Final Year Project: Proposal Cinetime Nepal - Android App

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21 NOVEMBER 2019
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Problem Scenario ............................................................................................................. 2

1.2 Project as a Solution ......................................................................................................... 2

2 Aims and Objective................................................................................................................. 3

3 Expected Outcomes and Deliverables .................................................................................... 3

4 Project risks, threats and contingency plans. .......................................................................... 4

5 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 5

6 Resource and Requirements .................................................................................................... 7

7 Work breakdown structure ...................................................................................................... 8

8 Milestones chart ...................................................................................................................... 9

9 Project Gantt chart .................................................................................................................. 9

10 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 10

11 Bibliography and References ................................................................................................ 11

Tables of figure

Figure 1: Project risks and Contingency plans ............................................................................... 4

Figure 2: Scrum Methodology ........................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3: Work breakdown structure .............................................................................................. 8
Figure 4: Milestone chart ................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 5: Gantt chart ....................................................................................................................... 9
CS6P05 Final Year Project

1 Introduction
Apps are an essential component of our everyday life at this stage. All kinds of mobile apps crowd
the marketplace. Why? While some do their utmost to remain ahead of the tech curve, many are
simply meeting client demand for an app that facilitates their life. As such, a broad range of
applications fit into an increasingly broad range of classifications. They provide their users with
the news and data they are looking for in an easy-to-understand manner to navigate them
effectively and the things they most care about. The beauty of mobile apps is that once they’re a
part of a user’s lifestyle repertoire, they’re likely there for good. These mobile apps turn people to
use as a daily basis to help them find the next new song, restaurant, or destination. These mobile
apps help user to find themselves, what they like and dislike, and where they’re heading next. In a
nutshell, mobile apps help us to accomplish a task more easily, quickly, and efficiently.

Considering all these facts, for final year project I have decided to develop an android mobile app
hence this proposal is written to address the development of android app, CineTime Nepal, which will
help the user to get latest movie show time, upcoming movies and contact information of different
cinema halls of Nepal.

CineTime Nepal will be the first “all in one” cinema detail viewing app in Nepal. It will be a
must-have mobile app for movie lovers. This app will not only show time for movies as well as
but also puts the user in one of the largest film communities in Nepal. With the help of this app,
users will be able to browse the most comprehensive movie information, including more than 10
cinema materials, latest movie introductions and movie reviews.

CineTime Nepal app is an attempt to provide the audiences with the latest show times in different
cinema halls of Nepal at one place. This app is supposed to answer the following queries:

 What movie is showing currently in particular cinema halls of Kathmandu, Nepal?

 Where can user see particular movie in different cinema halls?
 At what time is the movie showing?
 What are the upcoming movies in sdifferent halls of Nepal?

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

1.1 Problem Scenario

1) 1) People are having trouble knowing what film shows in which cinema hall and when.
Since they have to search manually for their currently showing film by visiting each office
/ site / calling the Cinema itself. So when selecting a cinema hall, individuals have fewer
2) People fresh to the Kathmandu Valley face problems as they search for nearby cinema
halls. So they have to go to the famous, expensive movie halls. Not only new visitors, some
people in the Kathmandu Valley don't even know about the cinema halls in their
vicinity they can explore to enhance their film experience.
3) For movie lovers, they have to rely on newspaper article and YouTube videos for public
review since currently there are not any reliable source to get public review in Nepal.
4) Peoples are facing difficulties to know about upcoming movies that are going to release
since they have to manually check each cinema halls site/ office or by contacting them.
5) There are some websites and applications that claim to show the movie’s show time but
lack the features and data needed. And they're not user-friendly either.

1.2 Project as a Solution

This project will help to overcome the above problem statement. With the help of this application
user will be able to browse Movies and theaters from their smartphone in one tap rather than
visiting individual halls of Kathmandu. They will be able to check movie listings, movie show
time and book tickets from android mobile and not only that they will be able to know about the
latest trailers for new & upcoming movies, browse reviews and ratings, and be the first to know
when show times are available with notification. User will be able to find nearby theaters instantly.
CineTime Nepal will bring users, a one-stop experience from picking up their favourite movie
and nearest cinema hall. This amazing app will also allow users to browse comprehensive movie
information including movie synopsis, trailers, user reviews and ratings, before purchasing
movie tickets in only a few simple steps.

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2 Aims and Objective

The aim of this project is to develop a user friendly android mobile application which will bring
users a one-stop experience for picking up their favourite movie at their nearest cinema hall. The
core aims and objectives which have been designated as fundamental to the project are:

 To learn about android platform and its various features.

 To understand and implement a database management system in real world with the help
of relational database.
 To understand working mechanism of mobile application
 To learn about API programming (PHP)
 To learn web scrapping
 To learn android UI and material design
 To learn about web scrapping (which will be done by python)
 To learn how to use different adobe product which will be used in different designing stage
of this app development.
 Research and implementation of current tools and technology that can be integrated in
mobile application

3 Expected Outcomes and Deliverables

After the successful development of this application, it will be able to perform the following

 To show movie show times for movies running around different cinema hall of
 To show information on upcoming releases
 To provide details of the mentioned hall with their contact and location direction.
 To allow user to comment and rate the movie (review)
 To provide movie synopsis, high-quality trailers & movie poster when available.
 To notify about the movie they set as waiting when it releases.
 To find users nearest hall.

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Note: online bookings for all theatres are conducted on the respective website/office of the
cinema. CineTime Nepal only provides a platform for users to check the Showtime and
location information of each theatre.

4 Project risks, threats and contingency plans.

Risk is defined as the possibility of something that exposure to danger. The process of analysis the
consequences of the risk is known as risk analysis. In my project below risks might be occurs:

Figure 1: Project risks and Contingency plans

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

5 Methodology
In this project, I have planned to implement Scrum methodology. Scrum is an agile project
management methodology / framework used primarily for software development projects with the
goal of delivering new software capability every 2-4 weeks. It is a simple framework for effective
team collaboration on complex projects. It is a way for teams to work together to develop a product.
But it is not limited to teams only; it works well for individual projects also. Personal scrum is an
agile methodology that adapts and applies scrum practices to one- person projects. It promotes
personal productivity through observation, adaptation, progressive elaboration, prioritizing and
sizing work, and time-boxing.

Figure 2: Scrum Methodology

While intended for big, collaborative projects, there were a lot of elements of Scrum that could
be adapted pretty well to individual project. Scrum is applicable to our personal lives. The whole
point is, through a process of constant self-awareness, to identify what is holding us back, how
we can work around it, and where the next few days or weeks should take us. So, my reasons for
implementing ' Scrum for One ' are as follows:

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1. I can do what I can with what I have.

2. Constant self-reflection
3. I can work towards clearly-defined, short-term goals.
4. Plan and work in sprints
5. Scrum offers freedom of implementation
6. Scrum is easy to learn and use
7. Scrum embrace the change
8. Scrum reduces the risk building the product by increments
9. Scrum optimizes the team’s efficiency and efficacy
10. Scrum lets the developer/customer to use the product earlier
11. Scrum is continuous improvement

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6 Resource and Requirements

For the successful completion of this project, required tools and technologies are as follows:

1) Emulator: Android Mobile or Default Android Studio Emulator

2) Internet Connection
3) IDE: Android Studio
4) Programming Language: Java, XML, Python (for web scraping), Laravel
5) Database: MySQL
6) Designing and Prototyping: Adobe XD and Adobe illustrator.
7) Version Control: GitHub
8) Microsoft Visio or (for software development flowchart)
9) Gantt project (To make activity timeline)
10) Movies and Hall information of Kathmandu valley

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7 Work breakdown structure

Figure 3: Work breakdown structure

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8 Milestones chart

Figure 4: Milestone chart

9 Project Gantt chart

Figure 5: Gantt chart

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10 Conclusion
In a nutshell, this application is essentially aimed at the trouble-free search for the show time and
films currently being shown along with upcoming films in the cinemas of Kathmandu valley.
The movie ShowTime will be updated daily by referring to various daily journals, websites and
other data sources for cinema halls, as well as contact numbers. Lastly, to complete this project
lots of hard work and research will be done. Every task will be carried in steps with full effort. I
am eagerly looking forward to work in this project, the knowledge and experienced gained from
this project will surely help my future career as an Android Developer.

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11 Bibliography and References

Ashwini, A. (2019) What Are The Various Phases Of Mobile App Development? [Online].
Available from:
development-4f0a1748e619 [Accessed 14 Sep 2019]. (2019) WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF MOBILE APPS?

BREAKING DOWN INDUSTRIES AND FUNCTIONALITIES [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 Sep 2019].

Griffiths, & Griffiths, D. (2015) Head First: Android. 1st ed. 1005 Gravenstein Highway North.

Meire, R. (2012) Professional Android 4 Application Development. 4th ed. Indianapolia,

Indiana: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2019) Mobile software development lifecycle [Online]. Available from:
[Accessed 14 Sep 2019].

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