Proposal On Design and Implementation of A Computerized VISITOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (A Case Study of Giver's
Proposal On Design and Implementation of A Computerized VISITOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (A Case Study of Giver's
Proposal On Design and Implementation of A Computerized VISITOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (A Case Study of Giver's
This system tracks the usage of a public office by gathering increasing amounts of information.
A visitor management system can record the usage of the facilities by specific visitors and
provide documentation of visitor’s whereabouts. Since a visitor management system provides a
record of office used and the person visited, these systems are frequently used to complement
office security systems and access control systems.
As electronic visitor management systems become more common and more powerful, these
systems are taking over many of the functions of office security and access control like gathering
information manually.
Managing visitors is an essential access control activity traditionally handled through paper logs
or guest books, where visitors sign in at the front desk. Synergis’ Visitor Management module
allows you to modernize your approach, go paperless, and become more efficient. Enroll visitors,
assign physical access rights, and track their movements with ease. A digital visitor management
system does the core job of checking in visitors. But it also does many things pen and paper
cants which include:
And so on.
The aim of this project is to design and implement an online visitor’s management system for
Giver’s Support Foundation (GSF), Offa, Kwara State.
2. To develop a web base which helps to insert and retrieve visitors information:
retrieval of information stored in a database is vital and must be ready to get back
from the database when needed so that the purpose of storing the data must be
3. To give account of visitors that visited the organization: the system that is setup
must be ready to give total number of visitors that visited the organization per day,
week, yearly etc.
4. To ascertain the reasons why the visitor visited: the system will also track the
reasons why the visitors visited, whether the message is relevant or not.
5. To provide easy access of searching and navigation for time saving: the system
have a special way of retrieving data from the database like search the visitor using
its identification number.
6. To provide adequate assessment of staff base on the amount of visitor (Client) and
their reason.
After carefully analysis of the project the researcher observed that the following problems are
mainly encountered by different organization
2. The present system makes use of small or no database for recording of visitor’s
5. Owing to the paper and pen method of recording information visitors may not give out
its full information needed at a particular time,
With growth of information technology, the study offers numerous values in business premises
and revenue payment:
1. Visitors get high quality service: since the recording requires human information,
with use of computer more concrete information will be provided.
3. High Security Environments: Assign and print credentials for your visitors like any
other employee, define detailed access rights, specify visitor escorts, and give your
staff full control over access to your facilities.
The Web base Online Atm request and delivery system will be implemented using a three tier
application design approach. The design of the graphical user interface was designed with Active
Server (ASP). Structure Query Language (SQL) was the database of choice while used to connect the user to the information in the database.
For this study to be reliable and undoubted certain techniques were adopted such as:
Interview: In the course of this research, it become necessary that there should be face to
face dialogue, much like a conversation based on a level of established mutual
understanding. Due to the inherent benefits of this work. During the interview relevant
ideas leading to the progress of this research we shared, facts about the interview from
the interviewer.
Written documents methods: Information will be obtained from some files and other