Corrugated Sheet Pile Analysis on Riverbank Retain

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Corrugated Sheet Pile Analysis on Riverbank Retaining Wall Project in

Factory Area of the Sukoraharjo Street
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Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and Technology (WESTECH 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1125 (2021) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1125/1/012018

Corrugated Sheet Pile Analysis on Riverbank Retaining Wall

Project in Factory Area of the Sukoraharjo Street

Arik Triarso1, Yogie Risdianto1

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya,
Surabaya, Indonesia 60231

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. This retaining wall projects serves to hold the land close to the riverbank in the
factory area of Sukoraharjo street, Malang. The height of the riverbank starting from the
bottom of the river to the upper edge is around 7 m. The shape of sheet pile is determined using
corrugated sheet pile. Calculation method using Plaxis 2D software. The stages of modeling in
2D Plaxis starts from determine the geometry of the soil profile and sheet pile. Then determine
the input parameters of soil and sheet pile. After that determine the generate mesh opsi in the
initial or existing geometry and conditions. After the procedure the calculation is done with the
phases that have been determined. From the results of Plaxis 2D modeling and stability and
strength analysis, that corrugated sheet pile type W - 500 Class B with a permanent permit
moment of 299 kN m can be used as a retaining wall for riverbank with a height of 7 m in the
factory area of Sukoraharjo street, Malang.. The depth of the corrugated sheet pile is embedded
as deep as 7 m so that the total length of the sheet pile is 14 m. The safety factor value of the
corrugated sheet pile stability is 2.98. This value is in accordance with the requirements of SNI
8460 - 2017.

Keywords : Sheet pile, Plaxis Analysis, Displacement, Moment.

1. Introduction
This retaining wall project serves to hold the soil close to the riverbank in the factory area of
Sukoraharjo street, Malang. The height of the riverbank starts from the bottom to the top edge of about
7 m. The project location is very possible for the procurement and implementation of pile sheet work.
Within the project there is also embankment work in an area close to the riverbank.
Efforts to prevent the occurrence of landslides on embankment work required a stable retaining wall
planning in terms of strength to support the value of the overturning moment, shear force and carrying
capacity [1]. Sheet pile is commonly used as a retaining ground because it is not easily damaged and
has a lighter weight, and relatively thin dimensions making it suitable for use with moderate height
heaps of soil between 2-10 meters [2].
Sheet pile is a relatively thin vertical wall that is flat and long, usually made of material, wood, steel or
concrete that serves to hold the soil and also serves to prevent the entry of water into dug holes [3]. If
not well planned, then the soil pressure will push the retaining wall so that it causes construction
failure and landslide [4]. The sheet pile consists of parts that are prefabricated or pre-cast [5].
Sheet pile is often used to build a wall that serves as a soil retaining wall, which can be either large or
small scale construction [6]. The function of Sheet pile is very large. Sheet pile is widely used for
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Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and Technology (WESTECH 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1125 (2021) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1125/1/012018

areas that have different elevations such as on the edge of the sea, on the edge of a river, hill, and
others. Because of the easy installation and relatively low cost of implementation, Sheet pile is widely
used in jobs such as: river slope / riverbank retention, temporary excavations, basements, harbor
buildings, retaining walls, dams etc.
In terms of sheet pile construction, it can be divided into sheet pile without anchord and sheet pile with
anchord, while in terms of material consists of sheet pile made from reinforced concrete, steel, and
wood [7]. In terms of shapes on the market, concrete sheet piles that are often used are square sheet
pile and Corrugated Sheet Pile. The shape of the cross section of the Corrugated Sheet Pile resembles
the letter U so that if arranged lengthwise it will shape a sheet pile with a wavy shape. The
specifications are in accordance with those shown from the factory made based on SNI. In general,
Corrugated Sheet Pile has a greater strength than the usual Sheet Pile.
Stability in a sheet pile work needs to be noted. To obtain the stability of the sheet pile, a precise
calculation or analysis of the pile dimensions must be carried out before the sheet pile is installed [8].
The safety factor for the stability of the sheet pile must meet the specified requirements. Besides the
moment and shear force also need to be considered in determining the type of sheet pile. Therefore it
is very important to analyze sheet piles well for their safety and stability in order to prevent harm.
In its calculations, Sheet pile is designed to withstand lateral (horizontal) soil pressure. Lateral soil
pressure behind the retaining wall depends on the shear strength of the soil [9]. Soil shear strength is
the resistance force applied by soil grains to pressure or pull [7]. Whereas the lateral pressure is
obtained from the working ground tension. The equilibrium condition in place resulting from the stress
position without the occurrence of shear stress is defined as the K0 condition [10].
One way to find out the safety factor of land slice failure at the site is to use the Plaxis program [11].
Plaxis is a computer program based on a two-dimensional finite element program used specifically to
carry out deformation and stability analysis for applications in the geotechnical field. This program is
a graphical interface method that is easy to use so that users can quickly create 2 geometry models and
elemental nets based on cross sections of the slope conditions to be analyzed [12].

2. Methodology
The research method starts from collecting data, then the data is processed and carried out a
calculation and analyzed. The location of the study was carried out on the retaining wall project in
factory area of Sukoraharjo street, Malang. Soil data is obtained from the project owner who has
ordered a land testing company partner at that location according to the requirements needed to
analyze the plan of retaining wall. The soil data includes core drilling investigations, standard
penetration tests, undisturbed soil samples, ground water levels, laboratory tests of soil physical
properties, and mechanical properties carried out on 3 to 17 October 2019.
The calculation method is done with the help of Plaxis 2D software. Modeling stages in Plaxis 2D
starts from determining the geometry of the soil profile and sheet pile. Then determine the input
parameters of soil and sheet pile. After that determine the density of the generate mesh option in the
initial or existing geometry and conditions. After the procedure has been performed the calculation is
carried out with the phases that have been determined.
Plaxis program procedures among others: (1) Determine the title, model, and contact elements and
write down the command or purpose to be used, (2) Determine the dimensions of the ground case to
be investigated, namely along to the left, to the right, up and down, (3) Adjusting the shape of the soil
dimensions then under load, (4) Determine the value of soil parameters by pressing the set material
button, including unit weight dry, unit wight wet, cohesion, poisson ratio, lateral axial strain or
modulus elastisity and so on. Procedures furthermore it can be understood further and more clearly in
the literature obtained from the Plaxis program [13]. The safety factor of the stability of the retaining
wall is said to be safe if more than 1,5 [14], then if the results of the Plaxis analysis are less than 1.5
then the modeling is repeated.

Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and Technology (WESTECH 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1125 (2021) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1125/1/012018

2.1. Core drilling data

The number of drill points in the project is 2 points, namely DB-1 point with a depth of 10 m
and DB-2 point with a depth of 20 m. The drilling method is carried out by a coring system. Based on
core drilling, soil samples are obtained that are closer to the original state in the soil layer.

2.2. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Data

The number of SPT tests is 15 times with a depth interval of 2 m. The SPT test consists of a
beating test of a thick wall split tube into the ground (split spoon sampler), accompanied by the
number of blows to insert a 300 mm vertical split tube. In this fall load system a hammer weighing
63.5 kg is used, which is dropped repeatedly with a height of 0.76 m.
The test was divided into three stages, namely 150 mm in succession for each stage. The first stage is
recorded as a stand, while the number of strokes to enter the second and third stages are summed to
obtain the value of N or SPT resistance (expressed in strings / 30 cm). When the last 2x15 cm
penetration is not achieved, the number of strokes must be written N = 50 / x, where x is the
penetration. Correlation of NSPT values with parameters of saturated volume weight (γsat), undrained
shear strength (Cu) and the level of density / consistency of layers expressed by the N values of the
results of standard penetration tests (SPT) are shown in Table 1 [14]. The correlation of N-SPT values
with modulus of elasticity is shown in Table 2 [14]. The correlation of NSPT values with poisson ratio
is shown in Table 3 [14].

Table 1. Correlation of NSPT with consistency, shear strength, and unit weight
SPT Consistency γsat Cu
(N) (kN/m3) (kN/m2)
0-2 Very soft 0 - 12,5
2-4 Soft 1,6 12,5 - 25
4-8 Medium stiff 1,7 25 - 50
8 - 16 Stiff 1,9 50 - 100
16 - 32 Very Stiff 2,2 100 - 200
> 32 Hard > 200

Table 2. Correlation of NSPT with modulus elastisity (Es)

Type of Soil Modulus Elastisity (Es)
Gravelly sand Es = 1200 (N + 6)
Sand normaslly consolidated Es = 500 (N + 15)
Sand saturated Es = 250 (N + 15)
Sand overconsolidated Es = 40000 + 1050 N
Clayey sand Es = 320 (N + 6)
Silts, sandy silt, clayey silt Es = 300 (N + 6)
Clay, clayey silt Es = 300 (N + 6)

2.3. Undisturbed soil samples data.

Samples of undisturbed soils are needed to get a picture / visual directly about the description /
type of soil. Soil samples are also needed for further soil testing in the laboratory to get index
properties, physical characteristics, and mechanical characteristics soil, so that planning data can be
obtained from the results of laboratory testing.

Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and Technology (WESTECH 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1125 (2021) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1125/1/012018

2.4. Water level data.

The ground water level is required for analysis of retaining walls, especially related to the lateral
pressure of the soil on retaining walls. The ground water level is determined from observational data at
each drilling point after the drilling has ended. From the soil investigation onthis project, no ground
water level was found until the final depth 10 m.

Table 3. Correlation of NSPT with Poisson’s ratio (v)

Type of Soil Poisson’s ratio
Clay saturated 0,4 – 0,5
Clay unsaturated 0,1 – 0,3
Sandy clay 0,2 – 0,3
Silt 0,3 – 0,35
Sand, gravel 0,1 – 0,2

2.5. Soil physical properties data

The unit weight of the soil is needed in calculating the overburden pressure in the analysis of the
carrying capacity of the soil, evaluating the stability of the slope, and so on. Specific gravity is needed
to obtain physical properties that do not change due to changes in water content, this value is the ratio
between the unit weight of grains of land with the unit weight of water at 4 ° C. Moisture content is
needed to reveal the humidity of the undisturbed soil sample, to reveal the natural position land in
relation to its consistency boundaries.
Atterberg consistency limits are needed to determine the liquid limit and the plastic limit of the soil
used in many soil classifications, using a simple equation can be obtained the liquidity index value
which is more to draw the proportion of the presence of the soil in near liquid or plastic conditions.

2.6. Mechanical properties data

Soil mechanical properties are soil parameters required for data analysis. soil shear strength,
these parameters include cohesion and shear angle undrained and drained conditions. soil shear test in
the laboratory can use direct shear or unconfined.

2.7. Sheet pile data

The shape of sheet pile is determined using corrugated sheet pile with specifications as in Table
4. The specifications of the corrugated sheet pile refer to JIS A 5326-1988 concerning prestressed
concrete sheet pile, JIS A5325-1981 concerning reinforced concrete sheet pile, and SNI 03-2847-2002
about standard code for concrete.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Model geometry

Based on the processing of soil data, measurement data of the existing elevation and cross
section of the embankment soil area near the riverbank, the geometry of the sheet pile model for this
project can be seen in Figure 1. The height of the elevation difference from the river bed to the above
ground surface is around 7 m. Based on SPT data with interval of 2 m, the modeling of soil layer
consists of 10 layers up to a depth of 19 m from top layer. Sheet pile geometry is modeled with the
length of the embedded sheet pile as deep as 1 x high elevation difference = 1 x 7 m = 7 m, so that the
total length of the sheet pile is 14 m. In the embedded sheet pile, an interface is given so that it can
react to the ground water level. The soil of embankment is located near the sheet pile with a subgrade
or existing sloping surface.

Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and Technology (WESTECH 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1125 (2021) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1125/1/012018

The modeling used the Plane strain model with 15 Node elements. Acceleration of gravity 9.80 m / s2
with units of meter length (m) and Newton kilo (kN). Geometry dimensions 25 x 50 with standard
fixities at the edges and bottom and density of standard (medium) mesh elements. The ground water
level is modeled at the elevation of the riverbed.

Figure 1. Model geometry

Table 4. Corrugated sheet pile spesification

Section Section Unit Allow. Momen
Type Length
Area Inertia weight permanent
(cm2) (cm4) (kg/m) (t m) (m)
W-325A 1315 134264 329 6,74 8-15
W-325B 1315 134264 329 8,64 8-16
W-350A 1468 169432 368 10,14 9-17
W-350B 1468 169432 368 11,54 10-18
W-400A 1598 1248691 400 13,08 10-18
W-400B 1598 1248691 400 16,38 11-20
W-450A 1735 353363 439 18,04 11-20
W-450B 1735 353363 439 21,84 12-21
W-500A 1818 462373 455 24,76 12-22
W-500B 1818 462373 455 29,96 13-24
W-600A 2078 765907 520 36,19 14-25
W-600B 2078 765907 520 45,19 15-27

3.2. Soil parameters

From the results of drilling in the startification of land dominated by clayey silt starting from a
depth of 0-20 meters. Soil parameters based on the results of soil data processing can be seen in
Table 5. The liquid limit (LL) at a depth of 2 m is 44% and 52% at a depth of 6 m with a plastic limit
(PL) of 30% and 36%, so that it includes land with high compressibility. The unit weight of saturated
soil (γsat) is obtained from the correlation of physical properties of soil, namely specific gravity,

Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and Technology (WESTECH 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1125 (2021) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1125/1/012018

moisture content, and soil pore ratio. While parameters or mechanical properties of soil such as
undrained shear strength (Cu), poisson ratio (v), and modulus of elasticity (E s) are obtained from the
correlation of N-SPT with these parameters. The soil pile parameter uses soil of embankment with unit
weight (γ) 18 kN / m3, shear angle (ɸ) 30o, and modulus of elasticity (E s) 8000 kN / m2.

Table 5. Excisiting soil parameters

Depth γ sat Cu v E
(m) (kN/m3) (kN/m2) (kN/m2)
1 16,5 50 0,3 4200
3 15,5 25 0,3 3000
5 15 12,5 0,3 2400
7 20,25 143,75 0,3 8700
9 20,5 150 0,3 9000
11 15,75 31,25 0,3 3300
13 15,5 25 0,3 3000
15 15,5 25 0,3 3000
17 21,75 181,25 0,3 10500
19 20,5 150 0,3 9000

3.3. Corrugated sheet pile parameters

The corrugated sheet pile type used is W-500A or W-500B with dimensions as shown in
Figure 2. In the specification of the corrugated sheet pile cross section area is 1,818 cm2 with a weight
of 455 kg / m. Cross-section inertia of 462.37 cm4 with 62 MPa concrete compressive strenght. In the
modeling of concrete quality, 50 MPa is taken. From these specifications the corrugated sheet pile
parameters can be calculated as Plaxis data as in Table 6.

Table 6. Corrugated sheet pile parameters

Type of Sheet Pile W - 500 A W - 500 B
Concrete compresive strenght, fc (MPa) 50 50
Modulus elastisity, E (kN/m2) 33234019 33234019
Section area, A (m2) 0,1818 0,1818
Inertia, I (m4) 0,00462373 0,00462373
Weight, W (kN/m) 4,55 4,55
E x A (kN/m) 6041944 6041944
E x I (kN m2 / m ) 153665 153665
Poisson ratio, v 0,20 0,20
Ultimate moment (kN m) 704 808
Moment of crack (kN m) 352 404
Temporary allowable moment (kN m) 322,2 374,2
Permanent allowable moment (kN m) 247,6 299,6

Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and Technology (WESTECH 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1125 (2021) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1125/1/012018

Figure 2. Corrugated sheet pile section

3.4. Corrugated sheet pile calculation

The sheet pile calculation phase in Plaxis consists of 3 calculation phases. The first calculation
phase is the initial conditions wherein the calculation of the lateral coefficient value of the soil at rest.
In the initial conditions sheet pile material, when pile have not been included. The second calculation
phase when the sheet pile is activated in modeling with Plastic calculation type, while for the third
calculation phase uses phi / reduction calculation type.

3.5. Corrugated sheet pile strenght of bending moment

Based on the results of calculations from 2D Plaxis modeling with a depth of embedded 7 m
corrugated sheet pile obtained ultimate moment (Mu) working on the corrugated sheet pile area of
254.72 kN m with the moment diagram as in Figure 3. The value of moment ultimate (Mu) is quite
safe because moment from result of Plaxis is smaller than the allowable Moment (Mn) according to
the specifications / brochure sheet pile W-500 B which is 299 kN m.

3.6. Corrugated sheet pile strenght of shear force

Nominal shear strength / corrugated sheet pile resistance (Vn) consists of concrete shear
strength (Vc) and steel yield strength for shear force (Vs). The value of Nominal shear strength (Vn)
must be greater than the shear force resulting from Plaxis (Vu), so that Vc + Vs> Vu [17]. Base on the
shear force results from Plaxis (Vu) is equal to 130.30 kN. From that value, then the concrete shear
strength (Vc) alone have satisfies to receive the shear force results from Plaxis, Vc> Vu. So the steel
yield strength (Vs) for shear force does not need to be calculated and can installed practically.
Vc = √fc . b . d / 6
= √50 . 1000 . 120 / 6
= 141,42 kN
From the calculation of the shear strength above shows that the value of the concrete shear strength
(Vc) is greater than the shear force resulting from Plaxis (Vu), so that the corrugated sheet pile is safe
against shear forces and shear reinforcement can be installed practically.

3.7. Safety factor of corrugated sheet pile stability

From the calculation results of Plaxis 2D with a depth of 7 m corrugated sheet pile obtained the
value of the stability factor of corrugated sheet pile stability of 2.98 with a maximum displacement of
less than 10 cm in the landfill area and less than 5 cm in the meeting area of the existing soil with the
soil of embankment as shown in Figure 4. The safety factor value of the stability of the corrugated
sheet pile is quite safe because it is greater than 1,5 according the requirements listed in SNI 8460 -

Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and Technology (WESTECH 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1125 (2021) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1125/1/012018

299 kN.m

Figure 3. Corrugated sheet pile moment diagram

Figure 4. Soil displacement zone on corrugated sheet pile modeling

4. Conclusions
From the results of Plaxis 2D modeling and stability and strength analysis of the corrugated
sheet pile, the corrugated sheet pile type W - 500 Class B with a allowable permanent moment of
299 kN m can be used as a retaining wall for the riverbank height of 7 m and the depth of the
corrugated sheet pile embedded as deep as 7 m. The safety factor value of the stability of the
corrugated sheet pile is quite safe because it is greater than the requirements listed in SNI SNI 8460 -
2017, where the value of the safety factor in SNI 8460 - 2017 must be greater than 1.5.

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Workshop on Environmental Science, Society, and Technology (WESTECH 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1125 (2021) 012018 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1125/1/012018

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