papers from Primetals Technologies
at the ESTAD Conference 2017 in Vienna,
covering the topics of energy efficiency
and carbon dioxide reduction.
“ Technology in harmony
with the environment
has become a
key challenge of
our times.”
Energy efficiency
• Generation of up to 100 kg of steam per ton
of liquid steel from the LD (BOF) process with
waste-heat recovery
• Up to 25 kWh electric power generation per
ton of sinter with waste-heat recovery from the
shaft cooler
• Up to 11% energy savings of the total energy
input for minimills
• Up to 40% energy savings for electrostatic
precipitators with Precon
• Up to 30% reduced energy consumption for
secondary emission control with a dynamic
process-control system
Industrial implementation of an EAF waste-heat recovery system • Generation of up to 450 kg of steam per ton of
for steam generation at Acciaieria Arvedi S.p.A., Cremona, Italy blast furnace slag with the Dry Slag Granulation
process (DSG)
• Production of up to 0.23 kg ethanol per Nm³
WASTE HEAT RECOVERY FOR THE feed gas (CO/H₂) with the bio-fermentation of
EAF – INNOVATIVE CONCEPTS AND waste-gas from metallurgical plants
Paper number: 70 • Less than 3 mg/Nm³ particulate emissions from
Principal author: Paul Trunner bag-filter systems
• Less than 0.1 ng/Nm³ I-TEQ PCDD/F (dioxins/
furans) emissions from any type of metallurgical
Over the last years, waste heat recovery in the steel
industry has attracted ever-increasing attention. • Up to 98% SOx and 90% NOx reductions in
Environmental regulations and public funding, as well the waste gas from sinter plants with Meros
as required revamps of old dedusting systems, have technology
led steel plant operators to discuss and evaluate • Zero-waste water discharge with dry-type
possibilities for recovering waste heat. waste-gas dedusting/gas-cleaning solutions
• Up to 99% plant reliability and availability of
The development of a waste-heat recovery plant any type of ECO gas-cleaning plant
requires extensive knowledge and long-term • 65% lower specific CO₂ emissions in the
experience with the entire plant, including the direct-reduction route compared with the
integrated blast furnace route
water-steam cycle, the EAF (electric arc furnace)
• 65% reduction of specific CO₂ emissions in
process, dedusting systems and downstream
the direct-reduction route compared to the
waste-heat consumers. Primetals Technologies integrated blast furnace route
provides innovative and reliable waste-heat recovery • Up to 50% reduction of waste gas with Selective
solutions for the EAF, which are presented in Waste Gas Recirculation (SWGR) in sinter plants
this paper.
An innovative waste-heat recovery plant is also • Up to 3% raw material savings with the
introduced, which was installed at Acciaieria Arvedi briquetting and recycling of oxide fines
S.p.a., Italy. Waste heat is used to produce steam for (sludges, dust, scale)
two pickling lines located at a considerable distance • Up to 2% metal-yield improvement with the
valorization of steelmaking slags (metallic
from the EAF. The substitution of the existing gas-fired
oxide recovery)
boilers led to a decisive reduction of operating costs
• Up to 15% boost in cokemaking productivity
for the steel plant. Another heat-recovery plant was with the fine-coal-briquetting process
installed at the electric arc furnace of Höganäs in • 60% (and higher) upgrading of iron content of
Sweden, where hot water at high pressure is produced mining tailings via tailings beneficiation
and utilized for the local district-heating system. The
industrial implementations of waste-heat recovery
systems for the EAF are presented in detail, along
with the operational results achieved.