Case Study Airport Simulation

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Project-Working of an airport

Project team name – cslayers

Project team members SRN
Sathvik A R PES1UG23AM275
Sandhyarani Malchapure PES1UG23AM269
Shikha Chikgouda PES1UG23EC284
Sanketh PES1UG23EE045

Details of the functions

Name: ticketbooking()
Input parameters- The passenger can opt for anyone of
the full fledged classes.
Output parameters- The desired class ticket is made
available to the passenger.
Brief description- This enables the user to select the kind
of ticket among
F - full-fledged first class
J - full-fledged business class
W – full-fledged premium economy class
Y - full-fledged economy class

Name: arrival_clearance()
Input parameters- This input notifies whether the arrival is
emergency or not.
Output- Based on the input, the necessary action is taken.
Brief description- This makes sure if the runways are clear
for the arrivals of the flights. Arrivals can be preference
based as well(emergency landing, medical emergency etc).

Name: queue_arrival_passenger()
Brief description- After the arrival of the flight, this
function is necessary for the passengers to make their way
out in a queue that is queue for the arrived passengers.

Name: process_arrival_queue()
Brief description- The passengers go through a set of
procedures after the arrival which is described here.

Name: luggage_collection()
Brief description- Stack(last in first out) is used here. The
passengers collect their luggage.

Name: taxi_booking()
Input parameter-
Brief description- Queue(first in first out) is used here.
Name: sortflights()
Brief description- This function sorts the flights based on
destination and time.

Name: refreshscreen()
Brief description- The delayed flights, early arrival or late
departure is displayed on the screen and refreshed timely.

Name- runway()
Brief description- Information regarding the utilities
available on the runway is made accessible to the concerned

Name- entrytime()
Brief description- The entry time of the staff members is

Brief description- The exit time of the staff members is
noted which enables us to know their time duration in the

Name- announcements()
Brief description- The staff makes the necessary
announcements regarding the boarding process, flight status
Name of the function: Add new flights ()

Input Parameters:
• Flight Number: Unique identifier.
• Departure Airport: Code/name of departure airport.
• Arrival Airport: Code/name of arrival airport.
• Departure and Arrival Time: Scheduled times.

Output parameters:
• Flight Addition Process Overview
• Success/Failure Indicator: Indicates successful or failed addition of new flight.
• Error Message: Provides reason for failure in addition process.
• Updated Flight List: Provides updated flight list post-addition, either as a
reference parameter or function call.

Functionality: Involve creating a data structure to store flight information.

Name of the function: Modify ()

Input Parameters:
• Flight Number: Identifies flight to be modified.
• Aspect(s) to Modify: Specifies modifications.
• New Values: Provides new values for each modification.
• Authorization Credentials: Required if necessary.

Output Parameters:
• Success/Failure Indicator: Indicates successful modification.
• Error Message: Provides reason for failure.
• Updated Flight Details: Provides updated flight details post-modification.

Functionality: Search for the flight, display flight information accept


Name of the function: Cancel ()

Input Parameters:
• Flight Number: Unique identifier for canceled flights.
• Authorization Credentials: Additional credentials may be required for
• Reason for Cancellation: Optional parameter for record-keeping and analysis.

Output Parameters:
• Success/Failure Indicator: Indicates success or failure of cancellation
• Error Message: Provides details of failure, like "Flight not found" or
"Cancellation not authorized."
• Updated Flight Status: Provides information about flight's status post-
cancellation, like marked as canceled.

Functionality: Confirm cancellation, update flight status, notify passengers,


Name of the function: Number of Passengers(Arrivals,

Input Parameters:
• Flight Number or Identifier: Unique identifier for specific flights.
• Date/Time Range: Optional parameter to specify specific time range for
passenger count retrieval.
• Flight Status: Depending on system design, may specify flight status (arrived
or departed).

Output Parameters:
• Number of Passengers Arrived: Provides count of passengers arriving within
specified time range.
• Number of Passengers Departed: Tracks outgoing passenger traffic.
• Error Handling: Manages invalid or not found flights or time ranges.
• Includes error codes or error messages for indicating scenarios.

Functionality: Initialize counters, process arrivals, process departure,

display count, error handling
NAME OF THE FUNCTION = float currencyexchange()
input parameters = amount with specified currency , desired currency
output = amount in desired currency

description = exchange rates are declared as variables inside function ,

final output currency is displayed on the screen


NAME OF THE FUNCTION = void viewairportfacilityies()

input parameters = NONE

output = list of facilites available in the airport

descrption = sequence of formatted print functions to display the


NAME OF THE FUNCTION = float calculatecompensation()

input parameters = no of delay hours
output = compensation amount

decrption = assuming a fixed rate of compensation amount , and the amount is

displayed on the screen

NAME OF THE FUNCTION = flightdetails()
input parameters = flight number
output = state of the corresponding flight

decription = A structure Flight is defined to represent flight details including

flight number, origin,
destination, departure time, and arrival time.
The getFlightDetails function takes the flight number as input and
searches for the corresponding
flight details in an array of Flight structures. If found, it prints the
details; otherwise, it prints
a message indicating that the flight was not found.
NAME OF THE FUNCTION = guideparking()
input parameters = NONE
output = sequence of instructions a passenger needs to follow

description = formatted input statements in a right sequence

NAME OF THE FUNCTION = guidetorunway()
input parameters = flight number
output = set of directions

description = The guideToRunway function takes the flight number as input

and maps it to a corresponding runway number.
This mapping is done by assuming alphabetical flight numbers,
where each letter corresponds to a runway
(e.g., A corresponds to runway 1, B corresponds to runway
2, and so on).
The function then guides passengers towards the corresponding
runway and wishes them a safe flight.

NAME OF THE FUNCTION = flightschedule()
input parameters = an array of Flight structures and the number of flights
output = prints out the flight schedule in a tabular format
description = A structure Flight is defined to represent flight details including
flight number, origin, destination, departure time,
and arrival time.
NAME OF THE FUNCTION = displayterminalinfo()
input parameters = The displayTerminalInfo function takes a Terminal
structure as input
output = prints out the terminal information.

description = A structure Terminal is defined to represent terminal information

including terminal number, location,
number of gates, and facilities available.
input parameteres = function takes a pointer to a ParkingCharges structure and
new rates as input
otput = updates the charges accordingly.

description = The updateParkingCharges function takes a pointer to a

ParkingCharges structure and new rates as input, and updates the charges

NAME OF THE FUNCTION = cancelticket()
input parameters = The cancelTicket function takes a pointer to a Ticket
output = it performs th cancellation process
description = A structure Ticket is defined to represent ticket information
including ticket number, passenger name, and flight number.

NAME OF THE FUNCTION = displayboardingpass()
input paramters = A structure BoardingPass is defined to represent boarding
output = returns a BoardingPass of desired
descrption = A structure BoardingPass is defined to represent boarding pass
information including ticket number, passenger name,
flight number, departure time, and departure gate.
NAME OF THE FUNCTION = updategateassignment()
input parameters = The updateGateAssignment function takes a pointer to a
Flight structure and a new gate assignment as input
output = updates the departure gate accordingly.

descrption = A structure Flight is defined to represent flight details including

flight number and departure gate.

• X_RAY_Scan()
• Inputs: Array of integers representing items in luggage
• Output: Integer (1 if luggage passes scan, 0 otherwise)
• Functionality: This function simulates the X-ray scanning process
for passenger luggage. It checks for any prohibited items.

• CheckIn()
• Inputs: Array of integers representing items in luggage, passenger
• Output: BoardingPass struct
• Functionality: This function allows passengers to check in their
luggage and obtain boarding passes.

• DisplayFlightStatus()
• Inputs: Array of Flight structs
• Output: None (void)
• Functionality: Pushes an element onto the top of the stack.

• ImmigrationCheck()
• Inputs: PassengerDetails struct
• Output: Integer (1 if immigration cleared, 0 otherwise)
• Functionality: Simulates the immigration check process for
passengers on international flights.
• Enqueue()
• Inputs: Queue pointer, data to be added
• Output: None (void)
• Functionality: Adds an element to the end of the queue.

• Dequeue()
• Inputs: Queue pointer
• Output: Integer (data removed from the queue)
• Functionality: Removes and returns the element at the front of the

• DisplayWeatherReport()
• Inputs: None
• Output: WeatherReport struct
• Functionality: Displays the received weather report to the

• RequestFlightStatus()
• Inputs: Flight number
• Output: FlightStatus struct
• Functionality: Displays the received flight status to the
• RequestSeatingInfo()
• Inputs: Seat number
• Output: SeatingInfo struct
• Functionality: Requests and retrieves the current seating
information for the flight.

• RequestTicketInfo()
• Inputs: Passenger name, Flight number
• Output: TicketInfo struct
• Functionality: Requests and retrieves the ticket information
for a specific passenger and flight.

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