LPM (Poultry Objectives 1) - 1
LPM (Poultry Objectives 1) - 1
LPM (Poultry Objectives 1) - 1
5. Battery brooder ( ) e) Polyneuritis
6. Deep litter ( ) f) Clean eggs
7. Cage system ( ) g) Artificial brooding
8. Biotin deficiency ( ) h) Curled toe paralysis
9. Molting ( ) i) Rice husk
10. Male female ratio ( ) j) 0.4
Match the pairs.
1. Asiatic breed Plymouth rock ……….
2. English breed Ancona ……….
3. Mediterranean breed Cornish ……….
4. American breed Langshan ………..
5. Indian game fowl Aseel ……….
6. Kadaknath Black meat ……….
7. pH of fresh egg yolk 6.6 ……….
8. pH of albumin 7.2 ……….
9. Rich brownish red plumage New Hampshire……….
10. Chest nut red plumage RIR ……….
17. The percent weight loss of egg during incubation ………%.
a) 10. b) 12 c) 14 d) 16
18. A hover of 6 ft diameter can accommodate nearly……………chicks.
a) 200 b) 300 c) 100 d) 500
19. An ammonia concentration in poultry house should not exceed
a) 25 ppm b) 50ppm c) 75 ppm d) 100 ppm
20. Brooder guards should be provided during…....week (s).
a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd d) 0-4
21. The floor space required for commercial laying chicken on litter floor is…………sq. ft.
a) 1-1.5 b) 1.5 -2 c) 2-2.5 d)3-4
22. Pea comb is found in……………….
a) White Wyandotte b) Cornish c) Plymouth Rock d) Leghorn
23. Most of the birds start laying at………week.
a) 17th B) 18th c) 19th d) 20th
24. for fumigation, the quantity of KMNO 4 and formalin required to get 3x concentration
a) 60 g and 120 ml b)120 g and 60 ml c) 160 g and 80 ml d) 80 ml and 160 ml
25. The clour of ear lobes in white leghorn hen is……………………..
a) White b) brown c) yellow d) Pink
26. The optimum layer house temperature ranges between…………oF.
a) 55-65 b) 65-75 c) 75-85 d) 55-75
Q. I. Fill in the blanks.
1. Mediterranean 28. 3rd , 4th
2. deep litter , cage 29. 16
3. forced draft, still air 30. feed
4. duck 31. 37.7
5. BBLW, BBB, Beltsville small white 32. egg type
6. RIR 33. single
7. brooder house 34. 18 g.
8. magnum 35. 45 g.
9. infundibulum 36. fast growth
10. gizzard 37. 95
11. proventriculus 38. birds level, 6” under brooder
12. pearl, white and lavender 39. oorporphyrin.
13. Indian runner 40. 5 cm
14. 20 tons 41. 700 sq cm.
15. 4 42. 2.
16. 3 43. 116 degrre feh.
17. Blind cracks can be defined as hair 44. better
line cracks. 45. Roche color fan
18. Body checks can be defined as cracks 46. 24 hrs
which gets sealed during sheel 47. 2900, 22
formation. 48. 3000, 20
19. Galliformes, phasianadiae 49. 2700, 18
20. clear 50. 18-21 degree cel
21. 03-0.5 51. 42 eggs, 1.6 kg meat
22. 18, 3 52. 1:10.
23. Formula for calculating Haugh unit 53. 75
value = 100x log (H+7.57 –1.17W.37) 54. width/ length x 100
24. broader 55. cuticle, evaporation
25. economical (labour saving) 56. 12
26. 18 days 57. 3x
27. 28 days 58. 3 hrs, 1.25 hrs
59. Gallus domesticus
Q. II. State T or F.
1. T 9. T 17. F
2. F 10. F. 18. F.
3. T 11. T 19. T
4. F 12. F 20. T
5. T 13. F 21. T
6. T 14. F 22. F
7. F 15. F 23. F
8. F 16. T 24. T.
d b a
b d a
b d b
b a b
c d d
c b a
a a a
a b a
d d