Sabre 1B Essentials Cluecard - 07032018
Sabre 1B Essentials Cluecard - 07032018
Sabre 1B Essentials Cluecard - 07032018
Display price search format and mask help ............................ WQHELP or WQMHELP Display special meal code table for all airlines.................................................... DU*/SPM
Display price search mask for specific itinerary ......................... WQDELLONNYCDELM Specific passenger, all segments .................................................................... 3DBML1.1
View fare calculation detail........................................................................................ WQ¥3 Multiple passengers, all segments ............................................................. 3LFML1.1,2.1
Specific segments single passenger ......................................................... 3VGML1,41.2
QUEUES FF QUEFO014 SSR requiring free text for specific segment ................................... 3SPML2/NO EGG-1.1
Queue count all PNRs and messages on all Queues ..................................................QC/ Segment related with text ................................3OTHS2,4/PLEASE CONFIRM WAITLIST
Queue count for specific queue ..................................................................................QC/9 Child age......................................................................................... 3CHLD/17AUG092.1
List record locators and names for PNRs on specific queue...................................Q/9/LN
Infant age, not occupying seat ........................ 3INFT/BAIN/PENNY MISS/10DEC151.1
Working with Queues Infant age, occupying seat......................... 3INFT/BAIN/PENNY MISS/10DEC15/OS3.1
Access general message queue .................................................................................. Q/G Bassinette for infant ......................................................................................... 3BSCT1.1
Access specific Queue No. ........................................................................................... Q/9 (Note: SSR’s for any Infant type request must be associated to an Adult passenger)
End transaction, remove PNR and display next on queue ............................................... E Destination address ............ 3DOCA/D/US/44 HARBOR BLVD/ANAHEIM/CA/928052.1
Ignore PNR, leave on queue and display next PNR.......................................................... I Display SSR requests................................................................................................. *P3S
Remove PNR from queue with no action taken and display next PNR.........................QR Display Airline responses to SSR requests................................................................ *P4S
Replace PNR on same queue the following day ........................................................... QL Delete SSR ................................................................................. 32¤ or 324¤ or 32,4¤
Exit Queue Session SSR for American Airlines only - Replace the 3 command with a 4 command
Exit queue and end, ignore or remove PNR ...............................QXE or QXI or QXR
SSR’s for Passport, Travel documents and Secure Flight FF PNRFO1001
Queue Placement PSPT participating carrier list ............................................................................... N*/PSPT
Display a list of prefatory instruction codes (PIC) ...................................................QI*SYS DOCS participating carrier list ............................................................................... N*/APIS
Handy PIC codes are 1 – Confirm to Pax, 6 – Advise Sched change, 12 – KK from W/list DOCS............3DOCS/P/GB/N40987/AU/01DEC86/F/15JUL18/SMITH/JOAN/RUBY1.1
Place PNR to specific queue (102) with PIC 11 ................................................ QP/102/11 e.g.,3DOCS / P / Place of issue / Passport No / Nationality / DOB / Gender / Expiry date
Future queue placement to queue 100 with PIC 11 .............................5Q12MAR100/11 / Surname / First name / 1st Middle name / 2nd Middle name 1.1
or branch PCC MQ71 to queue 100 with PIC 11 ......................... 5Q-MQ7112MAR100/11 (Note: Use Gender code MI for Male Infant and FI for Female Infant)
Display future queue placement .................................................................................. *Q SSR PAX Contact info
Queue Sort – Special Name Queue SSR Email Contact info .................................. ………….. 3CTCE/ABC//GMAIL.COM-1.1
Queue Sort to move PNRs from standard queues to name queue in PNR ......... QSORT/ (Note: (..) – underscore , (//) - @ symbol)
Queue count for all special name queues ................................................................. QC/ SSR Mobile contact info ..............................................................3CTCM/9500095000-1.1
Queue count for specific name queue .............................................................QC/MARY SSR No response ........................................ 3CTCR/REFUSED TO GIVE CTC INFO-1.1
Access PNR special name queue...................................................................... Q/MARY
Secure Flight entries (DB - Date of Birth) Not necessary if the DOCS/P passport entry is
Add special name to PNR to queue sort.................................................. QSORT/MARY present in the PNR. Must however be used for all U.S. Carriers or any flights to/from/within the U.S if
Display queue name table............................................................................................ QN* no passport is present. Full Passport names must be entered.
RECEIVED FROM FIELD FF PNRFO078 For all Carriers except AA .................. 3DOCS/DB/01DEC70/F/SMITH/JOAN/RUBY1.1
Received from – whomever instructed you to take the action ................6JOAN COOPER Display Passport and Secure Flight entries ............................................. *P3D or *P4D
Display received from field ............................................................................................ *P6
REMARKS FIELD Maximum 70 characters FF PNRFO106 SSR for GST (INDIA):
Basic remarks............................................................. 5PSGR MEETING WIFE IN PARIS SSR GSTN (number)................................... 3GSTN/IND/22AAAAA0000A1Z5/HDFC-1.1
Historical remarks..................................................... 5HPSGR DECLINED INSURANCE SSR GSTA (address) ......... 3GSTA/IND/11 FLOOR ONE HORIZON CENTER/SECTOR
Itinerary remarks ......................... 5¥THANK YOU FOR BOOKING WITH OUR AGENCY 43/MUMBAI/MAHARASHTRA/400001-1.1
Segment related remarks ........ 5¥S1 PLEASE NOTE YOU WILL BE MET ON ARRIVAL SSR GSTP (phone) .............................3GSTP/IND/9103345229023/9107582221443-1.1
Form of payment remarks .............................................. 5*AX372032421951008¥12/14 SSR GSTE(email)............................................... 3GSTE/IND/GST.INFO//IBMGST.IN-1.1
Display all remarks ...................... *P5 Display Historical remarks .................*P5H
Display itinerary remarks............. *¥ Display a Seg related remark ................*I2 SPECTRA - PNR Management Tool FF QUEOV094
Display Form of Payment ............ * Display all Seg related remarks .............*I0 1. Start SPECTRA search (up to search 8 options) .............................. QK¥ALUA/CLY
Change basic remark ............................................. 52¤ORGANISE CAR HIRE FOR MEL 2. Display total number of PNRs found for selected criteria ..................................CTRL U
3. Allocate PNRs to an empty queue for action ...................................................... QJ/200
Change historical remark ......................................... 52¤HINSURANCE ISSUED 25JUL
4. Access queue and action queues ......................................................................... Q/200
Delete remarks ............................................................................ 52¤ or 524¤ or 52,4¤
Spectra Search Options
RETRIEVE PASSENGER NAME RECORD (PNR) FF PNRFO012 All active PNRs ...................................................................................................... QK¥ALL
By passenger name ................................................ *JONES or *SMITH/PETER MR Airline code ..................................................................................................... QK¥ALUA
Enhanced PNR search .................. *¥SURNAME or *¥PART OF THE SURNAME¥ Airline and flight number or range of flight numbers ....................QK¥ALDL/FL76150