VPH Bits

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Veterinary Public Health

1. The ultimate pH of red meat is
D)5.8 -6.8
2. Kitten test is used for the detection of
A) Streptococcal toxin
B) Staphylococcal toxin
C)Clostridial toxin
D)Enterobacterial toxin
3. Reference organism used to assess the efficiency of pasteurization of milk is
A) Coxiella burnetti
B) Bacillus sp.
C) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
D) E. coli
4. Media used for enumeration of yeast and moulds is
A) Brain heart infusion agar
B) Sabouraud dextrose agar
C)Muller hington agar
D)Baird parker agar
5. The efficiency of bleeding in a carcass can be determined by using the test
A) CuSO4 Test
B) Remington Foweri Test
C)Peroxide Test
D)Acid malachite green
6. The liver is a rich source of vitamin
A) Vit. A
B) Vit. B complex
C)Vit. E
D)Vit. C
7. Ropiness in milk is caused by
A Bacillus cereus
B Alcaligenes viscolactis
C Pseudomonas putrefaciens
D Lactococcus lactis
8. Meat unfit for human consumption in Jewish method is
A Terefa
B Schochet
C Kosher
D Schechita
9. A disease that does not produce any overt clinical sign is
A Clinical
B Acute
C Subclinical
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D Chronic
10. World zoonosis day celebrated on
A June 6
B July 6
C September 28
D December 1
11. Which disease among the following is zooanthroponosis
A Staphylococcosis
B Leptospirosis
C Diphtheria
D Salmonellosis
12. Leptospirosis in dogs is known as
A Stuttgart disease
B Weil’s disease
C Moon blindness
D Perinaud’s occulo glandular syndrome
13. The causative agent of Lyme disease is
A Bartonella henselae
B Borrelia burgdorferi
C Coxiella burnetti
D Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
14. The amplifying host for Japanese encephalitis is
A Monkey
B Lizard
C Pig
D Rabbit
15. Bovine spongiform Encephalopathy is caused due to
A Virus
B Fungus
C Bacteria
D Prions
16. Zika virus is transmitted by
A Culex
B Anopheles
C Aedes
D Ticks
17. Dhobi’s itch is caused by
A Trichophyton cruise
B Microsporum spp.
C Trichophyton pedis
D Epidermophyton spp.
18. The proportion of animals resistant to infection or disease in a population
A Ecological interface
B Eradication
C Herd immunity
D Group behaviour

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19. The functional position occupied by the animal in an ecosystem is

A Biotope
B Home range
C Niche
D Territory
20. Infection transmitted from one segment of the population to another constitute
A Horizontal transmission
B Phase transmission
C Vertical transmission
D Trans-ovarian transmission
21. The stain used for the demonstration of nucleus/ DNA
A Giemsa stains
B Wright stain
C Feulgen stain
D Lactophenol cotton blue stain
22. Following is the component of California mastitis test reagent
A Boric acid
B Teepol
C Resolic acid
D Formaldehyde
23. Earliest recognized carcinogen
A Smut
B Sludge
C Soot
D Dust
24. The ELISA technique was developed by
A Peter Pearlman & Eva Engvall
B Henry Becquerel
C Robert Koch
D Louis Pasteur
25. The causative agent rat-bite fever or haver hill fever is
Streptococcus pyogenes
B Pseudomonas aeruginosa
C Streptobacillus moniliformis
D Capnocytophaga canimorsus
26. Kitchen death is associated with
A Sulphur dioxide poisoning
B Carbon monoxide poisoning
C Nitrous oxide poisoning
D Carbon dioxide poisoning

27. The agent used to tenderize meat

A Iodine
B Glycine
C Tryptone
D Papain
28. The iodine value of goat lard is

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A 76%
B 81%
C 66%
D 54%
29. A chemical method for meat species identification
A Fouchet’s test
B Peroxide test
C Glycogen test
D Sulphide test
30. Mixing vessel for avian influenza virus
A Pig
B Monkey
C Horse
D Mule
31. Permanent hardness of water is due to
A Bicarbonates of Ca and Mg
B Sulphates of Ca and Mg
C Carbonated of Ca and Mg
D Chlorides of Ca and Mg
32. As per EEC regulation, fresh carcass meat and offal should be chilled below
A 5°C and 3°C
B 7°C and 3°C
C 6°C and 2°C
D 2°C and 1°C
33. FSSAI recommendation of maximum permissible limit of DDT in milk is
A 5 ppm
B 7 ppm
C 10 ppm
D 1 ppm
34. Over the rail bleeding time for cattle is
A 5 min
B 7 min
C 6 min
D 8 min
35. The fruity flavour of milk is due to
A Pseudomonas mephitica
B Pseudomonas putrefaciens
C Pseudomonas fragi
D Lactococcus lactis
36. Byssinosis condition is due to inhalation of
A Cotton fibre dust
B Carbon dust
C Pseudomonas Fragi
D Asbestos dust
37. Solid waste arising from sewage treatment plant is called as
A Slurry
B Soot
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C Sludge
D Slink
38. World ozone day is observed on
A September 12
B September 16
C September 13
D September 28
39. The following test is applied for the detection of mastitis in milch animal
A Coomb’s test
B Whit side test
C Antons eye test
D Ascolis test
40. Haemal lymph nodes perform the function of
A Liver
B Spleen
C Kidney
D Heart
41. Prior to slaughter, ante-mortem inspection must be carried out within
A 12 hrs
B 48 hrs
C 24 hrs
D 72 hrs
42. According to Jewish slaughter, the knife used for neck stabbing is known as
A Schochet
B Chalaf
C Talmud
D Schechita
43. Ideal stunning method for pig is
A Electric
B Captive bolt pistol
C Gaseous
D Mechanical
44. Lairage design must accommodate pig and cattle for days
A 5 and 7
B 2 and 3
C 3 and 4
D 1 and 2
45. Minamata disease is associated with
A Methyl mercury
B Mercuric chloride
C Ethyl mercury
D Mercuric hydroxide
46. Carcass cutting yield is
A Carcass weight / pound of meat x 100
B Pounds of meat / carcass weight x 100
C Kilogram of meat/ animal weight x 100
D Live weight / green weight x100
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47. Average carcass yield of the beef, pig, poultry, and lamb is
A 75, 68, 44, 72
B 62, 75, 72, 45
C 81, 56, 48, 55
D 63, 74, 77, 44
48. Abattoir effluent BOD must be
A 1000-1500 ppm
B 2000- 3000 ppm
C 1500-2000 ppm
D 995-1750 ppm
49. In comparison to the live weight, total byproduct yield from meat animal is
A 70 %
B 60%
C 80%
D 40%
50. Dipple’s oil is obtained from
A Bones
B Nails
C Skin
D Muscles
51. Unborn calf meat is called as
A Venison
B Lamp
C Biltong
D Slink veal
52. Weight obtained after flaying, removal of intestinal contents and other non-
edible parts
A Dressing yield
B Dry weight
C Green weight
D Jerked beef
53. Warble flies produce a condition
A Butchers jelly
B Two toning
C Current jelly
D Ferris wheel
54. A sub-mucous layer of the intestine is used to prepare
A Corned beef
B Ham
C Casings
D Corning
55. Cured and smoked belly of pigs is called as
A Kofta
B Patties
C Ham
D Bacon
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56. Beef fat is known as

A Lard
B Tallow
C Marbling
D Rind
57. Fat of pork is
A Lard
B Tallow
C Flaying
D Marbling
58. Important eating quality of meat is
A Moisture
B Chilling
C Tenderness
D Marbling
59. Drop-in pH of meat during post-mortem glycolysis in muscle is due to the
production of
A Acetic acid
B Vinegar
C Lactic acid
D Hydrochloric acid
60. The meat of horse is known as
A Chevon
B Venison
C Chevalin
D Veal
61. The temperature of water used for sterilization in an abattoir is
A 72°C
B 76°C
C 82°C
D 98°C
62. Black rot in an egg is caused by
A Sporotrichum spp.
B Proteus spp.
C Cladosporium spp.
D Penicillium spp.
63. National Research Centre on Meat is located at
A New Delhi
B Mumbai
C Hyderabad
D Kolkata
64. The egg is deficient in
A Vit. A
B Vit. D
C Vit. C
D Vit. E
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65. The average generation time of bacteria is

A 10 min.
B 20 min.
C 15 min.
D 30 min.
66. Desirable colour of cured meat pigment nitroso-haemo chromogen is
A Green
B Red
C Yellow
D Pink
67. The end product of anaerobic glycolysis in meat/muscle is
A Lactic acid
B Sulphuric acid
C Ascorbic acid
D Hydrochloric acid
68. The iron-binding protein present in milk is
A Lactoperoxidase system
B Lactanin
C Lactoferrin
D Bifidus factor
69. Heat stability of milk is tested by
A Dye reduction test
B Clot on boiling
C Ethanol test
D Alcohol - alizarin test
70. Scarlet fever is caused by
A S.pyogenes
B P. aerogenosa
C S. aureus
D E. coli
71. The causative agent of winter mastitis is
A Clostridium spp.
B Corynebacterium spp.
C Campylobacter spp.
D Saccharomyces spp.
72. Fishy flavour in milk is due to
A Lactococcus lactis
B Pseudomonas fragi
C Proteus icthyosmius
D E. coli
73. Colouring agent used in milk is
A Saccharin
B Starch
C Annatto
D Sucrose

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74. The specific gravity of cow milk is

A 1.031-1.032
B 1.028-1.030
C 1.033-1.038
D 1.024-1.024
75. The typical colour of pork is
A Greyish Pink
B Red
C Brownish black
D Reddish blue
76. Thaw rigor shortening approximates to the original length of muscles to the
tune of
A 70 %
B 88%
C 60 %
D 92%
77. The iodine value of mutton is
A 35-46%
B 71-86%
C 60-70%
D 66-88%
78. Amount of calcium present in 100 ml of milk
A 140 mg
B 118 mg
C 180 mg
D 142 mg
79. The fat percentage of ewe milk
A 8.6
B 5.2
C 4.6
D 3.8
80. Water-soluble pigment present in milk is
A Carotene
B Riboflavin
C Xanthophyll
D Lysozyme
81. The boiling point of milk is
A 100-101 °C
B 99-100 °C
C 100.17-101 °C
D 101-102 °C
82. Test that identifies the presence of neutralizing agents in milk is
A) Iodine test
B) Rosalic acid test
C Picric acid test
D Resorcinol test
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83. The test used to detect adulteration of cow milk with buffalo milk is
A Hansa test
B Baudoin test
C Nitric acid test
D Barfoed test
84. Vanaspati in milk is detected by
A Hansa tests
B Baudouin test
C Nitric acid test
D Barfoed test
85. Antibiotic residues in milk can be detected by
A Iodine test
B Delvotest
C Picric acid test
D Barfoed test
86. Ultra-pasteurization is done at
A 72 °C for 15 sec
B 63°C for 30 min
C 63-65 °C for 15 sec
D 115-130 °C for 2 sec
87. The fat percentage of cream is
A 20 %
B 25%
C 21%
D 28%
88. The fat content of plastic cream is
A 25-30%
B 80-90%
C 30-40%
D 60-80%
89.Commonly used flavouring agent in butter
A Diacetyl
B Monoacetyl
C Acetic acid
D Gelatine
90. Best cheese suitable for pizza preparation is
A Cottage
B Mozzarella
C Cheddar
D Plastic
91. The fat percentage of skim milk is
A 3.5%
B 2.8%
C 0.8%
D 8.5%
92. The temperature used for bacto-fugation is
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A 55-60 °C
B 60-65 °C
C 110 °C
D 135-150 °C
93. The freezing point of evaporated milk is
A -4.5 °C
B -1 °C
C -14.9 °C
D -1.3 °C
94. Vector Control Research Centre is located at
A New Delhi
B Bikaner
C Pondicherry
D Avikanagar
95. Ante-mortem inspection is repeated if the duration of holding food animal
A 6 Hours
B 18 Hours
C 12 Hours
D 24 Hours
96. Very soft water rainwater contains dissolved solids
A 0.00005 %
B 0.000005 %
C 0.0005 %
D 0.005 %
97. The area that drain into a reservoir is known as
A Collection area
B Catchment area
C Attached area
D Draining area
98. Self-purification in river occurs by
A Dilution and sedimentation
B Sunlight, plant and animal life
C Aeration and Oxidation
D All the above
99. The salt content of seawater is
A 7.5 %
B 3.5 %
C 6.5 %
D 2.5 %
100. Deep well taps water from
A Above first impervious strata
B From first porous strata
C Below first impervious strata
D Below second impervious strata
101. Katcha and Pucca wells are examples for

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A Tube wells
B Step wells
C Dug wells
C None of the above
102. The disease of public health significance in areas where people used step
A Cholera
B Guinea worm
C Taeniasis
D E. coli
103. The distance of sanitary well from likely sources of contamination is
A 15 m
B 10 m
C 50 Feet
D Both a & b

104. Sanitary well’s parapet wall height above the ground level must be at least
A 90-95 cm
B 50-55 cm
C 70-75 cm
D 100-110 cm

105. The hardness of water appears to have a beneficial effect against

A Neurological disease
B Musculoskeletal diseases
C Cardiovascular diseases
D Reproductive diseases

106. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was passed in the year
A 1974
B 1978
C 1964
D 1968

107. The optimum period of storage of river water for purification is

A 1-2 days
B 8-9 days
C 3-7 days
D 10-14 days

108. Biogenic amines in food affect the following natural detoxifying enzyme
A) Alkaline phosphatase
B Choline esterase
D Trypsin

109. Depth of supernatant water over the sand bed in slow sand filter is
A 0.5-1 meter
B 2-3 meters

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C 1-1.5 meters
D 3-5 meters

110.Depth of supernatant water over the sand bed in slow sand filter is
A 0.5-1 meter
B 2-3 meters
C 1-1.5 meters
D 3-5 meters

111. Supernatant water of slow sand filter provides a waiting of about

A 1-2 hours
B 12-24 hours
C 3-12 hours
D 24-48 hours

112. Effective diameter of sand grains used in slow sand filter is

A 0.2-0.3 mm
B 0.8-1 mm
C 0.4 -0.7 mm
D 1-1.5 mm

113. Rate of filtration of water in case of a biological filter sand bed surface
A 0.1-0.4 m3/h per m2 sand bed
B 5-15 m3/h per m2 sand bed
C 0.02-0.04 m3/h per m2 sand bed
D 20-25 m3/h per m2 sand bed

114. Ripening of the biological layer/vital layer/schmutzdecke/zoogleal layer means

A Completion of purification
B Time to close down filter plant
C Formation of biological filter
D Removal of biological layer

115. Heart of biological filter is

A Vital layer
B Gravel support
C Filter control
D Under-drainage system

116. Venturi meter regulate the slow sand filter by

A Rate of filtration
B Bed resistance or loss of head
C Rate of oxidation
D Rate of reduction in BOD

117. A derivative of mycotoxin detected in the cow milk is,

C Ochratoxin M
D Tyramine

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118. The sequence of operations used in rapid sand filtration is A. Coagulation, B.

Rapid mixing, C. Flocculation, D. Sedimentation, E. Filtration
A A, B, C, D, E
B B, A, C, D, E
C D, A, B, C, E
D E, B, C, A, D

119. Time allotted for sedimentation in rapid sand filter is

A 0.5-1 hours
B 8-10 hours
C 2-6 hours
D 12-24 hours

120. Effective diameter of sand grains used in rapid sand filter is

A 0.2-0.3 mm
B 0.8-1 mm
C 0.4 -0.7 mm
D 1-1.5 mm

121. Rate of filtration of water (m3 / m2 / h) through the biological filter is

A 0.1-0.4
B 5-15
C 0.02-0.04
D 20-25

122. Slow-sand filter related statements are wrong?

A Washing by scrapping sand bed
B Loss of head allowed in slow sand filter is 4 feet
C Loss of head allowed in rapid sand filter is 6-8 feet
D None of the above

123. The rapid sand filter removes bacteria to the tune of

A 90-95 per cent
B 98-99 per cent
C 95-96 per cent
D 99.9-99.99 per cent

124. The slow sand filter removes bacteria to the extent of

A 90-95 per cent
B 98-99 per cent
C 95-96 per cent
D 99.9-99.99 per cent

125. Following is a property of chlorine

A Kills vegetative bacterium
B Oxidize certain metal
D All the above

126. Disinfection action of chlorine is predominantly due to

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A Hypo chloric acid

B Hypochlorite ion
C Hypochlorous acid
D Hydrochloric acid

127. Optimum activity of chlorine is exhibited at water pH

C 10

128. Difference between the amount of chlorine added to water and chlorine that
remains at the end of a specific contact period at a given temperature and pH of
water is known as
A Break points
B Residual chlorine
C Chlorine demand
D Super chlorination

129. Contact time of chlorination of water is

A 30 minutes
B 120 minutes
C 60 minutes
D 80 minutes

130. The point at which chlorine demand of the water is met and residual chlorine
appears is
A Break points
B Bleaching
C Chlorine demand
D super chlorination

131. At routine doses, chlorine does not have an effect on

A Spores
B Helminthic ova
C Protozoal cysts
D All the above

132. Minimum recommended concentration of free chlorine in water after 1-hour

contact period is
A 0.5 mg/L
B 5 mg/L
C 1 mg/L
D 10 mg/L

133. Paterson’s chloranome measures regulate and administer to the water

supplies the following
A Chloramine
B Chlorine gas
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C Perchloron
D Bleaching powder

134. Loose compounds of chlorine and ammonia are

A Chloramine
B Chlorine gas
C Perchloron
D Bleaching powder

135. Available chlorine in Perchloron or high-test hypochlorite (H.T.H.) is

A 20-30%
B 40-50%
C 50-60%
D 60-70%

136. Type of chlorination suitable for heavily polluted water is

A Break-point chlorination
B Chloramine
C Super-chlorination
D Perchloron

137. Application of Orth toluidine test is

A Detection of chlorine in water
B Detection of calcium in water
C Detection of magnesium in water
D None

138. Sanitization of drinking water by ozonisation requires a contact time of

A 1-5 minutes
B 30-60 minutes
C 10-20 minutes
D 60-120 minutes

139. The dose of ozone required for the ozonation of drinking water is
A 0.5-1 mg/L
B 2-5 mg/L
C 1-2 mg/L
D 6-10 mg/L

140. The operating pressure used in case of reverse osmosis is

A 1-5 bar
B 15-50 bar
C 5-10 bar
D 50-100 bar

141. Reverse osmosis rejects monovalent ions and organics of molecular weight
A 10 Dalton
B 100 Dalton
C 50 Dalton
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D 200 Dalton

142. The NEERI is located at

A Nagar Havelli
B Bareilly
C Ludhiana
D Nagpur

143. Available chlorine in bleaching powder or chlorinated lime is

A 23 per cent
B 37 per cent
C 33 per cent
D 43 per cent

144. Halazone tablet contains

A Chlorine
B Amine
C Ozone
D Potassium permanganate

145. Preferred sanitizer for emergency disinfection of water is

A Chlorine
B Iodine
C Ozone
D Radiation

146. Permanent hardness of water can be removed by the addition of

A Na2CO3
C Al2CO3

147. Water derived from underground source is called as

A Standing water
B Lotic water
C Juvenile water
D Lentic water

148. Well in which water rises above the level of groundwater due to pressure is
called as
A Shallow well
B Artesian well
C Dug well
D Sanitary well

149. The maximum permissible level of iron in water is

A 0.05 mg/L
B 0.01 mg/L
C 0.3 mg/L
D 0.2 mg/L
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150. The biological oxygen demand of treated effluent water should be

A 250 mg/L
B 500 mg/L
C 300 mg/L
D 30 mg/L

151. Iron bacteria include

A Nitrosomonas
B Crenothrix
C Gallionella
D Both c and d

152. Toxic gas released when plastic is burnt

A) Endosulfan
B Dioxin
C Nitrogen oxide
D Both b and c

153. A disease that spread over a wide geographical area is known as

A) Endemic
B Pandemic
C Epidemic
D Sporadic

154. A disease that has been stamped-out from a region is

A) Exotic disease
B Epizootic disease
C Exotic disease
D Epornithic disease

155. Infection acquired or contracted in hospitals is

A Nosocomial infection
B Contagious disease
C Iatrogenic infection
D Communicable disease

156. The atmospheric zone that contain ozone is

A Troposphere
B Stratosphere
C Thermosphere
D Mesosphere

157. Bhopal gas tragedy occurred in the year

A 1947
B 1997
C 1962
D 1984

158. Unit of decay of radiation is

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A Rad
B Roentgen
C Curie
D None of the above

159. Desirable limit of noise at a calm environment is

A 64 Decibel
B 100 Decibel
C 50 Decibel
D 140 Decibel

160. What is the temperature used for the incineration of a carcass

A 1500 °C
B 1300 °C
C 2000 °C
D 5000 °C

161. The prevention of cruelty to animals was enacted in the year

A 1966
B 1968
C 1962
D 1960

162. Smoke contains higher concentrations of

A Hydrogen
B Nitrogen
C Carbon
D Phosphorus

163. Aerosol as a dispersed form of water is

A Fume
B Fog
C Mist
D Smut

164. Height from the earth surface at which the ozone layer is present
A 20-30 KM
B 70-80 KM
C 40-50 KM
D > 100 KM

165. Carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon produced at meat smoking

temperatures is,
A Polyphosphate
C 3,4 Benzopyrene
D Nitrite

166. An imported source of acid rain across the globe is

A Hydrochloric acid
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B Nitric acid
C Sulphuric acid
D Nitrous acid

167. ISO 9000 series applicable to the food supplier is,

A ISO 9001
B ISO 9003
C ISO 9002
D ISO 9004

168. Koster stain is used for the detection of an agent of

A Lyme disease
B Angara disease
C Brucellosis
D Tuberculosis

169. Trade harmonization (Article 3) of SPS agreement conforms to international

standards by,
A Codex

170. Registration of FBO in accordance with the FSSA-2006 is required for

A 50 birds/day abattoir
B Importer
C Multistate retailer
D Exporter

171. Most prevalent udder infection among the dairy cattle is,
A Subclinical mastitis
B Clinical mastitis
C Acute mastitis
D Chronic mastitis

172. The relationship between DO and BOD

A Directly proportional
B Inversely proportional
C Unrelated
D Equal

173. The red data book records

A Species diversity in wetland
B List of threatened animals
C List of water pollutants
D Rate of population decline

174. What is the full form of MAB

A Man and Biosphere
B Man and Biosphere reserve
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C Man and Biosphere Programme

D Man and Biosphere Reserve Programme

175. Identify the mismatch

A Rio convention - Air pollution
B Montreal protocol - Ozone depletion
C Kyoto Protocol - Climate change
D Ramsar convention - Wetland conservation

176. Rainwater should not be stored in the metal container made of

A Iron
B Lead
C Galvanized iron
D Copper

177.Operation flood III was launched in the year

A 1986
B 1992
C 1990
D 1998

178. Curdling of milk occurring without pronounced acid production is

A Sweet curdling
B Curdling
C Acid curdling
D Alkaline curdling

179. In epidemiological investigations, the disease is taken as,

A) Explanatory variable
B Study variable
C Response variable
D Logical variable

180. Following is a psychrophile of milk hygiene significance

A Pseudomonas
B Listeria monocytogenes
C Both a and b
D None of the above

181. Cold sterilization means

A Sterilization at low temperature
B Flash pasteurization
C Sterilization by radiations
D None of the above

182. The term one health was given by

A Rudolf Virchow
B Louis Pasteur
C Calvin Schwabe
D Edward Jenner

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183. Zoonoses transmitted through organ transplantations

A Saprozoonosis
B Xenozoonotic
C Amphixenosis
D Metazoonosis

184. Tularaemia is also known as

A) Ohara disease
B Deer fly fever
C Rat bite fever
D All the above

185. Hanger Rose test is performed for

A Yersiniosis
B Lyme disease
C Cat scratch fever
D Campylobacteriosis

186. Bacterial disease transmitted through a dog bite

A Borrelia
B Capnocytophaga
C Leptospirosis
D Listeriosis

187. A major cause for ozone depletion is

A Organophosphrous compounds
B Chlorofluorocarbons
C Organochlorine
D None of the above

188. Kumis is prepared from

A Goat milk
B Camel milk
C Cow milk
D Mare milk

189. Aging of meat is also known as

A Conditioning
B Ripening
C Maturing
D All the above

190. Carter’s agar is used for the cultivation of species of

A Salmonella
B Streptococcus
C Staphylococcus
D Micrococcus

191. Greening in sausages is due to

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A Pseudomonas fragi
B Lactobacillus viridecens
C Lactobacillus lactis
D Staphylococcus aureus

192. The ICMR recommendation of meat per day/person is

A 40 gm
B 20 gm
C 34 gm
D 50 gm

193. The protein of egg that binds to the vitamin biotin

A Avidin
B Elastin
C Casein
D Actin

194. The factor that tends to aggravate the disease is,

A Precipitating factor
B Predisposing factor
C Enabling factor
D Reinforcing factor

195. Type of biological transmission involving multiplication of agent in the vector

A Propagative
B Developmental
C Cyclopropagative
D Sylvatic

196. Actions and measures that inhibit risk factors constitute,

A Primordial prevention
B Primary prevention
C Secondary prevention
D Tertiary prevention

197. An ecologist who plotted biome diagram of the globe based on rainfall &
A de Candolle
B Merriam
C Robert Whittaker
D Reed-Frost

198. A sampling of clinically normal animals in the population

A Active surveillance
B Passive surveillance
C Sentinel surveillance
D Scanning surveillance

199. Acquiring information about an object, area or phenomenon from distance is,
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A Time-series analysis
B Disease forecasting
C Early warning
D Remote Sensing

200. Detection of disease in its early pathogenesis phase so as to better controlled

it constitutes,
A Prescriptive screening
B Strategic screening
C Mass screening
C Diagnostic screening

201. Detection of disease in its early pathogenesis phase so as to better controlled

it constitutes,
A Prescriptive screening
B Strategic screening
C Mass screening
D Diagnostic screening

202. Term ‘zoonoses’ was coined by,

A C.W. Schwabe
B Rudolph Virchow
C D.E. Salmon
D Robert Koch

203. Bovine type tuberculosis is classified under,

A Anthropozoonoses
B Amphixenosis
C Zooanthroponosis
D Both a & b

204. Cyclozoonoses that involve humans as accidental host are referred to as,
A) Obligatory Cyclozoonoses
B Para zoonoses
C Non-obligatory Cyclozoonoses
D Both b or c

205. Metazoonoses type II in addition to one vertebrate host also involve,

A 1 invertebrate host
B 2 invertebrate host
C Trans-ovarian transmission in vector
D Both b & c

206. An example for sapro-metazoonoses is,

A Histoplasmosis
B Ancylostomiasis
C Fascioliasis
D All

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207. Arthropod in which the agent develops and also undergoes cyclic changes is
known as,
A Cyclo-propagative vector
B Biological vector
C Mechanical Vector
D Both a & b

208. Emerging zoonoses is associated with,

A New pathogen
B New host
C New territory
D All

209. Zoonotic transmission of anisakiasis is associated with the ingestion of,

A Crab meat
B Raw sea fish
C Raw pork
D Raw milk

210. The white colour of milk is due to

a) Calcium carbonate
b) Calcium caseinate
c) Calcium alginate
d) Calcium bicarbonate

211. Name the coolant used in HTST pasteurization

a) Sodium alginate
b) Glycerol
c) Glycol
d) Solid CO2

212. Yellow colour in cow milk is due to

a) Carotene
b) Xanthophylls
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

213. Predominant bacteria of milk is

a) Aeromonas
b) Actinomycetes
c) E. coli
d) Micrococci

214. The blue colour of the milk is due to

a) Low fat
b) Watering
c) E. coli
d) Micrococci
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215. The pink colour of milk is due to

a) Serratia marcescens
b) Geotrichum
c) Rhodotorula glutinis
d) Aeromonas

216. pH of buffalo milk is

a) 6.4-6.6
b) 6.7-6.8
c) 6-7
d) 6.2-6.3

217. Direct exposure of milk to sunlight will lead to

a) Spoilage
b) Ropiness
c) Tallowing
d) Acidity

218. Cooked or burnt flavour of the milk is due to

a) Streptococcus lactis
b) Arcobacter
c) Actinomycetes
d) E. coli

219. Bitty cream is produced by the enzyme

a) Renin
b) Lecithinase
c) Lysozymes
d) Pectin

220. Potato flavour of milk is due to

a) P. graveolens
b) P. mucidolensare
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

221. Sodium alginate is obtained from

a) Aeromonas
b) Streptococcus lactis
c) Macrocystis pyrifera
d) S. diacetylactis

222. Commonly used packaging material for milk is

a) LDPE Food grade
b) HDPE Food grade
c) PE Food grade
d) PP Food grade

223. Rapid test to determine the acidity of milk

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a) Sedimentation test
b) Clot on boiling test
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

224. The specific gravity of milk is determined by

a) Quevennes Lactometer
b) Gerbers butyrometer
c) Hortvet cryoscope
d) None of the above

225. Total solids and SNF of milk can be calculated by

a) Richmond Scale
b) Babcock’s Method
c) Fleischmann’s method
d) All the above

226. Ewe milk is used to prepare which cheese

a) Manchago
b) Roquefort
c) Feta
d) All the above

227. Detection of sodium bicarbonate in the milk is done by

a) Formalin
b) Rosalic acid test
c) Resorcinol test
d) Picric acid test

228. The immunoglobulin secreted in milk

a) IgA
b) IgG
c) IgE
d) Both a and b

229. How many components of complement are present in milk

a) 10
b) 9
c) 8
d) 7

230. Fucoma test is used to estimate

a) Fat
b) Acidity
c) Alkalinity
d) Specific gravity

231. Quantity of Ice cream to be collected for microbiological analysis

a) 250gm
b) 300gm

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c) 200gm
d) 100gm

232. Agar contains

a) Protein
b) Lipid
c) Carbohydrates
d) All the above

233. Muscle contraction without shortening in length

a) Idiomatic contraction
b) Hypotonic contraction
c) Isometric contraction
d) Hypertonic contraction

234. Disease accounting is best done by estimating

a) Predictive value
b) Antibody assay
c) Rates and ratios
d) Frequency of occurrence

235. Disease and causal factors are examples of

a) Determinants
b) Variables
c) Statistical analysis
d) Risk factors

236. In a herd of 120 deer, 75 have diarrhoea and vomiting within the last 24 hours.
All the animals were normal 48 hours ago. The most likely source for the outbreak
A Exposure to a common source
B An infection propagated in the herd and spread from animal to animal
C A change in the diet of younger animals
D None of the above

237. Early detection (e.g. through screening programs) designed to minimize the
health and economic effects of diseases in a population is known as
a) Primary prevention
b) Secondary prevention
c) Tertiary prevention
d) All the above

238. The length of a quarantine period in disease control is based on the

A Duration of communicability of the disease
B Duration of agent shedding (patent period)
C Incubation period
D None of the above

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239. The ability of a screening test to correctly identify individuals in a population

that are truly free of disease (non-diseased) is a measure of the test’s
a) Sensitivity
b) Specificity
c) Reliability
d) None of the above

240. Time series analysis is used to detect

A Temporal trend
B Spatial trends
C False changes in morbidity & mortality
D None of the above

241. Surveillance is referred to as

a) Intensive follow up
b) Monitoring
c) Active disease accounting process
d) Survey

242. The species or environment in which pathogenic organisms are maintained

and upon which the organisms depend for survival is called as
A Clinical carrier
B Vectors
C Incubatory carriers
D Reservoir

243. Etiologic epidemiology primarily concerned with

a) Establishing causal association with environment
b) Forecasting possible causes of a disease
c) Agent – host relationship
d) Identification of an infectious agent

244. The outbreak of disease that occurs irregularly and haphazardly is known as
a) Sporadic
b) Endemic
c) Epidemic
d) Pandemic

245. Practical multidisciplinary coordination to evolve strategies for disease and/or

health management is referred to as
a) Clinical epidemiology
b) Analytical epidemiology
c) Applied epidemiology
d) General epidemiology

246. “Test and slaughter” is a control procedure employed most beneficially in a

a) That is spreading rapidly through a population
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b) In which 50% of the cattle population may be infected

c) With a low prevalence and for which a sensitive and specific diagnostic test exists.
d) None of the above

247. Iatrogenic infection means

a) Hospital-borne infection
b) Infection by ingestion
c) Doctor induced infection
d) Infection in-utero

248. Tertiary prevention is known as

a) Prevention
b) Control
c) Vaccination
d) Treatment

249. The latent incubation period is the period between infection and shedding of
the organisms and is usually _____________ the incubation period.
a) Shorter than
b) Longer than
c) Equal to
d) b & c are correct

250. If organisms undergo multiplication process in a vehicle, then the type of

transmission is termed as
a) Propagative transmission
b) Mechanical transmission
c) Developmental transmission
d) Cyclopropagative transmission

251. Epidemiological diagnosis concerned with

a) Whole herd
b) Diseased individual animal
c) Dead animals
d) The population at risk

252. If epidemiology deals with a disease which is still in latency, then it is referred
to as
a) Disaster epidemiology
b) Clinical epidemiology
c) Subclinical epidemiology
d) Predictive epidemiology

253. The important parameters to be considered in a serological test are

a) Sensitivity
b) Specificity
c) False positive and negative
d) All the above

254. A disease which does not produce any overt clinical sign
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a) Clinical infection
b) Subclinical infection
c) Acute infection
d) Chronic infection

255. Studies of disease outbreak in the avian population are called as

a) Epizootic
b) Enzootic
c) Epornithic
d) Epidemic

256. The study of cause, distribution, and control of disease in related to individual
and of inherited defects
a) Genetic epidemiology
b) Field epidemiology
c) Cross sectional epidemiology
d) Environmental epidemiology

257. The proportion of animals that are resistant to infection or disease in the
a) Herd epidemiology
b) Landscape epidemiology
c) Cohert study
d) Cross sectional epidemiology

258. Amount of death in a population is given by

a) Morbidity
b) Mortality
c) Infertility
d) Fatality

259. Foci of infection are called as

a) Loci
b) Intensity
c) Nidi
d) Infectivity

260. Part of the animal’s home range that it defends aggressively from invaders is
known as
a) Nidus
b) Foci
c) Territory
d) Biodiversity

261. Which is the smallest spatial unit providing uniform condition for life
a) Biocenosis
b) Niche
c) Biotope
d) Nosoarea

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262. The rain forest is described as-------

a) Megatherms
b) Mesotherms
c) Homeotherm’s
d) Heterotherms

263. Collection of all living organism in a biotope is known as

a) Biocenosis
b) Niche
c) Biotope
d) Nosoarea

264. Blood is added in blood medium agar at the following concentration

a) 5 to 10 %
b) 15 %
c) 20 %
d) 2 %

265. Humidity is measured by

a) Wet bulb thermometer
b) Lux meter
c) Dry bulb thermometer
d) Chlorinometer

266. ------- is an examination of aggregation of units

a) Cross sectional study
b) Cohort study
c) Survey
d) Longitudinal study

267. An animal which excretes agents during the recovery period is known as
a) Sympatric animals
b) Convalescent carriers
c) Paratenic host
d) Amplifier host

268. The time between infection and availability of agent in an arthropod vector is
known as
a) Extrinsic incubation period
b) Intrinsic incubation period
c) Generation time
d) Propagation

269. ------- is the quality of disease induction.

a) Virulence
b) Hot spot
c) Pathogenicity
d) Carrier

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270. Man-made ecosystem

a) Biotope
b) Biocenosis
c) Nidi
d) Anthropurgic

271. Host in which agents are transmitted mechanically

a) Paratenic host
b) Primary host
c) Amplifying host
d) Hibernating host

272. Host in which multiplication of agents takes place

a) Paratenic host
b) Primary host
c) Amplifying host
d) Hibernating host

273. An animal which carries an infectious agent to the primary or secondary host
a) Mechanical vector
b) Biological vector
c) Propagative transmission
d) None of the above

274. The period of time lapses between infection and shedding of the agent in
parasitic disease is a
a) Eclipse phase
b) Incubation period
c) Latent period
d) Prepatent period

275. The period of time lapses between infection and shedding of the agent in viral
infection is a
a) Eclipse phase
b) Incubation period
c) Latent period
d) Prepatent period

276. The period of time lapses between infection and shedding of the agent in
bacterial infection is
a) Eclipse phase
b) Incubation period
c) Latent period
d) Prepatent period

277. The period between infection and maximum infectiousness

a) Incubation period
b) Latent period
c) Generation period
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d) Survival period

278. Nantucket fever is

a) Brucellosis in human
b) Babesiosis in human
c) BSE in humans
d) Anthrax in humans

279. Common vector for babesiosis

a) Hyloma tick
b) Rhipicephalus tick
c) Ixodid ticks
d) None of the above

280. Babesiosis can be transmitted by

a) Adult ticks
b) Larvae
c) Nymph
d) All the above

281. Subclinical carrier of babesiosis

a) Dash hound
b) Greyhounds
c) Pug
d) Pomeranian

282. Shaker foal syndrome is

a) Babesiosis
b) Brucellosis
c) Botulism
d) Campylobacteriosis

283. Flaccid paralysis is a sign of

a) Colibacillosis
b) Campylobacteriosis
c) Anthrax
d) Botulism

284. Water-birds with paralyzed necks developed a toxic infectious disease which
is called as
a) Limberneck
b) Ranikhet disease
c) Marek’s disease
d) None of the above

285. Infant botulism is caused due to

a) Toxin A and E
b) Toxin B and C
c) Toxin A and B
d) Toxin C and D
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286. The disease associated with consumption of uncooked shellfish

a) Salmonellosis
b) Colibacillosis
c) Listeriosis
d) Vibriosis

287. Primary reservoir hosts for B. burgdorferi are

a) White-footed mice
b) Whitetail deer
c) Both a and b
d) Cloven footed animals

288. The cow infected with Lyme disease will secrete organisms in
a) Milk
b) Blood
c) Synovial fluid
d) All the above

289. The rash produced by a tick bite in Lyme disease is called as

a) Erythema migrans
b) Erythema moniliformis
c) Erythema centralis
d) Erythema marginalis

290. Chemical used for control of snail population

a) Sodium hydroxide
b) Potassium permanganate
c) Copper sulphate
d) Boric acid

291. ‘Bioterrorism’ associated with which disease

a) Brucellosis
b) Anthrax
c) Clostridial infection
d) Both b and c

292. Water content in the body of new-born calf is about

a) 70%
b) 80 %
c) 90%
d) 50%

293. Lumpy Skin Disease reported from India?

a) Never
b) Yes, recently
c) Yes, during 1990s
d) Yes, during 1950s

294. The gold standard test used for identifying Leptospirosis

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a) Compliment fixation test

b) Hemagglutination inhibition test
c) Fluorescent antibody test
d) Microscopic agglutination test

295. Father of meat inspection

a) Ostertag
b) August comte
c) Adam smith
d) Robert bakewell

296. Vegetable oil in ghee is identified by

a) Baudoin test
b) Phytosterol acetate test
c) Phosphorous test
d) Hansa test

297. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy infection in humans is called

a) Schmorl’s disease
b) Wesslsborn disease
c) Creutzfeldt –Jacob disease
d) Grouse disease

298. Ehrlichiosis in dogs is also called as

a) Tracker dog disease
b) Canine haemorrhagic fever
c) Canine typhus
d) All the above

299. Ehrlichiosis multiply in WBC and develops large aggregates called as

a) Morulae
b) Hovel jolly bodies
c) Koch blue bodies
d) Bollinger bodies

300. Giardiasis is also called as

a) Back-packer’s disease
b) Beaver disease
c) Traveller’s diarrhoea
d) All the above

301. CFC’s are responsible for the depletion of….

a) Ozone
b) Oxygen
c) Carbon
d) Nitrogen

302. National Institutes of Nutrition (NIN) to the Government of India has

recommended eggs and poultry meat consumption per capita per annum are
a) 18 eggs and 9 kg of poultry meat
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b) 180 eggs and 0.90 kg of poultry meat

c) 180 eggs and 9.0 kg of poultry meat
d) 180 eggs and 11.0 kg of poultry meat

303. Among the following is the safest source of drinking water….

a) Shallow well
b) Surface water
c) River
d) Deep well

304. Agar acts as a

a) Cathartics
b) Emollient purgative
c) Bulk purgative
d) Osmotic purgative

305. Bacteria that grow at 50-550 C are known as:

A Psychrophiles
B Mesophiles
C Thermophiles
d) Halophiles

306. Seller’s staining technique is used for diagnosis of…..

a) Rabies
b) Brucellosis
c) Listeriosis
d) Tuberculosis

307. Disposable articles are best sterilized by

a) Hot air oven
b) Autoclave
c) Gamma Radiation
d) Alcohol

308. Who is the Architect of Indian Dairy Industry

a) Dr. Kurian
b) Dr. Amrita Patel
c) Shree Parthi Bhatol
d) Mansi Bhai

309. Curdling without pronounced acid production associated with milk and milk
a) Sweet curdling
b) Acid curdling
c) Curdling
d) Alkaline curdling

310. Galacto toxins in milk are produced by

a) Streptococci spp.
b) Contact of milk with steel vessels
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c) Contact of milk with copper vessel

d) Serratia species

311. In which disease the post mortem of the carcass is prohibited

a) Haemorrhagic septicaemia
b) Rinderpest
c) Brucellosis
d) Anthrax

312. NDDB was established in the year

a) 1965
b) 1975
c) 1955
d) 1985

313. Immediate test to judge the quality of milk…...

a) Electro impedance method
b) Alcohol test
c) Organoleptic tests
d) Sediment test

314. Clinical features of Lumpy Skin Disease in dairy cows include.

a) Fever that may exceed 41°C
b) Marked reduction in milk yield
c) Enlarged superficial lymph nodes
d) All above

315. Psychrophiles of significance in milk hygiene is/are….

a) Pseudomonas
b) Listeria monocytogenes
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

316. Cold sterilization means….

a) Sterilization at low temperature
b) Sterilization by radiations
c) Flash pasteurization
d) None of the above

317. Trichinella cyst can be destroyed by….

a) Salting
b) Smoking
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above

318. Scrapie is a….

a) Progressive fatal disease of CNS
b) Disease of young animals
c) The causal agent is antigenic
d) All of the above

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319. Knott’s test is a method to detect which parasite in blood

a) Trichomonas
b) Trypanosome
c) Microfilariae
d) All the above

320. Cold enrichment is required for the isolation of

a) Listeria monocytogenes
b) Erysipelothrix
c) Staphylococcus aureus
d) Clostridium tetani

321. Bacteria responsible for food poisoning

a) Staphylococcus aureus
b) Clostridium botulinum
c) Bacillus cereus
d) All of these

322. Satellite growth on a blood agar plate in the presence of Staph. aureus is
characteristic of
a) Pasteurella
b) Haemophilus
c) Actinobacillus
d) Mycoplasma

323. Emaciation in meat is caused by….

a) Inadequate intake of nutrients
b) Pathological conditions
c) Advanced age of animal
d) Over eating

324. Clostridium botulinum secretes toxin under…...

a) Aseptic condition
b) Aerobic condition
c) Anaerobic condition
d) Aerobic as well as anaerobic condition

325. Chlamydia can be stained with following stains except

a) Gram’s stain
b) Macchiavello stain
c) Gimenez stain
d) Castaneda stain

326. Calf hood vaccination is advisable for

a) Brucellosis
b) Salmonellosis
c) Pasteurellosis
d) Neonatal calf diarrhoea

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327. Amul is established in the year

a) 1846
b) 1848
c) 1850
d) 1990

328. The pulsation ratio in milking machine should be kept within the limit of
a) 1: 1
b) 2.5: 1
c) Both a & b
d) None

329. Coagulation of water by the chemical is essential in

a) Slow sand filter
b) Rapid sand filter
c) Boiling
d) None of the above

330. The desirable limit of fluoride in water should be (mg/l)

a) 0.2
b) 1.5
c) 2.5
d) 0.6-1.8

331. The BOD of strong sewage is

a) 50
b) 100
c) 300
d) None of the above

332. Who is the first chief of VPH in WHO

a) Dr. Kurian
b) Dr. Daniel E. Salmon
c) Dr. Karl F. Meyer
d) Dr. Martin Kaplan

333. Example of algal zoonoses

a) Scrub Typhus
b) Actinomycosis
c) Fasciolosis
d) Protothecosis

334. In Bacillus by which reaction the organisms can be detected in the blood
a) Mac fad yean reaction
b) Zeil Nielsen reaction
c) Ascoli’s precipitation test
d) None of this

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335. Media used for isolation of TB

a) XLD
b) LJ
d) Blood agar

336. Greenish discoloration of water is due to

a) Iron
b) Organic matter
c) Algal flora
d) None of the above

337. The ozone layer is found at the height of

a) 10-20 km
b) 40-50 km
c) 70-80 km
d) 90-100 km

338. Which among the following is an iron bacterium

a) Crenothrix
b) Gallionella
c) Klebsiella
d) Both a and b

339. Incineration of the carcass can be done at a temperature of

a) 600 C
b) 800 C
c) 1300 C
d) 1000 C

340. Circling disease is caused due to

a) Listeria
b) Erysipelothrix
c) Streptococcus
d) Chlamydia

341. The best method for making instrument germ free is

a) Direct flame
b) Boiling water wash
c) Chemicals
d) Autoclave

342. First anti-rabies vaccine was developed by

a) Edward Jenner
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Robert Koch
d) Robert Hook

343. The chief source of Leptospira is

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a) Blood
b) Urine
c) Milk
d) Faeces

344. Spore forming bacteria

a) Bacillus
b) Clostridium
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above

345. India ranks in total milk production in the world.

a) Third
b) Second
c) Fifth
d) First

346. The host provides a medium for the larval or asexual phase of the life cycle of
an infectious agent.
a) Intermediate host
b) Final host
c) Obligatory host
d) None of the above

347. Yellow fever is transmitted by

a) Ades aegypti
b) Argus
c) Ixodus
d) Simules

348. The zone comprises the ozone layer.

a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere

349. Method of carcass disposal are

a) Cremation
b) Burial
c) Flamegum
d) Incineration
e) All the above

350. The term refers to smoke mixed with dust

a) Smog
b) Smuts
c) Soot
d) Mist

351. Rotten egg odour in water is due to

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a) Hydrogen sulphide
b) Algae
c) Cyanide
d) Ammonia

352. Standard of ventilation

a) Cubic space
b) Air space
c) Floor space
d) All of the above

353. The test used for the diagnosis of brucellosis in cattle.

a) MRT
b) Coagulation test
c) Hansa test
d) Gmelin test

354. Yellow fever caused by which virus.

a) Flavi virus
b) Lyssa virus
c) Hendra virus
d) Picorna virus

355. The constant presence of a disease or organism in a community

a) Epidemic
b) Sporadic
c) Endemic
d) Panzootic

356. Diseases transmitted from man to lower vertebrate animals called as

a) Zooanthropozoonosis
b) Anthropozoonosis
c) Amphixenosis
d) Saprozoonosis

357. Test for residual chlorine

a) Chlorine
b) Fluorine
c) Organoleptic
d) Ortho toluidine

358. The term referred to a mixture of smoke and fog

a) Smog
b) Must
c) Sute
d) Mist

359. IMViC pattern of Salmonella is

a. + + - -
b. + - + -

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c. - - + +
d. - + - +

360. Nitrate test of the milk will detect

a) Water
b) Urea
c) Milk powder
d) Ghee

361. Scombroid fish poisoning in man is due to

a) Salmonella enteritidis
b) Morgenella morgani
c) Clostridium Perfingenes
d) Bacillus cereus

362. Starter culture failure in the dairy industry is due to

a) Prophage
b) Macrophage
c) Bacteriophage
d) Karyophage

363. An antiseptic toxic in cat

a) Iodine
b) Cetrimide
c) Cresol
d) Proflavin

364. Rennate used in the preparation of cheese has two main enzymes
a) Rennin and trypsin
b) Rennin and pepsin
c) Rennin and chymotrypsin
d) Rennin and chimin

365. One important pathogen that is frequently isolated from dried milk powders is
a) Shigella
b) E. coli
c) Staphylococcus aureus
d) Campylobacter jejunai

366. Gas production in fermented milk is due to bacteria

a) Lactobacillus
b) E. coli
c) Clostridium
d) Streptococcus

367. The commonly used procedure for studying antimicrobial action is

a) Antibiotic disc test
b) Agar diffusion test
c) Biological test
d) Bang ring test

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368. The coliform count in dahi should not exceed

a) 100 /g
b) 10/g
c) 1/g
d) 1000/g

369. Surface discoloration in the form of black spots in cheese is due to an

a) Clostridium
b) Aspergillus Niger
c) Aspergillus flavus
d) None of the above

370. Q-fever is caused by the organism

a) Coxiella burnetti
b) Streptococcus uberis
c) Brucella abortus
d) Mycobacterium tuberculosis

371. Pseudomonas species can be grown on which of the following media

a) Braids parkers medium
b) Kings medium
c) Lactose broth
d) Lees medium

372. Summer mastitis is caused by

a) E. coli
b) Staphylococci
c) Corynebacterium pyogenes
d) Streptococcus agalactia

373. It is an organism which can grow in agar containing bile salts and ferment
a) Bifidobacterium
b) Lactobacillus
c) Pseudomonas
d) Coliforms

374. The amount of water available in a portion of food is called

a) Bound water
b) Condensed water
c) Water activity
d) None

375. The Mastitis milk

a) has a higher chloride content
b) may not pass alcohol test
c) is more alkaline
d) all the above
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376. Prominent scientist involved in the study of Lacto Peroxidase system in milk
a) Korhonen
b) Juffs
c) Zajac
d) Bjorck

377. Lactoperoxidase content in normal milk is about

a) 2.0-35 micro gram/ml
b) 100-200 micro gm/ml
c) < 0.5 micro gm/ml
d) Nil

378. Enumeration of microorganisms in dairy environment is done by

a) Sedimentation
b) Filtration
c) Electrostatic precipitation
d) All the above

379. Charm test is a method to

a) Detect antibiotic residue
b) Assess the efficiency of detergent
c) Assess the efficiency of sterilization
d) To detect the presence of thermostable enterotoxin in food

380. A biological method employed for detection staphylococcal enterotoxin

a) Thermo-nuclease test
b) Coagulase test
c) Hemagglutination test
d) Sereny test

381. Eijkman's test is used to

a) is to detect inhibitory substances in milk
b) is a test to asses efficiency of sterilization
c) is to differentiate faecal coliforms from non-faecal coliforms
d) for identifying proteolytic psychrotrophs

382. The permitted preservative for ghee is

a) Potassium sorbate
b) Nisin
c) Hydrogen peroxide
d) Beta Hydroxy Anisole

383. The functional properties of detergent are

a) Wetting
b) Penetration
c) Dissolving
d) All the above

384. An organism capable of growing at refrigeration temperature is called

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a) Halophilic
b) Mesophiles
c) Cryophilic
d) Psychotropic

385. The unit of myofibril between two adjacent Z discs is called

a) Collagen
b) Sarcomere
c) Elastin
d) None of the above

386. Excessive fat infiltration in muscle fibres is called

a) Steatosis
b) Double Muscling
c) Seam fat
d) Marbling

387. The typical colour of meat from pork is

a) Pink
b) White
c) Greyish Pink
d) Grey

388. The bright red colour development of meat is due to oxymyoglobin is called
a) Ageing
b) Conditioning
c) Bloom
d) None of the above

389. Large fat particles coalesce at the end of the sausages to form
a) Nitrite burn
b) Fat cap
c) Warmed over
d) None of the above

390. Loss of weight during storage of meat is called

a) Shrinkage
b) Heat loss
c) Weight loss
d) Cold shortening

391. ----------- is the most abundant fatty acid in the animal body
a) Steric acid
b) Glycolic acid
c) Lactic acid
d) Oleic acid

392. Mold formation is common in

a) Dried meat
b) Chilled meat

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c) Freeze meat
d) None of the above

393. Process of freeze-drying called

a) Lyophilisation
b) Curarisation
c) Radurization
d) Radapperization

394. The musky odour is seen in

a) Buffalo meat
b) Chevon
c) Pork
d) Beef

395. The Dressing % of veal

a) 70%
b) 83%
c) 63%
d) 52%

396. Giblet consisting of

a) Heart
b) liver
c) gizzard
d) All the above

397. Canned meat products have a self-life of

a) 1 year
b) 2 year
c) 3 year
d) 4 year

398.-------------- is an artificial meat-tenderizing agent

a) Cathepsins
b) Papain
c) Iron
d) Nicin

399. Refrigerants are liquids or liquefied gases with low

a) Boiling point
b) Density
c) Freezing point
d) Melting point

400. ------------------- is an important eating quality of meat

a) Moisture
b) Chilling
c) Tenderness
d) Marbling

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401. In meat curing, Sodium ascorbate is used as a ---------------agent

a) Flavoring
b) Colouring
c) Oxidizing
d) Reducing

402. _________ is used to measure air velocity in mechanical refrigeration of meat

a) Hygrometer
b) Anemometer
c) Thermohygrograph
d) Psychrometer

403. In India, the working of slaughter is governed under the law _________
b) PFA
d) ISO

404. Deonar abattoir situated at _______

a) Chennai
b) Delhi
c) Mumbai
d) Kolkata

405. The food quality standards all over the world are maintained as per the
guidelines of ___
b) OIE
c) ISO
d) BIS

406. National Research Centre on Meat is situated in _______

a) Hyderabad
b) Delhi
c) Mumbai
d) Kolkata

407. ________ is a commonly used antioxidant in foods

a) PAH
b) Sugar
c) BHA
d) Sodium hypochlorite

408. Condensations of water vapor on meat brought out firm cold store into
ordinary room temperature are called _________
a) Drip
b) Whip
c) Sweating
d) Shrinkage
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409. Halothane test has been widely used to identify

a) Incomplete bleeding
b) meat spoilage
c) stress susceptibility test in pigs
d) bruises

410. Cold shortening in beef can be prevented by

a) Quick chilling
b) Irradiation
c) Rapid freezing
d) Electric stimulation

411. Well done meat is cooked to an internal temperature of

a) 58-60 C
b) 66-68 C
c) 80-82 C
d) 100-105 C

412. Pasteurization of eggs is primarily meant for destroying pathogenic bacteria,

a) B. cereus
b) Staphylococcus aureus
c) E. coli
d) Salmonella

413. Thaw rigor is caused by the activity of __________ enzyme.

a) Lysozyme
b) Protease
c) ATPase
d) Lipase

414. The desirable colour of cured meat pigment nitroso-hemochromogen is

a) Brown
b) Pink
c) Red
d) Green

415. Cold shortening in muscles occur when the pre-rigor muscle is exposed to a
temperature between
a) -5 to 10 C
b) 0 to15 C
c) -1.5 to -3 C
d) -20 to -30 C

416. ________ instrument is used in measuring the strength of the brine solution.
a) Salinometer
b) Hygrometer
c) Thermometer
d) Lactometer
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417. A can with a normal appearance but one end flips out when the can is struck
against solid object but snaps back to normal under light pressure is referred to
a) Flipper
b) Springer
c) Leaker
d) Overfill can

418. __________ is the main refrigerant used in commercial refrigeration

a) Carbon dioxide
b) Freon
c) Ammonia
d) Sulphur dioxide

419. __________ is the main refrigerant used in commercial refrigeration

a) Carbon dioxide
b) Freon
c) Ammonia
d) Sulphur dioxide

420. Whirling psychrometer is used to measure

a) Wind velocity
b) Specific humidity
c) Radiation
d) Relative humidity

421. IPCC stands for

a) International protocol for climate change
b) Intergovernmental panel on climate change
c) International profile for climate change
d) Indian protocol for climate change

422.Trans placental transmission from mother to offspring occurs in

a) Q- fever
b) Anthrax
c) Toxoplasmosis
d) KFD

423. The scientific management of animal waste is called as

a) Seweology
b) Copronomy
c) Feedlot
d) Engology

424. As per the BIS specification, the coliforms in the ice-cream should not exceed
a) 50/g
b) 90/g
c) 95/g
d) 100/g
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425. Seitz filter is

a) An earthen wear filters
b) Glass filter
c) Asbestos filter
d) Cellulose membrane filter

426. Which among the following is an observational study?

a) Cross-sectional study
b) Case control study
c) Cohort study
d) All the above

427. Gail Borden in associated with invention of

a) Evaporated milk
b) Cheese
c) Condensed milk
d) Yoghurt

428. The recommended maximum level of sound which a person can tolerate
without loss of hearing ability
a) 100 dB
b) 85 dB
c) 80 dB
d) 90 dB

429. Heterogeneous area composed of clusters of interacting ecosystems is called

a) Community
b) Landscape
c) Ecosystem
d) Biome

430. The biological productivity of land is measured by

a) Bio-indicators
b) Bio- capacity
c) Bio-monitor
d) None of the above

431. The ISO 9000 series applicable to set requirements for the quality system of
the supplier is
a) ISO 9001
b) ISO 9002
c) ISO 9003
d) ISO 9004

432. ISO 9000 is mainly related to

a) Quality Management system
b) Quality Assurance system
c) Quality Standards system
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d) All the above

433. The permissible limit for turbidity in drinking water is

a) 2.5 NTU
b) 5 NTU
c) 10 NTU
d) 20 NTU

434. Among the following which is major contributor to the global warming
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Water vapor
c) Methane
d) Oxides of sulphur

435. Which of the following pyramids can never be inverted?

a) Biomass
b) Population
c) Energy
d) Both a & b

436. The most common and widely distributed air pollutant is

a) Carbon monoxide
b) Sulphur dioxide
c) Cadmium
d) Nitrogen oxide

437. A system of natural ventilation is

a) Exhaust fan
b) Cross end-to-end
c) Air curtain
d) Air conditioning

438. Pollutant associated with the Bhopal gas tragedy

a) Methyl isothiocyanate
b) Chlorinated phenol
c) Nuclear fission
d) Nuclear fusion

439. Solid, liquid or gaseous substance occurring at a concentration injurious to the

environment is
a) Contaminant
b) Pollutant
c) Hazard
d) Risk

440. Variety and variability among living organisms and ecological complexes
a) Natural calamities
b) Greenhouse effect

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c) Biodiversity
d) Climate change

441. Use of naturally occurring microorganisms like bacteria, fungi or plants to

breakdown or degrade toxic chemicals accumulated in the environment is
a) Bioremediation
b) Eutrophication
c) Biomagnification
d) Detoxification

442. Acquiring information about an object, area or phenomenon from distance is

a) Time-series analysis
b) Disease forecasting
c) Early warning
d) Remote Sensing

443. For a given period of observation, the sum of case fatality and survival equals
a) One
b) zero
c) Two
d) zero to one

444. Survey or investigation of all animals of the population is called as

a) Counting
b) Epidemiological survey
c) Census
d) Epidemiological investigation

445. Termination of all transmissions of infection by extermination of the infectious

agent through surveillance and containment is known as
a) Elimination
b) Extraction
c) Stamp out
d) Eradication

446. Sequence of stages and operations involved in the production, processing,

distribution, storage and handling of food or food ingredients from the primary
production to the consumption is referred as
a) Food chain
b) Food web
c) Food hygiene
d) Food safety

447. Statistically significant association between the factor and disease which is
consistent with modern concepts of causality was established by
a) Koch
b) Evan

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c) Pasteur
d) Schwabe

448. Metazoonoses type II in addition to one vertebrate host also involve

a) 1 invertebrate host
b) 2 invertebrate hosts
c) Trans-ovarian transmission in vector
d) Both b & c

449. Observation period for an animal suspected for rabies is

a) 60-90 days
b) 90-100 days
c) 10-15 days
d) 20-25 days

450. Live strain of Brucella melitensis used in the vaccine for small ruminants is
a) Strain 19
b) RB 51
c) Rev 1
d) All the above

451. Zoonotic rickettsia responsible for the shinbone fever is

a) Rickettsia rickettsi
b) Rochalimaea quintana
c) Bartonella henselae
d) Bartonella bacilliformis

452. RODAC stands for

a) Random organism direct agar contact method
b) Replicate organism direct agar contact method
c) Replicate organic diffused agar contact method
d) Randomized orientation of disease area control

453. The growth and multiplication of one organism suppress the activity of other
one is called as
a) Antibiosis
b) Synergism
c) Metabiosis
d) Symbiosis

454. Synthetic milk is composed of

a) Urea
b) Detergent
c) Oils
d) All the above

455. Cow milk contains

a) Peroxidase
b) Xanthine oxidase
c) Xanthine dehydrogenase
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d) Methyl sulfoxamide

456. Apo lactoferrin inhibits growth of

a) Klebsiella
b) Salmonella
c) Proteus
d) Pasteurella

457. Gassiness in the milk and cream is due to

a) CO
b) CO2
c) O2
d) Water vapor

458. Ropiness in the milk is due to

a) Alkaligenes viscolactis
b) Achromobactin lacti
c) Flavobacterim tremelloides
d) All the above

459. Wetting agent used in detergents

a) Teepol
b) Sodium lauryl sulphate
c) Sodium dodecyl sulphate
All of the above

460. For acid rinse of stainless-steel plate which component is used

a) HNO3
b) H3PO4
c) HCL
d) H2SO4

461. The meat obtained from wild animals are called as

a) Lean meat
b) Game meat
c) Red meat
d) White meat

462. The signs developed due to electrical stunning are combinedly called as
a) Electric fits
b) Elective fits
c) Electric stimulation
d) Elecroplectic fits

463. After gaseous method of stunning, bleeding will commence in

a) 45 sec
b) 30 sec
c) 20 sec
d) 10 sec

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464. For head only stunning in sheep and calves, how much mA current is required
a) 400mA
b) 300mA
c) 250mA
d) 100mA

465. The colour of vacuum-packed meat is

a) Bluish
b) Greyish
c) Reddish
d) Whitish

466. A can with one end bulged but can be forced back into normal position is
called as
a) Flipper
b) Springer
c) Nitrate swell
d) Blower

467. Fishy odour of spoiled egg is due to

a) Enterobacter cloacae
b) E. coli
c) Proteus vulgaris
d) Pseudomonas sp

468. Consumption of fish with high level of histamine in it causes

a) Scombroid poisoning
b) Paralytic poisoning
c) Fish borne infection
d) Ciguatera infection

469. Intramuscular post exposure prophylactic measures for rabies includes

a) Essen schedule
b) Thai red cross schedule
c) Zagreb schedule
d) Both a and c

470. Several ecosystems joined together to form

a) Biocenosis
b) Biotic community
c) Biome
d) Biotope

471. The relationship between polluted water and disease is established by

a) Hippocrates
b) Robert Burton
c) John snow
d) C.W. Schwabe

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472. The BIS, recommended dose of Nitrite in drinking water is

a) 45-50 mg/lit
b) 0-3 mg/lit
c) 1-1.5 mg/lit
d) 50-100 mg/lit

472. The BIS, recommended dose of Nitrite in drinking water is

a) 45-50 mg/lit
b) 0-3 mg/lit
c) 1-1.5 mg/lit
d) 50-100 mg/lit

473. Softening of water is recommended when the hardness of water exceeds

a) 6 m Eq
b) 5 m Eq
c) 3 m Eq
d) 10 m Eq

474. Process of ensuring that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is
prepared or eaten according to its intended use
a) Food safety
b) Food security
c) Food hygiene
d) Food chain

475. Case fatality rate is

a) Rate
b) Ratio
c) Proportion
d) None of the above

476. The ration of the disease in a population exposed to a risk factor, to a

population not exposed to risk is called as
a) Relative risks
b) Odds ratio
c) Prevalence
d) Incidence

477. A public health practitioner may be called upon to estimate the size of
population of
a) Stray dog
b) Foxes
c) Wild animals
d) All the above

478. The amount of residual chlorine remains in swimming pool should be

a) 5 mg/lit
b) 10 mg/lit
c) 1 mg/lit
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d) 3 mg/lit

479. Peroxyl Acetyl Nitrate can cause plant damage at the dose rate of
a) 0.02-0.03 ppm
b) 0.01-0.05 ppm
c) 0.2 ppm
d) 0.0001 ppm

480. Among the meat, beef is the richest source of

a) Ascorbic acid
b) Vit. B complex
c) Folic acid
d) Thiamine

481. Frozen storage of beef must be at a temperature of

a) -4 C
b) -12 C
c) -18 C
d) -20 C

482. Corning refers to preservation of beef by

a) Curing
b) Smoking
c) Vacuum packing
d) Canning

483. Protein in the egg that binds with Fe, Cu and Zn

a) Albumin
b) Ova globulin
c) Trans albumin
d) Con albumin

484. The ability of a screening test to correctly identify individuals in a population

that are truly free of disease (non diseased) is a measure of the test’s
a) Sensitivity
b) Specificity
c) Reliability
d) None of the above

485. Disease accounting is best done by estimating

a) Predictive value
b) Antibody assay
c) Rates and ratios
d) Frequency of occurrence

486. The length of a quarantine period in disease control is based on the

a) Duration of communicability of the disease
b) Duration of agent shedding (patent period)
c) Incubation period
d) None of the above
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487. Margarine is a substitute for

a) Butter
b) Chesse
c) Ghee
d) Curd

488. The ________ test measures the protein content of milk

a) Kjeldahl
b) Mohr titration
c) Mojjonier
d) Babcock

489. GDP stands for

a) Global Domestic Product
b) Gross Domestic Product
c) Gross Density Population
d) Gross Dairy Products

490. The gas used in the manufacture of vanaspati from vegetable oil is
a) Hydrogen
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Carbon dioxide

491. Most of the foodborne outbreaks following consumption of soft cheese have
been reported to be associated with
a) Yersinia enterocolitica
b) Escherichia coli
c) Staphylococcus aureus
d) Listeria monocytogene

492. The motto “Fiat panis” is associated with

a) WHO
b) FAO
c) OIE
d) Codex alimentarius

493. The phenomenon of “hot-cold reversal” is associated with

a) Ciguatoxin
b) Saxitoxin
c) Tetrodotoxin
d) Brevitoxin

494. Bhopal gas tragedy is an example of

a) Point source epidemic
b) Continuous epidemic
c) Propagated epidemic
d) Slow epidemic

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495. Meat bone ratio in dressed broiler is approximately

a) 4:1
b) 2: 1
c) 3:1
d) 5:1

496. The quality standards for foods all over the world are monitored as per
a) ISO
c) OIE
d) FAO

497. Organ taken for toxic residue analysis

a) Liver
b) Heart
c) Spleen
d) Intestine

498. Representation of disease dynamics using mathematical equation

a) Survey
b) Measures of causal association
c) Sampling
d) Modelling

499. Stormont test is

a) Single intra dermal test
b) Double intra dermal test
c) Short thermal test
d) Sub cutaneous test

500. Essen schedule for post exposure antirabies vaccination

a) 0,3,7,14,28,90
b) 0,3,7,14,28
c) 0,3,7,21,28
d) 0,3,7,14,21,90

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