Managing Six Sigma Projects Through The Integration of Six Sigma and Project Management Processes
Managing Six Sigma Projects Through The Integration of Six Sigma and Project Management Processes
Managing Six Sigma Projects Through The Integration of Six Sigma and Project Management Processes
Managing Six Sigma projects through the integration of Six Sigma and project
management processes
11 767
2 authors, including:
Vittal S. Anantatmula
Western Carolina University
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Jarvis Gray
Western Carolina University,
1509 Clermont Rd, #T-26,
Durham, NC 27713, USA
Email: [email protected]
Vittal Anantatmula*
College of Business,
Western Carolina University,
Cullowhee, NC 28723, USA
Email: [email protected]
*Corresponding author
Abstract: While Six Sigma concepts and tools have established proven
practices and have demonstrated their worth within industry, the variation and
style in which the Six Sigma projects are formulated and executed leaves much
opportunity for continued development. The purpose of this paper is to propose
a practical framework for integrating conventional project management process
groups, as established by the Project Management Institute and Six Sigma
DMAIC methodologies. The goal of the proposed framework is to enhance the
efficiency and effectiveness with which Six Sigma projects are initiated,
planned, executed and closed. The expected results of the paper will introduce
and elaborate on the new model for the integration and application of
Six Sigma and project management methods. This paper will conclude with
recommendations of the future work needed to validate the model.
1 Introduction
Far too often, organisational executives and project leaders fail to see the difference
between the project success and the project management success of their Six Sigma
project initiatives. Cooke-Davies (2002) notes the difference as project success being a
measure against the overall objectives of the project and project management success
being a measure against the management of cost, time and quality within the project.
In the context of these definitions, Six Sigma has notably gained its popularity from the
results of its project success, but the evidence of its application in improving the project
management success of Six Sigma projects is not so obvious. We are motivated to
undertake this study because the past research is sparse on this subject.
Research shows that Six Sigma only employs methods for achieving quality
improvement endeavours, but lack the inclusion of specified processes needed to manage
the projects. Although previous studies have concluded that significant relationships
currently exist between Six Sigma and project management toolsets (Kwak and Anbari,
2004). The pertinent question that remains is, why does there continue to be such a huge
lack of integration between functional Six Sigma and project management processes?
Kwak and Anbari’s findings suggest that integration of Six Sigma techniques and project
management methods for Six Sigma projects is desirable, but unfortunately not practiced.
Within mainstream industries, projects are instituted as a means to meeting strategic
objectives and are employed routinely as a common method for accomplishing goals
such as new product development, new services and improving existing processes.
Likewise, the spread of Six Sigma can be found in virtually all areas of business
including service sectors such as banking and healthcare. However, in many undesirable
cases, the level of Six Sigma maturity and implementation within organisations remains
a prime focus for many research efforts; as our experience suggests that organisations
are willing to implement just enough of the Six Sigma toolsets to reach a variety of
organisational achievements, but leave the programme’s development to chance in the
hands of project managers, and it is manifested either as a success or failure.
The purpose of this study is to understand existing disparities in the implementation
of Six Sigma and project management methods and the concluding goal of this effort is
to develop a functional model that integrates accepted project management process
groups and the Six Sigma cycle of define-measure-analyse-improve-control (DMAIC)
in order to improve the project management performance of Six Sigma projects.
Henceforth, in this paper, the integration of these processes will be referred to as the
Six Sigma Project Management (SSPM) model.
The scope of this paper will centre on the established Six Sigma DMAIC
methodology and the suggested project management process model, as outlined in the
PMBOK (PMI, 2004). The vantage point of the paper will deal primarily with the ‘what’
perspective of the SSPM model in terms of the following:
Integration of Six Sigma and project management processes 129
• What current research has been done to integrate Six Sigma and project
• What are the generic processes and tools available for integration?
• What resources are required to implement the SSPM life cycle?
• What are the basic roles and responsibilities within a SSPM structure?
The succeeding sections of this paper will be organised as follows. In the next section,
we provide background information to present a historical overview and foundational
setting of both Six Sigma and project management disciplines. It is followed by the
literature review and the purpose of the section is to provide a detailed account of the
principles and findings uncovered pertaining to Six Sigma and project management. We
will then present the research methodology that integrates the literature review findings
and survey methods used in support of this study. The survey results section provides a
summary of responses assessed from randomly selected project leaders of Six Sigma
projects, who represent various industry experiences. The discussion section provides an
interpretation of the results assessed within the study and using these results, we will
provide the framework of the proposed model. Finally, the conclusion section highlights
the future work needed to provide a credible meaning to the SSPM model.
2 Background
3 Literature review
Through the initial steps of the literature review process, the following topics were
identified as areas that are associated with organisations that look to implement and
achieve high performing Six Sigma and project management programmes: (1) strategy
development and implementation (2) professional training and competencies and
(3) availability of formal project management tools and processes. The structure of the
literature review section will centre on these three areas, as they characterise essential
functions needed to enhance the likelihood of achieving project management success.
Integration of Six Sigma and project management processes 131
We have considered these three areas for literature review for valid reasons. Strategy
implementation is often achieved using both the Six Sigma and the project management.
Further, both these methodologies demand professional training and competent people to
implement them successfully. Finally, the question of integrating Six Sigma processes
with project management processes is possible when formal project management tools
and processes are in place.
increasing market share and capabilities, expanding products and services, boosting
revenue and allowing for the planned time-to-market of the organisations products or
Studies show that tactical implementation is often the most dissipating aspect of
business strategy efforts (Srivannaboon and Milosevic, 2006). Aligning organisational
strategy development and execution with strategic project systems, like Six Sigma or
project management, provides a network of accountability, efficiency and performance
that could be difficult to achieve without them. While research studies suggest that
companies first measure organisational capabilities and competencies (Grant and
Pennypacker, 2006), the successful deployment of these programmes throughout an
organisation or within specific functional areas will have a beneficial and significant
impact on the total performance. Additionally, the successful implementation of
Six Sigma and/or project management will provide the organisation with additional
competencies and capabilities to capitalise on future opportunities.
Project Project
Project Organizational
Management Management
Performance Performance
Competence Effectiveness
Unlike the Six Sigma approach where extensive training is required, it is not uncommon
in traditional project management for one to receive on-the-job training for much of
one’s career; while others may even refer to themselves as ‘accidental’ project managers.
However, over the past several years, much research has been performed in regards to
developing competent project managers. El-Sabaa’s (2001) study of project manager
competencies found that human skills, organisational skills and technical skills were
crucial requisites for project managers across various industries. A more detailed view of
those skill requirements and capabilities promoted in developing highly proficient project
managers are: leadership and strategic influence, proficiency in task organisation,
planning and directing skills, effective verbal and written communications, problem-
solving, negotiating and conflict management skills and finally balanced theoretical and
operational knowledge sets.
From a Six Sigma perspective, project management is commonly taught as a subset
of the Six Sigma curriculum with the detailed structure of project management phases
being covered at a bare minimum during the training programme. Because every
Six Sigma project goes through similar design phases and thought processes, we argue
that every Six Sigma endeavour, from initiation to close, could be linked with formal
project management processes. As studies show that current trends in implementing
projects will continue to have an impact on the dynamics and operational flow of
organisations (Crawford et al., 2005), the following links have been found to exist
between the developmental structures of the Six Sigma and project management
disciplines: (1) the need for process driven training approaches (2) superior application of
professional knowledge and (3) the critical need for organisational change management
It is imperative that project leaders in both arenas are aware of their role as change
agents for the organisation, as this skill is vital in generating the required support
and buy-in necessary for the project’s success. Lastly, the need for formal education
and training continues to be a value in both disciplines. Professional licensing and
certifications continue to pave the way for advancements within both professions, along
with providing increased career opportunities to those who obtain them.
their organisation and determine appropriate methods to solve them and quantify the
results. The processes and techniques to solve these problems are commonly classified as
‘projects’ (Munns and Bjeirmi, 1996), which are then delegated to employees with
limited resources to manage them. While Barber (2004) offers that projects work to focus
tasks on a planned set of outcomes, what can be improved in this generic approach are:
(1) the application of detailed steps needed to ensure that specific requirements are
captured and executed properly (2) the establishment of accountability for the work to be
done and (3) the confirmed validation and acceptance of applicable findings to allow for
proper decision makings of the company’s future.
Modelled as an evolution of Deming’s classic Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, the
Six Sigma DMAIC methodology supplies a disciplined, detailed approach to problem
solving, quality improvement and strategic implementation. Illustrated below are the
main steps that summarise the DMAIC cycle (Figure 2):
Process Optimization
The goal of DMAIC is not only to improve business systems, as defined by the problem
statement, but also to sustain the improvements into the future. Commonly found within
the conclusion of each of the steps are project tollgates. These customised checkpoints
are used to confirm the accomplishments of project requirements in each of the
respective DMAIC phases. Ultimately, through the process driven DMAIC approach and
tollgate validations, Six Sigma is able to supply project managers with adequate tools and
methods for successful project execution.
In the project management discipline, specified processes are also utilised to provide
efficiency and effectiveness to project management efforts. Also inspired by Deming’s
PDCA model, the PMBOK (PMI, 2004) presents the following cycle as its recommended
process for accomplishing project management (Figure 3):
Monitor and
Initiating Planning Executing Closing
Processes Processes Processes Processes
4 Methodology
We used two research methods for this study. The first methodology chosen for this
study consisted of a literature research and review approach. The literature review
method was selected to assess existing compositions within the areas of project
management and Six Sigma. The literature review method helped us identify the
importance of integrating these two disciplines to improve project management
performance in general and Six Sigma projects in specific.
The second research methodology consists of a survey of 24 Six Sigma project
leaders who are currently engaged in Six Sigma projects. The goal of the survey was to
assess the leaders in the following areas: (1) differentiate between Six Sigma project
success and Six Sigma project management success (2) gauge the necessity of using
specified project management processes and procedures for the Six Sigma projects and
(3) understand the critical challenges in managing Six Sigma projects within their current
organisational models. Results from both research methods are analysed together in the
discussion section.
5 Survey results
Figure 4 Experience profile of the respondents (see online version for colours)
Responding to the question about the number of Six Sigma projects managed, results
show that all the respondents managed Six Sigma projects and 42% of them have
extensive experience of managing six or more Six Sigma projects.
Respondents identified three important themes that define Six Sigma project
management success and they are; achieving the project’s mission or charter,
implementing sustainable solutions to identified problems and controlling the
implemented solutions to realised financial gains.
67% of the respondents have experienced six-sigma project failure at least once; they
identified several reasons of failure, which include failure to identify and manage project
stakeholders and their expectations, inadequate project selection process, inability to
align projects with critical organisational priorities, lack of project management
facilitation, lack of leadership, scope creep, availability of project resources and lack of
accountability on the part of project team members. Some of these reasons are common
reasons of project failure for traditional projects as well.
When asked to rate identified factors on their ability to enhance the probability for
achieving project management success, we found that:
• 70% of the project leaders feel that clearly defining the project mission will increase
the chances of achieving project management success
• 65% feel that top management support will impact project management success
• 60% ranked the final product acceptance as critical to achieving project management
• 45% of the project leaders feel that project Communication is key for project
management success
• 40% feel that Stakeholder Involvement is key to project management success.
Managing project risks (10%) and project personnel selection (10%) were not considered
as important. Finally, only one in ten felt that post project review is critical to overall
project management success.
Integration of Six Sigma and project management processes 137
Respondents, when asked about critical challenges to managing Six Sigma projects,
identified factors such as engaging project leadership and managing organisational
politics, having project resources readily available and properly managing them
throughout the life of the project and the overall management of project stakeholders,
project scope and project schedule.
Participants of the study identified seamless and on-time progression of a project to
DMAIC phases, clear communication and effective management of project scope, risks
and stakeholders as important contributors to project success.
To overcome these challenges and reduce the likelihood of project failure, our
research results suggests that reassessing and defining both project objectives, project
scope and original project schedule, enhancing stakeholder management and
communication efforts and improving the project team member selection process and
engaging project leadership are important. Finally, these results support our contention
that integration of the Six Sigma and project management life cycle phases is highly
6 Discussion
The overall relevance of using the literature review and survey analysis was to develop a
holistic view of why there needs to be progressive integration of Six Sigma and project
management methodologies. Using both the research methods, we showed that (1) both
Six Sigma and project management were sound tools that adequately align with the
development and implementation of organisational strategies (2) both programmes are
fully capable of developing successful project leaders when formal training is provided
to its respective practitioners and (3) both Six Sigma and project management
provide beneficial returns to the parent organisation when a formal support framework
and processes are implemented. Again, these dynamics characterise organisations
with successfully implemented programmes and are the nuts-and-bolts of achieving
established goals within a project management organisation. Further, both these
processes complement each other as Six Sigma focuses on end results whereas project
management focuses on improving means to meet end results.
Results from the survey analysis were also very telling in terms of illustrating and
compiling the various perspectives of current Six Sigma project leaders who participated
in the study. Findings showed that Six Sigma project leaders share similar views on what
it means to achieve project success within their projects, but all have divergent beliefs of
how project management success applies within the Six Sigma context. The participant
project leaders have also experienced varying degrees of project failure, but all relied
instinctively on basic project management skills and toolsets to change the direction of
failing projects. Results suggest that the existing relationship between Six Sigma and
project management is very synergetic and complementary of each other. Ultimately,
effective implementation of Six Sigma projects requires the effective execution of project
management processes. Based on the feedback provided by the survey participants,
failure to launch formal project management capabilities within a Six Sigma project
environment results in projects that are out of scope, over-run in cost and schedules,
employee team members that are not accountable for their actions and lack the required
support of stakeholders and organisational leaders.
138 J. Gray and V. Anantatmula
7 SSPM framework
Using the research results discussed above, we propose a framework that integrates
Six Sigma and project management processes with a purpose to provide an overview
of the Six Sigma project phases and their respective deliverables. Coronado and
Antony (2002) state that Six Sigma projects must be targeted for process and product
improvements that have direct impacts on financial and operational goals. The objective
of the SSPM approach is to provide a practical methodology to managing Six Sigma
projects that will enhance the likelihood of achieving project management success. Each
of the listed process phases will play a unique role in developing a comprehensive project
management plan for Six Sigma projects. It is expected that the deliverables attained at
the end of each phase will provide a revised edition to the overall Six Sigma Project
Management Plan. Represented in the figure below is a cross walk mapping of the
Six Sigma process areas with the PMBOK process areas, as proposed by the authors of
this study.
feasibility of the project prior to its official initiation. The Six Sigma methods exercised
within this stage relate directly to the Define phase; as the tools are used to develop
the concepts to begin meeting business needs. The conclusion of the Project Concept
and Definition phase will result in the creation of a preliminary Six Sigma Project
Management Plan.
Figure 6 Summary mapping of the SSPM framework and the related outputs (see online version
for colours)
Project Concept & Project Execution & Control Project Handoff & Evaluation
Project Initiation Phase Project Planning Phase
Definition Phase Phase Phase
Project Project
Project Project Control
Project Charter Improvement Closure
Analysis Plan Plan
Preliminary 6s Project Management Plan
Plan Activities
Project Control Maintenance Project Final
Plan Plan Report
8 Conclusion
While Kwak et al. (2004) notes that future improvements to Six Sigma methods
revolves around the broad topic of management processes, it is the author’s professional
opinion that the continued evolution of Six Sigma in industry involves the direct
integration of proven project management techniques and standardisation within the
current DMAIC structure. While this proposed model currently lies within a conceptual
phase, the author would provide the following recommendations on future research to
validate this model.
8.3 Developing integrated Six Sigma and project management training model
Following the testing and validation of the model, the author suggests the creation of a
training programme that integrates both the Six Sigma and project management
disciplines into one curriculum.
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