Analysis of Hexagonal Paving Block As A Better Pav
Analysis of Hexagonal Paving Block As A Better Pav
Analysis of Hexagonal Paving Block As A Better Pav
Abstract. Because of the raise of road infrastructure, the use of paving block pavement increases
as well. One of the problems of using paving block is the shape of it which influences of its
interlock. The soil deformation over pavement makes it defect easily causing the paving block
surface becomes uneven and the soil settled. The aim of this research is to prove that hexagonal
paving block is a better paving shape than the other shape of paving. Therefore, analysis comes
to the advantage and disadvantage of the installation process and interlocking from any different
shape of paving. In order to be able to analyse hexagonal paving shape as the most optimum
shape, this research utilizes literature review as the methodology research, to analyse the
calculation we used SAP2000, Plaxis, Interlocking and installation pattern. The conclusion from
the analysed result of SAP2000 output, Plaxis output, Interlocking and pattern installation can
be concluded that hexagonal paving block is the most optimum shape caused its best for lock the
pavement and easy to install. Analysis results for moment of force of paving block 10 cm are
obtained 201612.46 kg/cm for cube, 6764.09 kg/cm for hexagon, 67460.04 kg/cm for octagonal
and 171363.84 kg/cm for rectangular Therefore the deformation results are obtained -0.632 cm
for cube, -0.097 cm for hexagon, -0.109m for octagon, -0.355 cm for rectangular. Deformation
of soil deflection caused by paving block pavement is obtained 5.21 cm for cube, 3.38 cm for
hexagon, 3.43 cm for octagon, 4.45 cm for rectangular. From the analyse of moment and
deformation, soil deflection, interlocking and paving block installation can be concluded that
hexagonal paving block is a better paving shape of paving block.
1. Introduction
Interlocking concrete block pavements are widely used, in many countries, to support traffic [1].
Concrete paver blocks are made with concrete basically consisting of cement, fine aggregates, coarse
aggregates (10 mm and below), water, chemical pigments, etc. [2]. Concrete Block Pavement (CBP) is
an alternative and effective pavement that can be used for a better pavement instead of flexible and rigid
pavement in order to make a safety and comfortable road but CBP can be categorized as a flexible
pavement due to units of the block can be easily removed (take out) if there is another installation needed
under the pavement after complete construction [3]. Application of CBP is developing very fast for
various reasons such as high resistance to deformation, durability, easy and rapid quality construction,
ability to carry traffic immediately after construction, compatibility with the environment and aesthetic
features [4]. Paving blocks have so many size and shape. The aim of this research is to prove that
hexagonal is a better paving shape than the other shape by analyse the interlocking, moment of force,
deformation and soil deflection. To analyse all the aspects, it used SAP2000 to calculated moment of
force and deformation of the paving block, used Plaxis program to calculated the soil deflection Sketch
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GEOTROPIKA 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 527 (2019) 012068 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/527/1/012068
Up to control surface of paving lock’s surface movement and installation process in any shape of the
paving block. The limitation used for this paper are:
i. Classification of quality paving block SNI 02-0691-1996.
ii. Load assumption due to Manual Road Pavement of Benkelman Beam Tool No. 01/MN/BM/83.
iii. Analyse used SAP2000 program with grid model.
iv. Soil data used the parameter of Semarang-Purwodadi soil design KM.16 - KM.27.
v. Analyse used Plaxis program, this program only for 2D and with plane strain model straight
vi. Analyse of the surface of paving lock’s surface movement and installation process in any shape
of paving block in the field.
2. Literature review
The base of concrete block pavement consists of subgrade and subbase. Figure 1 shows the typical cross
section of concrete block pavement.
Subgrade soil was classified into four groups of bearing capacity, in the same way as in the Polish
catalogue of typical bituminous pavements for roads [5], as shown in Table 1. The subgrade of the area
to be paved should be inspected to know if it is formed by local natural soil or soil from another place.
The soil should be non-expansive. Subgrade needed to be flattened before, in order to have the same
slope level as drainage (water runoff) which the minimum is 1.5%. It needed to be compacted with a
minimum 90% MDD (Modified Max Dry Density) before use the subgrade.
On the other hand, the subbase is included: natural aggregate, crushed aggregate, cement stabilised
aggregate, lean concrete and a high quality cement concrete base for heavily loaded bus stops only [1].
Subbase should have 2% minimum slope level at the left and right. The slope level is important for the
stability of paving block. Bedding sand is located below the concrete blocks to provide a smooth level
running surface for placing the blocks [6]. The function of jointing and bedding sand is to lock the block
in paving block pavement. Jointing as the filler of the joint space and bedding function is for flattened
the paving block. The bedding sand layer is considered an essential component in a concrete block
GEOTROPIKA 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 527 (2019) 012068 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/527/1/012068
pavement. Bedding sand layer provides uniform support for the blocks and to avoid stress concentrations
which could cause damage to the blocks. Bedding sand gives a frictional force between concrete blocks
to prevent the block moving towards. Thus, it fills the lower part of the joint space between adjacent
blocks in order to develop interlock [7]. Paver is the upper layer in rigid pavement structure. Paver made
of mix of Portland cement, water, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and chemical components.
Nowadays there are so many software programs that can be used in civil engineering. SAP2000 is
one of the programs to analyse and design structure. Steps to use SAP2000 in order to analyse and design
a structure:
1. Set the unit
The unit is kg-m, t-m, kg-cm, etc. To set the unit first is so important cause its influence on the
design and on structure loading. When input the grid take attention on the unit first. The unit can
be changed every time but to change it again click ‘running’.
2. Definition
The definition is in define toolbar. Before design, the structure the definition that should be used
are material definition, the cross-section, load type, analysis type, load combination. The
material definition is the material that will be used in the structure component (column, beam,
plate) whether the material is concrete, steel or the other material. After the material definition
is to make the cross-section, load type (dead loads, live loads, wind load, earthquake load, etc.).
For the analysis, the type is whether it is linear or nonlinear, static or dynamic. For the
combination can use SNI Standard.
2. Modelling the structure
Set the grid, draw the structure component (column, beam, and plate) and the position, give the
load to the structure.
3. Analysis
After modelling the structure, then analyses the structure to know the force (M, D, N) the
reaction and the structural deformation. To start the analysis, click Set Option Analysis choose
2D or 3D and then click Run Analysis.
4. Design
Design the cross-section from all the data.
5. Interpretation
From all the data of analysis and also the design has it same with the theory or not.
Plane Strain assumes the problem in analysis is of infinite length normal to the plane section of the
analysis. By definition, the out-of-plane displacement (strain) is zero in a Plane Strain analysis. The
Axisymmetric analysis allows you to analyses a 3D problem which is rotationally symmetric about an
axis. The input is 2-dimensional, but because of the rotational symmetry, you are in fact analysing a
symmetric 3-dimensional problem. Axisymmetric analysis is commonly applied to circular tunnels.
3. Research Method
GEOTROPIKA 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 527 (2019) 012068 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/527/1/012068
3.3 Size of paving block shape (cube, rectangle/holland, hexagon and octagon).
The shape and size of paving blocks which used usually in pavement are cube/rectangular, rectangle,
hexagon and octagon, while Table 4 shows the detail of the paving.
Rectangle (21x10.5) t : 6, 8, 10 cm
Hexagon (10x10) t : 6, 8, 10 cm
Octagon (8x8) t : 6, 8, 10 cm
GEOTROPIKA 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 527 (2019) 012068 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/527/1/012068
3.4. Soil data from parameter of soil design of Semarang-Purwodadi KM.16 - KM.27
Table 5. Soil data from parameter of soil design of Semarang-Purwodadi KM.16 - KM.27.
Material properties KM 16 – KM 27 Semarang –
Name Purwodadi Unit
Material Subbase Bedding sand Paver
Model Thickness 20 10 20 cm
Model MC MC MC -
Type Drained Drained Undrained -
ɣ𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑡 15 22 22 kN/m3
Unit Weight
Saturated Unit
ɣ𝑠𝑎𝑡 18 23 22 kN/m3
kx 0.8 1 1 m/day
ky 0.8 1 1 m/day
Eref 1800 2900 307322 Psi
Poisson Ratio V 0.35 0.35 0.35 -
Cohesion Crey (cu) 3.05 1.82 1 kN/m2
Friction ᶲ 29 29 30 0
Dilatation ᵠ 0 0 0 0
Then the primer data information collected by survey and interview to resource in the field. The data
is collected for knowing the advantage and disadvantage of installation process and interlocking.
GEOTROPIKA 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 527 (2019) 012068 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/527/1/012068
GEOTROPIKA 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 527 (2019) 012068 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/527/1/012068
Deformation (cm)
-2.00 6 cm thickness
8 cm thickness
10 cm thickness
Cube Rectangular Hexagonal Octagonal
From Table 7 and Figure 2 shown the results of the deformation of paving block at three different
thickness. Figure 2 show that Hexagonal has the most minimum deformation number which can be
concluded that hexagonal is the most optimum paving shape.
GEOTROPIKA 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 527 (2019) 012068 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/527/1/012068
Moment of Force
Moment (
150000 Cube
100000 Rectangular
50000 Octagonal
6 cm thickness 8 cm thickness 10 cm thickness
5. Conclusions
From the analysis of strength, interlocking and installation process of the paving block can be concluded
i. From interlocking aspect and installation process due to advantage and disadvantage from the
field survey, hexagonal is the most optimum shape.
ii. For calculation of the moment (strength aspect) of paving block size of 10 cm calculated by
SAP2000, the results are 201612,46 kg/cm for rectangular, 6764.09 kg/cm for hexagon,
67460.04 kg/cm for octagonal and 171363.84 kg/cm for the rectangle. Therefore, the
deformation results are obtained -0.632 cm for rectangular, -0.097 cm for hexagon, -0.10988
cm for the octagon, -0.3554 cm for the rectangle. Based on the calculation the minimum number
of deformation is hexagon -0.097 cm.
iii. Deformation of soil deflection caused by paving block pavement is obtained 5.21 cm for
rectangular, 3.38 cm for hexagon, 3.43 cm for the octagon, 4.45 cm for the rectangle. From the
analyse of strength, soil deflection, interlocking and paving block installation can be concluded
that hexagonal paving block is the most optimum shape of paving block.
GEOTROPIKA 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 527 (2019) 012068 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/527/1/012068
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