Application of Six Sigma in Industries: An Overview
Application of Six Sigma in Industries: An Overview
Application of Six Sigma in Industries: An Overview
Khuntia/ International
Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 1, Issue 4, pp.1889-1892
Application of Six Sigma in industries: An overview
Implementation failure in six sigma concept in 2. IMPLEMENTATION MODEL
supply chain management has been increasing
as a concern. The reason for many Six Sigma A model for guiding the implementation of Six
programmes to fail is due to an implementation Sigma programmes is not available. The existing
model which is not at all user friendly. Using a literature research related to Six Sigma and other
successful Six Sigma, we have to perform improvement initiatives (e.g., Lean or Theory of
strategic analysis driven by the market and the Constraints) are utilized to isolate steps of
customer. It is necessary to establish a high- implementation. Although suggested in different
level, cross-functional team to drive the studies, these steps can connect with each other to
improvement initiative and to identify overall hypothesize an implementation model. In
improvement tools. We can perform high-level describing a successful lean (e.g., manufacturing
process mapping and prioritize improvement cells) implementation, the researchers found that
opportunities and develop a detailed plan for the first step in implementing an improvement plan
low-level improvement teams, and then to is to perform a customer support which is basing on
implement, document, and revise as necessary. market driven strategic analysis. The purpose of
This is important for both practitioners and this analysis is to direct the operational
academicians for achieving success at the improvement effort to gain a competitive position
industry level. in the market and the objective of Six Sigma
programme is to create a higher perceived value of
Keywords – document, implementation, MSOC, the company’s products and services in the eyes
revise, Six Sigma of the customer. Antony et. al. (2005) indicated
that linking Six Sigma to business strategy and
1. INTRODUCTION customer needs is critical for successful
Six Sigma programmes are considered as the latest
management improvement tools and techniques Six Sigma implementation begins not inside the
(Watson, 2006) and it is well known that Six Sigma business, but outside it, focused on answering
programmes involve a series of critical decisions the questions, ‘How can we make the
and they have identified many critical decisions or customer more competitive? What is critical to the
elements of Six Sigma programmes such as customer’s success?’ Learning the answer to the
management involvement, improvement question and then learning how to provide the
specialists, performance metrics, procedure, and solution is the only focus that we need.
project selection and prioritization. Six Sigma
programmes improve operational performance in In order to effectively manage bottleneck
order to enhance customer satisfaction with a operations, it is recommended that the next step in
company’s products and services (Rajagopalan et. that operation is to form a cross-functional team to
al., 2004). Despite the immense popularity and the guide the implementation process (Chakravorty and
wide-spread adoption of Six Sigma, there is an Atwater 2006). In order to successfully implement
increasing concern across industries regarding Six Sigma programs, management must understand
the failure of Six Sigma programmes. One Six Sigma methodology, must provide leadership,
reason is that many Six Sigma programs fail and must guide the implementation process
because an implementation model detailing the (Mullavey 2005).
sequence of Six Sigma elements/activities is not
available. The existing literature identifies many While implementing Deming’s style of quality
elements of Six Sigma which do enhance the management, Hales and Chakravorty (2006)
process concept and understanding. found that the step after securing management
commitment and personal involvement in a quality
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Prof. Himanshu S. Moharana, Dr. J.S. Murty,Dr. S. K. Senapati, Prof. K. Khuntia/ International
Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 1, Issue 4, pp.1889-1892
improvement initiative was to identify the tools for study, we collect data specifically on the
improvement. implementation and use of Six Sigma. Third, the
units of analysis must be appropriate for
Six Sigma programs have many tools for representing the topic under examination.
improvement, which include Histograms, Pareto
Charts, Statistical Process Control (SPC), and To examine the flow of information through the
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Foster (2007) system; we employ process mapping. Each activity
claimed that a common process for in a business process is shown on a two-
implementing improvement tools is the DMAIC dimensional scale. The processes are then
methodology, which is similar to Edward Deming’s connected with arrows showing the direction of
‘‘Plan-Do- Check-Act’’ problem solving. Some service flows. Average waiting times and
opine that DMAIC can be converted to DMADV processing times are estimated for each stage of the
which means “Define- Measure-Analyze-Design- process. These maps help to identify where
Verify. Mast and Bisgard (2007) considered services had breakdowns or long wait times are
DMAIC methodology as the scientific method in processed through redundant or unnecessary
Six Sigma programmes. The next step is to activities.
understand the overall operations, and to set
priorities for the project. One way to understand At the end of each day, researchers review the
overall operations is by developing a process information and data for the current day. They
map. A process map is a graphic representation of a spend several hours brainstorming ideas and
process, showing the sequence of tasks using a reflecting on what has happened during the day’s
modified version of standard flowchart symbols. events with several of the management. They group
The map of a work process is a picture of how the ideas using content analysis and map the
people do their work. Work process maps are order processes which would be addressed the next
similar to road maps in that there are many day. The ideas with the greatest potential for
alternative routes that will accomplish the success and most support from the team
objective. In any given circumstance, one route responsible for changes or from other company
may be better than others. By creating a process executives are prioritized for implementation.
map, the various alternatives are displayed and Results of the ideas implemented during the
effective planning, to improve the process, is current day are reviewed for performance. Those
facilitated. According to Meredith and provide improvements are noted, as well as our
Mantel(2003), project selection and prioritization preliminary insights into why they work. Other
is the process of evaluating projects, and then areas in the order process that could benefit
choosing to implement some set of them so from the same solutions are identified for
that the objectives of the organization are implementation on the following day. In the
achieved. The plan should include a sequence of beginning of the day, the team chooses the next
execution activities including lower- level team problems to attack based on consensus. The
improvement exercises, a training schedule, and a planned solutions are implemented during the first
detailed plan of all necessary changes related to the shift operations of the company. During this period,
implementation. The plan should provided a basis the researcher focuses solely on assisting with the
or implementation documentation and revisions implementation efforts and documenting the
needed to assure continuous improvement. process. These processes occur on an iterative basis
throughout for number of days.
The primary form of data analysis is the reflection With approval from the CBO, a cross-
by the researcher on his own experience. The functional team is formed, consisting of managers,
researcher identifies patterns and common themes engineers, and consultants. This team is called
by analyzing the experiences of himself and other the ‘‘Management System of Operational Change’’
participants. Content analysis works well for (MSOC). While leadership skills are considered,
identifying possible root causes and prioritizing eight members of MSOC are primarily chosen for
alternative solutions. In this study, we collect ideas their technical skills. This includes participants
on how Six Sigma is implemented. Three general from the customer service organization (non-
guidelines are applicable to content analysis. First, access), the circuit fulfillment group (access), and
two judges are used for performing the analysis so the application development team.
that the consistency of results could be estimated.
Second, the categories of interest must be MSOC is responsible for developing a charter for
applicable to the research objectives. In this all the improvement initiatives, a timeline for
1890 | P a g e
Prof. Himanshu S. Moharana, Dr. J.S. Murty,Dr. S. K. Senapati, Prof. K. Khuntia/ International
Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 1, Issue 4, pp.1889-1892
carrying out the implementation, and a budget to implementing Six Sigma programmes with the
support the changes. MSOC is also responsible teams. Third, teams are formed to become
for analyzing the existing process, planning the completely familiar with the department and its
change with active participation from all operations. Each team responsible for obtaining the
departments, implementing the change in latest department functional flow drawings, the
process, establishing performance matrices, and department’s scope or boundaries (where it begins
following up the effects on performance. MSOC and where it ends), and information flow
begins with analysis by interviewing personnel throughout the department. These teams would
(customers, engineers, and technicians) from work through the process and observe information
different departments in existing process and by flow and the use of various sub-systems and
examining customer complaint reports, cost tools. Fourth, once a ‘‘good’’ understanding of a
reports, etc. MSOC’s initial assessment is that the department and its operations are developed, we
deteriorating performance is due to variation in the need to verbalize the possible problem statement.
process and/or many wasteful activities at each Fifth, a room is secured for meeting, invitations are
stage of the existing process. The company is sent to management to attend the event, and
determined to find a long-term solution that would suggestion boxes are set up near the department. A
improve their operations and satisfy their room is secured close to the target department in
customers. The main objectives are to improve order that engineers and associates meet
customer service by eliminating waste from the frequently and openly discuss ways for
existing process. improvement ideas, such as Lean improvement of the process. Sixth, as we know
and Theory of Constraints principles which are people learn differently (some learn better with
included to enrich the training programmes. To text and others learn better with visuals), the
reinforce understanding among managers, training is delivered by MSOC in an interactive
engineers, and associates in the application of manner using presentation of slides with audio and
DMAIC methodology, we have to develop video enhancements.
examples of DMAIC applications, and supervise
many sessions where the managers and the workers The team should be aware that in the past, many
work on the methodology to reduce variation or improvement initiatives had failed, not because the
waste from the process. programmes were flawed, but because the company
did not identify improvement champions and failed
3.3 DEVELOP DETAILED to communicate with the shop floor employees. In
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN other words, there was no general agreement on
what to do, which program to use, no adequate
Using the implementation priority, a detailed training, no communication of what is to be
implementation plan consisting of major activities done, no development of trust between workers
is developed. First, each department is and managers, and no visual support of top
designated to setup a lower level improvement management. The MSOC resolves these critical
team from the department. After meeting and problems to prepare the company for the changes.
discussing with the supervisor, a team (6–8 For example, MSOC knows that the workers do not
engineers and associates) of shop workers (and/or trust the management’s commitment and are not
process owners) is established to carry out the interested in participating and giving their honest
implementation. The entire company is to be responses (or suggestions) to improve the process.
divided into a number say as 30 teams (varies Over four/five weeks, MSOC holds a series
with the industry-strength). Second, once teams are of formal and informal meetings with workers
identified, the next step is to select supervisors or from different departments. During the last week
champions for managing the teams during of the meetings, MSOC provides a week-long
implementation. MSOC spends inordinate amounts training session on process excellence through Six
of time selecting supervisors and champions. Sigma. By the time they must have completed their
MSOC should believe that the success of the training programme, MSOC and workers meet
implementation is dependent on the champions several times. Top managers are involved at every
and their ability to manage the teams. While stage and exhibit visual commitment to the effort.
technical skills of champions are required, their Managers answer associate’s questions openly and
human skills are more important for this role. They honestly and solicit suggestions to improve the
come with varying levels of experience (5–25 process. After several weeks, MSOC and the
years), professional qualifications. Following many workers freely exchange ideas and work with
days of deliberations, MSOC selects 10 champions greater cohesiveness.
or supervisors to manage 30 teams (average three
teams per champion). After establishing 3.4 IMPLEMENT, DOCUMENT, AND
communication protocol with MSOC, the REVISE
champions or supervisors are responsible for
1891 | P a g e
Prof. Himanshu S. Moharana, Dr. J.S. Murty,Dr. S. K. Senapati, Prof. K. Khuntia/ International
Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 1, Issue 4, pp.1889-1892
While implementing, MSOC must have market/customer driven which is the first step. We
encountered major findings that put impact on the have to implement which consists of five more
implementation of Six Sigma and its DMAIC steps for using a successful Six Sigma programme
methodology. First, when the problem is easy and in an industry. The second step is to establish a
clearly identified, DMAIC proceeds in a sequential high-level, cross-functional team to drive the
and rational manner, and beginning with phase one improvement initiative. The third step is to identify
and ending with phase four. Although the amount the overall improvement tools. The fourth step is to
of time spent in each stage varies, MSOC perform high-level process mapping and to
experiences the succession from one stage to prioritize improvement opportunities. These
another smoothly. After each iteration of steps are considered strategic decisions implying a
DMAIC, MSOC documented the process, top down approach where management is primarily
interacted to reflect on why the solution works involved in decision making. The fifth and sixth
and tries to identify other areas where the solution steps are to develop a detailed plan and form low-
might apply. On reflection, the researcher level improvement teams and to implement,
believes that when the problem is clearly identified, document, and revise as needed. These steps are
MSOC and the departments feel that everyone considered tactical decisions, implying a bottom up
behaves in a predictable and rational manner and approach where engineers or technicians are
the company’s resources (money and personnel) primarily involved in decision making.
are not wasted.
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