Redis Six Sigma

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Rediscovering Six Sigma: Comparison with

Other Quality and Productivity Improvement


Six Sigma has emerged as one of the most effective quality

and productivity improvement strategies. After its
conception at Motorola, many success stories were charted
by a number of multinationals. From the researches and
surveys conducted and published so far, it appears that
Six Sigma is not being explored by the Indian industries
to its full potential. This is mainly due to incorrect
impression at all levels that Six Sigma is a costly affaire
and it involves lots of statistics. Due to this most of the
industries are refraining to attempt Six Sigma and resorting
to different quality and productivity improvement tools and
techniques, sometimes inappropriately. Thus to introduce
Six Sigma comprehensively a comparison of same is made
with other quality and productivity improvement tools and
techniques in this paper. The assessment revealed that
Six Sigma is the inclusive blend of all the quality and
productivity improvement tools and techniques to a
considerable extent.

Darshak A. Desai is Professor and Head of the Department of

Mechanical Engineering, G.H. Patel College of Engineering and
Technology (GCET), Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India.

Productivity Vol. 54, No. 3, OctoberDecember, 2013

For sustainable growth in the highly competitive global

market Indian industries need to address quality,
productivity and profitability simultaneously. Of late Indian
industries are trying many tools and techniques which
deal with either quality or productivity separately. But need
of the hour is the application of inclusive methodology
which can bring break through improvements in the
projects on hand. Six Sigma is one of the most effective
breakthrough improvement strategies having direct impact
on bottom line of the organization. After its conception at
Motorola, there are many success stories reported
highlighting considerable bottom line improvements by Six
Sigma across the globe. Six Sigma is the methodology
having statistical base focusing on removing causes of
variations or defects in the product or core business
processes (Desai, 2008).
To compete globally, mere customer satisfaction is
not enoughone needs to delight the customers. Indian
industries need to continuously pursue overall
organizational excellence. Meeting the customers
requirements at minimum possible cost and time is the
main mantra of success for any sort of business. Six
Sigma is one such technique available to bring the
breakthrough improvements almost in every sector through
overall operational excellence. The pinpointed attack of
this technique on root causes guarantees the targeted
results, both in terms of improvements desired and time
span fixed (Desai, 2012).
Six sigma is a systematic, highly disciplined,
customer-centric and profit-driven organization-wide
strategic business improvement initiative that is based
on a rigorous process focused and data-driven
methodology (Tang et al. 2007). Six sigma provides

business leaders and executives with the strategy,

methods, tools and techniques to change the culture of
organizations (Antony et al., 2005). Six sigma as a
philosophy seeks to measure current performance and
deter mine how desired or optimum performance can be
achieved. Any deviation in the performance of any criticalto-quality characteristic may be considered a defect
(Eckes, 2001).
Indian industries, especially, large scale concerns,
are employing quality and productivity techniques, such
as, Toyota Production System, Single Minute Exchange
of Dies (SMED), Pokayoke, Lean manufacturing,
Statistical Quality Control (SQC), Total Quality
Management, ISO certifications, etc. Though Six Sigma
has found it place among many Indian industries as one
of the most effective improvement strategies, still it is
considered out of reach for many industries which are
complacent with the quality and productivity improvement
techniques they are following currently. This paper is an
attempt to compare Six Sigma methodology with few other
well-known quality and productivity improvement
techniques. The basic aim is to draw similarities and
otherwise among them for better understanding of Six
Sigma methodology.
Six Sigmaan overview
Six Sigma is defined by many experts in numerous ways.
Harry (1998) defined Six Sigma as a strategic initiative to
boost profitability, increase market share and improve
customer satisfaction through statistical tools that can
lead to breakthrough quantum gains in quality. Tomkins
(1997) defined Six Sigma as a programme aimed at the
near elimination of defects from every products, process
and transactions. As per Park (2002) Six Sigma implies
three things: statistical measurement, management
strategy and quality culture. It tells us how good products,
services and processes really are, through statistical
measuring of quality level. It is new management strategy
under leadership of the top management to create quality
innovation and total customer satisfaction. It is also a
quality culture. It provides an atmosphere to solve many
Critical to Quality (CTQ) problems through team efforts.
Six Sigma fundamentally focuses on reduction in variability.
This technique is a simple common sense concept for
those who understand statistical principles of targeting
the mean to the required nominal value and controlling
variance around the mean. But it is much more than just a
statistical approach to problem solving. It is a companywide initiative to improve both top line and bottom line

through sustained customer satisfaction. The entire

movement is driven by the voice of the external customer
and concentrates on what is really important for the
customer (Seth and Rastogi, 2004). Carey (2007) stated
that the essence of Six Sigma is found in the reality that
business processes are inherently unpredictable. Six
Sigma provides a way of measuring the variability in a
process as it delivers services to an end-user or customer.
When most people talk about Six Sigma, they are thinking
about the DMAIC methodology. This method is used for
improving an existing process when it is not meeting
customer needs.
Linderman et al. (2003) in defining Six Sigma stress
up on process improvement and new product development
by stating that Six Sigma is an organised and systematic
method for strategic process improvement and new product
and service development that relies on statistical methods
and the scientific method to make dramatic reductions in
customer defined defect rates. As per Mgnusson et al.
(2003) Six Sigma is a business process that allows
companies to drastically improve their bottom line by
designing and monitoring everyday business activities in
ways that minimise waste and resources while increasing
customer satisfaction by some of its proponents. While
as per Voelkel (2002) the business-oriented definition of
Six Sigma states that it blends correct management,
financial and methodological elements to make
improvement to process and products in ways that surpass
other approaches.
It is a business improvement approach that seeks
to find and eliminate causes of mistakes or defects in
business processes by focusing on process outputs that
are of critical importance to customers (Snee, 2004). Six
Sigma is a business system with many statistical aspects,
and it naturally fits the business systems of most
companies. It is an operational system that speeds up
improvement by getting the right projects conducted in
the right way (Lucas, 2002).
Six Sigma is a holistic approach to achieving near
perfection, expressed in terms of no more than 3.4 errors
per million opportunities (Wright and Basu, 2008). As per
Shahin (2008) the corporate framework of Six Sigma
embodies the five elements of top-level management
commitment, training schemes, project team activities,
measurement system and stakeholder involvement.
Stakeholders include employees, owners, suppliers and
customers. At the core of the framework is a formalized
improvement strategy with the following five steps: define
measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC).

Rediscovering Six Sigma: Comparison with Other Quality and Productivity

Improvement Techniques

Apart from above strategic, managerial and business

description of Six Sigma, technically, sigma () is a
statistical measure of the quality consistency for a
particular process/product. The technical concept of Six
Sigma is to measure current performance and to determine
how many sigmas exist that can be measured from the
current average until customer dissatisfaction occur. When
customer dissatisfaction occurs, a defect results (Eckes,
There are basically two methodologies in practice
for Six Sigma improvement strategy as illustrated in
Figure 1.
The process improvement technique is popularly
known as DMAIC (Define-Measure- Analyze-ImproveControl) and another one aiming for design improvement
is known as DFSS (Design for Six Sigma). The original
problem solving process for Six Sigma developed by
Motorola was MAIC. Later, DMAIC instead of MAIC was
advocated by GE where D stands for Definition. For DFSS
methodology, there are different approaches in use such
as DMADV (Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify), IDOV

(Identify-Design-Optimize-Validate) and DIDES (DefineInitiate-Design-Execute-Sustain) (Park, 2002). Table 1

provides a glance on the DMAIC methodology which is
much in use compared to DFSS approach.
Comparison of Six Sigma With Other Quality and
Productivity Improvement Techniques
Six Sigma and TQM
McAdam and Lafferty (2004) state that many of the
advocates of Six Sigma position it as a natural
development of TQM. They argue that Six Sigma can build
on the existing TQM culture to achieve tangible results.
However, such a continuum raises conceptual difficulties.
The current status of TQM is recorded as becoming
increasingly focused on people and cultural issues in
organizations from all sectors. They derived a conceptual
model which shows that TQM has developed from being
simply mechanistic to that of broad change philosophy
having mechanistic and organic components, based on
business and employee needs. Their model illustrates that
emergence of Six Sigma is not as a replacement for TQM



Design Improvement Design for Six Sigma



Six Sigma Improvement


Figure 1 Six Sigma Methodologies

Table 1: DMAIC: A Glance

This phase defines the project and identifies critical customer requirements and links them to business needs. It also
defines a project charter and the business processes to be undertaken for Six Sigma.


This is a data collection phase. At the end of this phase, present state of the situation becomes crystal clear by knowing
the baseline six sigma, that is, present sigma level of the project.


Here, course of action is created to close the gap between how things currently work and how they should work
meet improvement goals. All root causes are analyzed and the most critical ones are fixed for improvements.


This phase involves improving processes/product performance characteristics for achieving desired results and goals.
This phase involves application of scientific tools and techniques for making tangible improvements in profitability and
customer satisfaction


This phase requires the process conditions to be properly documented and monitored through statistical process control

Productivity Vol. 54, No. 3, OctoberDecember, 2013



but as a means of refocusing the needs for business

deliverables on the mechanized side of TQM.
As per Arnheiter and Maleyeff (2005) the roots of Six
Sigma can be traced to two primary sources: Total Quality
Management and the Six Sigma statistical metric
originating at Motorola Corporation. From TQM, Six Sigma
preserved the concept that everyone in an organization is
responsible for the quality of goods and services produced
by the organization. Other components of Six Sigma that
can be terraced to TQM include the focus on customer
satisfaction when making management decisions, and a
significant investment in education and training in statistics,
root cause analysis, and other problem solving
methodologies. The main components of Six Sigma
retained from TQM include a focus on the customer,
recognition that quality is the responsibility of all
employees, and the emphasis on employee training.
Motwani et al (2004) provided comprehensive
differences between TQM and Six Sigma. Striking
differences indicted TQM as focusing on quality while Six
sigma focuses on strategic goals and applies them to
cost, schedule and other key business metrics. TQM
loosely monitors progress towards goods while Six sigma
ensures that the investment produces the expected return.
TQM emphasizes problem solving while Six Sigma
emphasizes breakthrough rates of improvement. TQM
focuses on standard performance while Six Sigma focuses
on world-class performance, e.g. 3.4 PPM error rate. TQM
provides a vast set of tools and techniques with no clear
framework for using them effectively while Six Sigma
provides a selected subset of tools and techniques and a
clearly defined framework for using them to achieve results
(DMAIC). TQM focuses on long-term results and expected
payoff is not well defined while Six Sigma looks for a mix
of short-term and long-term results, as dictated by
business demands.
After the TQM hype of the early 1980s, Six Sigma,
building on well-proven elements of TQM, can be seen as
the current stage of evolution. As elementary methods
and tools of TQM build a basis for any Six Sigma design
and cultural elements have their foundation in general
change management theories, the major difference
between Six Sigma and TQM has to be seen in the
direction of the program. Like TQM, Six Sigma requires a
strong incorporation of the corporate control system to
enable companies to objectively measure and monitor their
longterm development within, and monitory outcome of,
QM using statistical techniques. By this, the control

system is a key function between strategy and the

operational level. At the operational level, Six Sigma builds
on a set of well established traditional methods and tools,
as well as new techniques for setting priorities on
improvement projects and for measuring the monitory
benefits (net-benefit calculation). These new tools have
to ensure that the additional objective of profitability
improvement can be achieved (Wessel and Burcher, 2004).
Harry and Schroeder (1999) argue that the main
weakness of traditional TQM concepts is the exclusive
focus on customer requirements. Six Sigma in contrast
focuses on quality from both the customers and investors
perspectives with the aim to meet customer requirements
fully and profitably. Following eight characteristics account
for Six Sigmas increasing bottom-line success and
popularity with executives.

Bottom-line results expected and delivered

Senior management leadership

A disciplined approach (DMAIC)

Rapid (3-6 months) project completion

Clearly defined measures of success

Infrastructure roles for six sigma practitioners and


Focus on customers and processes

A sound statistical approach to improvement

Other quality initiatives including TQM have laid claim

to a subset of these characteristics, but only Six Sigma
attributes its success to the simultaneous application of
all eight.
Six Sigma and Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
An excellent Six Sigma strategy should directly attack
the COPQ (Cost of Poor Quality), whose issues can
dramatically affect a business. Wisely applied Six Sigma
Table 2: Sigma level and COPQ defining class of industry

per million

Cost of
Poor Quality


< 10% of sales


10 to 15% of sales


15 to 20% of sales


20 to 30% of sales


30 to 40 % of sales


> 40 % of sales

World class


Rediscovering Six Sigma: Comparison with Other Quality and Productivity

Improvement Techniques

techniques can help eliminate or reduce many of the

issues that affect overall COPQ. The COQ figures are well
in use as indicators to express the competitiveness of the
industry along with Six Sigma measures, such as, sigma
level and Defects per Million Opportunity (DPMO). Harry
(1998) indicated these indices as show in Table 2.
Six Sigma and ISO 9000 Series
ISO 9000 series standards were first published in 1987,
revised in 1994, and re-revised in 2000 by the ISO. The
2000 revision, denoted by ISO 9000:2000, has attracted
broad expectations in industry. ISO 9000:2000 standards
specifies requirements for a quality management system
for which third party certification is possible, whereas ISO
9004:2000 provides guidelines for a comprehensive quality
management system and performance improvement
through self-appraisal.
A Six Sigma is applied in organization based on its
top-line and bottom-line rationale. The primary objective
of applying the ISO 9000 series standards is to
demonstrate the companys capability to consistently
provide conforming products and/or services. The ISO 9000
series standards have from their early days been regarded
and practiced by industry as a minimum set of requirements
for doing business. The new ISO 9000:2000 standards do
not represent a significant change to this perspective. Six
Sigma on the other hand, aims at world class performance,
based on a pragmatic framework for continuous
improvement. Six Sigma is superior in such important
areas as rate of improvement, bottom-line and top-line
results, customer satisfaction, and top level management
commitment. However, considering the stronghold of ISO
9000 in industry, Six Sigma and ISO 9000 are likely to be
applied by the same organization, but for very different
Six Sigma and Lean Management
Six Sigma was founded by Motorola Corporation and
subsequently adopted by many US companies, including
GE and Allied Signal. Lean Management originated at
Toyota in Japan and has been implemented by many major
US firms, including Danaher Corporation and HarleyDavidson. Six Sigma and Lean management have diverse
roots. The key issue driving the development of Six Sigma
was the need for quality improvement when manufacturing
complex products having a large number of components
which often resulted in a correspondingly high probability
of defective final products. The driving force behind the

Productivity Vol. 54, No. 3, OctoberDecember, 2013

development of Lean management was the elimination of

waste, especially in Japan, a country with few natural
resources (Arnheiter and Maleyeff, 2005).
Lean evaluates the entire operation of a factory and
restructures the manufacturing method to reduce wasteful
activities like waiting transportation, material hand-offs,
inventory, and over-production. It reduces variation
associated with manufacturing routings, material handling,
and storage, lack of communication, batch production and
so forth. Six Sigma tools, on the other hand, commonly
focus on specific part numbers and processes to reduce
variation. The combination of the two approaches
represents a formidable opponent to variation in that it
includes both layout of the factory and a focus on specific
part numbers and processes.
Lean and Six Sigma are promoted as different
approaches and different thought processes. Yet, upon
close inspection, both approaches attack the same enemy
and behave like two links within a chain - that is, they are
dependent on each other for success. They both battle
variation, but from two different points of view. The integration
of Lean and Six Sigma takes two powerful problem-solving
techniques and bundles them into a powerful package.
The two approaches should be viewed as complements to
each other rather than as equivalent of or replacements
for each other.
Lean brings action and intuition to the table, quickly
attacking low hanging fruit with kaizen events. Six Sigma
uses statistical tools to uncover root causes and provide
metrics as mile makers. A combination of both provides
the tools to create ongoing business improvement (Bonnie
Smith, 2003).
Six Sigma and Theory of Constraint (TOC):
Similar to the Six Sigma improvement process, the TOC
five-step improvement process has been applied by many
companies successfully. While different vocabularies may
be used, both methods actually are very consistent with
focusing on identifying key variables, designing critical
measures, improvement key processes, changing current
system to support improvement, and monitoring the results
of improvement. Overall, these two strategies seem to
complement each other. TOC could serve as the
framework for continuous improvement, and Six Sigma
could provide specific statistical tools and engineering
techniques for implementing changes. (Ehie, I. and Sheu,
C., 2005).


Concluding Remarks
Over the relatively short interval of time since Six Sigma
was first conceived at Motorola, number of large
multinational organizations took on the challenge of Six
Sigma quality, during the 1990s. Many more businesses
joined in the quest of quality and productivity improvement
through Six Sigma during the first decade of the new
century and benefitted at large. Over the years many
useful systems have came into existence to strengthen
the overall manufacturing function and to have much needed
operational excellence. Toyota Production System, Single
Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED), Pokayoke, Lean
manufacturing, Theory of constraints etc. are a few well
known examples. Other techniques especially on the front
of Quality Engineering and Management such as
Statistical Quality Control, Total Quality Management, ISO
certifications etc. have also contributed to enhance the
outcome of any business in one way or other.
Many Indian industries have successfully exploited
this breakthrough business improvement strategy to their
overall benefits. Still the penetration of Six Sigma in Indian
industries is not as encouraging as it should be (Desai,
2006). The study of (Desai and Patel, 2010)
comprehensively uncovered in the hurdles faced by Indian
industries in implementing Six Sigma to their benefits. As
evident from the study, availability of resources and internal
resistance are the two most common hurdles faced by
Indian industries in implementing Six Sigma drive. This is
mainly due to wrong notion at top management as well as
at operational levels that Six Sigma is a costly affaire and
it involves lots of statistics which is beyond the reach of
practicing executives. Due to this most of the industries
are not even giving a try to Six Sigma and resorting to
different tools and techniques as explained above
sometimes without assessing the appropriateness of their
applications. Thus to introduce Six Sigma in even more
rewarding way a comparison of same is made with other
quality and productivity improvement tools and techniques
in this paper. The comparison revealed similarities and
other wise of Six Sigma with those tools and techniques
and more or less demonstrated that Six Sigma is the
comprehensive blend of all the quality and productivity
improvement tools and techniques in use so far.
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Rediscovering Six Sigma: Comparison with Other Quality and Productivity

Improvement Techniques

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What corporate governance means is that people outside looking into the
company will see that the people inside who are practicing qualitative governance
are making decisions on an intellectually honest basis and are applying care
and skill in making business judgments. An example of intellectual dishonesty
in the corporate context is Enron.
King Report

Productivity Vol. 54, No. 3, OctoberDecember, 2013


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