Dan. 11 40 To 45

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11:40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of
the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and
with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.

“at the time of the end”

Note: This phrase applies to whatever time prophecy is currently being discussed. Dan
8:17 is where this phrase is first used, “Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the
end (the end of the 2300 years when the ‘cleansing’ would begin) shall be the vision
[mareh] (referring to the appearance of the ‘saints’ in verses 13 & 14, their question
about the ‘cleansing’, and their 2300-day answer.)”, and the comments on 8:19 state,
“for at the time appointed the end shall be. (Meaning: at ‘the time of the end’ shall be
the end of both the 2300 and the 2520 years).” So, the “time of the end” in Dan. 8 is
referring to the end of the 2300 and 2520-year prophecies that ended in 1844, but here
in Dan. 11:40 the phrase is referring to the end of the 1260 years of Papal Rome’s rule
in 1798 since Papal Rome has been the subject of the preceding verses. Every Bible
prophecy has its own “time of the end”, or the time of its fulfillment or completion.

“the king of the south”

(Please review the commentary on verse 4 about the kings of the North and South.) We
have just seen that the power ruling over the territory of ancient Babylon has been
understood as the “King of the North”, and that that political kingship was eventually
given over to Papal Rome in 538 A.D., the actual custodian of the pagan religion of
Babylon. But who has been the “King of the South” since the fall of Egypt at the Battle of
Actium in 31 B.C. (last noted in verse 25)? Commentary on verses 31 and 36 suggest
the atheistic USSR and atheistic Napoleon Bonaparte’s Revolutionary France as “kings
of the south”. Why so? What is the connection between Egypt, Napoleon and the
USSR? This writer suggests that Atheism is the connection. Biblically, the first major
confrontation with Atheism was in Egypt, when Pharaoh retorted to Moses in Exodus
5:2, “I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go.” Even though Pharaoh’s arrogant
assertion of atheistic defiance of God (rather than ignorance of God) soon drowned in
the Red Sea and sank from sight; the spirit of atheism, like the mythical serpentine
dragon, pops up again here and there through history. Historically then, the next
appearance of the “arrogant assertion of atheistic defiance of God (rather than
ignorance of God)” pops up in Napoleon Bonaparte’s Revolutionary France in the
1790’s; and since we have just discussed the doings of Papal Rome during the 1260
years up to 1798; and noted atheistic Napoleon’s dethronement of the Pope at that
time, it should be easy to see that “Egyptian” atheism is the “King of the South” who
“pushes” at the papal “King of the North” in 1798, and Papal Rome was “grieved” (note
verse 30) as Pagan Rome was before it.

“and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots,
and with horsemen, and with many ships;”
This “and” turns out to be a very long “and”!
As an “historicist” expositor of Bible prophecy one has to wait until the “grieved” and
defunct “King of the North”, the papacy, manages to heal itself from its “deadly wound”
to the degree that it can muster up enough support to retaliate against the atheistic
“King of the South”. Even though the Catholic Church (no longer a “church-state”)
immediately elected a new Pope it had no secular governmental support, no “arms [that]
shall stand on his part” (note the comments on verse 31), to do the dirty-work of
conquering his enemies for him. So, the “King of the North” had to wait, and watch, and
plan, and plot, and connive, and maneuver, and wheedle his way back into favor with
secular governments anywhere and everywhere, until he had the support of a secular
government strong enough to execute his revenge on the atheistic “King of the South”,
whoever he may be at that time.

For over a hundred years the “King of the North” bided his time, and as a “woman” of
Bible prophecy he continued spreading the false wine of Catholic teachings around the
world, and watched for an opportunity to gain political support and power back again.
But what had happened to the “King of the South” during this time? Napoleon’s atheism
didn’t last more than a few years in Revolutionary France. The Reign of Terror quickly
showed the leaders of the French Assembly that even though Catholicism was bad,
atheism was not a better alternative. However, even though organized atheism, the
“King of the South” had again sunken out of sight, “underground” so to speak, the hope
of life apart from God (and especially world-dominion apart from God) was far from
dead. Multitudes eagerly grasped the hope of life apart from God in the theory of
evolution and in the writings of atheistic authors like Voltaire, and some were especially
attracted to the writings of Karl Marx and others, and the hope of world-dominion apart
from God.

In 1917 the Russian, or “Bolshevik” Revolution displaced the Romanov Czars and the
Communists set up a new government founded on organized atheism (the “King of the
South” lived again!); and then a few years later in 1929 the “King of the North” regained
his statehood and his war making ability again in an apparently powerful political
supporter, namely Italy’s Benito Mussolini, who, along with Hitler’s Germany, invaded
the “King of the South” in Russia, but was eventually defeated. So, the “King of the
North” lost his war-making ally (was “grieved” again) and had to fall back and continue
waiting and watching for his next possible opportunity to use some strong nation’s
military power for revenge upon the “King of the South”.

A generation later his great opportunity had finally come. The growth of militant atheistic
Communism in the USSR had been checked by the Protestant power from the West,
the USA, and
the resulting “Cold War” standoff came to be symbolized by the “Iron Curtain” and the
Berlin Wall.
It’s hard to say who wished more for the death of the atheistic “King of the South” in the
but Papal Rome saw in Protestant America the opportunity to form a “Holy Alliance”
(see TIME magazine, February 24, 1992). Then a curious twist of events occurred (see
the comments on 11:30-31). History is repeating! The head of the Central Intelligence
Agency of the United States conducted secret interviews with the Vatican (keep in mind
the principle of Dan. 11:30, that whoever will “have intelligence with them that forsake
the holy covenant” always loses, because mere man can never outsmart the devil).
Those secret interviews led to the USA sending an Ambassador to the Vatican in 1984
(thereby making Protestant America into “apostate Protestantism”, or the “false prophet”
of Rev. 16:13), and then also America waged “war” on the USSR (the “whirlwind, with
chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships” . . . the King of the North had his
“arms” back!) until it finally collapsed, and the Berlin Wall was torn down in 1989. The
atheistic “King of the South” was dead and out of the game for control of planet earth!

. . . and then “he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.”

Of course the Vatican reclaimed its Catholic former USSR “satellite” countries in
Eastern Europe.

11:41 He (the King of the North, Papal Rome) shall enter also into (ie. conquer)
the glorious land . . .

Note: Here the prophecy passes into our immediate future. The last reference to “the
glorious land” was verse 16 and spoke of “literal” Israel being conquered by pagan
Rome in 63 B.C., but this “glorious land” is historically after 1989 and can only mean the
land of “spiritual” Israel, the “Protestant” United States of America that shall be
“conquered” when it legally switches from Protestantism (note the previous history of
Clovis switching from paganism), and adopts Rome’s enforced Sunday-worship Law,
and persecutes seventh-day Sabbath-keepers, thereby becoming the “image of the
beast” that persecuted God’s loyal people through the 1260 years of Papal rule.

In harmony with the prophetic rule of “the triple application of prophecy”, Papal Rome
has to conquer three geographical areas; the first being the Eastern European lands of
the deceased “King of the South”, the USSR, its atheistic enemy; the second being the
USA “glorious land” at the Sunday Law, its “apostate Protestant” ally; the last being the
entire world, the “land of Egypt”, its victim; before it can become Modern Global Rome.
Rome conquers first its enemy, second its ally, and third its victim.

. . . “and many [countries] shall be overthrown:”

“Countries” is a wrongly supplied word that more accurately should be “people”. Many
people, all around the world, “shall be overthrown” when they accept the “Mark of the
Beast” (Rev. 13-14)
which is enforced Sunday worship, either in their “foreheads” (ie. minds), meaning
obedience; or in their “hands” (ie. works), meaning un-willing obedience; as opposed to
loyalty to God by keeping the seventh-day Sabbath. Regardless of whatever else may
be going on
in the world at that time, doubtless there will be “a great controversy” over this one
. . . “but these shall escape out of his hand (the hand of Modern Global Rome), [even]
and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.”
The Ammonites no longer exist so the names of these ancient people groups clearly
must be
symbolic of people living now, or in the immediate future, who are presently “in the
hand” of
Rome (this writer suggests they are “in Rome’s hand” by observing Rome’s Sunday
worship even
though it is not enforced as of this writing, in February of 2011).
They “escape out of his hand” when they see and understand the contrast between
forced Sunday worship and Bible Sabbath worship, and then choose loyalty to God by
the Bible Sabbath. Evidently, they are the “eleventh-hour workers” Jesus spoke of in Mt.
“chosen” from among the ranks of Sunday keepers (or no-day keepers) to work for
God’s Sabbath
Truth in the last hour of earth’s history.
11:42 He (Modern Global Rome) shall stretch forth his hand (Rome’s forced Sunday
also upon the countries (of the whole world): and the land of Egypt (shall we say, the
pagan countries that make up the United Nations? Rev. 17:12) shall not escape.
11:43 But he (Modern Global Rome) shall have power over the treasures of gold and
of silver
and over all the precious things of Egypt (total global economic control, note Rev. 13:17,
and the Libyans (the poor countries) and the Ethiopians (the wealthy countries) [shall
be] at his
steps (or “marching in step” with militant Modern Global Rome).
BUT . . .
11:44 But tidings (news, a message, a “Loud Cry”) out of the east (this writer suggests
“east” is
a reference to Radical Islam, the “third Woe” of Rev. 8:13, who will be explosively
disrupting the
global economy) and out of the north (it is suggested that “north” is a reference to the
who will be disrupting the new global religion) shall trouble him (militant Modern Global
because his universal Sunday Law is not quite universally accepted): therefore he shall
go forth
with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many (a universal Death Decree;
note Isa.
10:1, Rev. 13:15, Esther 3:13).
11:45 And he (militant Modern Global Rome) shall plant the tabernacles of his palace
the seas (peoples, Rev. 17:15) in [better, “and”] the glorious holy mountain (the
144,000., in
order to block the “Loud Cry” final warning they are giving to the world); yet he shall
come to his
end, and none shall help him (Rev. 17:16, etc.).

God's law must be exalted, His authority maintained; and to the house of Israel was given this
great and noble work. God separated them from the world, that He might commit to them a
sacred trust. He made them the depositaries of His law, and He purposed through them to
preserve among men the knowledge of Himself. Thus the light of heaven was to shine out to a
world enshrouded in darkness, and a voice was to be heard appealing to all peoples to turn
from idolatry to serve the living God. {PK 16.1}

"With great power, and with a mighty hand," God brought His chosen people out of the land
of Egypt. Exodus 32:11. "He sent Moses His servant; and Aaron whom He had chosen. They
showed His signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham." "He rebuked the Red Sea
also, and it was dried up: so He led them through the depths." Psalm 105:26, 27; 106:9. He
rescued them from their servile state, that He might bring them to a good land, a land which in
His providence He had prepared for them as a refuge from their enemies. He would bring them
to Himself and encircle them in His everlasting arms; and in return for His goodness and mercy
they were to exalt His name and make it glorious in the earth.


{PK 16.2}

"The Lord's portion is His people; Jacob is the lot of His inheritance. He found him in a desert
land, and in the waste howling wilderness; He led him about, He instructed him, He kept him as
the apple of His eye. As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth
abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings: so the Lord alone did lead him, and
there was no strange god with him." Deuteronomy 32:9-12. Thus He brought the Israelites unto
Himself, that they might dwell as under the shadow of the Most High. Miraculously preserved
from the perils of the wilderness wandering, they were finally established in the Land of Promise
as a favored nation. {PK 17.1}

The greatest and most favored nation upon the earth is the United States. A gracious
Providence has shielded this country, and poured upon her the choicest of Heaven's blessings.
Here the persecuted and oppressed have found refuge. Here the Christian faith in its purity has
been taught. This people have been the recipients of great light and unrivaled mercies. But
these gifts have been repaid by ingratitude and forgetfulness of God. The Infinite One keeps a
reckoning with the nations, and their guilt is proportioned to the light rejected. A fearful record
now stands in the register of Heaven against our land; but the crime which shall fill up the
measure of her iniquity is that of making void the law of God. {4SP 398.1}


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