Revival and The End Time Glory of God: William Porter
Revival and The End Time Glory of God: William Porter
Revival and The End Time Glory of God: William Porter
WILLIAM PORTER URGES every generation. I believe that the Malachi 4:5-6 also speaks of an Elijah-
greatest outpouring of the Spirit will like reconciling ministry preceding the
occur for the generation of the church Lord’s coming. There is a measure of
COMING WORLDWIDE MOVE which is alive when Jesus returns! I this Malachi prophecy which awaits
OF THE HOLY SPIRIT BEFORE believe that time is very, very close! I an End Time fulfilment, and suggests
JESUS RETURNS. want to suggest six things which will a profound Holy Spirit move of love,
characterise the church in this coming reconciliation and unity amongst true
Revivals are real! They are concrete End Time revival. They marked the early believers, marking the church.
historical events, recorded by church, and it is a fitting Holy Spirit
eyewitnesses and dissected by bookend that they could likewise mark 3) THE CHURCH WILL SPREAD THE
historians. Revivals are seasons of the End Time church generation. GOSPEL IN WORD AND POWER.
Holy Spirit outpourings in the life of
the church, where people experience The early disciples were thrust out of
1) THE CHURCH WILL BE KNOWN the upper room, filled with God and
the power and presence of God in an
FOR THE PRESENCE AND GLORY babbling in tongues, their hearts on fire
extraordinary way. A number of things
can happen in such seasons: churches
OF THE LORD. with the message of the gospel. For his
can be stirred to fresh life and mission, In Habakkuk 2:14 and Isaiah 11:9, the people to be his witnesses to the end of
large numbers of people can come to Lord promises a time when ‘the earth the earth, Jesus knew they would need
faith in Christ, miracles and healing can will be filled with the glory of God as the Holy Spirit power (Acts 1:8). The DNA of
occur and, for a short period of time, waters cover the sea’. The dedication of such gospel sharing, as the apostle Paul
those caught up in revivals can feel as the holy places of tabernacle and temple wrote, was both a clear proclamation of
though they are living in the church of in Israel were accompanied by signs Jesus and powerful signs of healing and
the book of Acts again. of God’s glory, the cloud and fire of his miracles (Romans 15:18-19). This End
presence. The church in the book of Acts Time revival will be a revival in word and
I would like to encourage you to believe was birthed in glorious signs of the Spirit’s power, bringing a harvest of millions
that a great time of revival is coming! fire and power. I believe the weighty of people to faith in Jesus and many
That is my personal conviction for the glory of God and his beautiful presence healings and miracles alongside it.
British Isles. I have been burdened with will increasingly rest on his church as
this conviction for the last thirty years they gather and as they witness and that 4) THE CHURCH WILL EXPRESS
but something shifted radically for me society will start to notice the Holy Spirit’s GOD’S HEART FOR THE POOR
in 2007, when it dawned on me that the tangible presence upon the church. AND BROKEN.
revival we are praying for is not just a It was said of the church in the book of
shot in the arm for a weary church. God 2) THE CHURCH WILL BE RADICAL Acts, that ‘there was no needy person
is preparing his church right now for the IN THEIR DEVOTION TO THE LORD among them’ (Acts 4:34). In this coming
promised End Time revival, which will AND TO EACH OTHER. End Time revival, I believe that God will
usher in the return of Jesus! Revelation 14:1-5 mentions a mysterious anoint churches and ministries to meet
number of 144,000 End Time radical social needs or respond to crises, in
God promised his people outpourings followers of Jesus – those who have ways that are beyond society’s ability
of the Spirit in Joel 2:28-32, which began an unusual devotion and commitment to provide. Healing of broken lives and
at Pentecost and is a valid promise for to the Lord in the last generation. minds – beautiful emotional healing