Case Study Airport Simulation
Case Study Airport Simulation
Case Study Airport Simulation
Name: arrival_clearance()
Input parameters- This input notifies whether the arrival is
emergency or not.
Output- Based on the input, the necessary action is taken.
Brief description- This makes sure if the runways are clear
for the arrivals of the flights. Arrivals can be preference
based as well(emergency landing, medical emergency etc).
Name: queue_arrival_passenger()
Brief description- After the arrival of the flight, this
function is necessary for the passengers to make their way
out in a queue that is queue for the arrived passengers.
Name: process_arrival_queue()
Brief description- The passengers go through a set of
procedures after the arrival which is described here.
Name: luggage_collection()
Brief description- Stack(last in first out) is used here. The
passengers collect their luggage.
Name: taxi_booking()
Input parameter-
Brief description- Queue(first in first out) is used here.
Name: sortflights()
Brief description- This function sorts the flights based on
destination and time.
Name: refreshscreen()
Brief description- The delayed flights, early arrival or late
departure is displayed on the screen and refreshed timely.
Name- runway()
Brief description- Information regarding the utilities
available on the runway is made accessible to the concerned
Name- entrytime()
Brief description- The entry time of the staff members is
Brief description- The exit time of the staff members is
noted which enables us to know their time duration in the
Name- announcements()
Brief description- The staff makes the necessary
announcements regarding the boarding process, flight status
Name of the function: Add new flights ()
Input Parameters:
• Flight Number: Unique identifier.
• Departure Airport: Code/name of departure airport.
• Arrival Airport: Code/name of arrival airport.
• Departure and Arrival Time: Scheduled times.
Output parameters:
• Flight Addition Process Overview
• Success/Failure Indicator: Indicates successful or failed addition of new flight.
• Error Message: Provides reason for failure in addition process.
• Updated Flight List: Provides updated flight list post-addition, either as a
reference parameter or function call.
Input Parameters:
• Flight Number: Identifies flight to be modified.
• Aspect(s) to Modify: Specifies modifications.
• New Values: Provides new values for each modification.
• Authorization Credentials: Required if necessary.
Output Parameters:
• Success/Failure Indicator: Indicates successful modification.
• Error Message: Provides reason for failure.
• Updated Flight Details: Provides updated flight details post-modification.
Input Parameters:
• Flight Number: Unique identifier for canceled flights.
• Authorization Credentials: Additional credentials may be required for
• Reason for Cancellation: Optional parameter for record-keeping and analysis.
Output Parameters:
• Success/Failure Indicator: Indicates success or failure of cancellation
• Error Message: Provides details of failure, like "Flight not found" or
"Cancellation not authorized."
• Updated Flight Status: Provides information about flight's status post-
cancellation, like marked as canceled.
Output Parameters:
• Number of Passengers Arrived: Provides count of passengers arriving within
specified time range.
• Number of Passengers Departed: Tracks outgoing passenger traffic.
• Error Handling: Manages invalid or not found flights or time ranges.
• Includes error codes or error messages for indicating scenarios.
NAME OF THE FUNCTION = flightdetails()
input parameters = flight number
output = state of the corresponding flight
NAME OF THE FUNCTION = guidetorunway()
input parameters = flight number
output = set of directions
NAME OF THE FUNCTION = flightschedule()
input parameters = an array of Flight structures and the number of flights
output = prints out the flight schedule in a tabular format
description = A structure Flight is defined to represent flight details including
flight number, origin, destination, departure time,
and arrival time.
NAME OF THE FUNCTION = displayterminalinfo()
input parameters = The displayTerminalInfo function takes a Terminal
structure as input
output = prints out the terminal information.
NAME OF THE FUNCTION = cancelticket()
input parameters = The cancelTicket function takes a pointer to a Ticket
output = it performs th cancellation process
description = A structure Ticket is defined to represent ticket information
including ticket number, passenger name, and flight number.
NAME OF THE FUNCTION = displayboardingpass()
input paramters = A structure BoardingPass is defined to represent boarding
output = returns a BoardingPass of desired
descrption = A structure BoardingPass is defined to represent boarding pass
information including ticket number, passenger name,
flight number, departure time, and departure gate.
NAME OF THE FUNCTION = updategateassignment()
input parameters = The updateGateAssignment function takes a pointer to a
Flight structure and a new gate assignment as input
output = updates the departure gate accordingly.
• X_RAY_Scan()
• Inputs: Array of integers representing items in luggage
• Output: Integer (1 if luggage passes scan, 0 otherwise)
• Functionality: This function simulates the X-ray scanning process
for passenger luggage. It checks for any prohibited items.
• CheckIn()
• Inputs: Array of integers representing items in luggage, passenger
• Output: BoardingPass struct
• Functionality: This function allows passengers to check in their
luggage and obtain boarding passes.
• DisplayFlightStatus()
• Inputs: Array of Flight structs
• Output: None (void)
• Functionality: Pushes an element onto the top of the stack.
• ImmigrationCheck()
• Inputs: PassengerDetails struct
• Output: Integer (1 if immigration cleared, 0 otherwise)
• Functionality: Simulates the immigration check process for
passengers on international flights.
• Enqueue()
• Inputs: Queue pointer, data to be added
• Output: None (void)
• Functionality: Adds an element to the end of the queue.
• Dequeue()
• Inputs: Queue pointer
• Output: Integer (data removed from the queue)
• Functionality: Removes and returns the element at the front of the
• DisplayWeatherReport()
• Inputs: None
• Output: WeatherReport struct
• Functionality: Displays the received weather report to the
• RequestFlightStatus()
• Inputs: Flight number
• Output: FlightStatus struct
• Functionality: Displays the received flight status to the
• RequestSeatingInfo()
• Inputs: Seat number
• Output: SeatingInfo struct
• Functionality: Requests and retrieves the current seating
information for the flight.
• RequestTicketInfo()
• Inputs: Passenger name, Flight number
• Output: TicketInfo struct
• Functionality: Requests and retrieves the ticket information
for a specific passenger and flight.