Movie Information System
Movie Information System
Movie Information System
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
First and almost we want to say thank you, the almighty God, who gave us the insight and
perseverance to accomplish this project. Then we want to thank our fantastic teacher Mr. Nigussie
Teferi for giving us this opportunity to familiarize practically with Object oriented system analysis
and design through this project. His guidance and suggestions were invaluable in the successful
completion of this project.
Finally, we are indebted to our classmate who’s technical and moral support throughout our stay
at a computer science department was of great help.
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
Table of Contents
Movie Store Information Management System .............................................................................................. 1
BY ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
CHAPTER ONE ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Introduction: ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Background: ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Background of the Organization:..................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Statement of the Problem ............................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Objective of the Project ................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Significance of the Project ............................................................................................................... 6
1.5.1 Beneficiary of the system ............................................................................................................ 7
1.6 Scope of the Project ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.7 Methodology ........................................................................................................................................... 8
1.7.1 Data Collection Methods ................................................................................................................. 8
1.8 System Development Approaches ...................................................................................................... 9
1.9 System Development Tools ................................................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................................................... 10
2 Requirement Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 10
2.1 Overview of Proposed System............................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Functional Requirements: ..................................................................................................................... 10
Reports: ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Non-functional Requirements: .............................................................................................................. 11
2.3.1 Performance requirement ................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.3 Hardware requirement...................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.3 Software requirement ....................................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................................................................. 13
3 SYSTEM DESIGN ......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Use Case Diagram and Use Case Documentation ................................................................................. 13
3.1.1 Essential Use Case Diagram ............................................................................................................... 13
3.1.2 CRC Model ......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.3 System Use Case Diagram ................................................................................................................. 16
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
1. Introduction:
1.1 Background:
Nowadays watching movie is the major entertaining thing. Peoples are spending lots of their
time watching TV-Shows, TV-Series, Documentary movies and so on. Because of that large
customer demand, movie-selling business is increasing in the cities. However, movie-selling
business is not just easy business. It requires a good capital, commitment, business ideas and
technology to provide the product as the demand requires.
In other side providing an excellent customer service to clients are the biggest challenge to
business owners. Customers does not just buy movies, also they require a quality customer
service. They want to make sure that they got a quality movie, and they need to know basic
information about the movie before watching or buying it.
In general, movie selling companies like internet shops are facing difficulties of
providing information about their selling product (Movie). Thus, A Movie Information System
is needed to handle this problem.
FLINTWOOD INTERNET & MOVIES is a movie and internet shop, which is found in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia, Bole Sub City Summit area. Four months’ age we developed a desktop
application to change the traditional system, however the application is failed to provide the
intended service for customers. Currently they are using a traditional system. This will cover
the key areas of the Shop. The details of the project are listed in the remaining document.
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
Many movie sellers provide information about their selling movie in a various method. Most of the
techniques used are manually by printing a movie information like title, genre, and the poster in a
simple paper and by making a catalogue album. This can be seen widely in the companies who
don’t resell internet service for their customers. In other side, internet and movie shops provide
this information through a different technology-based technique like posting movie information on
social networks, Facebook, Telegram, Viber etc. but this requires more cost and time both in
customers and service providers in order to get/give the movie information.
Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design and implement an automated web-based movie
information system which provides movie information to customers, that requires a small budget &
simple to implement.
The general objective of this project is to develop and implement user-friendly web application
which mange movie information that provides information for clients and control system for shops
who is selling movies.
Develop a system that keep track of and forecasts the customer’s favorite movie.
Develop a system that manages movies without requiring additional work like data entry
and sorting
Produce reports, which facilitate top management decision.
Design and implement a user interface for customers, employees and administrators.
Design and implement a system to manage movie ordering process.
Design and implement a system to manage fee collection process.
The proposed system provides different advantages to all users of the system. The first one is, it
retrieves movie information from the internet without the need of any data entry. The second
major advantage is that the system enables the customer to search for the movies that he desires
and gives a detail information about the movie. Moreover, it will allow the Administrator of the
shop to decide a systematic decision on the system.
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Increase Profit.
Minimize cost of paper, printing.
Manages the income in more precise way.
Increase goodwill.
For Customers
For Employees
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019 Features
1.7 Methodology
1.7.1 Data Collection Methods
In this project we used object oriented approach for the system analysis and design. There are some reasons
that make us to select this system development approach. These reasons are: -
We can inherit properties of the class that are defied in the super class.
We can reuse methods for avoiding redundancy.
It helps to reduce the complexity of the system and make clear program structure.
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
Since it enables us to observe the real problems of the existing system by providing
tangible and clear information, the team is simply observed the current working
system in action rather than a theory. This enables us to filter out the typical
problems of the system from different angles.
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2 Requirement Analysis
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
₰ Movie
₰ Income.
₰ Client or Visit
₰ Credit or Loan
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
Model is a representation in a certain medium of something in the same or another medium.
No. Actors
1. Administrator
2. Employee
3. Customer
4. Anonymous User
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Anonymous User
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
View Movie Information ()
Request Order () Employee
Cancel Order () Employee
Change Username & Password()
View Fee() Customer
View Movie Information ()
View Orders() Customer
Checkout Order Request() Customer
View Fee() Customer
Add New Movie()
Edit Movie()
Generate Report()
Change Username & Password()
View Movie Information ()
View Orders() Customer
Checkout Order Request() Customer
View Fee() Customer
Add New Movie()
Edit Movie()
Generate Report()
Change Username & Password()
Create Employee Account()
Anonymous Users
View Movie Information ()
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
A use case describes a function provided by the system that yields a visible result for an actor. An actor
describes any entity that interacts with the system. The identification of actors and use cases results in the
definition of the boundary of the system, that is in differentiating the tasks accomplished by the system and
the tasks accomplished by the system and the tasks accomplished by its environment. The actors are outside
the boundary of the system, whereas the use cases are inside the boundary of the system.
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
Name Register
Identifier UC-003
Description Create a new account in order to use the system fully
Actor Anonymous Users
Pre-Condition None
Post Condition The system creates an account if the user is not registered before
Extends None
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
Includes UC-001
Basic Course of Action
1. Anonymous user wants to be a member.
2. Anonymous user browses the website using “UC-001”
3. The system displays the website
4. Anonymous user clicks “Signup” link “UC-002”
5. The system displays the signup form “UC-004”
6. Anonymous user fills the user information then click the button “UC-004”
7. The system checks if the user exists on the database
8. The system displays the user credential form “UC-005”
9. Anonymous user fills the last form “UC-005”
10. The system will verify if the information is filled correctly then add the user to the database
and sets the user role as “Customer”.
11. The system will display the success message “UC-006”
Alternative course of Action A: User already exist on the database
7.1 the system determines that the user already registered.
7.2 the system informs that the user already exist on the database.
Name Login
Identifier UC-007
Description Login to the user account to get access
Actor Employee/Admin/Customers
Pre-Condition The User need to be a registered user
Post Condition None
Extends None
Includes UC-001
Basic Course of Action
1. User wants to sign in into the system.
2. User browse the website using “UC-001”
3. The system displays the website
4. User clicks “Login” link “UC-008”
5. The system displays the Login form “UC-009”
6. User fills the Login credential then click the login button “UC-009”
7. The system checks the user credential and identifies the user role
8. The system will display the main window based on the user’s role
Alternative course of Action A: Username or Password is incorrect
7.1 the system determines that the user name or password is incorrect
7.2 the system informs to the user that the username or password is incorrect
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Movie Store Information Management System 2019
view of an application .
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