Journal of Algebra: James O'Shea

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Journal of Algebra 361 (2012) 23–36

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Journal of Algebra

Isotropy over function fields of Pfister forms

James O’Shea a,b,∗
School of Mathematical Sciences, University College Dublin, Ireland
Zukunftskolleg, D216, Universität Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The question of which quadratic forms become isotropic when
Received 16 October 2010 extended to the function field of a given form is studied. A formula
Available online 20 April 2012 for the minimum dimension of the minimal isotropic forms
Communicated by Eva Bayer-Fluckiger
associated to such extensions is given, and some consequences
thereof are outlined. Especial attention is devoted to function fields
Function fields of quadratic forms of Pfister forms. Here, the relationship between excellence concepts
Pfister forms and the isotropy question is explored. Moreover, in the case where
Minimal forms the ground field is formally real and has finite Hasse number,
Excellence the isotropy question is answered for forms of sufficiently large
Hasse number dimension.
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Certain field invariants in quadratic form theory (for example the u-invariant, the Hasse number,
the Pythagoras number) are defined as the suprema of the dimensions of anisotropic quadratic forms
of a given type. A fruitful method of establishing that such an invariant attains a particular value was
introduced by Merkurjev (see [18]). It serves as one source of motivation for the following question.

Question 1.1. Given a quadratic form ϕ over a field F , which anisotropic quadratic forms over F
become isotropic when extended to the function field of ϕ over F ?

While this question appears to be extremely difficult to resolve, some noteworthy progress has
been made in this direction (see [17, Chapter X]). More is known regarding the following related

* Correspondence to: School of Mathematical Sciences, University College Dublin, Ireland.

E-mail address: [email protected].

0021-8693/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
24 J. O’Shea / Journal of Algebra 361 (2012) 23–36

Question 1.2. Given a quadratic form ϕ over a field F , which anisotropic forms over F become hyper-
bolic when extended to the function field of ϕ over F ?

The Cassels–Pfister Subform Theorem [17, Chapter X, Theorem 4.5] gives a partial answer to this
question by providing necessary conditions in terms of subform containment. One would obtain a
complete answer to Question 1.1, again in terms of subform containment, if one could classify the
minimal forms with respect to subform containment that become isotropic over the function field
of ϕ . Towards this end, we study the dimensions of such forms in the second section of this article.
In the case where ϕ is a Pfister form, a complete answer is known to Question 1.2 [17, Chapter X,
Theorem 4.9]. Thus, it is justified to devote particular attention to Question 1.1 in the context of
function fields of Pfister forms, particularly since the property of excellence can only arise for such
function fields (see [16, Theorem 7.13]). Consequently, sections three, four and five of this paper are
primarily concerned with addressing Question 1.1 for function fields of Pfister forms. The third section
explores excellence concepts and their relation to Question 1.1. Building on this, the fourth section
answers Question 1.1 for forms of certain dimensions, and provides bounds on the range of these
dimensions. The final section tackles Question 1.1 for function fields of Pfister forms over formally
real fields of finite Hasse number, and offers an answer for forms whose dimension is greater than
the Hasse number.
Throughout, we highlight cases where our investigations allow for short or simple recoveries of
established results.
Henceforth, we will let F denote a field of characteristic different from two and n ∈ N. The term
“form” will refer to a regular quadratic form. Every form over F can be diagonalised. Given a1 , . . . , an ∈
F × , one denotes by a1 , . . . , an  the n-dimensional quadratic form a1 X 12 + · · · + an X n2 . If ϕ and ψ are
forms over F , we denote by ϕ ⊥ ψ their orthogonal sum and by ϕ ⊗ ψ their tensor product. We will
denote the orthogonal sum of n copies of ϕ by n × ϕ . We use aϕ to denote a ⊗ ϕ for a ∈ F × . We
write ϕ  ψ to indicate that ϕ and ψ are isometric. Two forms ϕ and ψ over F are similar if ϕ  aψ
for some a ∈ F × . For ϕ a form over F and K / F a field extension, we write ϕ K when we view ϕ as
a form over K . A form over F is isotropic if it represents zero non-trivially, and anisotropic otherwise.
Every form ϕ has a decomposition ϕ  ψ ⊥ i × 1, −1 where the anisotropic form ψ and the integer
i are uniquely determined, with ψ being referred to as the anisotropic part of ϕ , denoted ϕan , and
i being labelled the Witt index of ϕ , denoted i W (ϕ ). A form ϕ is hyperbolic if its anisotropic part is
trivial, whereby i W (ϕ ) = 12 dim ϕ . A form τ is a subform of ϕ if ϕ  τ ⊥ γ for some form γ , in which
case we will write τ ⊂ ϕ . The following basic fact (see [7, Lemma 3]) will be employed frequently.

Lemma 1.3. If τ ⊂ ϕ , then i W (τ )  i W (ϕ ) − (dim ϕ − dim τ ). In particular, if τ ⊂ ϕ and dim τ  dim ϕ −

i W (ϕ ) + 1, then τ is isotropic.

Given n ∈ N, an n-fold Pfister form is a form isometric to 1, a1  ⊗ · · · ⊗ 1, an  for some a1 , . . . , an ∈
F × . We let P F denote the class of Pfister forms over F , and P n F the class of n-fold Pfister forms
over F . For π ∈ P F , a form τ over F is a generalised Pfister neighbour of π if there exists a form γ
over F such that τ ⊂ π ⊗ γ and dim τ > 12 dim(π ⊗ γ ). In particular, if dim γ = 1 then τ is said to
be a Pfister neighbour of π . Since isotropic Pfister forms are hyperbolic [17, Chapter X, Theorem 1.7],
Lemma 1.3 demonstrates that the isotropy of a Pfister form implies the isotropy of its generalised
Pfister neighbours.
For a form ϕ over F with dim ϕ = n  2 and ϕ
 1, −1, the function field F (ϕ ) of ϕ is the quotient
field of the integral domain F [ X 1 , . . . , X n ]/(ϕ ( X 1 , . . . , X n )) (this is the function field of the affine
quadric ϕ ( X ) = 0 over F ). As per [17, Chapter X, Theorem 4.1], F (ϕ )/ F is a purely-transcendental
extension if and only if ϕ is isotropic over F . To avoid case distinctions, we set F (ϕ ) = F if dim ϕ  1
or ϕ  1, −1. The positive integer i W (ϕ F (ϕ ) ) is called the first Witt index of ϕ , and is denoted by
i 1 (ϕ ). For all extensions K / F such that ϕ K is isotropic, i 1 (ϕ )  i W (ϕ K ) (see [15, Proposition 3.1 and
Theorem 3.3]). For an anisotropic form ϕ over F , the essential dimension of ϕ , defined by Izhboldin in
[12], is given by edim(ϕ ) = dim ϕ − i 1 (ϕ ) + 1. We will often invoke [7, Theorem 1]:
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Theorem 1.4 (Hoffmann). Let ψ be anisotropic over F . If dim ψ  2n < dim ϕ for some n ∈ N, then ψ F (ϕ ) is

Two anisotropic forms ϕ and ψ over F are isotropy equivalent if for every K / F we have that ϕ K is
isotropic if and only if ψ K is isotropic.

Lemma 1.5. Let ϕ , ψ and γ be anisotropic forms over F . Then

(a) ϕ and ψ are isotropy equivalent if and only if ϕ F (ψ) and ψ F (ϕ ) are isotropic.
(b) If ϕ and ψ are isotropy equivalent, then i W (γ F (ϕ ) ) = i W (γ F (ψ) ).

Proof. (a) The left-to-right implication is clear. Suppose that ϕ K is isotropic for some K / F . Since
ψ F (ϕ ) is isotropic, we have that ψ K (ϕ ) is isotropic. As ϕ K is isotropic, K (ϕ )/ K is purely transcendental,
whereby we can conclude that ψ K is isotropic. The converse follows by symmetry.
(b) Invoking (a), we have that F (ϕ , ψ) is a purely-transcendental extension of F (ϕ ) and of F (ψ).
Thus i W (γ F (ϕ ) ) = i W (γ F (ϕ ,ψ) ) = i W (γ F (ψ) ). 2

Lemma 1.6. If ϕ is an anisotropic form with dim ϕ = 2n + k where 0 < k  2n , then i 1 (ϕ )  k and
edim(ϕ )  2n + 1. In particular, i 1 (ϕ ) = k if and only if edim(ϕ ) = 2n + 1.

Proof. Let τ be a 2n -dimensional F -subform of ϕ . Theorem 1.4 implies that τ F (ϕ ) is anisotropic. If

i 1 (ϕ ) > k, then dim τ = 2n  (2n + k) − i 1 (ϕ ) + 1, whereby Lemma 1.3 implies that τ F (ϕ ) is isotropic,
a contradiction. 2

We say that a form ϕ as above has maximal splitting if i 1 (ϕ ) = k. Forms of dimension 2n + 1 clearly
have maximal splitting.

Lemma 1.7. Let ψ be an anisotropic Pfister neighbour of an n-fold Pfister form π . Then edim(ψ) = 2n−1 + 1.
Thus, a Pfister neighbour has maximal splitting.

Proof. Let dim ψ = 2n−1 + k where 0 < k  2n−1 . Combining Lemma 1.3 with Theorem 1.4, we have
that i W (ψ F (π ) ) = k. Lemma 1.5(a) implies that ψ and π are isotropy equivalent. Hence i W (ψ F (π ) ) =
i 1 (ψ) by Lemma 1.5(b), whereby edim(ψ) = 2n−1 + 1. 2

Given an extension K / F , a form ψ over F is minimal K -isotropic if ψ is anisotropic, ψ K is isotropic

and, for every proper F -subform ϕ of ψ , the form ϕ K is anisotropic. Invoking Lemma 1.3, one can
make the following observation.

Lemma 1.8. Every minimal K -isotropic form ψ over F satisfies i W (ψ K ) = 1.

For further details regarding the above, we refer the reader to [17, Chapter X].

2. Minimal isotropy and essential dimension

Since every form over F that becomes isotropic over K contains a minimal K -isotropic form
over F , a determination of the minimal K -isotropic forms over F would provide an answer to the
question of which anisotropic forms over F become isotropic when extended to K . Towards this end,
we introduce the following set:

M( K / F ) = {dim ψ | ψ is a minimal K -isotropic form over F }.

The invariants min M( K / F ) and sup M( K / F ) were introduced in [5], wherein they are denoted by
t min ( K / F ) and t max ( K / F ), and have since been studied in the case where K = F (ϕ ) for ϕ a form
26 J. O’Shea / Journal of Algebra 361 (2012) 23–36

over F . In particular, it was shown in [10, Section 4] that sup M( F (ϕ )/ F ) can be infinite when
dim ϕ = 3.
Throughout this section, we will regularly employ the isotropy criteria provided by [14, Theo-
rem 4.1]:

Theorem 2.1 (Karpenko, Merkurjev). Let ϕ and ψ be anisotropic forms over F .

(a) If ψ F (ϕ ) is isotropic, then edim(ψ)  edim(ϕ ).

(b) If edim(ψ) = edim(ϕ ), then ψ F (ϕ ) is isotropic if and only if ϕ F (ψ) is isotropic.

Corollary 2.2. If ϕ and ψ are anisotropic isotropy-equivalent forms over F , then edim(ϕ ) = edim(ψ).

Proof. This follows immediately from combining Theorem 2.1(a) with Lemma 1.5. 2

Corollary 2.3. Let ϕ and ψ be anisotropic forms over F . If ψ F (ϕ ) is isotropic, then dim ψ  edim(ϕ ).

Proof. This follows immediately from Theorem 2.1(a). 2

Lemma 2.4. Let ϕ and ψ be anisotropic forms over F .

(a) Then min M( F (ϕ )/ F )  edim(ϕ ).

(b) If ψ F (ϕ ) is isotropic, then edim(ψ)  dim ψ − i W (ψ F (ϕ ) ) + 1  min M( F (ϕ )/ F ).

Proof. (a) Lemma 1.3 implies that every F -subform of ϕ of dimension edim(ϕ ) is isotropic over F (ϕ ),
whereby the result follows.
(b) Lemma 1.3 implies that every F -subform of ψ of dimension dim ψ − i W (ψ F (ϕ ) ) + 1 is isotropic
over F (ϕ ), whereby min M( F (ϕ )/ F )  dim ψ − i W (ψ F (ϕ ) ) + 1. Since ψ F (ϕ ) is isotropic, we have that
i 1 (ψ)  i W (ψ F (ϕ ) ) and the result follows. 2

Remark 2.5. Theorem 2.1(a) was established through the usage of advanced algebro-geometric ma-
chinery. Given its importance as an isotropy criterion over function fields of quadratic forms, it would
be desirable to obtain a proof of this result solely by means of classical quadratic form theory. To this
end, the following argument demonstrates that it suffices to find such a proof of Corollary 2.3:
Let ϕ and ψ be anisotropic forms over F . Assuming Corollary 2.3, we have that min M( F (ϕ )/ F ) 
edim(ϕ ). Hence, if ψ F (ϕ ) is isotropic, Lemma 2.4(b) implies that edim(ψ)  min M( F (ϕ )/ F ), whereby
Theorem 2.1(a) follows.

Our next result relates the essential dimension of ϕ to the problem of determining the minimal
F (ϕ )-isotropic forms over F .

Theorem 2.6. Let ϕ be an anisotropic form over F . Then min M( F (ϕ )/ F ) = edim(ϕ ).

Proof. Corollary 2.3 implies that min M( F (ϕ )/ F )  edim(ϕ ). Equality follows from Lemma 2.4(a). 2

[1, Example 1.5] demonstrates that there exist anisotropic 5-dimensional isotropy-equivalent forms
which are non-similar. In particular, since an anisotropic 5-dimensional form ϕ over F trivially has
maximal splitting, and therefore satisfies min M( F (ϕ )/ F ) = 5 by Theorem 2.6, this shows that mini-
mal F (ϕ )-isotropic forms of minimum dimension need not be similar to subforms of ϕ .

Corollary 2.7. Let ψ and ϕ be anisotropic isotropy-equivalent forms over F . Every F -subform of ψ of dimen-
sion dim ψ − i W (ψ F (ϕ ) ) + 1 is a minimal F (ϕ )-isotropic form of minimum dimension.
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Proof. Lemma 1.3 implies that such subforms of ψ are isotropic over F (ϕ ). Since ψ and ϕ
are isotropy-equivalent forms, invoking Lemma 1.5(b) and Corollary 2.2, we have that dim ψ −
i W (ψ F (ϕ ) ) + 1 = edim(ψ) = edim(ϕ ). Hence, Theorem 2.6 implies that dim ψ − i W (ψ F (ϕ ) ) + 1 =
min M( F (ϕ )/ F ). 2

Corollary 2.8. An anisotropic form ϕ over F satisfies i 1 (ϕ ) = 1 if and only if ϕ is a minimal F (ϕ )-isotropic

Proof. Lemma 1.8 gives the right-to-left implication. The converse follows from Theorem 2.1(a), The-
orem 2.6 or Corollary 2.7. 2

Corollary 2.7 does not hold for arbitrary pairs of anisotropic forms. As per [5, Section 3.3], there
exists an example of a field F and anisotropic forms γ and π over F , where dim γ = 6 and π ∈ P 2 F ,
such that i W (γ F (π ) ) = 1 but γ is not a minimal F (π )-isotropic form (indeed, it is shown that γ
contains two non-similar 5-dimensional minimal F (π )-isotropic forms over F ). In Section 5 we will
provide a complementary example, Example 5.8, which demonstrates that for ϕ and γ anisotropic
forms over a field F such that i W (γ F (ϕ ) ) = n, the form γ need not contain any minimal F (ϕ )-isotropic
forms over F of dimension dim γ − n + 1.
Theorem 2.6 allows us to describe those forms which have maximal splitting.

Corollary 2.9. An anisotropic form ψ over F has maximal splitting if and only if there exists an anisotropic
form ϕ over F with dim ϕ − i W (ϕ F (ψ) ) = 2n−1 , where n is such that 2n−1 < dim ϕ and 2n−1 < dim ψ  2n .

Proof. Letting ϕ = ψ gives the left-to-right implication. Conversely, if ϕ is such that dim ϕ −
i W (ϕ F (ψ) ) = 2n−1 , then Lemma 1.3 implies that every F -subform of ϕ of dimension 2n−1 + 1 is
isotropic over F (ψ). Hence, min M( F (ψ)/ F ) = 2n−1 + 1 by Theorem 1.4, whereby Theorem 2.6 and
Lemma 1.6 imply that ψ has maximal splitting. 2

Returning to Theorem 2.1 itself, our next two results highlight the extreme cases, where equality
of the respective essential dimensions is forced.

Corollary 2.10. Let ϕ and ψ be anisotropic forms over F such that 2n−1 < dim ψ  2n and 2n−1 < dim ϕ 
2n . Assume that ψ has maximal splitting. Then ψ F (ϕ ) is isotropic if and only if ϕ and ψ are isotropy equivalent.

Proof. The right-to-left implication follows from Lemma 1.5(a). Conversely, by Lemma 1.6, we have
that edim(ϕ )  2n−1 + 1 = edim(ψ). Invoking Theorem 2.1(a), we have that edim(ϕ ) = edim(ψ),
whereby Theorem 2.1(b) and Lemma 1.5(a) imply that ϕ and ψ are isotropy equivalent. 2

Corollary 2.11. Let ϕ and ψ be anisotropic forms over F such that dim ϕ = dim ψ and i 1 (ϕ ) = 1. The follow-
ing are equivalent:

(a) ψ F (ϕ ) is isotropic,
(b) ϕ and ψ are isotropy equivalent,
(c) ψ is a minimal F (ϕ )-isotropic form over F of minimum dimension.

Proof. Assuming (a), the hypotheses and Theorem 2.1(a) give dim ψ  edim(ψ)  edim(ϕ ) = dim ϕ =
dim ψ . Thus edim(ψ) = edim(ϕ ), whereby Theorem 2.1(b) implies (b). Since dim ψ = dim ϕ =
edim(ϕ ), the hypothesis of (b) and Theorem 2.6 imply that ψ is a minimal F (ϕ )-isotropic form over
F of minimum dimension, establishing (c). Finally, (c) clearly implies (a). 2

We next record some characterisations of anisotropic Pfister neighbours. The equivalence of (a)
and (b) in the following result is due to Hoffmann [7, Proposition 2].
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Proposition 2.12. Let π be an anisotropic n-fold Pfister form over F and γ an anisotropic form over F . The
following are equivalent:

(a) γ is a Pfister neighbour of π ,

(b) γ and π are isotropy equivalent,
(c) γ has maximal splitting, dim γ  dim π and γ F (π ) is isotropic.

Proof. As per [7, Proposition 2], statements (a) and (b) are equivalent. Moreover, invoking Lemma 1.7,
Pfister neighbours have maximal splitting, whereby (a) clearly implies (c).
Assuming (c), since γ F (π ) is isotropic, Theorem 1.4 implies that dim γ > 2n−1 , whereby dim γ =
2n−1 + k for some 0 < k  2n−1 . As γ has maximal splitting, we have that edim(γ ) = 2n−1 + 1 =
edim(π ), whereby Theorem 2.1(b) and Lemma 1.5(a) imply that (b) holds. 2

Corollary 2.13. Let π be an anisotropic n-fold Pfister form over F and γ an anisotropic form over F such that
dim γ = 2n−1 + 1. If γ F (π ) is isotropic, then γ is a Pfister neighbour of π .

Proof. This follows directly from Proposition 2.12, since edim(γ ) = 2n−1 + 1. 2

As per Lemma 1.7, Pfister neighbours have maximal splitting. In general, forms with maximal
splitting need not be Pfister neighbours (see [7, Example 2] for some non-trivial examples). However,
this correspondence does hold for forms of certain dimension (see [13] for more details), and is
invoked in the following proof of [7, Theorem 3].

Theorem 2.14 (Hoffmann). Let ψ be an anisotropic form over F with dim ψ = 2n−1 + 1 for some n  4. Let γ
be an anisotropic form over F with 2n − 3  dim γ . Then ψ F (γ ) is isotropic if and only if there exists an n-fold
Pfister form π such that ψ and γ are Pfister neighbours of π .

Proof. The right-to-left implication is clear. Conversely, since dim ψ = 2n−1 + 1, we have that
edim(ψ) = 2n−1 + 1. If ψ F (γ ) is isotropic, then dim γ  2n by Theorem 1.4, whereby ψ and γ are
isotropy equivalent by Corollary 2.10. Then edim(γ ) = edim(ψ) by Corollary 2.2, whereby γ has max-
imal splitting. As 2n − 3  dim γ  2n , [15, Theorem 5.8] and [16, Corollary 8.2] imply that γ is a
Pfister neighbour of some π ∈ P n F . Hence, Lemma 1.5(a) implies that γ and π are isotropy equiv-
alent, whereby ψ and π are isotropy equivalent. Thus, Proposition 2.12 implies that ψ is a Pfister
neighbour of π . 2

3. Excellence

A field extension K / F is said to be excellent if, for every form ϑ over F , the anisotropic part of
ϑ K is defined over F , that is, (ϑ K )an  γ K for some form γ over F . For m ∈ N, we say that K / F
is m-excellent if, for every form ϑ over F with dim ϑ  m, there exists a form γ over F such that
(ϑ K )an  γ K .
Combining [16, Theorem 7.13] and [7, Proposition 3], the following is known:

Proposition 3.1 (Knebusch (⇒) and Hoffmann (⇐)). Let ϕ be an anisotropic form over F . Then (ϕ F (ϕ ) )an is
defined over F if and only if ϕ is a Pfister neighbour.

Thus, the only anisotropic quadratic forms whose function fields can be excellent are Pfister neigh-
bours. Indeed, for π ∈ P n F anisotropic, the extension F (π )/ F is excellent when n  2, and is not
excellent in general when n  3 (see [2, Chapter IV, Section 29]).
As a result of Proposition 3.1, if ϕ is not a Pfister neighbour, then F (ϕ )/ F is not (dim ϕ )-excellent.
However, one may justifiably examine m-excellence for arbitrary function fields F (ϕ )/ F when m is
less than dim ϕ , and the opening comments of this section address this topic.
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Proposition 3.2. If ϕ is an anisotropic form over F with dim ϕ > 2n , then F (ϕ )/ F is 2n -excellent.

Proof. This follows directly from Theorem 1.4, since an anisotropic form ψ over F with dim ψ  2n
is such that ψ F (ϕ ) is anisotropic. 2

Proposition 3.3. Let ϕ and ψ be anisotropic isotropy-equivalent forms over F and γ an anisotropic form
over F . Then (γ F (ϕ ) )an is defined over F if and only if (γ F (ψ) )an is defined over F .

Proof. Invoking Lemma 1.5(a), we have that F (ϕ , ψ) is a purely-transcendental extension of F (ϕ )

and of F (ψ). Assume that (γ F (ϕ ) )an is defined over F , with (γ F (ϕ ) )an  δ F (ϕ ) for some form δ over F .
Thus γ ⊥ −δ is hyperbolic over F (ϕ , ψ), whereby it is hyperbolic over F (ψ). Hence (γ F (ψ) )an 
(δ F (ψ) )an . Moreover, since δ F (ϕ ,ψ) is anisotropic, we have that (γ F (ψ) )an  δ F (ψ) . The converse follows
by symmetry. 2

Our next observation is that Proposition 3.2 cannot be improved in general.

Proposition 3.4. Let ψ and ϕ be anisotropic forms over F such that 2n + 1 = dim ψ  dim ϕ for some n ∈ N
and ψ F (ϕ ) is isotropic. Then (ψ F (ϕ ) )an is defined over F if and only if ψ is a Pfister neighbour.

Proof. Since ψ F (ϕ ) is isotropic, Theorem 2.1(a) implies that edim(ψ)  edim(ϕ ). Invoking Lemma 1.6,
we have that edim(ϕ )  2n + 1 = dim ψ  edim(ψ). Thus edim(ϕ ) = edim(ψ), and hence Theo-
rem 2.1(b) and Lemma 1.5(a) imply that ϕ and ψ are isotropy equivalent. Thus, (ψ F (ϕ ) )an is defined
over F if and only if (ψ F (ψ) )an is defined over F by Proposition 3.3, which occurs if and only if ψ is
a Pfister neighbour by Proposition 3.1. 2

For the rest of this section, we will consider how the aforementioned excellence concepts relate
to F (π )/ F when π is an anisotropic Pfister form. We begin by examining which forms ϕ over F are
such that (ϕ F (π ) )an is defined over F . Pfister neighbours of π have this property. Indeed, if a ∈ F ×
and α , μ are forms over F such that α ⊥ μ  aπ with dim α > dim μ, then Theorem 1.4 implies that
μ F (π ) is anisotropic, whereby it follows that (α F (π ) )an  −μ F (π ) . We next show that certain forms
containing Pfister neighbours of π also possess this property.

Proposition 3.5. Suppose that an anisotropic form ϕ over F contains a Pfister neighbour τ of an n-fold Pfister
form π over F .

(a) If i W (ϕ F (π ) ) = 1, then (ϕ F (π ) )an is defined over F .

(b) If dim ϕ − dim τ  dim τ − 2n−1 + 1, then (ϕ F (π ) )an is defined over F . In particular, if dim ϕ  2n−1 + 3,
then (ϕ F (π ) )an is defined over F .

Proof. Let ϕ  ϕ ⊥ τ for some F -form ϕ , where τ is a Pfister neighbour of π such that τ ⊥ γ  aπ
for some F -form γ and a ∈ F × . Hence, we have that ϕ F (π )  ϕ F (π ) ⊥ i W (τ F (π ) ) × 1, −1 ⊥ −γ F (π )
and (ϕ F (π ) )an  ((ϕ ⊥ −γ ) F (π ) )an .
(a) If i W (ϕ F (π ) ) = 1, then ϕ F (π ) ⊥ −γ F (π ) is anisotropic. Thus, we have that (ϕ F (π ) )an  (ϕ ⊥
−γ ) F (π ) in this case.
(b) If dim ϕ = dim ϕ − dim τ  dim τ − 2n−1 + 1, then dim(ϕ ⊥ −γ )  2n−1 + 1. If dim(ϕ ⊥
−γ )an  2n−1 , then (ϕ ⊥ −γ )an remains anisotropic over F (π ) by Theorem 1.4, whereby (ϕ F (π ) )an 
((ϕ ⊥ −γ )an ) F (π ) . So we may assume that dim(ϕ ⊥ −γ ) = 2n−1 + 1 and that ϕ ⊥ −γ is anisotropic.
If (ϕ ⊥ −γ ) F (π ) is isotropic, then ϕ ⊥ −γ is a Pfister neighbour of π by Corollary 2.13. Hence
(ϕ F (π ) )an is defined over F in this case too. 2

In the case where π is a 3-fold Pfister form, [6, Corollary 4.2] states that F (π )/ F is 6-excellent.
Owing to this fact, we can obtain a slight improvement of Proposition 3.5(b) in this case.
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Proposition 3.6. Suppose that an anisotropic form ϕ over F contains a Pfister neighbour τ of a 3-fold Pfister
form π over F . If dim ϕ − dim τ  dim τ − 2, then (ϕ F (π ) )an is defined over F . In particular, if dim ϕ  8,
then (ϕ F (π ) )an is defined over F .

Proof. As above, letting ϕ  ϕ ⊥ τ , where τ is a Pfister neighbour of π such that τ ⊥ γ 

aπ , we have that (ϕ F (π ) )an  ((ϕ ⊥ −γ ) F (π ) )an . If dim ϕ = dim ϕ − dim τ  dim τ − 2, then
dim(ϕ ⊥ −γ )  6. Thus, [6, Corollary 4.2] implies that ((ϕ ⊥ −γ ) F (π ) )an is defined over F . 2

As a converse to the above results, we note the following:

Proposition 3.7. Let ϕ be an anisotropic form over F with dim ϕ  2n and π an anisotropic n-fold Pfister
form over F . If ϕ F (π ) is isotropic with (ϕ F (π ) )an defined over F , then ϕ contains a Pfister neighbour of π .

Proof. Let (ϕ F (π ) )an  δ F (π ) for some form δ over F . As (ϕ ⊥ −δ) F (π ) is hyperbolic, [17, Chapter X,
Theorem 4.11] implies that (ϕ ⊥ −δ)an  π ⊗ ϑ for some form ϑ over F . Since dim(ϕ ⊥ −δ) < 2n+1 ,
we have that (ϕ ⊥ −δ)an  ϕ ⊥ −δ  aπ for some a ∈ F × and F -forms ϕ ⊂ ϕ and δ ⊂ δ . Since
dim ϕ > dim δ , we have that dim ϕ > dim δ , whereby ϕ is a Pfister neighbour of π . 2

For certain generalised Pfister neighbours α of π , we can prove that (α F (π ) )an is defined over F .

Proposition 3.8. Let α be an anisotropic generalised Pfister neighbour of an n-fold Pfister form π , with μ and
ϑ forms over F such that α ⊥ μ  π ⊗ ϑ with dim α > dim μ. If i W (α F (π ) ) = 1, then (α F (π ) )an  −μ F (π ) .

Proof. Since α ⊥ μ  π ⊗ ϑ , we have that (α F (π ) )an  −(μ F (π ) )an . Moreover, as dim α > dim μ, we
have that dim α − 2  dim μ. Thus, since i W (α F (π ) ) = 1, we have that dim(α F (π ) )an  dim μ, whereby
(α F (π ) )an  −μ F (π ) . 2

We note that the above result does not follow from Proposition 3.5(a), as generalised Pfister neigh-
bours need not contain Pfister neighbours:

Example 3.9. As per [10, Section 4], for a certain field F and a particular π ∈ P 2 F , there exists a
minimal F (π )-isotropic form ψm of dimension 2m + 1 for every m ∈ N. Since F (π )/ F is an excellent
extension (see [2, Section 29]), [5, Lemma 3.1.2] implies that ψm is a generalised Pfister neighbour of
π for every m ∈ N. By minimality, ψm does not contain a Pfister neighbour of π when m  2.

The “only if” part of the following result is due to Hoffmann [5, Lemma 3.1.2].

Proposition 3.10. Let π be an anisotropic Pfister form over F and ψ a minimal F (π )-isotropic form over F .
Then (ψ F (π ) )an is defined over F if and only if ψ is a generalised Pfister neighbour of π .

Proof. If (ψ F (π ) )an  δ F (π ) for some form δ over F , then ψ ⊥ −δ becomes hyperbolic over F (π ).
Moreover, ψ ⊥ −δ is anisotropic over F , as otherwise we would have that ψ  d ⊥ ψ and δ 
d ⊥ δ for some d ∈ F × and forms ψ and δ over F , whereby ψ ⊥ −δ would also be hyperbolic
over F (π ). However, since dim ψ > dim δ , this cannot occur, as otherwise ψ F (π ) would be isotropic,
contradicting the minimality of ψ . Thus, [17, Chapter X, Theorem 4.11] implies that ψ ⊥ −δ  π ⊗ ϑ
for some form ϑ over F , whereby ψ is a generalised Pfister neighbour of π .
Conversely, since ψ is a minimal F (π )-isotropic form, we have that i W (ψ F (π ) ) = 1 by Lemma 1.8.
Hence, if ψ is a generalised Pfister neighbour of π , Proposition 3.8 implies that (ψ F (π ) )an is defined
over F . 2

We conclude this section with some characterisations of excellence and m-excellence for function
fields of Pfister forms.
J. O’Shea / Journal of Algebra 361 (2012) 23–36 31

Theorem 3.11. For an arbitrary extension of fields K / F and m ∈ N, the following statements are equivalent.

(a) K / F is m-excellent,
(b) (ψ K )an is defined over F for every minimal K -isotropic form ψ over F of dimension m or less.

If π is an anisotropic Pfister form over F and K = F (π ), then these statements are equivalent to the fol-
lowing statement.

(c) Every minimal F (π )-isotropic form over F of dimension m or less is a generalised Pfister neighbour of π .

Proof. Proposition 3.10 establishes the equivalence of (b) and (c) in the case where K = F (π ) for
π an anisotropic Pfister form over F . Clearly, (a) implies (b). To conclude, we will show that (b)
implies (a).
Let ϕ F (π ) be isotropic, where dim ϕ  m. Then ϕ  ψ ⊥ γ for ψ some minimal F (π )-isotropic
form over F and γ some form over F . Since (ψ F (π ) )an  δ F (π ) for some form δ over F , Lemma 1.8
implies that ψ F (π )  1, −1 F (π ) ⊥ δ F (π ) . Hence ϕ F (π )  1, −1 F (π ) ⊥ δ F (π ) ⊥ γ F (π ) . Now consider
ϕ1 := δ ⊥ γ . If ϕ1 is anisotropic over F (π ), then (ϕ F (π ) )an  (ϕ1 ) F (π ) and we are done. Otherwise, ϕ1
is isotropic over F (π ) and then we finish the proof by induction on dim ϕ . 2

Corollary 3.12. For an arbitrary extension of fields K / F and m ∈ N, the following statements are equivalent.

(a) K / F is excellent,
(b) (ψ K )an is defined over F for every minimal K -isotropic form ψ over F .

If π is an anisotropic Pfister form over F and K = F (π ), then these statements are equivalent to the fol-
lowing statement.

(c) Every minimal F (π )-isotropic form over F is a generalised Pfister neighbour of π .

In the case where K = F (π ) for π an anisotropic Pfister form over F , the equivalence of (a) and
(c) in the above was proved by Hoffmann [5, Theorem 3.1.3]. This equivalence provides an answer to
Question 1.1 for function fields of Pfister forms that are excellent extensions.

4. Bounds on the dimensions where excellence holds

For π ∈ P n F anisotropic, the extension F (π )/ F is known to be excellent when n  2. This result, an

easy exercise in the case where n = 1, was established by Arason [4, Appendix II] for n = 2. Izhboldin
[11, Proposition 1.2] proved that for every n  3 and any anisotropic π ∈ P n F , there exists a field K / F
such that K (π )/ K is not excellent. In particular, there exists a form ϕ over K with dim ϕ = dim π
such that (ϕ K (π ) )an is not defined over K (see [11, Lemma 2.4]).
As remarked above, Corollary 3.12 provides an answer to Question 1.1 for function fields of Pfister
forms that are excellent extensions. In light of Izhboldin’s results, one cannot use Corollary 3.12 to
obtain information regarding isotropy over F (π ) when n  3 without first placing restrictions on
either F or π ∈ P n F . However, Theorem 3.11 provides isotropy criteria over all function fields of
Pfister forms. Let Φ : N → N ∪ {∞} be given by

Φ(n) = sup m ∈ N  F (π )/ F is m-excellent for every field F and π ∈ P n F .

Reinterpreting the opening comments of this section, we note that Φ(n) is infinite for n  2 and finite
for n  3. Indeed, Φ(n) < 2n for n  3 by [11, Lemma 2.4].

Proposition 4.1. Let n  3 and let π be an n-fold Pfister form over F . An anisotropic form ϕ over F with
dim ϕ  Φ(n) is isotropic over F (π ) if and only if it contains a Pfister neighbour of π .
32 J. O’Shea / Journal of Algebra 361 (2012) 23–36

Proof. The right-to-left implication is clear. Conversely, ϕ contains a minimal F (π )-isotropic form ψ
over F . Since F (π )/ F is Φ(n)-excellent and dim ψ  Φ(n), Theorem 3.11 implies that ψ is a gener-
alised Pfister neighbour of π . Since Φ(n) < dim π , it follows that ψ is a Pfister neighbour of π . 2

Question 4.2. For each n  3, what is the value of Φ(n)?

Proposition 4.3. Φ(n)  2n−1 + 1 for every n ∈ N.

Proof. Let π ∈ P n F and ψ be anisotropic forms over F such that dim ψ  2n−1 + 1 and ψ F (π ) is
isotropic. Theorem 1.4 implies that dim ψ = 2n−1 + 1. Hence, Corollary 2.13 implies that ψ is a Pfister
neighbour of π , whereby (ψ F (π ) )an is defined over F . Hence, F (π )/ F is (2n−1 + 1)-excellent. 2

For n > 3, the lower bounds on the values of Φ(n) given by the above result are the best cur-
rently known. For n = 3 however, Hoffmann [6, Corollary 4.2] obtained a sharper bound, showing that
Φ(3)  6.

Corollary 4.4. Let π be an anisotropic 3-fold Pfister form over F and ψ a 6-dimensional anisotropic form
over F . Then ψ F (π ) is isotropic if and only if ψ contains a Pfister neighbour of π . In particular, there are no
6-dimensional minimal F (π )-isotropic forms over F .

Proof. Since Φ(3)  6, Proposition 4.1 gives the equivalence. Consequently, every 6-dimensional
anisotropic form over F that becomes isotropic over F (π ) necessarily contains a 5-dimensional Pfister
neighbour of π over F , and hence cannot be a minimal F (π )-isotropic form. 2

In order to establish upper bounds on the values of Φ(n) when n  3, we will require the following

Proposition 4.5. Let π be an anisotropic n-fold Pfister form over F and ψ a minimal F (π )-isotropic form
over F . If (ψ F (π ) )an is defined over F , then dim ψ = m2n−1 + 1 for some m ∈ N.

Proof. By Proposition 3.10, ψ is a generalised Pfister neighbour of π , whereby there exists a form
γ over F such that ψ ⊂ π ⊗ γ and dim ψ > 12 dim(π ⊗ γ ). Letting dim γ = m for some m ∈ N, the
minimality of ψ implies the result. 2

Corollary 4.6 (Hoffmann). Let π be an anisotropic 2-fold Pfister form over F . Every minimal F (π )-isotropic
form over F has odd dimension.

Proof. Since F (π )/ F is excellent, Proposition 4.5 implies that every minimal F (π )-isotropic form over
F is of dimension 2m + 1 for some m ∈ N. 2

Corollary 4.7. Let π be an anisotropic n-fold Pfister form over F and ψ a minimal F (π )-isotropic form over F .
If 2n−1 + 2  dim ψ  2n , then (ψ F (π ) )an is not defined over F .

Proof. This is an immediate corollary of Proposition 4.5. 2

In [11, Lemma 2.4], for π an anisotropic n-fold Pfister form over a certain field F , Izhboldin
established the existence of 2n -dimensional minimal F (π )-isotropic forms ψ over F for all n  3.
Additionally, he proved that (ψ F (π ) )an is not defined over F , a result we can recover directly by
invoking Corollary 4.7. These examples belong to the class of twisted Pfister forms, P n,m F , which
Hoffmann studied in [8]. For 1  m < n, a form ϕ over F is contained in P n,m F if dim ϕ = 2n and
ϕ  (π1 ⊥ −π2 )an , where π1 and π2 are respectively n-fold and m-fold anisotropic Pfister forms
J. O’Shea / Journal of Algebra 361 (2012) 23–36 33

over F . For all n  3 and for all m satisfying 1  m  n − 2, Hoffmann provided examples in [8, Sec-
tion 8] of fields F , forms ϕ ∈ P n,m F and anisotropic n-fold Pfister forms π over F such that (ϕ F (π ) )an
is not defined over F . The following result concerns the minimal F (π )-isotropic forms over F con-
tained within these examples.

Proposition 4.8. For n  3, let a field F , forms ϕ ∈ P n,m F and an anisotropic n-fold Pfister form π over F be
as in [8, Example 8.1] or [8, Example 8.3]. Let ψ be a minimal F (π )-isotropic form over F such that ψ ⊂ ϕ .
Then (ψ F (π ) )an is not defined over F .

Proof. We note that the forms ϕ ∈ P n,m F , defined for all m such that 1  m  n − 2, satisfy the
criteria of [8, Proposition 7.6]. As a consequence, the minimal F (π )-isotropic forms ψ ⊂ ϕ satisfy
2n−1 + 2  dim ψ  2n − 2m−1 + 1. Thus, Corollary 4.7 implies that (ψ F (π ) )an is not defined over F . 2

Corollary 4.9. Φ(n)  2n − 2n−3 for every n  3.

Proof. For certain fields F and certain anisotropic n-fold Pfister forms π over F , Proposition 4.8
implies the existence of minimal F (π )-isotropic forms ψ over F such that (ψ F (π ) )an is not defined
over F . As per the proof of Proposition 4.8, these forms ψ satisfy 2n−1 + 2  dim ψ  2n − 2m−1 + 1,
where 1  m  n − 2. The result follows by taking m = n − 2. 2

For n  3, the upper bounds on the values of Φ(n) given by the above result are the best cur-
rently known. For n = 3, the upper bound coincides with that derivable from Izhboldin’s result [11,
Lemma 2.4]. In particular, we note that 6  Φ(3)  7.

5. Formally real fields of finite Hasse number

We will let X F denote the space of orderings of F , with r P + (ϕ ) and r P − (ϕ ) respectively denoting
the number of positive and negative coefficients in a diagonalisation of ϕ with respect to P ∈ X F .
A field F is formally real if −1 is not a sum of squares in F , a condition which is equivalent to X F
= ∅
(see [17, Chapter VIII, Theorem 1.10]). It is known that P ∈ X F extends to at least one ordering of
F (ϕ ) if and only if ϕ is indefinite at P , that is, r P + (ϕ ) > 0 and r P − (ϕ ) > 0 (see [3, Theorem 3.5]).
Thus, every ordering on F extends to an ordering of F (ϕ ) if and only if ϕ is totally indefinite, that is,
indefinite at every P ∈ X F . The Hasse number of F is defined to be

ũ ( F ) := sup{dim ϕ | ϕ is anisotropic and totally indefinite over F }.

In this section, we study a special case of Question 1.1 for function fields of Pfister forms, namely
that where F is formally real and ũ ( F ) is finite. The next result provides an answer to this question
for those forms over F of dimension greater than ũ ( F ), by offering a classification of the minimal
F (π )-isotropic forms over F contained therein, where π is a Pfister form over F .

Theorem 5.1. Let π be an anisotropic n-fold Pfister form over F , and ϕ an anisotropic form over F such that
dim ϕ > ũ ( F ). Then ϕ F (π ) is isotropic if and only if ϕ contains a Pfister neighbour of π .

Proof. The right-to-left implication is clear. Conversely, suppose that ϕ F (π ) is isotropic. Since ũ ( F ) <
dim ϕ and ϕ is anisotropic over F , we can conclude that F is formally real (as otherwise ϕ would
trivially be totally indefinite and hence isotropic over F ) and that there exists Q ∈ X F such that
ϕ is definite at Q . Since ϕ F (π ) is isotropic, Theorem 1.4 implies that dim ϕ  2n−1 + 1. If P ∈ X F
is such that π is definite with respect to P , then [5, Lemma 4.4.3] implies that the statement
0 < r P + (ϕ ), r P − (ϕ )  2n−1 does not hold, whereby we can conclude that either r P + (ϕ ) > 2n−1 or
r P − (ϕ ) > 2n−1 . Since isotropic forms must necessarily be totally indefinite, if R ∈ X F extends to an
ordering of F (π ) (that is, π is indefinite with respect to R), then ϕ must be indefinite with respect
to R. Hence, invoking [5, Lemma 4.4.5], one concludes that ϕ contains a Pfister neighbour of π . 2
34 J. O’Shea / Journal of Algebra 361 (2012) 23–36

We offer the following improvement of [5, Theorem 4.4.6] as a corollary of Theorem 5.1:

Theorem 5.2. For ũ ( F )  2n−1 + 1 and π an anisotropic n-fold Pfister form over F , the minimal F (π )-
isotropic forms over F are exactly the Pfister neighbours of π of dimension 2n−1 + 1. In particular, F (π )/ F is

Proof. All anisotropic F -forms which become isotropic over F (π ) are necessarily of dimension at
least 2n−1 + 1 by Theorem 1.4. Since ũ ( F )  2n−1 + 1, Theorem 5.1 implies that all the minimal F (π )-
isotropic forms over F are of dimension 2n−1 + 1. Moreover, all such forms are Pfister neighbours of
π by Corollary 2.13. Hence, F (π )/ F is excellent by Corollary 3.12. 2

We will proceed to list some further corollaries of Theorem 5.1, beginning by making explicit the
consequence thereof employed in the above proof. We note that the following result is contained in
[9, Theorem 5.3], where an analogous statement is presented for iterated function fields of Pfister
forms, and thus, Corollary 5.3 may be viewed as a short recovery of [9, Theorem 5.3] for function
fields of a single Pfister form:

Corollary 5.3 (Hoffmann). 2n−1 + 1  sup M( F (π )/ F )  max{2n−1 + 1, ũ ( F )}, for π an anisotropic n-fold
Pfister form over F .

Proof. Theorem 1.4 gives the lower bound. Letting ψ be an anisotropic form over F such that ψ F (π )
is isotropic, if dim ψ > ũ ( F ) then Theorem 5.1 implies that ψ contains a Pfister neighbour of π of
dimension 2n−1 + 1. Hence if ψ is a minimal F (π )-isotropic form, dim ψ  max{2n−1 + 1, ũ ( F )}. 2

As a corollary of the above, we can give a short proof of [10, Proposition 2.6], a result concerning
function fields of conics (or equivalently, function fields of 2-fold Pfister forms):

Corollary 5.4 (Hoffmann, Van Geel). Let F be formally real with ũ ( F )  2n for n ∈ N, and ρ an anisotropic
conic over F . Then sup M( F (ρ )/ F )  max{3, 2n − 1}.

Proof. Since dim ρ = 3, sup M( F (ρ )/ F ) = sup M( F (π )/ F ) for some π ∈ P 2 F . Hence,

sup M( F (ρ )/ F )  max{3, ũ ( F )} by Corollary 5.3. The statement follows, since Corollary 4.6 implies
that F (ρ )-minimal forms over F are of odd dimension. 2

Proposition 5.5. Let ϕ and a Pfister form π be anisotropic forms over F . If ϕ is such that dim(ϕ F (π ) )an 
ũ ( F ) − 1, then (ϕ F (π ) )an is defined over F .

Proof. Without loss of generality, we may assume that ϕ F (π ) is isotropic, whereby dim ϕ  ũ ( F ) + 1.
Theorem 5.1 implies that ϕ  ϕ ⊥ τ , where τ is a Pfister neighbour of π with τ ⊥ γ  aπ
for some a ∈ F × and form γ over F . Hence ϕ F (π )  ϕ F (π ) ⊥ i W (τ F (π ) ) × 1, −1 ⊥ −γ F (π ) . Thus
(ϕ F (π ) )an  ((ϕ ⊥ −γ ) F (π ) )an . Let ϕ1 := (ϕ ⊥ −γ )an . If ϕ1 is anisotropic over F (π ), we have that
(ϕ F (π ) )an  (ϕ1 ) F (π ) and we are done. Hence, we may assume that ϕ1 is isotropic over F (π ). Since
(ϕ F (π ) )an  ((ϕ1 ) F (π ) )an , we have that dim((ϕ1 ) F (π ) )an  ũ ( F ) − 1, whereby dim ϕ1  ũ ( F ) + 1. Apply-
ing Theorem 5.1 to ϕ1 and iterating our argument, we will obtain that (ϕ F (π ) )an  (ϕn ) F (π ) for some
n ∈ N. 2

Proposition 5.6. Let π be an anisotropic n-fold Pfister form over F . Then F (π )/ F is excellent if and only if
F (π )/ F is ũ ( F )-excellent.

Proof. The left-to-right implication is clear, as is the right-to-left one in the case where ũ ( F ) = ∞,
so we will assume that F (π )/ F is ũ ( F )-excellent where ũ ( F ) < ∞. If ũ ( F )  2n−1 + 1, Corollary 5.2
gives the result. Hence, we may assume that ũ ( F ) > 2n−1 + 1, whereby Corollary 5.3 implies that
J. O’Shea / Journal of Algebra 361 (2012) 23–36 35

there are no minimal F (π )-isotropic forms over F of dimension greater than ũ ( F ). Since F (π )/ F is
ũ ( F )-excellent, every minimal F (π )-isotropic form ψ over F is such that (ψ F (π ) )an is defined over F ,
whereby Corollary 3.12 implies that F (π )/ F is excellent. 2

Suppose that π is an anisotropic n-fold Pfister form. Then F (π )/ F is 6-excellent for n  4 by

Proposition 4.3. Moreover, F (π )/ F is 6-excellent for n = 3 by Hoffmann’s result [6, Corollary 4.2]
that Φ(3)  6. Hence, F (π )/ F is 6-excellent for all Pfister forms π over F , allowing us to invoke
Proposition 5.6 to recover the following component of [9, Corollary 4.8]:

Corollary 5.7 (Hoffmann). Let F be a field such that ũ ( F )  6. Then F (π )/ F is excellent for every anisotropic
Pfister form π over F .

Proof. As above, F (π )/ F is 6-excellent for every π ∈ P F . Since ũ ( F )  6, F (π )/ F is ũ ( F )-excellent

for every π ∈ P F , whereby Proposition 5.6 establishes the result. 2

We conclude by invoking Theorem 5.1 to establish the example referred to previously in Section 2.

Example 5.8. Let F be a formally real field with ũ ( F ) = 4. Let n  1 and let γ be an anisotropic
form over F of dimension 5 + n that becomes isotropic over F (π ), where π ∈ P 2 F . Since
[17, Chapter X, Theorem 4.9] implies that γ cannot become hyperbolic over F (π ) in the case where
n = 1, we have that dim γ − i W (γ F (π ) ) + 1 > 4 for all n. Since every F -subform of γ of dimen-
sion dim γ − i W (γ F (π ) ) + 1 is isotropic over F (π ) by Lemma 1.3, Theorem 5.1 implies that these
F -subforms contain Pfister neighbours of π . Thus γ contains no minimal F (π )-isotropic forms over
F of dimension dim γ − i W (γ F (π ) ) + 1.


I am greatly indebted to Karim Johannes Becher for his input and feedback regarding a preliminary
version of this article. The detailed suggestions made by the referee of this article were also very much
appreciated. Additionally, I would like to thank Thomas Unger, Lukas Prinzen and Andrew Dolphin
for their helpful comments. I gratefully acknowledge the support I receive through an IRCSET-Marie
Curie International Mobility Fellowship from the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and
Technology, co-funded by Marie Curie Actions under FP7. Moreover, this work was supported by the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (project Quadratic Forms and Invariants, BE 2614/3-1) and by the
Zukunftskolleg, Universität Konstanz.


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