Country Info
Country Info
Country Info
# CountryCodes:
# ============
# The official ISO country code for the United Kingdom is 'GB'. The code 'UK' is
# A list of dependent countries is available here:
# The countrycode XK temporarily stands for Kosvo:
# CS (Serbia and Montenegro) with geonameId = 8505033 no longer exists.
# AN (the Netherlands Antilles) with geonameId = 8505032 was dissolved on 10
October 2010.
# Currencies :
# ============
# A number of territories are not included in ISO 4217, because their currencies
are not per se an independent currency,
# The following non-ISO codes are, however, sometimes used: GGP for the Guernsey
# JEP for the Jersey pound and IMP for the Isle of Man pound
# Languages :
# ===========
# The column 'languages' lists the languages spoken in a country ordered by the
number of speakers. The language code is a 'locale'
# where any two-letter primary-tag is an ISO-639 language abbreviation and any two-
letter initial subtag is an ISO-3166 country code.
RW RWA 646 RW Rwanda Kigali 26338 12301939 AF .rw RWF
Franc 250 rw,en-RW,fr-RW,sw 49518 TZ,CD,BI,UG
SA SAU 682 SA Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1960582 33699947 AS
.sa SAR Rial 966 ##### ^(\d{5})$ ar-SA 102358
SB SLB 090 BP Solomon Islands Honiara 28450 652858 OC .sb
SBD Dollar 677 en-SB,tpi 2103350
SC SYC 690 SE Seychelles Victoria 455 96762 AF .sc SCR Rupee
248 en-SC,fr-SC 241170
SD SDN 729 SU Sudan Khartoum 1861484 41801533 AF .sd SDG
Pound 249 ##### ^(\d{5})$ ar-SD,en,fia 366755
SS SSD 728 OD South Sudan Juba 644329 8260490 AF .ss SSP
Pound 211 en 7909807 CD,CF,ET,KE,SD,UG
SE SWE 752 SW Sweden Stockholm 449964 10183175 EU .se
SEK Krona 46 ### ## ^(?:SE)?\d{3}\s\d{2}$ sv-SE,se,sma,fi-SE
2661886 NO,FI
SG SGP 702 SN Singapore Singapore 692.7 5638676 AS .sg SGD
Dollar 65 ###### ^(\d{6})$ cmn,en-SG,ms-SG,ta-SG,zh-SG
SH SHN 654 SH Saint Helena Jamestown 410 7460 AF .sh SHP
Pound 290 STHL 1ZZ ^(STHL1ZZ)$ en-SH 3370751
SI SVN 705 SI Slovenia Ljubljana 20273 2067372 EU .si EUR
Euro 386 #### ^(?:SI)*(\d{4})$ sl,sh 3190538 HU,IT,HR,AT
SJ SJM 744 SV Svalbard and Jan Mayen Longyearbyen 62049 2550 EU
.sj NOK Krone 47 #### ^(\d{4})$ no,ru 607072
SK SVK 703 LO Slovakia Bratislava 48845 5447011 EU .sk EUR
Euro 421 ### ## ^\d{3}\s?\d{2}$ sk,hu 3057568 PL,HU,CZ,UA,AT
SL SLE 694 SL Sierra Leone Freetown 71740 7650154 AF .sl
SLL Leone 232 en-SL,men,tem 2403846 LR,GN
SM SMR 674 SM San Marino San Marino 61.2 33785 EU .sm EUR Euro
378 4789# ^(4789\d)$ it-SM 3168068 IT
SN SEN 686 SG Senegal Dakar 196190 15854360 AF .sn XOF
Franc 221 ##### ^(\d{5})$ fr-SN,wo,fuc,mnk 2245662 GN,MR,GW,GM,ML
SO SOM 706 SO Somalia Mogadishu 637657 15008154 AF .so
SOS Shilling 252 @@ ##### ^([A-Z]{2}\d{5})$ so-SO,ar-SO,it,en-SO
51537 ET,KE,DJ
SR SUR 740 NS Suriname Paramaribo 163270 575991 SA .sr
SRD Dollar 597 nl-SR,en,srn,hns,jv 3382998
ST STP 678 TP Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome 1001 197700 AF
.st STN Dobra 239 pt-ST 2410758
SV SLV 222 ES El Salvador San Salvador 21040 6420744 NA .sv
USD Dollar 503 CP #### ^(?:CP)*(\d{4})$ es-SV 3585968 GT,HN
SX SXM 534 NN Sint Maarten Philipsburg 21 40654 NA .sx ANG
Guilder 599 nl,en 7609695 MF
SY SYR 760 SY Syria Damascus 185180 16906283 AS .sy SYP
Pound 963 ar-SY,ku,hy,arc,fr,en 163843 IQ,JO,IL,TR,LB
SZ SWZ 748 WZ Eswatini Mbabane 17363 1136191 AF .sz SZL
Lilangeni 268 @### ^([A-Z]\d{3})$ en-SZ,ss-SZ 934841 ZA,MZ
TC TCA 796 TK Turks and Caicos Islands Cockburn Town 430 37665
NA .tc USD Dollar +1-649 TKCA 1ZZ ^(TKCA 1ZZ)$ en-TC
TD TCD 148 CD Chad N'Djamena 1284000 15477751 AF .td XAF
Franc 235 fr-TD,ar-TD,sre 2434508 NE,LY,CF,SD,CM,NG
TF ATF 260 FS French Southern Territories Port-aux-Francais 7829 140
AN .tf EUR Euro fr 1546748
TG TGO 768 TO Togo Lome 56785 7889094 AF .tg XOF Franc 228
fr-TG,ee,hna,kbp,dag,ha 2363686 BJ,GH,BF
TH THA 764 TH Thailand Bangkok 514000 69428524 AS .th
THB Baht 66 ##### ^(\d{5})$ th,en 1605651 LA,MM,KH,MY
TJ TJK 762 TI Tajikistan Dushanbe 143100 9100837 AS .tj
TJS Somoni 992 ###### ^(\d{6})$ tg,ru 1220409 CN,AF,KG,UZ
TK TKL 772 TL Tokelau 10 1466 OC .tk NZD Dollar
690 tkl,en-TK 4031074
TL TLS 626 TT Timor Leste Dili 15007 1267972 OC .tl USD Dollar
670 tet,pt-TL,id,en 1966436 ID
TM TKM 795 TX Turkmenistan Ashgabat 488100 5850908 AS
.tm TMT Manat 993 ###### ^(\d{6})$ tk,ru,uz 1218197
TN TUN 788 TS Tunisia Tunis 163610 11565204 AF .tn TND
Dinar 216 #### ^(\d{4})$ ar-TN,fr 2464461 DZ,LY
TO TON 776 TN Tonga Nuku'alofa 748 103197 OC .to TOP
Pa'anga 676 to,en-TO 4032283
TR TUR 792 TU Turkey Ankara 780580 82319724 AS .tr
TRY Lira 90 ##### ^(\d{5})$ tr-TR,ku,diq,az,av 298795
TT TTO 780 TD Trinidad and Tobago Port of Spain 5128 1389858
NA .tt TTD Dollar +1-868 en-TT,hns,fr,es,zh
TV TUV 798 TV Tuvalu Funafuti 26 11508 OC .tv AUD Dollar
688 tvl,en,sm,gil 2110297
TW TWN 158 TW Taiwan Taipei 35980 23451837 AS .tw TWD
Dollar 886 ##### ^(\d{5})$ zh-TW,zh,nan,hak 1668284
TZ TZA 834 TZ Tanzania Dodoma 945087 56318348 AF .tz
TZS Shilling 255 sw-TZ,en,ar 149590
UA UKR 804 UP Ukraine Kyiv 603700 44622516 EU .ua UAH
Hryvnia 380 ##### ^(\d{5})$ uk,ru-UA,rom,pl,hu 690791
UG UGA 800 UG Uganda Kampala 236040 42723139 AF .ug
UGX Shilling 256 en-UG,lg,sw,ar 226074
UM UMI 581 United States Minor Outlying Islands 0 0
OC .um USD Dollar 1 en-UM 5854968
US USA 840 US United States Washington 9629091 327167434 NA
.us USD Dollar 1 #####-#### ^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$ en-US,es-US,haw,fr
6252001 CA,MX,CU
UY URY 858 UY Uruguay Montevideo 176220 3449299 SA .uy
UYU Peso 598 ##### ^(\d{5})$ es-UY 3439705 BR,AR
UZ UZB 860 UZ Uzbekistan Tashkent 447400 32955400 AS .uz
UZS Som 998 ###### ^(\d{6})$ uz,ru,tg 1512440
VA VAT 336 VT Vatican Vatican City 0.44 921 EU .va EUR
Euro 379 ##### ^(\d{5})$ la,it,fr 3164670 IT
VC VCT 670 VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Kingstown 389 110211
NA .vc XCD Dollar +1-784 en-VC,fr 3577815