Edp 310 Motivation - Mini-Project - Life Wheel 2

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Lesson 7: My Life Wheel

My Life, 5 Years from Today

Name: Tiffany Smith
Date: 07/08/2020

Step 1: My Life Wheel

Figure 1. The Life Wheel (from sales guru, Zig Ziglar)

Balance in life is achieved when we are satisfied that we are addressing all areas of the life
wheel; if one or more areas of the wheel “go flat,” we feel out of balance.

Rank order the seven areas of the wheel, 1 being the area you are most satisfied with your overall
performance/ability/efficacy today, 7 being the area you feel needs the most attention.

1. Family
2. Social
3. Financial
4. Intellectual
5. Physical
6. Career
7. Spiritual

Step 2: Descriptive Explanation

Put #5, 6, and 7 from the life wheel rank order list above in the table below, as the areas of your
life wheel that you feel need the most attention.

Describe each area as it is now and how you envision it to be in the future, 5 years from today.
Be complete, and write both your NOW and VISION in the PRESENT TENSE. Below is an
example of one student’s PHYSICAL VISION for the future. She wrote it in present tense to
make sure she could envision herself truly being like this:

PHYSICAL VISION: I am very careful about what I eat. I prefer healthy food and I eat
balanced meals and snacks and the calorie intake that is proportionate to my desired
weight. I drink plenty of liquids to keep me hydrated. I eat my herbs every day to help my
body stay in tune and to help maintain my weight at 135 pounds. At this weight I look
good in a swimsuit, even a two-piece.

I exercise 4 or more times a week for cardio and strength. Often, I exercise out of doors. I
like to exercise alone because it allows me to think. I also like exercising with friends for
the social connection and accountability to get out and do it, and I often initiate fun
activities with my friends, especially on the weekends. I have maintained my strength and
body size for quite some time now. Because of my strength, endurance, and great
flexibility, I am not afraid to try most any recreational activity, knowing I will be able to
participate at some level.

As you fill in the table, be comprehensive, clear, and realistic but visionary. 100+ words per cell
is expected.


AREAS that I want Describe this area of your life, as Describe how you would like this area to
to attend to the most it is today. be 5 years from today.
5.Physical I am learning more about the I am confident and happy with my body.
needs of my body. I understand My body fat percentage is lower than it’s
that my body disagrees with ever been, and my muscle mass is the
certain foods, especially ones that highest I’ve ever seen. I enjoy exercising
contain a lot of sugar or any and include it in my everyday routine, it’s
dairy. I do my best to maintain a natural at this point in my life. I have
healthy diet, but I recognize that come a long way with my eating, and fuel
there is much for me to learn my body with proper nutrients. I am
about nutrition. I workout 2-3 aware of my specific Macros intake, and
days a week. I LOVE water, and am a natural at keeping track without
drink plenty of it, which keeps me having to write anything down anymore. I
hydrated. I also think this helps to continue to drink plenty of water. I have
keep my skin healthy, with fewer given birth to a child, which is absolutely
flaws and blemishes. I am a bit remarkable that the human body can
uncomfortable in a swimming perform this miracle. I help others to
suit, and have goals for a more know more about physical fitness and
confident me. health through different platforms. I use
races(triathlons, marathons) as ways to
stay motivated.
6. Career My current workplace is a job, I am in a position that I love. I have the
not my career. I realize that this opportunity to help people every single
job is providing me with benefits day. I have worked hard for my career,
that will help me to receive the and see the benefits of my hard work
education I need, in order to have paying off. I am able to use my degree
the career I want. I don’t look that I worked so hard to obtain, even when
forward to going to work, but I do others didn’t believe in me. I like going to
my best to be positive. I do like work everyday, which involves some days
being a supervisor, and this at the office, and some days at home
position has taught me about working remotely with my babies. I am a
others and myself. I feel like leader. Others rely on me, and I have
more of a leader. I have not only confidence in my work and team. I am
learned how to manage people, happy with the pay that I receive for my
but more importantly, I have work, and it keeps my family financial
learned how to be an actual stable. My career requires organization
leader. Being a Barista/Shift and project planning. I am happy where I
Supervisor has helped teach me am at in my career and in life.
the importance of time
management. This position also
reminds me of the importance of
carrying responsibility but
learning how to delegate and hold
others accountable.
7. Spiritual I am figuring myself out. I grew I am at peace and have found what works
up in a very religious home, best to fill my spiritual cup. There is a
which has influenced my nice balance of God in my life, without
spirituality greatly. I am now on too much of “religion”. My family accepts
my own, and leaving behind the my decisions, and me for who I am. There
only religion I have ever known is no judgement coming from me or them.
which has affected me spiritually. I rely heavily on meditation as a form of
But I do not want to go back. I relaxation and spirituality. I am confident
realize that I am much happier in myself, and stress out less than I ever
and at peace without that specific have before. I continue to rely heavily on
religion in my life. I am at a point nature as my form of spirituality. I am
where I do need something proud of the person I am today, and the
spiritually to fill my soul. I find journey I have taken to truly find myself
peace in nature, the mountains, spiritually.
beach, and watching a sunset or
sunrise. I am working towards
figuring out what exactly I want,
and how to explain my choices to
my family in a respectful way.

Step 3: Your Visions

Thinking about your visions from the right column in the table above, respond to each
question with a detailed explanation.

✓ Are your goals all visionary? Explain why or why not?

As I did the exercise above, I came to realize that many of my goals are visionary. Setting
a goal is realistic, while having a vision is limitless. I left the right columns very broad and open
to opportunities, yet I wrote down specific things that I hope to make happen. Much of what I
wrote above, in the right columns, were not just “short-term goals” but long term visions. As I
was writing down what I hope my life to look like in 5 years, I closed my eyes and literally
envisioned what that life looks like.

✓ Are my visions morally right and fair to all involved? Explain why or why not?
This is a very interesting question to me, something I hadn’t really considered as I wrote
and expressed myself above. I do believe that my visions are morally right and fair to all
involved. I think to know if something is morally right and fair to others, is dependent upon the
mind-set and intentions of the person with the vision, me. My intentions with creating a balanced
and equal “life wheel” come from a place in my heart and mind that is purposeful and refined.
While setting my visionary goals, I did not have mal-intentions, nor did I hope that my success in
achieving these visions would negatively affect another’s life.

✓ Are all visions consistent with one another? Do they align or interconnect where
there is a fit? Explain why or why not?
I do believe that my visions have a way of being interconnected. I realize that if I am
spiritually filled and content, I will become more motivated to feel better physically and treat my
body with the respect it deserves. I also realize that if I am happy with my career, I will leave my
job feeling satisfied and have the energy to come home and take care of my physical body, and
do whatever it is that helps me to take care of my spiritual self. I think all seven of the life wheel
categories are interconnected. Just as it states above, there is a need for balance in the wheel. If
one area is suffering, the wheel will be “flat” and not roll properly. I know when one of the seven
areas is flat in my life, because it begins to impact other categories/areas of my personal life

✓ Can you emotionally commit yourself to these visions? Explain why or why not?
Most definitely, I can commit myself to these visions, 100%. I feel like I am in a place
emotionally where I am ready to improve and find a deeper version of myself. I realize that much
of this will come through having visionary goals, and reaching those goals through finding a
balance in each category- DAILY. I feel emotionally mature enough to accept that there will be
days where I will fail to have a completely “filled” life wheel. With that being said though, I will
be able to pick myself back up and continue on a journey of self fulfillment.

✓ Can you see yourself actually reaching or achieving your visions? Explain why or
why not?
I know that I will reach and achieve these visions, without a doubt. It might come in a
different form than I am expecting, but I know that I can achieve the overall vision that I have set
for myself and my life. I say this with such confidence because I realize that flexibility will have
to be a key factor and afterall, my vision is not to become perfect, but to become the best version
of myself.

Step 4: Applying 5 Theories of Motivation to your Vision

This step in the goal-setting process involves applying the theories you have studied in
this course to one of the goals you identified in Step 1 of this mini-project.

Background information: Given the three life wheel areas you analyzed in Step 2,
select one to develop fully. Ideally, this should be the one where establishing a plan for
motivation will make the largest impact to your life’s path, where getting motivated and
staying motivated would assure "success" five years from now, in a very large way.
Think big!

My goal: To be confident in a physically fit body and have the knowledge I need
to take care of my body nutritionally. To help others achieve the same. I want to
love working out and have my daily routine include physical exercise.

Explain how each of the theory groups might support your motivation so your goal
actually becomes a reality. Cite sources in APA format.

1. Define Trait theory in detail and explain how the theory will help you get
motivated and/or stay motivated. If you don’t think it will help you, give your
reasoning in detail.
The trait theory is defined as, “a relatively stable characteristic that causes an
individual to behave in certain ways”(Trait Theory Presentation). After taking the
Big Five Personality Traits assessment, I understand myself better when it
comes to the trait theory. I am strongly traited in agreeableness, extraversion and
conscientiousness categories. To become more motivated to reach my physical
visionary goal, I realize that having a conscientious trait theory, I am motivated by
being organized and relied upon(Grohol, 2019). I hope to use this to my benefit
and create a structured and organized schedule to help me make time for
exercise and physical health daily. I know that by scheduling this into my days, I
will find more motivation to actually complete a workout. Eventually I hope that
working out and taking care of my body will be more habitual and natural, but
until I get to that level of motivation, I will use the conscientious category to help
me find motivation using the trait theory.

2. Define Humanist Theory in detail and explain how the theory will help you get
motivated and/or stay motivated. If you don’t think it will help you, give your
reasoning in detail.
The humanist theory focuses on intrinsic factors of motivation(Humanist Theory
Presentation). The needs of people are hierarchical, and lower needs must be
met in order for a person to fulfill potential. I think that by meeting my basic needs
of Maslow’s Hierarchy Pyramid, like food, water, warmth and rest(Poston, August
2009) I will find more motivation to reach self-fulfillment needs including that of
becoming physically fit and healthy.
3. Define Behaviorist Theory in detail and explain how the theory will help you get
motivated and/or stay motivated. If you don’t think it will help you, give your
reasoning in detail.
The behaviorist theory is based upon extrinsic motivation, which means that
motivation is triggered by external forces(Behaviorism Theory Presentation). This
theory focuses on the rewards and punishments along with observable behavior.
I think this theory has a lot to do with my vision and goal. Being physically fit
typically comes with the reward of “looking good” or “looking fit” which is a very
physical aspect that everyone can see, literally. I truly believe that this reward of
looking good on the outside and feeling good on the inside, will be a huge
motivation to help me to desire to become more healthy in life.

4. Define Cognitive Theory in detail and explain how the theory will help you get
motivated and/or stay motivated. If you don’t think it will help you, give your
reasoning in detail.
The cognitive theory is very interesting to me, as it has to do the internal state,
like a person’s thoughts, expectations and goals(Cognitive Theory Presentation).
An important part of this theory to me, is that of acknowledging that levels of
motivation vary between individuals and within individuals all at different
times(Cognitive Theory Presentation). This is an important factor to consider as I
start improving my physical health. I may not feel as motivated at times to
continue working towards my visionary goal, which is a part of understanding
more about motivation related to this theory. In a way I could see this theory not
helping as much as other theories, due to the fluctuation that can occur due to
my mortal limitations, yet it could be a theory that helps me to personally
motivate and push myself to reach this goal.
5. Define Social Cognitive Theory in detail and explain how the theory will help
you get motivated and/or stay motivated. If you don’t think it will help you, give
your reasoning in detail.
The social cognitive theory focuses on learning by observing others(Social
Cognitive Theory Presentation). This theory is all about imitating those people
whom one identifies with. I personally believe this theory will help me to get
motivated to reach my goal. With social media nowadays, there are so many
instagram and facebook accounts that are fitness related. Surrounding myself
with people who are “awarded for their behavior” such as working out, and being
rewarded with a healthy lifestyle and fit body, is a way for me to find motivation.
Once I have found the motivation, staying motivated will continue through
wanting similar goals to those that I surround myself with.


EDP 310: Motivation (Arizona State University). Behaviorist Theory Presentation.

Retrieved July 08, 2020, from
https://www.asu.edu/courses/mlftc/bae_edp310_motivation/ presentations/lesson_04/?

EDP 310: Motivation (Arizona State University). Cognitive Theory Presentation.

Retrieved July 08, 2020, from
https://www.asu.edu/courses/mlftc/bae_edp310_motivation/ presentations/lesson_05/?

EDP 310: Motivation (Arizona State University). Humanist Theory Presentation.

Retrieved July 07, 2020, from
https://www.asu.edu/courses/mlftc/bae_edp310_motivation/ presentations/lesson_03/?

EDP 310: Motivation(Arizona State University). Social Cognitive Theory Presentation.

Retrieved July 07, 2020, from
https://www.asu.edu/courses/mlftc/bae_edp310_motivation/ presentations/lesson_06/?

EDP 310: Motivation(Arizona State University). Trait Theory Presentation. Retrieved July 07,
2020, from https://www.asu.edu/courses/mlftc/bae_edp310_motivation/

Grohol, J. (2019, November 21). The Big Five Personality Traits. Retrieved July 06, 2020, from
Poston, B. (august 2009). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The Surgical Technologist. Retrieved

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