Formerly: Central Mindanao Technical Institute

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(Formerly: Central Mindanao Technical Institute)

Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

School North Central Mindanao Grade Grade 9

College Level
Teacher Rosemarie Miel Learning Biases and
Area prejudice

Teaching Sept 21, 2020 Quarter 3rd

Teaching 2:00- 3:00 P.M Section gold

I. Objectives
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-
Standard American literature and other text types serve as means
of connecting to the world; also how to use ways of
analyzing one-act play and different forms of verbal for
him/her to skillfully perform in a one-act play.

B. Performance The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through

Standard utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT
resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice,
Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson , 75% of the learners will be able
Competencies/Obje to:
ctives a. detect biases and prejudice in a material viewed
b. show situation that depict bias and prejudice and
c. show sensitivity to others

Opportunities for Integration

 Fairness and Equality

II. Content Bias and prejudice
III. Learning English Quarter 3,Wk.4- Module 1
a. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
b. Other Learning
IV. Procedures
a. Review previous
lesson/Presenting Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
a new lesson A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer Our Almighty Father, thank
Grace, kindly lead the you for giving us another
prayer. day to learn something
and see again my
classmates. As we spend
the rest of the day in
school, please guide us
always. Give us your
blessing so we can gain
wisdom through our
teachers. Lord, we humbly
ask you to protect us
always and keep us away
from any danger. In Jesus
name we pray, Amen.

b. Greetings
Good morning! Grade 9! Good morning, Teacher

c. Checking of
Who is absent this
morning? None, teacher.

Very good!

d. Checking of
Do you have any Yes, teacher.

Please, pass it forward

e. Review
Who can recall our Our last topic was all
previous topic? about prejudice and its
Yes, Charmie? types.

So, what is prejudice? Prejudice- is an

Yes Leo? unfavorable opinion or
feeling towards others.
How about its types? The types of prejudice are
racism, ageism, sexism,
classism, nationalism, and
religious prejudice.
Very good!

f. Classroom Rules
Before we proceed to our
new lesson let me remind
you my classroom rules
listen, eyes on me and be
quiet. First, if you want to
answer, just raise your right
hand silently. Second, you
have to listen if there is
someone talking in front of
you. And last, turn off your
gadget or make it silent.
b. Establishing a B. Lesson Proper (5min)
purpose for the
A. Motivation
Class look at the pictures
on the board, describe each
picture. What have you
notice about men and
Now let me ask you.
The men depicted as a
1. what do they reveal
strong fighter.
about men and woman?
Woman is busy doing
Very Good!
house chores.

c. Presenting b. Presentation (10 min)

s of new lesson Now, class our topic this
morning is all about biasis
and prejudice

d. Discussing new d. Discussion (10min)

concepts and
practicing new Now class, I have here a
skills #1 scenario posted on the
board. I want you to think
whether the scenario is fair
and unfair. (ask students to (student do the task)
read and let them answer.)

1. Not hiring someone

because of their age and Unfair
gender. unfair
2. Some people assume
someone is gay because of
the way he act.
Alright the first scenario
favors certain people and
classified as bias. The
second shows
discrimination for it tells us
unfavorable opinion and
pre-judges others and that’s
what we call prejudice.

e. Discussing new e. Discussion (5min)

concepts and
practicing new Bias means a tendency to
skills #2 favor one person, group,
thing or point of view over
another, often in an unfair

Joining exclusive
clubs where certain people
are not allowed.

Prejudice is an unfavorable
opinion formed beforehand
or without knowledge,
thought or reason. It simply
means to pre-judge others.

Some landlords will
not rent to a gay couple.
Love has no gender.
Class I will show you a Love has no race.
picture. I want you to Love has no disability.
observe and tell me what is Love has no age.
your interpretation of each. Love has no religion.

f. Developing Activity (10min)

Mastery (Leads to
formative Now I will divide you into
assessment) two groups the left side will
be the first group and the
right side will be the second

Each group will present a (student do the task)

role play about bias and
You will be given only 10
minutes. So, you have to
now your leader and don’t
forget to write the name of
your members on a sheet of
paper and then past it to

Let us know the criteria for

you to do the task.


Content 10 pts
Presentation 5 pts
Teamwork 5 pts
Total 20 pts

g. Finding practical Guide Question: (5min)

application of Class do you agree with
concepts and skills what the picture is trying to
in daily life imply? Why?
When you put “label” on
someone are you also (Students answer may
biased? Why? vary)
Do you know people in the
same situation as the (Students answer may
couples? What comments vary)
do you hear from other
people about them?

h. Making
generalization and Guide Question:
abstraction about What is our topic again Our topic is all about
the lesson class? biases and prejudice.

Very Good!

What is bias again? (Students answer may

How about prejudice? vary)
i. Evaluating
Learning Test 1. Direction: identify if
the statement is bias or
1. bullying and
discriminating someone
with disability. Prejudice
2. posting negative Prejudice
comments in social media Prejudice
about economic status of a Bias
3. not serving someone in a
restaurant or retail store
because of their color of
skin or race.
4. she/he won the contest
because one of a judges is
his father.
Test II. Direction: identify
whether the pictures are
bias/prejudice or not.

Test II answers
a. prejudice
b. prejudice
c. not bias/prejudice
d. prejudice


j. Additional Assignment:
Activities for Give at least two examples
application or of personal experienced
remediation when you witness
bias/prejudice and what you
did. Write it on a 1 whole
sheet of paper.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

Prepared by:

Rosemarie P. Miel
Student Teacher
Checked and Observed:
Jackie Lou Carillo

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