 5.99
Bourg 6.71 2.26 19.8 1.81 3.00 7.23 4.99 15.5 7.68 Bourg 6.71 2.26 17.8 1.81 3.00 3.81 4.99 15.5 7.00
Finally, coefficients of the Blasius equation have been regenerated while using the effective viscosity
to calculate the Reynolds number. Fig. 4 shows the results for a critical Reynolds number of 2000 and 3000. As
shown in figures, further improvements in SPP predictions are possible using the modified Blasius equation and
the effective viscosity. Total AAPE of nearly 6% have been achieved for both critical Reynolds number. These
values are comparable to those obtained by the Ashena et al. method if not better. It should be noted that the
AAPE values could be reduced further if we neglect case no 5 and 15 as these give marginal values for all
methods. This could be seen clearly in Fig. 5 AAPE values that are better than those obtained by Ashena et al.
and Bourgoyne et al. have been achieved.
Hyd+Nrec=2000 Hyd+Nrec=3000
AAPE (%)
AAPE (%)
0.063Nre^-0.23 1.34 3.33 14.5 0.91 5.57 4.24 4.20 12.8 5.87 0.063Nre^-0.23 0.50 3.50 15.4 0.31 5.57 4.24 4.20 13.2 5.88
0.047Nre^-0.2 0.26 1.25 15.4 0.62 8.20 1.64 4.38 13.6 5.69 0.047Nre^-0.2 0.26 1.63 15.9 0.20 8.20 1.64 4.38 13.9 5.78
0.076Nre^-0.25 1.36 4.14 14.2 0.54 4.18 5.50 3.54 12.7 5.78 0.076Nre^-0.25 0.05 4.20 15.4 0.16 4.18 5.50 3.54 13.1 5.78
Ashena-M 1.38 3.57 10.9 6.54 3.82 8.81 1.81 11.0 5.99 Ashena-M 1.38 3.57 10.9 6.54 3.82 8.81 1.81 11.0 5.99
Bourg 6.71 2.26 19.8 1.81 3.00 7.23 4.99 15.5 7.68 Bourg 6.71 2.26 17.8 1.81 3.00 3.81 4.99 15.5 7.00 Page 23
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Hyd+Nrec=2000 Hyd+Nrec=3000
AAPE (%)
AAPE (%)
C2 C4 C7 C8 C9 C12 Ave C2 C4 C7 C8 C9 C12 Ave
0.063Nre^-0.23 1.34% 3.33% 0.91% 5.57% 4.24% 4.20% 3.27% 0.063Nre^-0.23 0.50% 3.50% 0.31% 5.57% 4.24% 4.20% 3.05%
0.047Nre^-0.2 0.26% 1.25% 0.62% 8.20% 1.64% 4.38% 2.73% 0.047Nre^-0.2 0.26% 1.63% 0.20% 8.20% 1.64% 4.38% 2.72%
0.076Nre^-0.25 1.36% 4.14% 0.54% 4.18% 5.50% 3.54% 3.21% 0.076Nre^-0.25 0.05% 4.20% 0.16% 4.18% 5.50% 3.54% 2.94%
Ashena-M 1.38% 3.57% 6.54% 3.82% 8.81% 1.81% 4.32% Ashena-M 1.38% 3.57% 6.54% 3.82% 8.81% 1.81% 4.32%
Bourg 6.71% 2.26% 1.81% 3.00% 7.23% 4.99% 4.33% Bourg 6.71% 2.26% 1.81% 3.00% 3.81% 4.99% 3.76%
Bingham Plastic model has been investigated to improve their ability to predict SPP with sufficient
accuracy using the conventional pressure loss methods. The following conclusions are drawn from this study:
1. The investigated methods agree in predicting laminar pressure losses and differ in predicting turbulent
pressure losses. Several dissimilarities of methods are responsible for different pressure loss predictions such as
different turbulence criteria, equivalent diameter and turbulent friction factor.
2. Moore and Carden et al. methods poorly predict SPP mainly because of unsuitable coefficients of the
Blasius equation used to estimate turbulent friction factor.
3. Very poor SPP predictions were obtained when Moody and Chen correlations were used to estimate the
turbulent friction factor. No sensible differences were found when using apparent and effective viscosity to
calculate the Reynolds number. Similarly, hydraulic and slot equivalent diameter give similar results so do the
different critical Reynolds numbers.
4. Improved pressure loss predictions were possible by calculating Reynolds number using effective
viscosity, using the Blasius correlation for estimating friction factor and using the hydraulic diameter definition.
5. It was shown that turbulent friction factor can better be estimated using a modified Blasius equation
and a Reynolds number estimated from an effective viscosity. Total average absolute percentage errors between
3 - 5% have been obtained.
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