Sabre Notes 1

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(change key)(change key)CERT or (change key)(change key)RES

*M- to check if your on cert or res

So - 1 worksheet sign out
so* - sign all worksheet
s* - check 1 work area
*s* - check all work areas

AAA(PCC) = to find a PCC

Sabre Encode
W/*(AIRLINECODE)‡*(AIRLINECODE) = Ticketing and Baggage Agreements Between Specific
W/*(AIRLINECODE)‡ALL = Ticketing and Baggage Agreements for a Specific Airline

Sabre Decode

WETP*(AIRLINECODE) = Display Electronic Ticketing information for a specific airline

Availability Displays and Options

1(DATE)(CITYCITY) = Basic Availability
1(DATE)(CITYCITY(TIME) = Availability by Departure Time
1(DATE)(CITYCITY)(TIME)(change key)(AIRLINE CODE) = Direct Connect by Departure Time and
Specific Airline
1(DATE)(CITYCITY)(TIME)(CXN CITY) = Specify Connecting City
1(DATE)(CITYCITY)(TIME)-(CLASS OF SERVICE) = Availability with a Specific Class of Service
1(DATE)(CITYCITY)(TIME)/D = Direct Connect Availability Non-Stop / Direct Flights only

Modify an Existing Availability Display

1* = Request additional Availability
1*(TIME) = Change the Departure Time
1*R = Redisplay Last Availability
1*OA = Redisplay Original Availability
1‡(NUMBER OF DAYS) = Add Specified Number of Days to Availability Date
1-(NUMBER OF DAYS) = Subtract Specified Number of Days from Availability Display
1R(RETURN DATE)(DEPARTURE TIME) = Request Return Availability for a Specific Date and Time

1R(date of return) = use to check avail for the return

Selling in Seats - Commands

0(nbr of seats)(class of serv)(line nbr) =
0(nbr of seats)(class of serv)(line nbr)* = specific w/ req class of serv & all connecting
0(nbr of seats)(class of serv)(line nbr)(class of serv)(line nbr) = specific w/ diff class
of serv & all connecting flights

*IA = display the selected seats for outbound and return

Insert/Move Segments Commands
/(segment nbr to insert after)/(segment nbr moving) = insert segment after an exist
/0/(segment nbr moving) = segemnt to become first segment
/(segment nbr to insert after)/(segment nbr moving)-(segment nbr moving) = move a range of
segments after an existing segment

Command to enter ARNK

/(segment nbr the ARNK comes after)A

Cancel Flight Segments Commands

X(SEGMENT NBR) = specific (1)
X(SEGMENT NBR)-(SEGMENT NBR) = cxl range of flights
XIA = cancel all air segments
XI = cxl flights and the retention line

after cxling the segment, you have to press 6 to save or receive, then enter ER, then re-
enter login id, then your name chould have an * if its succesful

Updating Retention Line

0OTH(Airline Code)GK(#pax)(end city code)(future date)-INFO/RETENTION

T(change key)(date)(cross of loraine key)330 - to check the right date when updating

PNR 5 mandatory parts:
P - phone field
R - received field
I - Itin field
T - ticketing field

Display Sabre PNR Fields

*A = Display all PNR Fields (the entire PNR)
*N = Display Name Field Only
*IA = Display Itinerary Air Segments Only
*HIA = Display history of air segments

*T = Display Ticketing Field Only

*P = Display Passenger Information Only (except Name Field & Itinerary)
*P3 = Display GFACTS
*P4 (American Airlines) = Display GFACTS
*P5 = Display Remarks Only
*P5H = Display Historical Remarks Only
*P6 = Display Received Field Only
*P7 = Display Ticketing Field Only
*P9 = Display Phone Fields Only
*H = Display PNR History Data
*(FIELD)*(FIELD)*(Field) = To display multiple PNR fields ex. *N*P9*IA
VCT* = valid connection time
*(record locator) = retrieve a pnr in sabre
PNR Retrieval
*-(LAST NAME) = By Passenger Last Name
and Travel
*(RECORD LOCATOR) = By Record Locator
*(PNR LIST NUMBER) = Display a PNR from a Similar Name List
*L = Redisplay a Similar Name List ex. *L

src - senior
inf -infant
cnn - child
adt - adult

Name Field Commands

-(LAST NAME)/(FIRST NAME)(OPTIONAL TITLE) = Add a Passenger Name Field
Passengers with the
same Last Name
-(NAME FIELD NUMBER)(change key)(NEW LAST NAME)/(NEW FIRST NAME) = Change a Single
Passenger Name
FIRST NAME) = Change a Multi-Passenger Name
-(NAME FIELD NUMBER)(change key) = Delete a Name Field

Phone Field (identifier)

A = agency
B = business
F = fax
H = home
C = cell

Phone Field Commands

9(dept city code)(area code)-(phone number)-(identifier) = add
9(phone field number)(change key)(correct phone number)-(identifier) = change
9(phone field number)(change key) = delete

Ticketing Field Commands

7(change key)TAW(NEW DATE)/ = change
7T-PCC - formula

6(Free Form Text)

End Transact
E = end transaction
ER = end and retrieve

I = ignore
IR = ignore and retrieve

Creating pnr with the five mandatory fields:

1) Name of pax
2) phone nbr
3) search and sell flights
4) add a ticketing line
5) add a receive field and save = 1st step) 6(change key)/agent sign 2nd step) ER
Add general remarks
5H-(free text) = add gen remarks
5(line# changing)(change key)H-(Correct tEXT)
5(line# deleting)(change key)

credit card codes

VI = Visa
CA = Master Card
AX = Amex Exprerss
DS = Discover

Form of Payment (FOP) Field

5-*(CC CODE)(CREDIT CARD NUMBER)‡MM/YY-XN = Store a Credit Card and Suppress the Card
Number from Printing on an Invoice or Itinerary
5(ITEM NUMBER)(change key)-*(NEW TEXT) = Change the Form of Payment (Remarks) ex 51(change
5/(ZIPCODE) = Add a Credit Card Billing Address in the Credit Card Data Field

(All Airlines except American)
4OSI(FREEFORM TEXT) = Add an OSIs for American Airlines


Frequent Flyer

FF(Airline Code)(FF Nbr)-(Name Field Nbr) = Add a Frequent Flyer

PT*(AL Code) = to check what airlines participate with an airline's FF program

*FF - display frequent flyer

Flight Information
Display Flight information for all segments in a PNR, including:
§ Enroute Stops
§ Meal Service
§ Equipment (Aircraft-type)
§ Elapsed Flying time
§ Mileage
§ Code Share Information
Display Flight Information for a Specific
Display Flight Information for a Range of Segments
Display Flight Information from an Availability Display (Use for Direct Flight Stops)
*(record locator) = display pnr
*T = display tkt list
WETR*(Line # of tkt you want to view) = display e-tkt

Pricing and Taxes
US - US Transportation Tax = 7.5% of the base fare
ZP - Segment Tax = $4.00 per US domestic segment
XF - Pax Facility Change = ranges form $3.00 to $4.50 per airport
addtn'l info:
> segments w/i the 48 us contiguous states
> segment w/in alaska and hawaii
AY - Security Tax = tkts issued after July 21, 2014 - $5.60 ec direction
= tkts issued prior to July 21, 2014 - $2.50 per segments
addtn'l info:
> After July 21, 2014 - No Cap
> Prior to July 21, 2014 - max $5.00 OW and $10.00 RT
XT - combined tax
Q - fuel surcharge

TXN/B(city pair)/(X or RT)/(base fare amnt) = note: X is for one way and the RT is for the
round trip > command to calc the amnt of tax to Hawaii and Alaska

Flying from US to an international destinational there is an addtnl "us international

transpo tax".
= tkt issued in 2014 - $8.70 ec direction
= tkt issued in 2015 - $8.90 ec direction

Fare Calc Line includes

> breakdown of the base fare
> airlines
> breakdown of segment tax (ZP)
> breakdown of pax facility charge (XF) - INCLUDING CITIES and amounts collected for ec
> surcharges
> other tax information

TXN**(tax code) = to know the tax info

ROE  - rate of exchange
NUC - neutral unit conversion
NIL - not included - no baggage included
B - baggage included

WP - Will Price = price itin as bk

WPNC - Will Price Nice and Cheap = price itin at lowest fare, but no change to class of
WPNCB - Will Price Nice and Cheap and Book = change to lowest class of serv avail and
WPS(segment nbr) = price specific segment
WC(serment nbr)(new class of serv) = change spec segments to new class of serv
ex. WC2F (single segment)
ex. WC1H/2Q (multiple segments)
WCA(CLASS OF SERVICE) = change all segments to new class of serv
PQ - store a price quote
WPNCB(CROSS OF LORAINE)RQ - price itin lowest class and book; and store the PO - price
nice, cheap, book, store
WPS(segment nbr)/(segment nbr)(cross of loraine)RQ

*PQ - display a stored PQ

*PQH - display history of all PQ
PQD-ALL - delete all PQ records
PQD(PRICE QUOTE NBR) - delete a specific PQ record

Q history sabre history - cst
ticketing time stamp - pst

Viewing Sabre History

*H = display all sabre history
*H5 - display remarks


Fare Quote Display and Rule Display

FQ(tkt issue date)(city pairs)(date of travel)-(airline)

RD(line nbr fare basis code is on)*M = display the fare rules for a specific farer basis
code form a FQ list
RD*(rule nbr) - display info on a specific rule from the rule menu

Steps to Look UP Fare Rules

1) display e-tkt
2) enter FQ formart
3) locate fare basis code from list
4) display menu of rules for your fare basis code
5) rev the applicable rules

1 - Eligibility
2 - Day / Time
3 - Seasonality
4 - Flight Application
5 - Advance Reservations / Ticketing
6 - Minimum Stay
7 - Maximum Stay
8 - Stopovers
9 - Transfers
10 - Combinations
11 - Blackout Dates
12 - Surcharges
13 - Accompanied Travel
14 - Travel Restrictions
15 - Sales Restrictions
16 - Penalties
17- HIP / Mileage Exceptions
18 - Ticket Endorsement
19 - Children Discounts
20 - Tour Conductor Discounts
21 - Agent Discounts
Fare Rules
RD(FARE QUOTE LINE NUMBER) = display fare rules from a fare quote display ex. RD4
RD(LINE NUMBER)*M = display menu of rule subjects for a specific line number ex. RD3*M
RD(LINE NUMBER)*(RULE SUBJECT NO.)/(RULE SUBJECT NUMBER) = display select rule subjects
for a specific line number ex. RD3*2/16
RD(LINE NUMBER)*RTG = display fare rules and request routing information ex. RD3*RTG
RD* = Redisplay last fare rules display
Display historical RUles

Creating a PNR
1) name
2) phone nbr
3) availability and sell
4) ticketing
5) rcv
6) er
7) price
8) store
9) rcv
10) er

YAXNAZ = record loc

G3CRDQ  = airline record loc

Manual Price Quote (Phase IV)

Components of Manual Price Quote (Phase IV)

W(cross of loraine)C = adult
W(cross of loraine)C(cross of loraine)PSRC = senior
W(cross of loraine)C(cross of loraine)PCNN = child
**W = display a complete Phase IV
W(cross of loraine)D = sabre command to delete all Phase IV
W(cross of loraine)D(tkt rec nbr) = delete specific Phase IVs
**W(phase IV nbr) = display specififc history of a specific Phase IV

Addtn'l Sabre commands to enter the req info to complete a Phase IV.
L - Line Entitlement = W¥I¥L
U = Tour Code (Waiver code) = W¥I¥U
C - Fare Calculation Line = W¥I¥C
K - Commission = W¥I¥K
E - Endoresement Line = W¥I¥ED/
Y - Money (base fare and taxes = W¥I¥Y(CURRENY CODE)

Addtn'l Info
Phase IV Tips
1) Sabre will only allow up to 6 Phase IVs to be save in 1 PNR.
2) If you make any changes to the flight itin after you save your Phase IV, you must
update the Phase IV to reflect the change you made.
3) If you are creating multiple Phase IVs in a PNR, you must add the nbr of teh  to you
LUCKEY commands. Ex.: If you are creating Phase IV nbr 2 for an adt, the line entitlement
line would be: W¥I2¥L
4) After completing a Phase IV, ALWAYS save your work by entering the ER command
5) When adding a Phase IV to a PNR, the Phase IV becomes the price quote. All other price
quotes must be deleted from the PNR.
6) The Baggage Allowance must be entered in the Line Entitlement Line. You can can find
the baggage allowance in the original price quote for the PNR.
Baggage Allowance = must be add at the of the Line Entitlement
*BA(bag allow) = ex. 1 bag (1 pc) = *BA01P
ex. no bag allow = *BANIL

Steps to Create A Phase IV

2) Once the cx accepts the flights offered by the airline and the new flights are sold in,
you are ready to complete your Phase IV.
The Phase IV will keep the price of the orig tkt so the cx is not penalized.
3) Display the e-tkt
You will need info from orig tkt for your Phase IV.
4) Start the Phase IV by creating the shell.
Since this is for an adt, the Sabre command is: W¥C
5) The first step in the LUCKEY format is the LIne Entitlement.
The sabre command is: W¥I¥L(segment nbr)-(fare basis code)*(validity dates)*BA(baggage
NOte: repeat for evry diff fare basis code.

1. Retrieve PNR in Sabre (6-letter record locator)
2. Display the WETR (electronic ticket record)

Create you PhaseIV shell

(use this command if there is only one passenger type on the PNR)
W‡C‡PADT/CNN (use this command when there are more than one passenger type)

L - Enter your line entitlements from the WETR(fare basis code and validity dates)
W‡I‡L(first segment from the PhaseIV shell)-(fare basis code, you get from the ETR)*(date
of flight that you get from the PhaseIV shell) ‡(2nd segment number from the PhaseIV
shell)-(fare basis code, you get from the ETR)*(date of flight that you get from the
PhaseIV shell) …. Etc (see page 3 for baggage allowance notes)

U- Enter any waiver codes or tour codes given by the airline (if applicable)
W‡I‡U(waiver code or tour code .. exactly as given by the airline (if no tour code SKIP))

C- Add your fare calculation from PQ

W‡I‡C(fare calculation line from the ETR. Type the fare calculation from the beginning
till the end. You must enter exactly as it is listed in the ETR including the spaces.)

K- Add the commission amount (generally will be 0)

W‡I‡K(is the dollar amount which is usually 0.00)

E- Add the airline endorsements

W‡I‡ED/(endorsement line .. found above the fare line in the ETR)

Y- Enter the base fare and XT

W‡I‡YUSD(base fare amount)/(tax break down with tax code, separated by the /)

Divide and Void

D(name field nbr)*(name field nbr = dividing more than 1 pax, ex. D1.1*2.2
TCP = cross referencing
TCP Entries
> add an OSI to ec PNR. sABRE COMMAND: 3OSI(airline code)TCP(# OF PAX)w(LAST NAME/FIRST
NAME)(record locator) = note: 4osi for AA

Dividing more than one pax at the same time -- D(name field number)*(name field number) --
EXAMPLE; D1.1*2.2
 To cross reference the two PNRs -- enter TCP command in both PNRs
 Adding an OSI to each PNR -- 3OSI (al code) TCP(number of pax) W (last name/first name)
(record locator) ***For AA use 4OSI
Divide the PNR
1) command for divide
2) R
3) F
4) R
6) E


WETP*(AIRLINE CODE) = sabre command to know if the airline allow cx to void an exchange

Ticketing PCC
> When processing a Void, you must be in the PCC the PNR was tktd in.
> Verify the tkting PCC bu viewing the tkt and emulate if necessary.


 1. Emulate tkting PCC / *T

 2. Check if within void window
 3. Check tkt status
 4. *T
 5. Double click the tkt number to be voided twice.
 6. XIA
 7. Add remarks 5H- Documentation and SIGNATURE/DATE
 8. Rcv and ER

Void Exchange -- if the cx will make a change to their flights only to find out, they need
their original flights back.
 To verf if the al allows to void an exchange -- WETP*(al code)
 When processing a void you must be in the PCC the PNR was tktd in.

Detailed VOID PNR

1) display pnr
2) *T
3) needs to get the tkt pcc
4) I
5) emulate = AAA(tkt pcc)
6) display pnr
7) check if the tkt is w/i the void window
8) check the status
9) *T
10) double click the tkt nbr to be voided the
11) XIA
12) add remarks and signature/date
13) 5H-GCO(VOYAGERLOGIN)/(DATE ex. 07oct17)
14) *IA
15) received
16) er

cxl segment
delete pq


Steps to Cancel Flights in Sabre
1) Display the PNR & verify:
> flights are present & HK status

Airfare types
> Published = Package and standalone
> Special Vacation Airfare (SVA) = Package only
> Branded Net Fare (BNF) = Standalone only
Expedia Bargain Fare (EBF)

Hot Fares (Hotwire), Hotwire Bargain Flights

Orbitz Bargain Fares

CheapTickets Bargain Fares

Note: The above types of airfare are known as opaque fares.

= Standalone only (◾Also known as merchant airfare)

1) verify segment status and airfare

2) verify coupon status = display e-tkt = *T
Next, you would display the most recent tkt for one of the pax. Sabre command is WETR*5.
3) Calculate the value of the tkt:
> Pre-Travel Exchange - the value is the cost of the tkt
> En Route Exchange - calculate the value of the tkt using the partial tkt value process
4) Check fare rules
5) discussing terms w/ cx
6) Cxl segments
7) add new oth line
8) Complete the process

Detailed steps to cancel flights in Sabre

1. Display the PNR and verf; flights are present and HK status. Verify the type of
 2. Check the tkt status. Confirm all coupons are OPEN status.
 3. Calculate the VALUE of the tkt (Pre travel - total tkt/En route - calculate the
partial tkt value)
 4. Check the fare rules; is the tkt refundable or not, tkt validity, and the penalty fee.
 5. Verify TERMS with the cx. If the customer declines; wrap up call. If the cx accepts;
continue with step 6.
 6. Cancel the flight segments. Use the command XI to cnxl the air space and the OTH line.
 7. Add OTH line back to retain a date of 330 days out from the date of cnxln. This keeps
the PNR from purging until this date. Command; 0OTH(al code)GK(# of pax)(dept city)(date)-
 8. Complete the process. Non refundable fares *adv the cx of the tkt validity, future
credit amt, and penalty. *Refundable fares - run refund script and queue to AFT for

cancel a specific itinerary segment - X(segment number) X1

cancel multiple itinerary  segments - (SEGMENT NO.)/(SEMENT NO.) X1/3
cancel a range of itinerary segments - X(segment no.)-(segment no) X1-3
cancel entire itinerary - XI
cancel all air segments - XIA
cancel and rebook froma city pair availability (CPA) in one entry - x¥01F1
cancel adn resell same flight in one entry - X1¥25APR

4docs(constant code)/DB/ddmmyy/Gender/Lastname/firstname-name line no

ex. 4docs/db/04may80/m/training/james-1.2
YOABJL - sab

YOOEDZ - amad - 3SIC



Typical Refund Process

> ref tkts (w/ or w/o pen)
> sched change
> othr - at al discretion
  = extenuating circumstances
  = dup bkings
  = cx does not have a proper docs

Info needed for Docs

The ff info must be documented the PNR when the airline auths a ref:
> waiver code (when supplied)
> agent name
> agent loc
> agent sine (Sabre Sine)
> detailed remarks of why the ref was auth

Ref Steps
1) Determine if teh cx is eligible for a ref by reading the fare rules and checking eu for
2) ccl the flight segments and add the correct docs to the PNR
3) Run refund scripts and queue the PNR to AFT. Adv the cx the proper ref time line.


All flight segments MUST be cancelled from the PNR before we can request a refund. Failure
to cancel all flight segments from a PNR will result in a ticketing reject and an agent

> If the PNR is pre-travel and all flight segments are unused, then XIA and receive and
end the record before beginning Sabre refund scripts.
> If the PNR is enroute and some travel has been completed, we are not able to manually
cancel used segments from the PNR. Airline agents are not able to manually cancel used
segments either. The used segments must fall of the record on their own, typically in 24-
48 after completion of the flight.
> If there are past date segments on a PNR that we are manually unable to cancel from the
itinerary, then SEA agents will queue the PNR to the SEA team Sabre reject queue. Agents
working rejects will queue to the appropriate refund queue after the past date segments
are removed from the PNR.
   > Failure to cancel flights correctly or queue the PNR correctly will result in an
agent error.

This document will guide you through the refund scripts when it’s necessary to run them in
the Sabre GDS instead of Voyager Flights.

Be sure to read all applicable fare rules to determine the refundability of the
passenger’s ticket and calculate any unused value eligible for refund and document that
breakdown in the PNR history.
After all documentation and all flight segments are cancelled from the PNR, receive and
end the PNR and ignore out of the PNR record to begin the refund scripts.

Cnl and Ref Steps

1) cxl tkt
2) check penalty
3) xia
5) add oth
6) add remarks
7) R
8) ER
9) run the refund sabre script

eu id:
> GDS queue structures for US agents
> Sabre air queues
> Global IATA and GDS PCC-OID-SID numbers
> Refund timing

Resources found in Galileo

> Sabre Refund Scripts
> Sabre Phase IV Process

Price Quote Reissue Record

*PQR - to see details of ref once it has been processed

Name Exchange
eu id:
> Airline name correction and name change policies
> Correct or change the name on a flight ticket
> TSA Secure Flight requirements

When making a name change, you must also update the Secure Flight Information on the PNE
so it matches the name exactly.

steps in name change

1) display pnr
2) check what kind of changes needs to be done in the name, see if its w/in policies,
proceed w/ nbr 3.
3) follow eu or airline policies

name change command

1) -(Name Field No)¤(LName)/(Fname)*(pax type) = change name
2) add osi
3) received
4) er
*P3D = to see info that needed to update TSA
sabre command: 4docs(constant code)/DB/ddmmyy/Gender/Lastname/firstname-name line no
then: ER

after adding tsa delete the old price quote in the pnr

then run the scripts

Airline Schedule Change

EU id:
> Airline schedule change policies
> Flight schedule change
> Flight schedule change in the GDS
> Flight segment status codes
> Read a PNR in Sabre

Minimum Connection Times


Steps for a Schedule Change = customer accepts

1) display pnr
2) *IA
3) *HIA
4) CHECk THE CONNECTION TIME - vct* or VCT*(segment nbr) = if the connection is not valid,
find a re-protection based on airline policy; or cx accept the re-protection offered by
the airline
5) recap to info cx
6) If the cx agrees to the flights, update the itin.
> cxl old flights
> cfm flights being offered by the al
> docs for re-protection (access eu)
7) Complete a quality check to ensure the ff:
> all segments are in chronological order
> adv the cx the original cxl and change pol apply
> adv cx to contact al for seat assign
8) phase IV = change is involuntary, must keep the same price as the original tkt
9) er
10) addd remarks
11) run sabre scripts
12) queue to AFT for tkting

Steps for a Schedule Change = customer DOES NOT accept

1) display and verify the change, if the al has just cxl the flights and not offered new
ones, you will need to search for new flights for your cx.

Pre_Exchange Process
1) Display PNR
2) Check the tkt Status
3) Verify fare rules
4) Sell in New Flisights
5) Cxl old flights
6) Price new flights'
7) Calculate add collect
8) Delete the old price
9) Store the new fare
10) save the changes
12) add remarks

Calculating the Add-Collect

T(change key)(new fare)-(old fare) = sabre command in add-collect

*PQS = displat the new and old price quote

Enroute Exchange
eu id:
> How to calculate a partial ticket
> Exchange a flight
> Flight exchange types

Determine the fare type:

1) display pnr
2) *T
4) verify the flight segments the cx wants to change has an open coupon status
5) Enter command to check the fare type
6) select the right fare basis code
7) Look for the fare type line = ow > one way/ rt > round trip
8) After determining the fare type for ec fare basis code on the PNR, you can begin to
calculate the used and unused base fare.

Calculate the unused base fare

one way = Use the fare calculation line to determine how to calculate the unused base
fare. The remaining value is the unused base fare.
Round Trip = Re-calculate

Steps to Recalculate
1) display the historical FQ for the flights flown. From the list of fare basis codes,
look for the first one way fare in the same class of service or higher. The value is the
"used" base fare.
2) subtract the "used" base fare from the total base fare of the original tkt. Left over
value is the "unused" base fare amnt the cx can use toward the new flight.

YQ & YR = also known as fuel surcharge - international flight

Calculate the unused taxes

1) Find the US Transportation Tax:
> Domestic US flights: Enter the following command in Sabre: TXN/B(unused base fare
calculated above)
> International flights: $17.80 per direction, viewed by Sabre format: TXN**US2
2) Sell in the availability
3) Use the back-date price command: WPNC¥B(original ticket issue date)
4) Enter the Sabre command WPDF, which displays the used taxes for the flown segment(s)
5) add the us tax plus the remaining tax = total unused taxes

Sabre Automated Exchange

1) Display PNR
2) Sell flights
3) *T
4) wfrf(TKT NBR)¥NCB = rt
   wfrf(TKT NBR)¥NCB¥(SEGMENT NBR) = use for enroute exchange
note: COMM or commission is always 0
5) r
6) er

Steps to Complete a Past Date Exchange

1) Research the cxld PNR
> verify the amnt of the cx's credit by viewing the rig tkt
> verify the pen amnt by viewing the fare riles
> verify the credit is still valid by checking the validity date
2) Search for the flights the cx would like to bk.
> Perform a search for the flights the cx would like in Sabre
> Sell in the correct amnt of seats
> Price the flights
3) Determine the Add-Collect
> Determine if there is an increase in fare
> add the pen to the increase (if there is one)
> If there is residual, determine if this is a lost value by reading the fare rules
4) Ask the cx if they want to proceed
> If the cx agrees to the add-collect, you can cont to process the past date exchange
> If the cx does not agree to the add-collect, offer to look for the alt flights that may
be lower in cost
> If you are unable to locate the flights the cx agrees, addd notes to the PNR and
Navigator and end the call
> remind the cx when the credit will expire
5) Save the changes and Store the PQ
> cxl unwanted flights
> save the new flights
> store the PQ
> add docs to the PNR
6)Run the Sabre Script
> run the exchange script
> verify the amnts in the script are what you advd the cx
7) Queue for ticketing
> add any fina remarks
> complete a quality check to ensure the PNR is accurate
> queue to AFT for tkting

Steps by steps
1) display pnr
2) *t
3) wetr*(tktline nbr)
4) verify the credit
6) check pen and if the credit is valid
7) check and select avail

Miscellaneous Charge Order (MCO)

> MCO tkt nbr begin w/ TK

Steps to Locate Purged PNR

1)In Sabre, click on the Agency Serv

in sabre, click on the Agency Services tab.

upon the first time using agency service, you may have to complete the agent profile form.
*click on tools.
*from the tools tab, click on icon for past date PNR.'
*Choose the pcc the original PNR was ticketed in and select submit.
*Search for the PNR by using:
 - pasesenger info or tix no.
 - can be searched by name
*the names will pop-up and you make take note of the info pnr given.
*sabre displays a PDF of the PNR.
 - you may use the info on the pdf to process the exchange.
 - the PDF is three pages info.
TIPS: attach the pdf to the navi case for future ref.
use galileo, for ref.

Merchant pre-travel exchange

1) Emulate into the ticketing PCC


2) Check ticket status

        *T – To pull up ticket list

        WETR*(Ticket line number) – To pull up electronic ticket

        Confirm status of all segments on all tickets is OPEN

3) Look up fare rules using the RD or the FQ command

4) Cancel Old flights

        XIA - cancel all flight

5) Sell in new flights

        1(Date of Departure)(City Pair)(Time – optional)¥ (Carrier Code)

        Sell in desired flights: 0(No of Pax)Y(Availability Line No)

6) Price new flights

        WPPJCB¥NCB - commonly use for merchant fare according to T2

7) Display the old PQ


8) Calculate cost to change flights and ask customer if they want to exchange

        Note: Take note in your notepad the total cost of diff in fare (old fare - new
fare = diff in fare)

                 Advise the customer the airline exchange fee & diff in fare if any then
ask if they would like to continue, if not, ignore the process, if yes, continue next

9) Delete old PQ


10) Store the fare

        PQ to store the fare

11) Received

        6ILO(Voyager Username)
12) ER

13) Start running the Sabre Script for exchange (this is the part where you will need to
get the customer credit card) - please open Galileo for help

        1) GCO GNH Sabre NA Q3 2016

        2) Resources  (Min. required: 19)
        3) Sabre Exchange Script

Please check if the charge is successful in voyager billing history.


Waitlist Air Segment

Waitlist one segment command:
0(number of seats)(booking class )(availability line number)LL
Ex: 02F1LL


Add Infant name

Add single infant name field:
-I/(last name)/(first name)

Add SSR - Specify Infant NOT occupying a seat (lap infant)

On all segments and traveling with more than one adult - add infant's date of birth:
3INFT/(infant's last name)/( infant's first name)/( date of birth)-(adult's name field)
On all segments and traveling on American Airlines with one or more adults:
4INFT/(infant's last name)/( infant's first name)/(date of birth)-(adult's name field)

Add SSR - Secure Flight Details for Lap Infant

:Specify Infant SFPD details (non-AA):
•DB (Date of Birth) is a Mandatory Field.
•Use the format ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy.
•Do not exceed 9 alphanumeric characters.
•The date of birth will be extracted from the first instance of the SSR DOCS for the
passenger being ticketed.
3DOCS(assume all segments)/DB/(date, month, year of birth)/(gender code)/(mandatory last
name)/(mandatory first name)/(optional middle or second name, or initial)-(PNR name
•For an infant not occupying a seat, the 2 digit gender identifier (MI or FI) must be
entered into the DOCS/ entry and the DOCS/ must be associated to the accompanying adult’s
name number.
•For an infant occupying a seat, the user must associate the SSR to the infant’s name
•BSP carrier reporting files now automatically include travelers’ date of birth when
present in PNR SSR remarks (DOCS/DB and the DOCS/P formats). We recommend you add the date
of birth into PNRs in order for all passengers up to the age of 16, so that the data is
transmitted to the carrier when exempting taxes based on age.
Specfiy Lap Infant SFPD details (American Airlines):
4DOCS(segment number or A for all)/DB/(date, month, year of birth)/(infant gender code MI
or FI)/(infant last name)/(infant first name)/(infant middle or second name, or initial)-
(PNR name number for adult passenger)

source: Format Finder


Display PNR by document number

*TKT(document/ticket number)
Note: Do not use the airline code in the entry. You can include or omit the check digit.
If you are requesting a conjuncted ticket, use on the first ticket number of the series in
the search entry.

Display ETR by ticket number

WETR*T(13-digit ticket number)

source: Format Finder


Add endorsement override

W¥EO/(free text)¥(other ticketing qualifiers)
◦For ATB1 (including RP) auto price endorsement override, the free text area can be up to
51 characters.
◦For ATB2 (including RP) auto price endorsement override, the free text area can be up to
58 characters.
◦For a conjunctive ticket, the free text area is up to 44 characters.
◦The endorsement automatically wraps to line two on transitional stock.

Add endorsements
Note: Endorsements can be included as part of the ticketing entry with a PQR, but they
will not display on the ticket if you ticket from a Phase IV. When ticketing from a Phase
IV, you should include the endorsement in the Phase IV.
W¥ED(free text)¥(other ticketing qualifiers)

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