Horizontal and Vertical Measurement

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First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer
finished writing the paper entitled “Horizontal and Vertical Measurement” right in
the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by
Mrs. Siti Aisyah as lecturer in Politeknik Negeri Jakarta. 
In arranging this paper, the writer get lots challenges and obstructions but
with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized
there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.
because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in
the process of writing this paper. hopefully allah replies all helps and bless you
all.the writer realized tha this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content.
then the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in
perfecting the next paper. Hopefully this paper can helps the readers to gain more
A. Horizontal and Vertical Measurement

You've probably drawn all kinds of lines throughout your life. But, what is
a line? A line is simply an object in geometry that is characterized as a straight,
thin, one-dimensional, zero width object that extends on both sides to infinity.
A straight line is essentially just a line with no curves. Most of the time, when we
speak about lines, we are talking about straight lines! Here are some examples of
straight lines. Curved lines are what you get when you use the squiggle line in
your computer Paint program. They are usually called a curve or arc and are not
straight lines.

There are other kinds of straight lines that are helpful to learn. Vertical
straight lines go up and down. Horizontal straight lines go from left to right or
vice versa. Parallel straight lines have the same slope and are the same distance
apart, so they will never intersect. Perpendicular straight lines cross each other
and form four perfect right angles in the process. Slanted or oblique straight lines
are just as they sound: they are straight lines at an angle.

Horizontal lines Vertical lines Diagonal lines

A line is said to be a horizontal line if the line was flat. Understanding is
parallel horizontal horizon (sky bottom bordering the earth according to the eye)
while the vertical line is a line perpendicular to the horizontal line.

How is external width (maximum fuselage width) measured? External

width of an aircraft is measured horizontally between vertical planes touching the
outside faces of the fuselage (body).

A linear dimension is a measurement of distance between two points

(represented by a line)

B. Level and Plumb

If a surface is described as being level, this means i tis both horizontal and
flat (smooth). However, a surface which is flat is not necessarily horizontal. A flat
surface may be vertical, or inclined (sloping a tan angle to the horizontal or
vertical plane).

Faces that are vertical, such as those of the walls of buildings, are
described by engineers as being plumb. Structure that are slightly inclined from
vertical are said to be out of plumb.
The difference between level and plumb lies in orientation. When
something is "level," it's straight from side to side, like a shelf that's been properly
installed. When something is "plumb," it's straight up and down, like the walls of
a building.

 Level example

If you place a marble on a shelf and it rolls off to the right or left, the shelf is
out of level. One side is higher than the other relative to the surface of the Earth.
As gravity pulls on the marble, it rolls down the lower side. If the shelf is level,
the marble will stay put.

 Plumb example
When something is plumb, it means it's straight up and down. If a post
installed in flat ground is leaning in any direction, it's out of plumb. If it's at a 90-
degree angle to the ground on all sides, it's plumb. To be plumb is to be parallel
with the force of gravity.

C. Dimensions of a bridge

Overall Length is the measurement which is taken between the two points
that are furthest apart, along the length (the whole distance along it) of the
bridge. The length is measured along a horizontal side of the bridge. It is
the distance from end to end.

Overall height, measures how tall the bridge is. Overall height is measured
vertically from the height of the bridge road to the ground or water surface
under the bridge.

D. Application in civil engineering

Measurement and mapping It is the process of directly or indirectly measuring

vertical distances to determine the elevation of points or their difference in

Drawing Buildings, In the picture there are also common sizes of an

object, shall mean the common size is the size such as length, width and height of
an object.

Measurement and mapping can basically be divided into 2

1. Geodetic Surveying
2. Plan Surveying
Differences in principle of two types of measurement and mapping above are:

Plane Surveying Geodetic Surveying

Curvature of the earth is not taken in to
In this curvature of earth is considered.
In geodetic surveying line joining two
In plane Surveying, line joining any two
points of triangle formed by three
points of triangle formed by any three
points is considered as curved line of
points is considered as straight line and
spherical triangle and angles of
plane triangle are assumed to be plane
triangle are considered as spherical
This survey is done on smaller area less This survey is done on large area
than 250km2 greater than 250 km2
Required accuracy is competitively low. High accuracy is required
Simple methods and instruments can be Very refined methods and instruments
used as the required accuracy is low. are used.

E. Geometry ground basically consists of three major parts

1. Measuring basic framework Vertical (BFV)

Vertical basic framework is a collection of techniques and ways of measuring

points known or determined vertical position in the form of height to the plane of
reference certain height. Measurement of vertical basic framework there are
basically three methods, namely:

 Methods of measurement of the optical flat plumb basic framework

The principle method of optical flat plumb is to measure the viewfinder of the
optical flat plate in the field using the measuring beam. Until now, high-difference
measurements using the optical sweep method were still the most rigorous method
of measurement of height difference. So the accuracy of the vertical base frame
(KDV) is expressed as the largest price limit of the high difference of the
measurement results of the optical flat plumb going and going.

The purpose of height measurement is to determine the height difference

between two points. High difference h is known between two points a and b,
while high point A is known equal to Ha and point B is higher than point A, then
point B height, Hb = Ha + h which is defined by the height difference between
point A and point B is the distance between the two nivo planes through points A
and B. Generally the nivo plane is a curved plane, but when the distance between
points A and B can be considered as a horizontal Field.

 The method of trigonometric measurement

The vertical basic skeletal measurement of the trigonometric method is

principally a high difference gain through direct distance of binoculars to a high
difference by calculating the height of the tool, the vertical angle (zenith or
inclination) and the height of the viewfinder represented by the middle yard of the
measuring beam. Theodolite tools, targets and measuring rods are all above the
bonding point. The initial principle of using the theodolite tool is the same as the
flat plane, that is, we have to bring up the nivo bubble first and then read the other
measurement elements. The direct distance can be obtained through the optical
readings of the upper yarn and the bottom yarn or using an electronic distance
measurement instrument known as EDM (Elektronic Distance Measurement). To
determine the height difference by trigonometric means angle measuring device
(Theodolite) to be able to measure angle angle tegak.Bright angles are divided
into two kinds, is the angle m angle and zenith z angle, angled angle m measured
from horizontal, zenith z angle measured starting from a perpendicular state
always towards the zenith of nature.

 Methods of measurement Barometris

Barometric measurement in principle is measuring atmospheric pressure
difference. The height measurement using the barometric method is performed
using a barometer as the main tool.

As already noted, the Barometer is an air pressure gauge. At a certain place

the air pressure is equal to the air pressure with a certain thickness as well. Ideally
recording at any point is done under the same atmospheric conditions but a single
measurement is almost impossible because recording pressure and air temperature
contain errors due to changes in atmospheric conditions. determination of high
difference by observing the air pressure somewhere else

which are used as reference in this case eg elevation ± 0.00 meters of mean sea

Information :

p = mass type of taste of mercury (hydragirum)

g = gravity - 9.8 mJsZ - 10 m / s2

h = the height of a point of MSL (Mean Sea level)

2. Measuring basic framework Horizontal (BFH)

Measurement of horizontal basic framework is to obtain a horizontal

relationship points measured above the Earth's surface it is necessary to measure

Parts of the basic framework of horizontal measurement is:

 Method polygon
It is one of the ways to determine the coordinates that have a lot.

 The method of triangulation

It was a triangle that all the corners were measured in the field.

 The method Trilateration

It is a triangle that is all measured in the field.

 The method of quadrilateral

It is an irregular and diagonal rectangular shape, whose entire angle and distance
is measured.

 The method of fastening to the face

Binding to face is done by:

Theodolite stands on the point / peg that has been known coordinates &
measuring bears placed above the point you want to know the coordinates.

 The method of fastening to the back way Collins and cassini

Rear binding is done by:

Theodolite stands at the unknown point of its coordinates, the target is set
above the known point of coordinate.

Backward binding consists of 2 methods, namely:

 Colins Method.

         Methods that use a loop as auxiliary geometric shape.

 Casini method.

         A method that uses two circles as auxiliary geometric shape.

3. Measurement points Detail

For measurement and mapping purposes other than Vertical Basic Frame
measurements that result in high dotage points and Horizontal Boundary Frame
measurements that result in coordinates of bound dots also need to be measured
detail points to produce scattered on the surface of the earth depicting the situation
of the measuring region.
In the measurement of detail points the principle is to determine the
coordinates and height of the detail points of the bonding points. The methods
used in measuring the detail points are the offset method and the tachymetry
method. However, the method often used is Tachymetry method because
tachymetry method is relatively fast and easy because obtained from the field is
the reading of signs, horizontal angle (magnetic azimuth), vertical angle (zenith or
inclination) and tool height. The results obtained from the measurement of
tachymetry are planymetric position X, Y and height Z.

 Offset Measurement Method

The offset method is the measurement of the points using a simple tool that is
the measuring tape, and yalon. Measurement for offset mode making uses the
main tool of measuring tape, so this way is also commonly called the chain (chain

Of the type of equipment used, the offset method is commonly used for
relatively flat and not large areas, so the basic framework for the map is also made
offset. Maps obtained by offset will not present mapped earth altitude

There are three ways of measuring the point of detail by means of offsets:

 The right-angled way (the way the line is perpendicular),

 How to bind (how to interpolate),
 How to combine the two.

 Methods of measurement of tachymetry

The tachymetry method is a measurement using optical, electronic, and digital

tools. Detailed measurements of the way tachymetry begins with the preparation
of the measuring instrument above the connective point and the placement of the
beacon at the point of view. Once the tool is ready for measurement, it starts with
data recording in place of stand tool, shooting to the measuring beam, azimuth
observation and recording data at BT, BA, BB and oblique angle. The tachymetry
method is based on the principle that on equilateral triangles, the unilateral side is
Most tachymetry measurements are with a beveled viewfinder due to the
diversity of the topography, but the intersection of the stadia thread is read on
perpendicular signs and the slant distance is "reduced" to horizontal distance and
vertical distance.

In the figure, a transit is mounted at a point and a beacon is held at a certain

point. With the crosslinked yarn is aimed at the measuring beam so that the height
of t is equal to the theodolite height to the ground.

The vertical angle (angle of slope) is read as a. Note that in high tachymetry
work the instrument is the height of the measured viewfinder from the occupied
point (not the TI, high above the datum as in a flat plate). The tachymetry method
is most useful in locating a large number of topographic details, either
horizontally or vetically, with transit or planset. In urban areas, angle and distance
reading can be accomplished much faster than record-keeping and sketching by

Other "diagram" tachymetry basically works upon working on the principle

that, the same vertical angle is automatically breathed by various stadia line bows.
A self-reduction tachymetry uses a fixed horizontal line on a diaphragm and other
horizontal lines on the diaphragm can both move, working on the basis of vertical
angular change. Most alidade plansets use a type of tachymetry reduction
F. Tools commonly used in the measurement of the basic
framework of vertical and horizontal optical methods are

1. Auto level

Auto level (leveling) is an operation to determine the height difference

between two points on the ground surface. A flat plane of reference set and
elevations are measured against the field.

2. Tape Measure
Primary or general usefulness of this meter is to measure the distance or
length. Other uses are also essentially is measuring the distance, among others
(1) measuring the angle of both the horizontal angle and vertical angle or
(2) make a right angle, ETC

3. Signs Measure

Signs measure can be made of wood, aluminum alloys are given scale
readings. Size 4 cm wide, the length between 3m-5m is equipped with a
numeric readout of the meter,
decimetre, centimeter and
millimeter. Signs measure
necessary to facilitate / help
measure the height difference
between the crosshairs with the
soil surface.

4. Statif / tripod

Statif serves as a theodolite or plane holder / auto level. How to use the
stand as follows: Open the stand and attach straps such that her legs open (to
stand well) installation or
adjustment of the stand must comply with those that target high or measure,
do not get too high or too low

5. Unting-unting

Unting-unting or often called the pendulum, is one tool builders that are
usually used to measure erectness an object or area. Some usage that is often
encountered in the work of building title
is for the measurement of erectness
formwork, erectness timber when setting
doors and windows, manufacture thread
horizontal mounting brick walls, the
withdrawal of the center point of a
distance, etc.

6. Spirit level
A spirit level, bubble level or simply a level is an instrument designed to
indicate whether a surface is horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb). Different types
of spirit levels may be used by carpenters, stonemasons, bricklayers, other
building trades workers, surveyors, millwrights and other metalworkers, and in
some photographic or videographic work.

1) Explain the difference between horizontal and vertical?
 Horizontal: a straight line which paralel to the horizon
 Vertical: a straight line which perpendicular to the horizontal

2) Explain and give an example about

a. Overall height: measures how tall the building is. Overall height is
measured vertically from the height of the building to the ground.
Example : The height of the bridge is 3,55 m.
b. Overall length: is the measurement which is taken between the two
points that are furthest apart, along the length (the whole distance
along it) of the building. The length is measured along a horizontal
side of the building. It is the distance from end to end.
Example : The length of the bridge is 8,4 m.

3) What is plumb, level, and out of plumb?

 Plumb: a straight line which is vertical
 Level: horizontal and flat (smooth)
 Out of plumb: structure that slightly inclined to the vertical plane

4) What is inclined?
Sloping at an angle to the horizontal or vertical plane

5) Mention the tools used to measure vertical and horizontal?

Spirit level, measuring tape, try square, prism








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