Answers and Solutions
Answers and Solutions
Answers and Solutions
(a) p = ~3EJx(a+b)1 ma 2b2;
(b) p =~/l2EJx Ima 2(4a+3b);
(c) p = ~(cl +3EJx I mI 3 ).
Ins t r u c t ion. In accordance with the force method, the canonical form of the differ-
ential equation of motion for a system with the single degree of freedom is
y = 811 (-my).
Here, 811 is the displacement of the load under the action of a unit force in the direction
coinciding with this displacement. Therefore, the frequency of free vibrations is
p =11 Jm811 •
(a) p =~EJx Im1 3 ;
(b) p =~48EJx I 7ml 3 ;
(c) p =~6EJx I mh2(h+b);
(d) p = ~12EJx Ima 2 (4a+3b).
As an example of the determination of the compliance (coefficients for stati-
cally indeterminate systems), we consider Problem 2d. Breaking the
constraint (under the assumption that the constraint between the load of mass m
and the base surface is bilateral), we apply the force N (the constraint reaction
104 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
Fig. 218.
force) to the load. As a result, we arrive at the frame loaded by both the force N
and the inertial force J (Fig. 218). Using the force method, we obtain two equa-
tions in terms of the displacement of the load along the axes y and z:
y = d}J + d22 N; (1)
0= d 2 }J +d22 N; (2)
where J = -my.
Excluding the force N, we arrive at the expression
y= -o}\my, where £5;\ = (£5;}b;2 - £5;2b;\) / b;2·
Thus, the vibration frequency is
p = 1/ ~mo;l.
The approach used makes it possible the determination of the system compli-
ance 01 for statically indeterminate problems. This approach does not require
traditional calculations (as a rule, rather cumbersome) and preliminarily uncover-
ing the static indeterminacy with subsequently determining the displacement of
the unit force in the direction of the load shift under vibrations. If several con-
straints are imposed on the system, (e.g., the system is trice statically indetermi-
nate), then the same number of algebraic equations can be obtained for finding
constraint reaction forces. Furthermore, these forces are excluded from the differ-
ential equation.
1.1 Free Vibrations 105
4 Similarly to the solution to Problem 2, the differential equation for small tor-
sional vibrations in all the systems has the form
.. 1
Therefore, the eigenfrequencies of the systems 4a-4d (see Fig. 4) are corre-
spondingly equal to
Ins t r u c t ion: For variants (c) and (d), the systems are statically indeterminate.
Thus, in order to find q, it is necessary initially to exclude the static indeterminacy.
~ ml~"'2·
P =~iC
9 m·
8 The rotation of the gear wheel through a certain small angle rp causes a dis-
placement of the gear-wheel center by the distance rpD / 2 . In this case, the point
A (the point of fixation of the springs to the carrier) shifts by the distance
8 = rpl - rpD / 2. With allowance for the moments of inertia of the gear wheel
J 1 = mlD 2 /8 and of the carrier J 2 = m2D 2 112, we can find the kinetic en-
ergy of the system
T _ (rfIJ+"'2)D2¢ + (rflJ D2 +
mlP) ¢2 _ miD¢2
- 8 8324·
We express the variation of the system potential energy in terms of the spring
deformation and of the carrier helix angle:
.. + 12 "'2g1+4c (l-DI2)2 =0
rp (9mJ+ 6"'2)d2+8m2z2-12"'2lD rp .
Hence, it follows that the eigenfrequency of the system is
(9mJ+ 6"'2)D2+8m212-12"'2lD .
9 In the process of small free vibrations of the cylinder, its kinetic energy is the
sum of the kinetic energies of the rotational and translational motions
T = (1 12)J¢/ + (11 2)m(rrp)2.
With allowance for the moment of inertia J = Qr2 12g of the cylinder, the
equation for the total kinetic energy can be rewritten as
T=(3/4)(QI g)r2rp2.
The variation of the system potential energy is caused by stretching (com-
pressing) the springs and lifting the cylinder when it moves over the concave sur-
face. In the case of rotation of the cylinder through angle rp, its upper point A
shifts by the distance 8 = 2rrp . The potential energy of the deformed springs is
II J = 2c8 212 = 4cr2 rp2 .
While deviating the cylinder from its equilibrium position through angle rp, the
angular coordinate If/ of the cylinder center of mass is
Iff = rpr I(R - r).
In this case, the variation of the potential energy of the cylinder depends on its
Q rrp2
II2 = Q(R - r)(1- cos '1') = 2 (R-r) .
Substituting expression for kinetic and potential energies into the Lagrange
equation, we arrive at the equation for small free vibrations
a b
Fig. 219.
Multiplying Eqs. (3) and (4) by costp and sintp, respectively, we obtain after
1.1 Free Vibrations 109
Furthermore, using Eqs. (1) and (5), we write out the expression for the fric-
tion force
We now express the coordinates of the disk center of mass in terms of the an-
gle rp:
x = (R - r)sin cP; y = (R - r)(1- cos cp). (8)
Substituting relationships (7) and (8) into Eq. (6), we arrive at Eq. (2) derived
above by the Lagrange method.
15 The solution of this problem is similar to that of Problem 14. The differential
equation for small vibrations has the form
(mR2 + 2J)ijJ + CR2 cp = 0,
where ({J is the wheel rotation angle.
.. 3(R-a)g - 0'
cP + [2+4a2 cP - ,
where Ax and ~y are the displacements of the load center of mass in the course
of the vibration process.
Using the d' Alembert principle, we consider the sum of the moments of all
forces with respect to the center Ct of gravity of the load:
Taking into account the fact that AB = Rt ~ CPt = R2 (~cpt - ~ cp), we find
110 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
Fig. 220.
Am - R i1({J. ~x = a~rp.
U r1 - 2 M'
20 The position of the pillar at an arbitrary moment of time is shown in Fig. 221a.
Taking the sum of the moments with respect to the hinge, we arrive
at the relationship
- PI - mgy + ~a = o. (1)
a b
Fig. 221.
112 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
p = 2c2a2 !l-mg _ 0
m[I+2C 2a23~:f]Y - .
As EJx ~ 00 and a = 1/2 , we arrive at
p = w~mrl / J B •
22 In the case of small vibrations of point mass m, it is subjected to the forces
shown in Fig. 222a (in the rotating coordinate system). They are the inertial force
J = -myo' the centrifugal inertial force F = mw 2 (R + 1), the Coriolis iner-
tial force Fe = 2mwyo (owing to the relative character of the velocity of mo-
tion), as well as the forces Q and N acting from the side of the elastic rod. Pro-
jecting the force F onto the axes y and z and assuming both vibrations and the
angle pto be small, we may consider that the load is shifted only along the y axis.
Therefore, using the d' Alembert principle, we arrive at the two following
myo + Q- mw 2 yo = 0,
2mOJj;o + mw (R + 1) = N.
Fig. 222.
1.1 Free Vibrations 113
In the case of small vibrations, an effect of the Coriolis force on the axial force
can be ignored, i.e., we may assume
N = mal(R + 1). (2)
Analyzing the flexure of the rod (see Fig. 222b), we arrive at the equation
EJxY" = -(Yo - y)N + Q(l- z),
The solution to Eq. (3) is of the form
y= C1 coshaz+C2 sinhaz+ Yo -(QI N)(l-z). (4)
From the boundary conditions z = 0, y = 0, y' = 0, we find C1 and C2 :
Since y = Yo as z = 1, from solution (4) with allowance for relationships (5),
we obtain
. +[
cosha/a 3£Jx
m Yo = .
We can show that in the case of m =0 0), after the uncertainty has
(as a ~
been unraveled, the bracket in Eq. (7) is equal to 3EJx I ml 3 . This corresponds
to the eigenfrequency of the point mass. The vibration frequency of the rod is
Fig. 223.
We imply that the rod rigidity is described by the ratio c = PI Yo and find
Yo using the approximate formula for flexures in the case of the transverse-
longitudinal bending:
y = Ql3 1(3EJJ.
Substituting relationships (1) and (2) into expression (3), we obtain after cer-
tain transformations
The numerical values of the ratios pi Po and PI 1Po for R =I are given in
Table 1.1.
The curves for the ratios pi Po and PI 1Po related to the exact
solution are presented in Fig. 223b.
1.1 Free Vibrations 115
Table 1.1.
all 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.701 1.111 1.382 1.732 2.108 1.443 1.091 0
p/ Po
1.031 1.112 1.391 1.761 2.176 2.614 3.066 3.527
PI/ Po
[We imply formula (8) in the solution to Problem 22 and formula (4) in the
solution to Problem 23, respectively.] As follows from the curves, only within the
range 0 < al < 4, the quantities Po and PI are little different from one another
(the difference is no more than 4%). In the case of al > 4, it is not possible to
use formula (4) for determining the frequency.
24 The position of the load of mass m in the equilibrium state and with allowance
for inertial forces (the load is shifted by the distance YIO) is shown in Fig. 224a.
In this figure, the position of the load is indicated for the case that there is an ad-
ditional time-dependent shift Y2k. The forces acting on the load are shown in
Fig. 224b. Here, F2y and F2x are the components of the force F2 (see
Fig. 224a); J is the inertial force, Q and N are the forces acting on the load from
the side of the elastic rod. Apart from these forces, the load is subject to the
Coriolis force (see the solution to Problem 22) that can be ignored in the case of
small vibrations.
The equation of motion for the load has the form
J +F2y -Q=O,
mY2k - moi(ll + YIO + Y2k) + Q = O. (1)
The forces Q and N can be represented as
Q = Qo + ~Q; NF2z = moll, (2)
where Qo = mol (II +110) is the force acting on the mass m in the deviated
equilibrium state; ~Q is an additional force caused by the vibrations.
In the case of small vibrations, the force N (without allowance for the Coriolis
force) is invariable in both static state and vibratory state.
Equation (1) with due regard to relationship (2) takes the form
mY2k - molY2k + ~Q = O. (3)
The differential equation for the arched rod axis can be written out as
EJxY" = -N(ylO + Y2k - y) + (1- z). (4)
116 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
--- b
Fig. 224.
Since Y = Yl + Y2 (see Fig. 224b), excluding from Eq. (4) tenns that characterize
the equilibrium condition, we arrive at the equation
f1Q (/ )
Y2, -aY2 = -a 2Y2k + EJ x -z. (5)
As z = / , taking into account expression (7), we obtain from relationship (6) the
1.1 Free Vibrations 11 7
~Q = RJxCal)3coshal
Y2k t3(alcoshal-sinhal) .
Finally, the equation describing small vibrations of the load of mass m can be
written out in the form
.. [ EJx (al)3 coshal
Y2k + mt3(alcoshal-sinhal) 0/ ]Y2k =0.
The vibration frequency of the load is
P - Po
(al)3coshal ( OJ
3(alcoshal-sinhal) Po
)2 ' (2 _ 3EJ
Po - ml3
x )
25 The equation describing small vibrations of the load of mass m (see Fig. 225) is
of the form
mj\ -mO/Yk +Q=O. (1)
We now write out the equation for the arched rod axis:
EJxY" = N(Yk - y) + Q(l- z),
Fig. 225.
y+ 1'oyl I[mxo(l-xo)] = O.
Thus, the load eigenfrequency is
P = ~1'o1 I[mxo(l-xo)].
The plot for this dependence is presented in Fig. 226b.
29 In the process of vertical vibrations, the load is subject to the following forces:
the inertial force mv, the gravity force mg, and the restoring force N of . =
The corresponding differential equation of motion has the form
mv+aF=mg, (1)
1.1 Free Vibrations 119
XI} ,·x,
Fig. 226.
The total stress (j in the rope can be considered as a sum of the static stress
and the stress caused by elongation 8.x of the vibrating rope:
aF=mg+EFAx/x, (2)
x= Rmt =vt.
With allowance for expression (2), we can rewrite Eq. (1) as
mD.i + 8.xEF /( vt) = O. (3)
The differential equation (3) is the Bessel equation whose complete integral
can be represented in the general form as
Using the well known relation between the Bessel functions of the zero and
first order, we arrive at
rloCr) = iT [rIl(r)]; r1'o(r) = iT [r~(r)].
We now represent Eq. (5) in the form
AX = [C/o(r)+ C2 1'o(r)][2EF /(mv)]. (6)
The integration constants are found from the boundary conditions (,ix = 0
and L1x = L1Xo as t = to):
CI =-A~(ro); C2 = All (ro);
A= ~04to1z-6
II(TO)YO(TO)-Io(z-o)l!(TO) .
We obtain the final solution to the problem in the form
,ix = Ar[II (ro)~ (r) - ~ (ro)II (r)]. (7)
We now find the sequential moments of time for which the moving mass
passes by the equilibrium position, i.e., the moments of time corresponding to
,ix = O. As follows from solution (7), these moments of time are determined by
the relationship
II (r)/ ~ (r) = II (ro)/ ~ (ro) = const. (8)
In accordance with the setting of the problem,
ro = 2~EFto / mv = 2~r--1O-1O-.-1O---5.-1-/(-10-0-.1-) = 63.2.
From the solution to Eq. (2), we obtain the moments of time Tn for which the
rope elongation is equal to the static elongation.
We now analyze a particular case of initial conditions. We assume that to = 0,
therefore, 10 (0) = 1 and 1'0 (0) = 00 . By virtue of the boundedness of the veloc-
ity, it follows from Eq. (6) that C2 = 0, CI = ,ixmv /(2EF) , and the solution
acquires the form
,ix = rII(r)AXomv/(2EF).
Hence, it follows that ,ix =0 as II (rn) =O. For finding the roots rn, the
handbook (Janke E. et al., 1960) can be used. Thus, we determine r l =3.83,
r 2 =7.01, r3 = 10.17, etc.
Moments of time tn for which ,ix = 0 are
tn = r~mv /( 4EF).
1.1 Free Vibrations 121
30 In order to derive the differential equation for the motion of the load, we em-
ploy the Lagrange equation of the second kind. At any arbitrary moment of time,
the position of the body is determined by two coordinates, namely, by the angle rp
of the deviation from the static position of the load and by the length I of the un-
wound portion of the rope. Since I = OJRt is the known function of time, we
choose the angle rp as the generalized coordinate.
In a Cartesian coordinate system, the kinetic energy of the moving load is ex-
pressed as
x = I sin qJ, y = I cos qJ.
Therefore, the kinetic energy of the load is
T = O.5m[(l sin rp + lq,cosrp)2 + (l cosrp -lq,sin rp)2 + 0.5m(12 + 12rp2)]. (1)
The potential energy corresponding to the deviated state of the load is
II = mgl(l- cos qJ). (2)
Substituting Eqs. (1) and (2) into the Lagrange equation
dtt3ip &p - ,
we arrive at the differential equation of motion in the form
iP + (2i / l)riJ + (g / I) sin qJ = O.
Assuming the deviations to be small (sin qJ ~ qJ ), we obtain with allowance
for the time dependence of the unwound portion of the rope (I = OJRt) that in the
case of small free vibrations, the differential equation can be written out as
iP + 2ip / t + gqJ /(mRt) = O. (3)
In the case of ascending the load, the free length of the rope at an arbitrary
moment of time (under the assumption that 10 = OJRto) is
1 = 10 - OJRt = OJR(to - t) = OJRt" (tl = to - t),
so that the differential equation of motion takes the form
iPt1 - 2qJt1 / tl + gqJ / (OJRt l ) = o. (4)
The solution to Eq. (3) can be represented as
qJ = (CI / 1')11(1') + (C2 / 1')1';(1'), (5)
Here, II ( 1'), 1'; ( 1') , are the first-order Bessel functions of the first and sec-
ond kind, respectively, and l' = 2~ gtl / (OJR).
The integration constants are found from initial conditions of the problem
(qJ = qJo and riJ = 0 as t = to).
122 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
Differentiating Eq. (5) with respect to time with due regard to the well-known
1. [tII(T) ] = tI (T); 2
1.1 Free Vibrations 123
Here, y(O), y'(O), ... are the values of the beam flexure and of its derivatives
at the origin (i.e., at X = 0) and V i(X) is the Krylov function:
VI =coshfJxcosfJx; v2 = 2~(coshfJxsinfJx+sinhfJxcosfJx);
V3 = 2~2 sinh fJx sin fJx; v4 = 4~3 (cosh fJx sin fJx - sinh fJx cos fJx).
Assuming that the origin is chosen in the middle of the beam (at the load fixa-
tion point), we can write out the boundary conditions that allow determining
y(O), y'(O), '" , etc.:
for 0, y'(O) = 0, y'''(O) = -1/ 2EJx'
X =
for X = I / 2, yeO) = 0, y"(O) = o.
mg·mto account t at
hVI' = -4fJ4,
v 4' v2 = Vi'V3" = V2 , v4 = v 3" we 0 b-
(0) - - 2fJ4 V2 (fJlI2)v3(fJlI2)-vl (fJlI2)v4(fJlI2)
Y - YI - b v[(fJlI2)+4fJ4 v'f(fJlI2)
32 By analogy with the solution to Problem 31, the equation for bending the beam
has the form
Y = CIVI + C2 V2 + C3V3 + C4V4·
Placing the origin at the left edge point of the beam, we find CI = C2 = 0 .
For the cross section X = I, we have Y" = 0, EJxY'" = -1. Using these
boundary conditions, we can find the flexure caused by the unit force:
(I) - 1 v2(fJI)v3 (fJI)-vl (fJI)v4 (fJI)
YI - EJx v[(fJI)+4fJ4v2(fJI)v4(fJI)
With allowance for fJ = 0.01 cm- 1 and fJI = 1, we find the rigidity of the
c = 1 / YI' or C = 3.8kN/m,
and the natural frequency of vibrations
124 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
y\(z)- Q[3
( )2 -21(z)3]
7 .
Fig. 227.
_ p2 ( QI3 )
Tmax -2 3EJx (m+ f.lmol),
where C = 6EJx / 13 •
After the calculations have been performed, we arrive at f.l =1 .
126 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
36 The formula for calculating the eigenfrequency of the system has the form
p = ~ c / (m + f11'YlJ),
where c is the system rigidity, /J is the mass reduction coefficient, and m, is the
distributed mass of the system.
The parameters c and /J, which correspond to the schematic diagrams pre-
sented in Figs. 32a-32f, are, respectively, equal to
c = Gd 4 / (8D;), J1 ~ 0.333;
c = EJ)/3, J1 ~ 0.121;
c = 96EJx /7/3, J1 ~ 0.445;
c = 24EJ) 13 , J1 ~ 0.371;
c = 3EJ)3 / (a 3b 3), J1 ~ 0.522;
c = mJ 4G / (66a),
where i is the number of turns in the spring. The coefficient /J is determined with
allowance for particular boundary conditions for schematic diagrams shown in
Fig. 32 (see the solution to Problem 34).
In the case of the schematic diagram presented in Fig. 32e, it is necessary to re-
place the mass m by the moment of inertia J in the formula for the determination
of eigenfrequency.
37 The differential equation for small free vibrations of the mixer shaft is of the
JijJ + alp + crp = 0,
2n = a / J, p2 = c / J.
n = 1.2 /(2 . 0.5) = 1.2 s-\ and
According to the formulation of the problem,
p2 = GmJ4 / (32lJ) = 19.6 s-', or p = 4.43 s-'. Since p > n, the damping
periodic regime arises, and the solution to equation (1) describing free vibrations
takes the form
1.2 Free Vibrations of a System with Allowance for Resistance Forces 127
The integration constants C1 and Cz can be found from the initial conditions of
the problem: rp = rpo and cp = 0 as 1 = 0 (rp is the twist angle of the uni-
formly rotating shaft).
In the case of the shaft uniformly rotating at an angular velocity n,
the shaft
twist angle is
rpo = -aQl c.
Using the initial conditions, we find C1 = -aQ I c and C2 = O. With allow-
ance for this fact, equation of motion (2) acquires the form
rp = _( d~ )e1.2t cos 4.25/.
The time 1* necessary for the vibration amplitude to decrease by a factor of 10
can be found from the condition e -1.2t. = 0.1. Hence, it follows that I. = 1.9 s.
39 Based on the force method, we obtain the following differential equation for
small free vibrations of mass m:
Equation (1) contains yet another unknown quantity Yk because the resistance
force is applied to not the mass m but to the inertialess beam at the point K. There-
fore, we should analyze a further equation relating the displacement of the point K
to the forces acting on the system.
In accordance with the force method, we have
Thus, the analysis of free vibrations of mass m is reduced to solving the set of
equations (1) and (2). We seek the solution in the form
128 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
y = AeAt ; Yk = BeAt.
As a result, we arrive at the characteristic equation of the third degree in the
a(022 _ 012 )..1,3 +_1_..1,2 + a022 ..1,+_1_= 0
021 all 021 011 021m 011021m .
The problem being analyzed corresponds to problems with a fractional number
of degrees of freedom (in the case under consideration, we deal with one and a
half degrees of freedom).
40 We set up the differential equation of disk motion. The disk is subject to the in-
ertial moment - J ijJ, to the moment - C rp of the spring resistance forces, and to
the moment - a¢> of the damper viscous resistance. Therefore, we can write out
JijJ + a¢> + crp = 0,
ijJ + 2n¢> + p2rp = 0,
where J = Jl'D;~P = 1.57 ·10-3 kg.m\ 2n = a / J, and p2 = C / J.
The spring stiffness is
C -- EJx - Edt
Jl'~i - 67 ~i, C =.
0938 N m.
In the absence of damping, the system eigenfrequency is
p = ~c / J, p = 24.3s- l
whence it follows
n = ~ p2 - 41r2 / ,g .
Upon substituting values of the variables and calculating, we obtain n == 12.5 s·!.
The coefficient of resistance to the motion, we find from the condition
2n = a / (2ml), i.e., a = 4nml = 4 ·12.5 ·10·0.15 = 75 N m s.
42 In the case of motion of the piston in liquid, it is subject to the inertial force
my , to the spring elastic force ey, and to the resistance force developed by the
damper. The resistance force is proportional to the velocity of the fluid flow
through the orifice in the piston, and, hence, to the velocity of piston motion
Using the d'Alembert principle, we arrive at the differential equation of piston
Y+ 2ny + p2 Y = O. (1)
Taking into account initial conditions of the problem under consideration
(y y
= Yo and = 0 as t = 0 ), we represent the solution to Eq. (1) in the form
y = yoe-nt cos(~ p2 - n2 . t). (2)
Taking into account initial conditions, we obtain the solution to the equation of
motion of the load in the form X = xoe cos PIS, where
PI = ~ p2 - n 2 = 3.87 S-I. The vibration damping time t. can be found from
the condition
whence it follows
44 In accordance with the d' Alembert principle, we set up the differential equation
of load motion in the form of the equilibrium equation under the deviation of the
rod through a certain small angle f{J'.
mglrp = ml2ip - ca 2ip - a 2aip = O. (1)
45 In the case of deviation of the level of the liquid column from the equilibrium
position by the height x, the differential equation of vibrations, which is obtained
from the Lagrange equation of the second kind, acquires the form
.. 2 nx+px=
x+ 2 0,
2n = a / m = 4a sin 13 / [mi 2 ps(1 + sin 13)] ; p2 = (2g / s)sinfJ,
1.2 Free Vibrations of a System with Allowance for Resistance Forces 131
47 When twisting of a free spring through a certain angle rp, the spring length
changes by A. In the structure under consideration, the axial displacement of the
disk is absent, i.e., A. = O. Therefore, the reaction force N arises in the supports.
In order to determine the structure rigidity, we write out the following equations
for displacements:
132 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
Here, 811 , 812 are twist angles and 8 21 , 822 are axial elongations of the free
spring subject to a unit moment and a unit force, respectively.
We now calculate the coefficients 8ij. To do this, we apply to the spring an
external torque 8 = 1, which causes the internal torque MIt = 1· sin a and the
internal bending moment Mlb = 1· cos a (a is the helix angle of spring turns).
The application of a unit axial force also causes the appearance of the internal
torque M2t =1· R cos a and the internal bending moment M 2b =1· R sin a
(R is the radius of friction surfaces). Following the Mohr method, we have
= r27rRi Mlb
.l:J GJp
ds + r27rRi
.l:J EJx GJp
MI~ d s = 27r Ri (sin2 + cos2 a).
EJx '
where i is the number of turns in the spring.
The solution to the set of equations (1) with allowance for A =0 makes it
possible to obtain the following relationship:
rp=c/ M,
CI = 812 /(811 812 -81;).
In accordance with the solution obtained, the moment of the friction force is
Mf = JlNR = JlclrpR = cOrp.
Here, C * = pRcl and J1. is the coefficient of the Coulomb friction, and R is the
radius if the friction surfaces.
In the last relationship, the minus sign is absent because ofthe existence of two
friction surfaces, and M f is independent of the fact what is the contact surface.
Thus, in the process of vibration, the following moments act on the disk: the
moment of inertial forces J rp, the moment of the spring resistance force crp,
and the moment of the friction force c· rp, which is always directed oppositely to
the velocity ip of motion. The differential equation of motion, we represent in the
1.2 Free Vibrations of a System with Allowance for Resistance Forces 133
where the term sign qJ implies the sign ofthe velocity of motion.
According to the formulation of the problem, at I = 0, the disk is deviated
from the equilibrium position through angle qJo.
For the fIrst quarter of the vibration period (as qJo ~ qJ ~ qJOI ), the differential
equation of motion has the form
ip+(c/l +c· / J)qJ =O.
The necessary condition for disk motion is the validity of the inequalities
cqJo > c· qJo or M > M f as is indicated in the formulation of the problem.
The solution to the equation of motion for the fIrst quarter of the vibration pe-
riod is of the form
kl = ~(c-c·)/ J o.
The time of motion in the fIrst quarter of the period is II= 1l / 2kl .
In the case of passing by the equilibrium position ( qJ = 0), the signs of both
the resistance force moment and inertial moment change. At the same time, the
sign of the Coulomb friction force moment conserves because of the conservation
of the sign of the velocity ljJ. Therefore, we can describe motion in the second
quarter of the period by the differential equation
¢ + (c + c· )qJ / J = O. (6)
Taking into account initial conditions of motion (qJ = 0, ljJ = -ljJokl as
I = II)' the solution to Eq. (6) can be represented in the form
· k
qJ -- -qJo rkl sm zI,
Fig. 228.
In the phase plane ( ffJ; rP), expressions (4) can be represented as ellipsis equa-
tions (Fig. 228):
ffJI2 / ffJ; + ffJI2 / (kl ffJo)2 = l.
The solution to Eq. (3), we obtain with allowance for the fact that
ffJ2 = ffJI = 0 and rP2 = rPl = -klffJo as I = II = 1r / 2kl . In this case,
ffJ2 =-(kl / k2)ffJosink21, (P2 =-klffJocosk21. (5)
Here, the time t in the second quarter of the motion varies from 0 to 12 , The
end of the second quarter of motion is determined from the condition that rP2 =0
as 1 = 12, Hence, it follows that 12 = 1r / 2k2 .
The set of equations (5) can also be represented in the phase plane as the ellip-
sis equation (see Fig. 228):
2 ·2
f/J2 2
2 - •
(klf/Jo/ k2) (klf/Jo)
We find the solutions for other segments of motion in a similar manner. Since
kl < k2' we deal with the damped motion of the system.
49 The differential equation for free mechanical vibrations of the systems has the
m.x+cx = O. (1)
The differential equations of electric-current oscillations and voltage oscilla-
tions in the circuit can be represented as
136 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
Li +.l/=O
c '
cO +u / L =0. (3)
In accordance with the structure of Eqs, (2) and (3), an analog electric circuit is
a circuit containing a capacitor of capacity C, inductance coil L, and a switch. If
we accumulate electric charge on the capacitor plates and close the circuit, then
oscillations of the electric current I and of the voltage U arise there at a frequency
p =1/ .JLC.
50 The differential equation of free damped piston vibrations is written out as
The differential equations for oscillations of the electric current and of the volt-
age, we represent in the form
Li + JU + / / C = 0, (1)
Equation (1) describes oscillations of the electric current in a circuit that con-
tains an inductance coil L, a resistor R, and a capacitor C connected in parallel.
Equation (2) describes voltage oscillations in a circuit consisting of the same com-
ponents but connected in series.
Here, YI and Y are displacement of the lower and upper spring ends, respec-
tively, and YI - Y is the spring stretching, or, which is the same, the displacement
of the magnet with respect to the coil.
We now make use of denotation
Z= YI-Y. (2)
•• •• •• 2 •
Yo =Z+ Y =z- Yom slllmt. (3)
Substituting the value of Y from Eq. (1) with allowance for Eq. (2) into Eq. (3),
we arrive at the differential equation of small forced vibrations
1.3 Forced Vibrations 137
Z = Poz = Yom 2 slnml,
where p~ = c 1m.
The solution to the last equation is of the form
_ Yo •
Z - 2/ 2 1 slnml.
Po (j) -
It is evident that the least distortion of vibrations takes place in the case of
p~ « m 2 . In this case, Z ~ yosinwt. The minus sign implies that the phase of
magnet vibrations is opposite to that of base vibrations, i.e., in this case, the mag-
net remains immobile in space.
52 While rotating the piece at an angular velocity OJ, the law of motion for the
measuring rod is expressed by the equation
x = I sin mI. (1)
In this case, the rod is subject to the inertial force -mi, reaction force R,
and the elastic force c)x + c2 (x + 80 ) of the spring. (Here, cl' c2 and 80 are,
respectively, the total stiffness of plane springs, the stiffness of the helical spring,
and the preliminary elongation of the helical spring.) Thus, the differential equa-
tion of motion takes the form
mi+c)x+c2 (x+80 ) = R,
where c2 80 = Ro .
The condition of continuous contact implies that the reaction force R is al-
ways directed towards the same side (upward). Then, the ultimate angular velocity
m. can be found from the condition that the minimal value of R over a vibration
period if only once becomes equal to zero.
Substituting Eq. (1) into Eq. (2), we find
(p~ - ( 2) sin ml + Ro I( me) = R, (3)
One more case of contact violation can occur as OJ > Po2 (post-resonance
mode). In this case, R = 0 , at the time moment corresponding to OJt2 = 1. Thus,
we determine another value of the ultimate velocity, using the fonnula
m;. = p~ + Ro /(me).
The dynamic reaction at OJ = 0.lOJ2* can be found from Eq. (2):
R = Ro + [( cl + c2) - m( 0 .1OJ2.)2]e sin OJ;.tl . (6)
Furthennore, we calculate the parameters entering into Eqs. (3) and (5). The
stiffness of the helical spring is
C = Gd4 = 1010·0.0014 =4 kN/m
8lYi2 0.0053.20 .
The stiffness of two plane springs is
= 24EJ
x = 24·2·101I ·5·1O-2 U5·1O- 12 = 9 26
27.10-6 .12 .
The ultimate angular velocity is
+ Ro + 0.05.10-3 = 6004
cl+ c2
ml -
Finally, the measuring force of the device detennined according to fonnula (6)
R =5±1.3 N.
53 Eliminating the hinge (i.e., replacing it by the reaction force N) and applying
an unknown moment M to the end cross section (Fig. 229), we obtain, in accor-
dance with the force method, three equations
y = 811 (-my) + 812 M + 813 N;
(). =821 (-my) + 822 M + 823 N;
YI = 813 (-my) + 832 M + 833 N.
1.3 Forced Vibrations 139
Fig. 229.
Here, 6ij are the compliance coefficients; 8 = 80 cos OJ!; Y\ is the vertical dis-
Y = a-OJ
bf)o cos OJ!.
Mb = JI+2IN +M.
The maximal normal stress in the restraint is
O"max = Mb /Wx '
where w.. is the resistance moment in the cross section X .
54 The problem should be solved in a similar manner as Problem 53. In the cross
section whose displacement is given, we apply an unknown force P. Further-
more, introducing again the second unknown force N , we eliminate the support.
Then, using the force method, we arrive at the set of three equations:
Based on Eqs. (2) and (3), we now find the forces ~ and N. The latter is
determined from the expression
N (02\033-03\023)mji+023Yocoswt
022033 -023032
Excluding N and ~ from Eq. (1), we obtain the following expression to de-
termine y:
Substituting Eq. (2) into Eq. (1) and taking into account the condition R ~ 0,
we obtain
(p~ - m2)asin OJI + Po / M ~ 0, (4)
where Po = .JC / M is the eigenfrequency of the device lever.
1.3 Forced Vibrations 141
Two cases of violating the contact are possible (see the solution to Problem
52). For the pre-resonance regime (P~ > 0/), violating the contact is possible in
the case of
0)2 = P~ - Po / aM.
If the system parameters are chosen in such a way that the condition
D c P+c _ 2 ~f
l 2
> -Z2- a - Po 1V1a is fulfilled, then violating the contact will not occur.
For operations in the post-resonance region (0/ > P~), we can find the value
of OJ for which violating contact is possible from the condition of vanishing rela-
tionship (4) (in the case of sin 0Jt1 = 1). Then,
OJ2 = p~ + Fa / aM.
With allowance for relationship (3), we find that the ultimate velocity v. is de-
termined by the formula
v. = (A / 2Jr)~ p~ + Fa / (aM).
XI = rsinat,
we obtain
mX2 + 00 2 + 2ex2 = aor cos at,
2n = a / m , P~ = 2e / m.
The solution to this equation has the form
x 2 = 2nar sine m t+ ~) / ~r-(p-~-_-m-2)-+-4-n-2-m-2;
tg ~ = 2nm / (p~ - ( 2).
The maximal stress in the spring arises in the case of its maximal compression,
i.e., in the case of sine m t+ ~) = 1. We note that x 2mzx = r since by the condi-
tion, m = Po.
The force, corresponding to this compression is
~ =er.
The total force in the spring is
p = ~ + mg / 2 = cr + mg / 2.
Thus, the maximal stress is
Tmax = 8(er + mg / 2)D(Jld3).
P = ~ p~ - n2 (where p~ = e / n, n = a / 2m); ml =0;
m2 = ~2(p~ - 2n 2).
64 The differential equation of motion for the system being analyzed has the form
X + 2ni + p~x = Fo sinxt, (1)
where X is the horizontal displacement of the system center of mass. This dis-
placement is counted off from the position of static equilibrium;
2n=a/(~ +m2); p~ =e/(ml +~); Fo =mom2e/(~ +m2)·
We now write out the solution to Eq. (1) for the case of stable motion:
X = Fo sin(wt- c)/ ~(p~ _( 2)2 + 4n 2ai , (2)
where C is the vibration phase.
Furthermore, we calculate the work of friction forces (i.e., the dissipated en-
ergy) over a vibration period T = 27r / m :
':2.7r /OJ. t':2.7r /OJ • aFo7rOJ
Af = t axdx= axdt= (2
2)24 2 2.
+ n OJ
1.3 Forced Vibrations 145
As follows from Eq. (3), in the resonance regime (Po = OJ), the work of the
friction forces is inversely proportional to the coefficient a of viscous friction.
65 Using the solution to Problem 64, we find from Eq. (2) of this solution the am-
plitude of stable system vibrations:
Fig. 230.
2n = a / m ; p~ = c / m; c = 3EJx / 12.
We now write out the solution to Eq. (1) in the case of the steady-state vibra-
tion regime
Y = Asin(ox + ffJ),
where A = Yst / ~(1- ai / p~)2 + (2n(1) / p~)2 ; Yst = Po / c;
tan ffJ = 2n(1) /(p~ - (1)2) .
The total flexure of the beam is Y + Yo . Here, Yo is the flexure caused by the
gravity force mg of the motor.
Thus, the flexure of the beam and therefore its inner stresses vary according to
an asymmetric cycle.
We now calculate the stresses in the restraint:
O'm = mgl/ u;: = 6mgl/ (bh 2 ) = (6·50 ·10 ·1) / (125 ·10--6) = 24 MPa.
The stresses are proportional to the flexures and thus can be calculated by the
= P.1I
Wx = 125.10--6
2000-1-6 = 96 MPa'' p20 = C / m = 3EJ x 3).
/ (mI '
p~ = 6250 S-2.
The safety factor of the fatigue strength, we determine by the formula
n= 1
aa/a_l+am /ab'
Here, the coefficient n is only unknown quantity.
Using formula (2), we obtain n 62.64 = S-I, whence it follows
a = 2nm = 2·62.64·50 (N·s)/m.
1.3 Forced Vibrations 147
68 The differential equation of motion for the load of mass m with respect to the
base has the form
y + 2ny + p~y = Yo (1) 2(sin ax + 200 sin lOax),
where y is the displacement of the load with respect to thew base, 2n = aim;
and p~ = elm.
We now write out the solution to this equation for the steady-state motion:
_ yom 2 • ( 2
200m Yo . (10 )
Y - I 2 22 2 2 sm (1)1 -
v(Po -m ) +4n m
a, ) + v(Po
I 2 22 2 2 sm (1)1 - a 2 ,
-100m) +400n m
Fig. 231.
148 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
In this case, the mirror rotates through the angle rpl with respect to the vertical
axis. Assuming h << II (Fig.231 b), we find
F; = 2QP= 2QfAa / II·
MI = F;a = 2Qrpl a 2 / II = Crpl·
Hence, the rigidity of the system is
c = 2Qa 2 / II.
The moment of inertia of the mirror with respect to its rotation axis is
J = ms b 2 /12
Thus, we find the frequency of free vibrations of the mirror:
P = ~24Qa2 / (m 3/ I b2) - (a / 2J)2.
70 The differential equation of motion for the vibrator frame is of the form
Fig. 232.
1.3 Forced Vibrations 149
71 We denote the absolute angular velocity of the flywheel as rif. Then, the iner-
tial torque acting on the flywheel is J rif
(J is the polar moment of inertia of the
The spring resistance force is determined by the difference between the rota-
tion angles of the flywheel and of the pulley and is c( '1/ - rp), where rp is the
pulley rotation angle.
Thus, the differential equation of motion for the flywheel has the form
Ji;J+a(,p-ip) + ('I/-rp) = O.
We now use the denotation V = '1/ - rp . Then, we have
Jii+av = cv = -Jep.
Taking into account that ip = W = Wo + WI cos kt , we arrive at
g = 21ln / ~ p~ - n2 •
150 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
2n = aim; kg = elm; B = ApoFefJ I(mll). (2)
The solution to Eq. (1) is
Fig. 233.
The plot of the ratio Xo 1xst as a function of (1) 1ko (i.e., amplitude-fre-
quency characteristic of the device) is shown in Fig. 233 (curve 1).
74 The differential equation of motion for cylinder 4 (see Fig. 65) can be written
out as
x+ 2n.x+ P~X = B sin (1)t,
2n = aim = 0.75 .10-2 /0.1.10-2 = 75 S-I;
p~ = (c1 +c2 +c3 )1 m = (2000+50+ 1000)/0.1 = 3.5.104 S-2;
ne for the dynamic measurement error (shaded band) is shown. This zone can be
described by the equation
Xo 1X st =1± 0.1.
The intersection point of the boundary of the tolerance zone with the ampli-
tude--frequency characteristic yields the maximum admissible value for the angu-
lar velocity of the piece being tested: lUmax :-; P~ 13 = 62.5 S·I.
75 In order to solve the problem, we employ the Lagrange equation of the second
kind. The kinetic and potential energies of the system, as well as the Rayleigh dis-
sipative function are, respectively,
T=mv 2 12+J/l 12,
TI = c(lcp - h)2 12,
R =a(lip-h)2 12.
We now introduce these expressions into the Lagrange equation
d (aT)
dt aqJ - aT -_ - an
aqJ aR .
aqJ - arp
As a result, we have
Jip + al(lip - h) + cl(lcp - h) = 0,
In the absence of damping (n = 0 ), we obtain from the last equation that the
maximum amplitude of forced vibrations is attained in the case of a resonance at
W = Po or v. = poll /21Z'.
In the presence of damping in the system,
W = ~r_-'-p-~-/-2-n-2-±-~rp=~=/4=n=4=+=p=~=/=n=2.
Since only the real-valued root has the physical sense, we obtain as a final re-
76 By analogy with Eq. (5) of the solution to Problem 47, we represent the differ-
ential equation of the disk motion in the form
lip + cip + signipc· ffJ = Mo sin(wt + r),
where C=b22/(bl1b21-bl;),and c· =jJRc\.
Assuming that at a certain moment of time t = 0 in the steady-state vibration
mode the deviation of the system from the eqUilibrium position becomes maximal,
we represent the differential equation in the first segment of motion in the form
where P; = (c + c.) / J .
We now write out the solution to Eq. (2):
flJ2 = C3cos pi + C4 sin pi + [,u /(p; - ( 2)] sin(wl + r), (3)
In order to determine integration constants, we make use of the following con-
(i) in the case of the system motion in the fIrst segment, fIJI =0 and fIJI = flJlmax
as 1= 0, and
(ii) in the case of the system motion in the second segment, flJ2 =0 and
flJ2 = flJlmax as I = II .
By the periodicity condition, we fInd at the end of the second segment flJ2 =0
and flJ2 -flJlmax as I 12 ff / W . = =
Thus, when solving the problem, we deal with the following set of six equa-
tions with six unknown quantities Cp C2 , C3 , C4 , II and r:
PIC2 + [,uw/(p; - ( 2)]cosr = 0;
flJlmax = CI cos Pili + C2 sin Pltl + [,u /(p; - ( 2)] sin(wtl + r);
-PICI sinp/I + PIC2 cos Pili + [,uw/(p; -(2)]COS(W/I + r) =
=-P2 C3sinp2/, + P2C4cos P2t, + [,uw/(p; _(2)]COS(wt, + r);
C3cos P2tl + C4 sin P2tl + [,uw /(p; - ( 2)] sin(W/l + r) = 0;
CI + [,u/(p; -(2)]sinr = -{C3cos P2ff / w + C4 sinp2ff / w+
+[,u/(p; -(2)]sin(ff+ r)};
- P2C3 sin(p2ff / w) + P2C4 COS(P2ff / w) +[,uw /(p; _(2)]COS(ff +
77 The exact solution to the problem on steady-state vibrations in the presence of
Coulomb friction in the system turns out to be rather complicated (see Problem
76). The simplifIcation is attained under the assumption that even in the presence
of Coulomb friction, the motion corresponding to the harmonic law
fIJ = flJo sin( OX + r)
does occur in the system.
In this case, the energy dissipated in one cycle can be determined by the for-
1.3 Forced Vibrations 155
v =4pNRfIlo /2.
In this expression, we took into account that the friction force pN is directly
proportional to the deviation angle 9' of the system since N = c,fIl (see the solu-
tion to Problem 47).
In the presence of viscous friction in the system, the dissipated energy is
V, = a1£OXP~
(see the solution to Problem 64).
Equating the energies U and UJ ' we find the coefficient of equivalent viscous
a = 2JlC, / (1lm).
The amplitude of stimulated vibrations of the system possessing viscous resis-
tance equivalent to Coulomb friction is
fIlo= fils! / ~r-(1-_-m-2-/-p-~-)2:-+-(-2-n-m-/-p--:-~--:-)2 ,
where fils! = Mo / c is the static deviation of the system under the moment Mo
and c is the angular rigidity of the system. Furthermore,
2n = a / J = 2JlC, / (1lmJ); p~ = c / J.
The phase shift angle yis determined from the relationship
tanr = 2nm/(p~ _m 2).
78 The differential equation of motion of the system can be written out as
Equating the energies dissipated over a period in the given and equivalent
systems, we arrive at
whence it follows
a* = a + (4J1CJR / "OJ )ffJo / fA.
The amplitude of forced vibrations in the presence of viscous friction can be
calculated according to the formula
ffJJ = M J / c~r-(1-_-OJ-2-/-P-;)-2-+-(-2-n-OJ-/-p-;-)2,
where 2n = a * / J ; P; = c / J .
The phase shift angle y, we determine in the same manner as in the case of vis-
cous friction:
tanr = 2nOJ/(p; _OJ2).
79 The differential equation of motion of mass m is written out as
X + p;x = P(t) / m. (1)
The perturbing force P(t) can be expanded into the Fourier series
pet) = P"o [.2._±(cos2wt
1[ 1[ 1·3
+ cos4wt
+ cos6wt
+ ... )J. (2)
The solution to Eq. (1) is a sum of the solutions for each of the terms in series
(2), i.e.,
_ 2Po 4Po cos2nwt (
X -1iC - 1[m LoIn=l (2n-l)(2n+l)(P5-4n2m2)"
The resonance takes place in the case of Po = 2nOJ, i.e., at
OJ = Po /2; Po /4; Po /6;
The Fourier method is approximate since it fails to allow in the calculations for
an infinite number of terms of series (2). In addition, this series is rather cumber-
some, which hampers summing a large number of terms in expression (3) for at-
taining a higher accuracy.
We now consider another (exact) method of solving Eq. (1) that describes
small vibrations under the action of an arbitrary periodic force P( t) .
In the case of steady-state vibrations, the periodicity condition must be ful-
x(t) = x(t + T), x(t) = x(t + T). (4)
The general solution to Eq. (1) at arbitrary initial conditions is of the form
x = xo cos pt+ ;~ sin Pot + m10 1P(T)sinpo(t-T)d T. (5)
Conditions (4) must be valid at any arbitrary moment of time including the
moment t = 0 . Therefore, we obtain two equations
1.3 Forced Vibrations 157
bl = m10 'P(t)sinpo(T-r)dr,
b2 = ~, P(t)cosPo(T-r)dr,
Substituting the obtained values of Xo and Xo into general solution (5) makes
it possible to determine in a close form (i.e., without expanding the force p(t)
into the Fourier series) the law of motion for mass m within the interval
0:::;; t :::;; T, i.e., within the intervals
nT:::;; t :::;; (n + l)T.
This algorithm of solution was proposed by H. Duffing. As follows from ex-
pressions (7), they tend to infinity (resonance) as PoT = 2mr, or (because of
T = 7r / OJ, see Fig. 67) Po = 2nOJ. In other words, we have obtained the same
resonance as in the case 0 the expansion of the force P( t) into the Fourier series.
The Duffing method can be used in solving equations describing small vibra-
tions, which take into account viscous-resistance forces, and in the case of systems
with a finite number of degrees of freedom for which other methods (operational
calculus, expanding into the Fourier series) are of minor usefulness.
80 The solution to the problem is similar to that of Problem 79. In the case being
analyzed, the perturbing force can be represented in the form of the Fourier series
pet) = P. [1. +.lsin OJt _1.( cos2mt + cos4mt + cos6mt + ... )J. (1)
o 7f 2 1·3
7f 3·5 5·7
We can write out the solution to the equation ofload vibrations with respect to
the equilibrium position in the form
_ Po
x--+ Posinmt
-tfm 2Po oo I cos2nmt (
7fC 2m(p6-m2 ) n=1 (2n-l)(2n+l)(P5-4n2m2)" 2
The total displacement of the load is
Xo =x+mg/ c.
158 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
The algorithm of the solution, which is based on the Duffing method, com-
pletely coincides with that used in the solution to Problem 79. However, while
determining qand b2 , it is necessary to take into account features of the periodic
force P{t) (see Fig. 68b), which vanishes within the interval T / 2~t ~ T.
Therefore (see the solution to Problem 79),
1 rr· I rr /2
bl = mpo .lJ P(t)smpo(T-r)dr= mpo.lJ •
rr rr
b2 = ~.lJ P(t)cosPo(T-r)dr=~.lJ 12 PocosPo(T-r)dr,
After Xo and Xo have been determined, the general solution to the equation
describing vibrations of mass m coincides with the solution to Problem 79 [see Eq.
(5)]: within the interval 0 ~ t ~ T /2,
! P(r)sinpo(t-r)d r,
x(t) = Xo cos Pot + ;~ sin Pot + m10
x(t) = -xoPo sin Pot+xo cos Pot + ~ !P(r) cos po(t-r)d r;
81 After the action of the impulse of force and in accordance with the theorem of
angular momentum, the velocity of mass m is varies (the displacement Yo of mass
m for the time 8t is zero):
. _ Jp
Yo- m · (1)
After the impulse of force has acted, free vibrations are described by the equa-
ji + P~Y = 0 (p~ = c / m; c = 3EJx / /3). (2)
83 The force p(t) can be represented in the form (see Fig. 71a)
y 1
= m10 P(t)sinpo(t-r)d r. (2)
After integration, we arrive at
P02 (I-cos Pot) for 0 ~ t ~ tl
yet) = { p, (3)
---\[cos Po(t -tl)] - cos Pot fort ~ t.
In the case that the force pet) varies with time as shown in Fig. 71b, p(t)
can be represented as a sum
P(t) = Po [H(t) - H(t - tl)] + 2Po[H(t - tl ) - H(t - t2)] (4)
For the given case of loading, we find after necessary transformations the fol-
lowing solution:
y= m10 l P(r)sinpo(t-r)dr.
In the case under study with pet) = at, we have
y = a(t - sin Pot / Po) / (mp~); (1)
2 _ 1 J S:(t)
Pox- m pU , (1)
+~ 1
x(t) = -XoPo sin Pot +xo cos Pot J p8(T) cos po(t-T)d T;
where Xo and Xo are values of x(t) and x(t) atthe moment of time t = O. By
virtue of properties of the delta-function, the integrals entering into solution (2)
b1(t) = ~;o 18 (T)sinpo(t-T)dT= ~;osinpoH(t),
b2 (t) ="',:; 18(T) cos po(t - T)d T ="',:; cos PotH(t),
1.3 Forced Vibrations 161
86 We write out the equation for vibrations of mass m within the time interval [0,
In the given setting the problem, the expressions for bl and b2 (see the solu-
tion to Problem 85) are
f )H2 (I - f),
bl (t) = ~;o sin PolHI(I) - ~;o sin Po (I -
b2(/) = ~ cos poIHI(/) - ~ cos Po(/-f)H2(1 -f)·
Thus, we can find bl (T) and b2 (T) :
where Xo and Xo are unknown quantities taken at the initial moment of time
For the determination of Xo and xo' we should find bl (T) and b2(T) using
periodicity conditions:
':;0 !lsinpo(T-r)dr,
bl(T) = m10 P(r)sinpo(T-r)dr=
b2(T) = ~ P(r)cosPo(T-r)dr= ~ !lCOSPo(T-r)dr.
After the quantities bl (I), b2(I), xo' and Xo have been determined, we ob-
tain x(/):
162 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
x(t) = Xo cos Pot + pXo sin Pot + P02 (1- cos Pot),
o mpo
(0 ~ t ~ t,)
x(t) = Xo cos Pot + pXo sin Pot + P02 [cos Po (t - t,) - cos Pot].
o mpo
(t, ~ t ~ T)
88 We write out the differential equation of motion of mass m as
X+ 2ny + p~x = (1/ m)P(t), (1)
where 2n = a o / m .
The solution to Eq. (1) has the form
x(t) =e- nt [Yo cosmt+ nyo+yo
The volume under consideration is subject to the gravity force dm,g, to the
tangential component of the inertial force dm/px, and to the Coriolis force
2dm, voifJ . The moment of the forces with respect to the point of suspension is
dM = -(gcp + ipx + 2voifJ)x d m,
M = ! dM = -(m/gcpI2+m,ipI3 13 +vom/ifJ).
We now write out the moments of inertial forces for the tube mass and of the
gravity force:
M, = -(moip/2 13 + mogcpl 12).
In accordance with the d' Alembert principle,
M+M2 =0,
.. 3m,vo· 3 g - 0
cp+ "'o+rflJ.l Cp+'2ycp - .
Thus, we find that the eigenfrequency of the tube filled with moving liquid is
P = ~3g 1(2/) - {3m,vo 1[2(mo + m,/)]}2.
The motion is aperiodic if v> v., where
v. = [(mo + m,/) I m, ]~2g 1(3/).
Fig. 234.
164 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
90 The deformed state of the vibratory system is illustrated in Fig. 235. Bending
the tube is accompanied by the appearance in liquid of centrifugal inertial forces.
Their magnitude per unit tube length is
q=m,v2 / Pc'
The differential equation of the arched tube axis is of the form
where Jx = Jrd 3£5 / 8 is the axial moment of inertia for the tube cross section.
Since in the chosen coordinate system zOy (see Fig. 235) the second derivative
of the flexure is negative, we have
q = m,v2 / Pc = -m,v 2 d2 y /d 2 z.
With allowance for this expression, Eq. (1) takes the form
Fig. 235.
1.4 Critical States and Vibration Stability 165
Based on these boundary conditions, we can write out the equation for the
arched tube axis as
y = [(myo)(2A?EJJ](sink / cosk - k).
It follows from this expression that for z = I, the equation of motion of the load
has the form
Yo + 2EJxJ.} cosAl[m(sinAl + Al cosAl}] = o.
The vibration frequency of the load depends on the fluid flow velocity in the
P = ~2EJxJ.} cosAl / [m(sinAl + Al cosAl)] .
If the fluid flow velocity v =0, then expression (3) yields the well-known for-
mula for the determination of the eigenfrequency
P = ~6EJx /(mI3).
The vibration frequency is zero for cosAl = 0, i.e., for Al = 7r / 2. Hence, the
critical fluid flow velocity is
v. = J,.,~rEJ-x-/-~-=-(-1C-/2-1)'~EJ=x=/~=.
91 We consider an elementary volume of fluid flowing in a radial orifice at a ve-
locity Vo (Fig. 236). In the process of small vibrations, the volume is subject
to both the additional inertial force dmlrip of the translational motion and the
Coriolis force 2dmlvoip . The moment of these forces with respect to the rotation
axis is
dM = -dmlr 2rp - 2dmlVo ipr ,
where ~ is the fluid mass per unit length of the orifice channel, ip is the devia-
tion of the disk angular velocity from the stationary value OJ.
M = -n e
The total moment of inertia of fluid is
(r2¢+ 2voipr)ml dr = -nml[¢(r; -r)/3 +voip(r22 -'12)].
In addition, as the disk vibrates, it is subject to both the moment of iner-
tial forces J ip and the moment of elastic forces crp from the shaft.
With allowance for all the forces acting on the disk, the differential equation
describing its small vibrations is written out as
.. + nvoml (ri- r?)/3 • + c =0
rp J+nml(ri-r?)/3 rp J+nml(ri-r?)/3 rp .
This makes it possible to find the natural frequency of disk small vibrations
with due regard to the fluid flow, as well as the velocity v. (from the condition
PI =0):
166 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
Fig. 236.
v• =
92 The solution to this problem differs from that to Problem 91 only by determi-
nation of the cutting force. In the presence of the spring, we may consider
Q = -EJxY'" = -(myo +cYo)/ 2,
Therefore, the expression for the critical velocity of the fluid flow has the form
tan vI = (vlc-2EJxv2)/ c.
93 We consider the deviated state of the disk (Fig. 237a). In this position, the disk
is subject to the elastic restoring force
F: = -c~,
where c is the bending rigidity of the shaft ( c = 6EJx / 13 ).
Since 1; = r - e , the elastic restoring force is
F: = -c(r - e).
In this case, the differential equation of motion can be written out in the vector
form as
1.4 Critical States and Vibration Stability 167
Fig. 237.
mr + c(r - e) = o. (1)
where m is the disk mass.
We now project Eq. (1) onto the immobile coordinate axes x and y. As a result,
we obtain
mX + cx = cecosax,}
my+cy = cesinax.
In the case of the steady-state motion, the solution to the set of equations (2) is
X = [ep~ / (p~ - (i)2)]cosax; (3)
y = [ep~ / (p~ - (i)2)]sinax,
where Po = c / .J m.
It follows from Eqs. (3) that the vibration amplitude unboundedly increases as
(i). -+ Po =.Jc / m.
In the case < (i). , the deviation of the disk center of mass from the rotation
axis is 1j + e. When (i) > (i). , the displacement of the disk center of mass occurs
towards the rotation center. In other words, the disk center of mass resides at the
distance 1j - e from the rotation axis (see Fig. 237b).
As follows from expressions (3), in the case of rather high rotation velocities
( (i) -+ 00), self-centering of the disk occurs. (i.e., the displacement r tends to
In the case under consideration, the disk mass is
m = trf)2 hp / 4 = 0.625 kg.
The shaft bending rigidity is
c = 6EJx / [3 = 2.35 kN/m.
The eigenfrequency is
Po =.Jc / m= 61.4 s-'.
168 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
The deviation of the mass from the equilibrium position [see Eq. (3)] is
We now determine the force that deflects the rod by 1.6 rom:
P=Co=c1) =3.77 N.
Using the formula (j = Ms / w" (where Ms = PI/ 2, and
w" = trd3 /32), we have as a final result, (j = 38.4 MPa.
95 In the deflected position (Fig. 238), the rotating shaft is subject to the inertial
distributed load with the intensity
q = fYlooiy,
where fYlo is the mass of the shaft unit length, OJ is the shaft angular velocity, and
y is the shaft flexure.
We set up the differential equation of the arched shaft axis in the coordinate
system rotating with the shaft:
EJxY IV = q = moOJ 2 y. (1)
The corresponding characteristic equation is of the form
.t -e = (A? -e)(A? + e)= o.
where k4 = fYloOJ 2 / (EJx )'
t--.....,~..- "-~J
Fig. 238.
In the case of the pivoted support of the shaft ends, the boundary conditions are
y = y" = 0 as z =0,
y = y" = 0 as z =l.
In order to determine the integration constants, we make use of the set of four
uniform equations:
C; sinkl + C2 coskl + C3 shkl + C4 chkl = 0;
C2 +C4 =0;
- eC2 + k2 C4 = 0;
- C1k 2sinkl- C2 cosk! + C3k2 shkl + C4 k 2chkl = O.
Equating to zero the determinant of this set, we find
(sink!) x (sinhkl) = O.
The least nonzero root of this equation is kl = ;r, i.e., the critical angular ve-
locity of the shaft rotation is
OJ. = (;r2 / 12)~EJx /1rlo'
96 In the case of bending the shaft, the equation of the elastic line in the coordi-
nate system rotating with the shaft has the form
y = C1 sinkz + C2 coskz + C3 shkz + C4 chkz,
where k4 = mo0J 2 / EJx •
For the cantilever restraint (see Fig. 8la), we deal with the following boundary
y = y' = 0 as z = 0,
y'" = y" = 0 as z =I.
This allows us to find the equation of the form
(coskl) x (coshkl) = --1. (l )
which determines the critical angular velocity.
The solution to Eq. (1) can be simply obtained using the plot. To do this, it is
sufficient to find the coordinates (kl)i' (i = 1, 2, ... ) for the intersection of the
left-hand side of Eq. (1) with the straight line" = -1 (Fig. 239).
The least root of this equation is (kl)i ~ 1.875, and the critical angular veloc-
ity is
OJ. = (3.52/ 12 )~ EJx / 1rlo .
In the case that the shaft is fixed in a manner shown in Fig. 81b, we have, cor-
170 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
1to-_... ..;-
\ I
\ I
Fig. 239.
y = y' = 0 as z = 0,
y = y' = 0 as z = t.
This allows us to obtain the following equation for the determination of the critical
angular velocity:
cos kl . sh kl = 1.
The least nonzero root of this equation is (kl)] = 4.9, and the critical value of the
angular velocity is
97 In the state of the tube, which is deviated from the straightforward equilibrium
position, each unit length of the tube is subject to two inertial forces. The first one
(mo + ~ )w 2Y is caused by the rotation of the tube containing liquid. The sec-
ond force, ~ v2P = -~ v2 y" , is the centrifugal inertial force of moving liquid.
This force is associated with curving the shaft (see Fig. 240). (The sign minus is
determined by the sign of curvature.)
The differential equation of the arched shaft axis can be represented in the form
E'Jxy IV = ( mo + ~ )OJ2 Y - mo v 2y" , (1)
k]2 = ~ v2 / (EJ x ), k; = (mo + ~ )w 2 / (EJJ.
We can write out the characteristic equation corresponding to Eq. (1) as
1.4 Critical States and Vibration Stability 171
Fig. 240.
whence it follows
Here, J ift is the moment of the inertial force of the vibrating lever; m/#12 is
the moment of the rod inertial force; cll2CfJ2 is the moment of the spring compres-
sion force, ~oil;CfJ is the moment of an additional inertial centrifugal force
arising as a result of the deviation of the vibrating lever through the angle rp, and
OJ=~RI/ R.
Thus, the rod eigenfrequency is
P = elll2-m1w2ti
J A +mzIll2 .
The kinetic and potential energies of the loads can be written out as
T- ml~2 2 ml~y2 2 ml(r+~ylk)2aw2 .
- 2 + 2k2 + 2 '
(m2 + 2k; )l!i.y+(c- 2i~2 )l!i.y + m2g + CYo - 2nyw2 = O.Since in the
steady-state regime, I!i. y = I!i.Y= 0, we have
111zg + cYo - 2~roi / k = O.
Hence, we can reduce the differential equation for small vibrations of the regulator
to the form
I!i.Y + p 2l!i.y = 0,
where p is the system eigenfrequency,
1.4 Critical States and Vibration Stability 173
I _ ~g/4c-D (m2g)2 _ ~gD
•- 2 + 8c 8c .
101 In the case of small vibrations of the rod with respect to the position of dy-
namic equilibrium, the rod is subject to the moment Jip of the inertial force, to
the gravity force Q= mg , and to the centrifugal inertial force directed along the
perpendicular to the rotation axis and equal to O.5m1OJ 2 sin(a + tp). (Here, the
angle a determines the position of dynamic eqUilibrium, whereas tp is the small
angular deviation from this position.)
We derive the equation of small rod vibrations, in the coordinate system rotat-
ing at angular velocity OJ. The rod can rotate with respect to the axis passing
through the hinge. For the position of the rod, which is shown in Fig. 85, this axis
is normal to the picture plane and passes through the point O.
Equating to zero the sum of the moments of all the forces acting on the rod and
of the rod moment of inertia with respect to the axis, we arrive at the equation
-Jip+ ~l OJ2 sin(a+ tp)fl cos(a +tp)-Qtsin(a+tp) = O.
Taking into account that J o = ml 2 /3 and assuming the angle tp to be small,
we obtain
iP+<tfcosa _OJ 2 cos2a)tp+tfsina- ~2 sin2a = O. (1)
Two last terms entering into this equation correspond to the position of dy-
namic equilibrium for which tp =iP =
0 , i.e., the sum of these terms is zero:
1.5sina / I-O.5OJ 2 sin 2a = O.
Hence, the eqUilibrium position turns out to be possible for two values of the an-
gle a:
oi > 3g /(2/).
any arbitrary angle of deviation corresponds to the stable equilibrium state.
103 In the case of small vibrations, the kinetic energy of the load is
T = 0.5m.:e + 0.5ma/ x 2 ,
where x corresponds to the displacement of the load, which is measured from the
rotation axis.
The potential energy of the spring deformation is
II =O.5c[(Oo + X)2 + (00 - X)2] =c(O; + x 2).
We now write out the Lagrangian function L = T - II and substitute it into
the Lagrange equation. Thus, we arrive at the differential equation
x+(2c-moi)x/ m =O.
Hence, the eigenfrequency and the critical angular velocity are, respectively,
p =.J2c / m - oi and (j). = .J2c / m.
104 The differential equation of relative motion of mass m has the form
x+(c-m{j)2)x/ m = 0,
where x is the deviation of the mass m from the position of dynamic equilibrium.
The vibration frequency and critical angular velocity are, respectively,
p = .Jc / m _{j)2 and (j). =.Jc / m.
105 In the process of small vibrations, the plate is subject to the lifting force Y, to
the moment Me = ca produced by the elastic rod, and to the inertial force.
Since the plate surface area is s = b x h, we can write out the lifting force as
y = ;rpv2bha,
where p is the air density and C is the angular stiffness of the system
[c =GJp /(2/) = ;rd4 G /(64/)].
The moment of the plate inertial forces is J Ii , where
J = (bh 2 PI / 3)(h + 3d / 2) is the moment of inertia of the plate with respect to
the rotation axis (PI is the density of the plate material).
Using the d' Alembert principle, we set up the differential equation of motion
as a sum of moments of all the forces with respect to the rotation axis:
1.4 Critical States and Vibration Stability 175
Jii+ca-Y(3h/3+d 12) = 0,
ii+[cl l-trpv2bhh. 1(2J)]a = 0,
h. =3hI4+dI2.
Hence, the natural frequency of plate vibrations is
p = ~c I J -trpv2bhh. 1(2J).
It is easy to see that there exists a certain critical velocity
v. = ~2c I(trpbhh.),
for which the vibration frequency is zero. In this case, the system loses its stability
(divergence of the plate occurs).
106 The differential equation describing small free vibrations of the lever can be
written out as
J ip + crp = PaRrp,
ip+(c- PaR)rp = O.
The frequency of natural vibrations and the critical value of the force are, re-
p = ~(c- PaR) I J.
P. =cl R.
107 The attraction force acting on mass m and developed by the magnet is
F =k<D~ I a~.
In the case that mass m is shifted in the horizontal direction by a small distance
x (x« al ) (see Fig. 241), a force arises equal to the difference between the at-
traction forces in each of the positions:
M' = F; - F; = k<D~ I(al - X)2 - k<D~ I(al + X)2 ~ 4k<D~x I a:,
F; =k<D~/(al-x)2; F; =k<D~/(al +X)2.
Using the d' Alembert principle, we find the differential equation of motion of
mX + 21'ox I 1 = 4k<D~x I a~ ,
x+[21'o I(ml) -4k<D~ I(ma:)]x = O.
176 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
Fig. 241.
In the case of small vibrations, the natural frequency of mass m in the magnetic
field is
p = ~21'0 /(ml) -4k<l>~ /(mai).
A peculiar feature of the obtained expression for the natural frequency is its
dependence on the magnetic-flux intensity <1>0' This dependence is equivalent to
an effect of the so-called negative elasticity.
Each value of the tension 1'0,
we can put in correspondence to the critical
value of the magnetomotive force
coordinate system, or (which is the same in accordance with the reciprocity theo-
rem for displacements) the beam flexure caused by a unit force applied at a dis-
tance z from the fixation point of mass m.
We take the following approximate expression for 012 :
012 =0ll sin ~z •
Since z = vt , we finally obtain the following differential equation describing
vibrations of mass m:
y + p~y = (Ro / m)sin:rvt II. (1)
For uniform initial conditions, yeO) = yeO) =0, the solution to Eq. (1) is of
the form
y ~
[ 110 '] ( sin ")" - f sin
P6-(~) Po
Pot). (2)
Analysis of the denominator in expression (2) shows that a certain critical ve-
locity of motion of the force Ro
can exist, which is found from the condition
p~ - (:rv. /1)2 = 0,
whence it follows
v. = Ipo /:r = (l / :r)~48EJ /(l3 m).
However, for this value of the velocity v, there is an uncertainty in Eq. (2).
After this uncertainty has been revealed (as :rv / 1 ~ Po), we arrive at the ex-
y = -[Ro /(2mpo) ](t cos Pot - sin Pot / Po)'
As far as the time of motion of the force Ro along the beam is finite, the dis-
placement of mass m is also finite, i.e., there exists no critical velocity.
110 In order to derive the differential equation of motion, we make use of the
d' Alembert method. To do this, we project all the forces acting on the load onto
the immobile xqy axes (Fig. 242). Thus, we arrive at the equations
Fig. 242.
representation point in the unshaded region of the Ince--Strutt diagram (see Ap-
pendix 1). If the parameters a and q are such that this point lies within the shaded
region, then the vibrations tum out to be unstable.
In the case under consideration, a = 0.784 and q = 0.04, which implies the po-
sition of the representation point in the stability region of the Ince--Strutt diagram
(see Appendix 1).
111 The solution to the problem is similar to the case of Problem 110. However,
in contrast to this case, the coefficient a in the Mathieu equation is negative. Thus,
the pendulum motion is stable for OJ ~ 396 S-I (provided that the condition
lal < q2 /2 is valid).
lUmin ~ 125 S-I.
113 The differential equation describing small free vibrations of the plate is simi-
lar to that obtained while solving Problem 110.
We now ignore the drag resistance since it is rather weak in the case of small
deflections of the plate. We also consider the flow velocity in the above solution
to vary with time and neglect the terms containing v~. Thus, we arrive at the dif-
ferential equation of motion in the form
d 2 cp /d r2 + (a + 2qcos2r)cp = 0,
_.-£( cP _
0)2 J 4 J
6) ,q
3ll" bl 2PV 2 __ 4 3ll" bl 2pVov, J -1/3 bJ.
- 0)2 2 J ' - 3 ijJ .
For the parameters indicated while formulating the problem, and in the case of
a = 1.53, the coefficients of the Mathieu equation are
2q =--0.132; Iql =0.066 for VI =5 mls;
2q =--0.264; Iql =0.132 for VI = 10 mls.
It follows from the Ince-Strutt diagram (see Appendix 1) that in the case of
the flow velocity that varies within the indicated limits, the vibrations are stable.
114 In order to derive the differential equation of motion, we can employ the ap-
proximate formula for determining rod flexures in the case of transverse-
longitudinal bending:
y = Yo / (1- P / Po),
where Yo = -my / c is the flexure of a rod under the action of an only trans-
verse load. In the case under study, this is the inertial force of the load of mass m.
(Here, c is the bending stiffness of the rod and P 0= 1[2 EJx /4/2 is the critical
value of the compressing force.)
Thus, the differential equation of motion can be represented in the form
y + (1- P / Po) ~ = 0,
180 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
y + (a + 2qcos2r)y = 0,
a =....L( 6EJ
(j)2 mil
x 24Po ).
=_....L 24P1o
(j)2 1[2 m '
Pe m(j)2 •
On substituting numerical data, we find a =4.2 and Iql = 0.02. In the Ince-
Strott diagram, the representation point having these coordinates lies in the
unstable region (see Appendix 1).
116 The differential equation of motion for mass m can be written out in the form
y + 2(To + 1; sin at)y / (ml) = 0,
d2 y/d 2 r+(a+2qcos2r)y=0,
a - 4 2To - 4 2·20 -512'
- (j)2 rnr - 25 2 0.25·0.2 - . ,
2q -- 2 56'
(j)2 mr - 2542 0.25·0.2
4 2TI - 2·10 -
- . ,
The motion of mass m is stable because the representation point with the coor-
dinates a =5.12 and Iql = 1.28 lies within the unshaded region of the Ince-Strott
diagram (see Appendix 1).
117 The differential equation of motion for the load, we can write out as
y = -t\Imy,
where t\I = 13 / (3EJx ) = (10 -II sin at)2 / (3EJ x )'
We restrict our analysis by only the linear part in the expansion of the function
1 / t\ I in series with respect to powers of II' Thus, we arrive at the differential
1.5 Parametric Vibrations 181
Y.. + 3EJ
(1 + 3 10II'sm lOt ) Y = 0.
It can be represented in the form of the Mathieu equation
d 2 y/d 1"2 + (a+ 2q cos 21")y = 0,
a_...±...3EJx •
- m2 mlij ,
2 _...±...9EJx i.
q- m2 mlij 10'
lOt =1'+21".
On substituting numerical values of system parameters into the expressions for
the coefficients a and 2q, we find a 2.5 and q 0.75.=
The solution to the Mathieu equation can be either stable or unstable depend-
ing on the relation between the coefficients a and q. In the case under discussion,
the representation point lies within the unshaded region of the Ince-Strutt dia-
gram (see Appendix 1). In other words, for the parameters chosen, the motion of
the load is stable.
118 At an arbitrary moment of time, the inflection point of the line shifts from the
middle point by the distance YI' and the line is deflected from the equilibrium po-
sition through the angle rp (Fig. 243).
Using the theorem for variation of the angular momentum, we can write out
the differential equation of motion in the form
Jt [m(lo + Yl)2 cp] = -mg(lo + Yl )rp, (1)
whence it follows
In the case of application of the d' Alembert method, we analyze the balance of
forces acting on the load at an arbitrary moment of time. These forces are the line
tension force N, the gravity force mg, and the inertial forces mX and my .
Furthermore, we project the forces acting on the load onto the vertical and
horizontal axes. As a result, we have
my = N cos rp - mg, (3)
Fig. 243.
119 The differential equation of motion of the pendulum has the form
rn + KI""m = 0,
ih + 1. dl
.." I dt""
where I = 10 + II sin oX .
120 The variation in the position of mass m causes a change in the moment of in-
ertia of the system. In this case, for deriving the equation of motion, it is conven-
ient to use the theorem for variation of angular momentum:
where J o is the total moment of inertia of the system with respect to the point of
suspension 0; rp is the angular deviation of the system from the eqUilibrium posi-
tion; MOi are the moments with respect to the point of suspension 0 for all exter-
nal forces acting on the system.
The equation of motion for mass m with respect to the frame has the form
x = Xo sin OJI.
The moment of inertia of the system is
J o = J I + m(lo + Xo sin OJI)2. (2)
In the case of the deflection of the system through angle rp, the total moment of
gravity forces with respect to the point of suspension 0 is
,LMOi = -mlg/ICP-mg(lo +xo sinOJt)cp. (3)
On substituting expressions (2) and (3) into Eq. (1), we arrive at the differen-
tial equation of motion of the system in the form
1.5 Parametric Vibrations 183
[J1 + m(lo +xo sin wt)2]qj + [2mxow(l0 +xo sinwt) cos wt]ifJ +
+g[ml/l + m(lo +xo sinwt)]qJ = O.
121 The solution is similar to that of Problem 120. The differential equation of the
pendulum motion can be written out as
.. 2XO coswt. g 0
qJ + lo+xosinwt WqJ + lo+xosinwt qJ = ,
where rp is the angle of deviation of the pendulum from the vertical.
122 In the case of deviation of the tub by the distance x from the equilibrium posi-
tion and rotation of the pulley through angle rp, the variation in the rope length is
(Fig. 244)
Fig. 244.
123 The differential equation of motion of mass m in a magnetic field has the
same form as the equation in the solution to Problem 108:
m.X + (c - k<l>2 / a;)x = 0, (1)
Plotting the point with the coordinates a =1.03, Iql =0.02 in the Ince-
Strutt diagram, we find that this point lies in the unshaded region, and therefore,
the motion of mass m is stable.
124 In the course of motion of the bus, its distance a I from the conductor varies as
a) =ao +x.
The force acting on the bus in the process of vibration is
1.5 Parametric Vibrations 185
Po = 2pl/2ol / ao;
F2 = 2pIl(I20+I21 sinmt) ~ 2pIII (I 1 . ) (1- L)
l1o+x a o 20+ 21 smmt a· 0
In this case, the differential equation of motion is of the form
.. 2c
X+m [1 pIli (1
--2 20+ 21
1 smmt )] X--
_ 2pIII21/
am smmt.
125 The differential equation that describes vibrations of the lever (see Fig. 90)
has the form
.. ( c RoR RIR.
rp+ J--:r-T smmt rp= . ) 0
Fig. 245.
128 The solution is analogous to that obtained for Problem 127. In the first case
( a = 0.0981, and q = 0.5), the pendulum motion is unstable, whereas in the
second case ( a = 0.0981 , and q = 0.07 ), the motion is stable.
188 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
129 The kinetic energies of the upper and lower disks are given by the equations
T=2l[m 8D rp + m '2]
j j
' 2
jX j ,
T 2-- 1 [m2D22
8 rp+m 2 ( ·2 . 2)] '
2 x 2+Y2
where XI is the horizontal coordinate of the upper disk, x 2 and Y2 are the horizontal
and vertical coordinates of the lower disk, and ({J is the rotation angle of the sys-
tem. The potential energy of the system is
II= m 2 gy 2 • (3)
Xj =0.5ipD j , 2=(1 cosrp-0.5Dj)ip, Y2 =1 sinrpip . (5)
Substituting Eqs. (1)-(5) into the Lagrange equation of the second kind, we ar-
rive at the equation of motion
.. m2 g1 sinrp 0
rp+ (3m jD j2/8)+m2[ (D22 /8)+(D j2/4)+/2 -lD jcosrp] .
2 12"
cl 2cosrpcosa( --;:=======
~1-sinasin2rp ~I +sinasin2rp
=0 , J
p =~3c/m sinrp .
where Po2 = elm and Vo is the impact velocity of the body (spring). Therefore, the
contact duration is t, = nlpo' the duration of free motion of the body is t2 = 2L11vo'
and the vibration period is
T =2(t\ +t2)=2(1Z'/Po +2L1/v 0) . (2)
We now express the period in terms of the amplitude Xo of free vibrations. The
smallest length of the compressed spring is evidently equal to Xo - ,1. According to
Eq. (1), Xo -,1 = v/Po or
Vo=Po(Xo-L1) . (3)
Substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2), we find
T =(2/Po)[1Z'+2L1/(xo-L1)] .
Finally, the frequency of free vibration is
P =21Z'/T=1Z'Po/[1Z'+2L1/(x o-L1)] .
134 When the load is being subjected to the elastic force of the left spring, its mo-
tion is described by the equation
.. 2 0, (1)
where p,2 = elm. Under the initial condition X1 (0) = --V 10 at the equilibrium
point x,(O) =0, the solution to Eq. (1) has the form
X1=-(VIO/Pl)Sin(P1t) .
The contact duration t, is equal to the half-period: t, =nip,. Similarly, the duration
of contact with the right spring is t2 = nlp2' The period and frequency of steady-
state vibrations are, respectively,
T =t\ +t2 = ~P\ + P2)/(P\P2) ,
P =21Z'/T =2~C\C2/ml(..fc: +.fc:).
135 The stiffness e of a system (spring) is defined as the ratio e =Pix, where P is a
force applied to the spring and x is the spring contraction due to the force. The
frequency of small free vibrations of a load with mass m is p =(elm)'l2. For the ra-
tio elm to be constant, either the load P must be constant or the spring characteris-
tic must be nonlinear. In the latter case, the spring stiffness is defined as e =dPldx.
It follows from the constant frequency condition that
190 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
II=C(00+x 2/lf/2.
Substituting these expressions into the Lagrange equation, we arrive at the equa-
tioll of motion
i' +(2cOo/m )[ xl / +x 3/(001 2)] = 0 .
In order to find the ftrst integral of this differential equation, we take into ac-
count that
i2=AI_}4cOox (l+~Jdx =
ml 0 01
Fig. 246.
where x is the horizontal displacement of the load, Finding the horizontal compo-
nent of the force acting on the load, we arrive at the equation of motion:
mi" =-'lI'x /10 =-cX 3/1 02 , or X' +kx 3 =0 , (2)
cosql 2
In the case under consideration, rp =n/2 and a =n14. According to the tables of
the elliptic integrals, F(n12, 1I21n) = 1.8541 (Janke al., 1960). Therefore, the
period and the vibration frequency are, respectively,
T =1.8541(4/0/xo)~m/c , p =O.85(xo/lo)~c/m .
138 According to the Rayleigh method, the maximum kinetic energy of a conser-
vative system must be equal to its maximum potential energy: Tmax = il.n.., where
Lll max
IImax =cx;/(4I
mv;/2=cx;/(4I n, xo=~V2m/c .
Taking into account the relation between the frequency of free vibrations and the
initial displacement (see Problem 137), we find
p =(0.85/lo)~V2c/m
139 The differential equation of motion is similar to that derived in Problem 137:
mi" +2Tox /10 +CX 3/1~ =0 .
Introducing the dimensionless variable & =xlxo' we rewrite this equation in the
Substituting the relation "& = de / de into Eq. (1), we find the solution satisfy-
ing the initial conditions:
e2=[2cj{mlo)][{To/c)(I-e2)+(x;/4/0)(I-e4)]. (2)
Equation (2) describes the motion of the mass m on the phase plane (Fig. 247).
1.6 Nonlinear Vibrations 193
140 Consider the motion of the load with x > 0 and dx/dt < 0 (see Fig. 246). Since
the Coulomb friction force is always directed oppositely to the velocity of motion,
the differential equation of vibrations has the form (see Problem 139)
mi" +2Tox /lo+cX 3/{ml;)=F
where & x/xo is the dimensionless coordinate. With regard to the relation
'j; = &de / dE and the initial conditions &(0) = &0 and d&(O)/dt = 0, we find from
Eq. (1)
&=±Ji~-100(Eo-E)+200{E~-E2)+50{E~-E4) . (2)
We now consider the motion in the first half-period when &0=1 and &< O. Ac-
cording to Eq. (2), & =- 17.3 lis at the point & =O. At the moment of time t =T/2
when &=0, the displacement is &f':! - 0.63.
Equation (2) with &0 f':! - 0.63 can also be used to consider the motion in the
second half-period, but in this case &> 0 and the sign of the friction force should
be changed. As a result, we find that &f':! 6.8 lis at the point &= 0 and &f':! 0.18 at
t = T when e
= 0 (Fig. 248). The subsequent trajectory on the phase plane can be
found in much the same way as described above. The body stops moving when the
elastic force F at an end position becomes less than (or equal to) the friction force.
As follows from Eq. (1), this takes place already at the point & f':! 0.18 (e
ii,1ls i, 11s
X..0 + PIX
2 0 + P(X.. 1 + PIX
2 1 + a1x 0 + X03) =0 . (5)
considered as a function of co. Carrying out the integration and then differentiating
the result with respect to CO' we find
Co =c +3c I A 2/5 .
Therefore, the frequency of free vibrations of the load is
ate the root-mean-square deviation
J =~ fcgx 2dx +-l-nc(x -L1)-c ox dx .
.,10 A-L1L1
Using the condition dJ/dco =0, we find
Co =c(2A 2 -2AL1-d)/(2A 2 +2AL1+5d) .
The vibration frequency is given by the expression
where l =2T/(mlo) and J-l =c/(m102). Solving this equation (see Problem 141), we
Substituting Eq. (l) into Eq. (2), we find the critical value xO' (PI =0):
X g. =(c -4klP~/ an( 6klP~/ an (3)
&2 =2(I-a)/(3a) , (4)
where a = 4kr/Jo2/(ca I 3 ) and Ii= xoJa l •
Dependence l( a) is shown in Fig. 249. The shaded domain with Ii < 1 is the
stability region, with the curve corresponding to the critical values of Ii and a .
Fig. 249.
1.6 Nonlinear Vibrations 197
For a ~ 0.4, & = 1. In this case, the mass strikes against the magnet poles, and
the solution given above is inapplicable.
147 The differential equation of motion of bus B has the form (see Problem 124)
mi"+2cx -2pl/2[Z/aO-Z/(ao+x )]=0.
Expanding lI(ao + x) in powers of x and introducing the dimensionless variable
XI= x/xo' we arrive at the equation
.£1 + P 2X I + pllx 12 - p;flx 13 =0 , (1)
Under the initial conditions xlO(O) = 1 and dxlO(O)/dt =0, Eq. (3) has the solution
XIO=COS(Plt) (if l > 0).
No secular terms can enter into the solution to Eq. (4); therefore, CI =O. Under
the initial conditions xlI(O) = dxll(O)ldt = 0, the solution to Eq. (4) is
P PCOspl pcos2pl psmplt
X 11 =- - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2'
Similarly, substituting xlO(t) and xlI(t) into the right hand side of Eq. (5), we
solve Eq. (5). The factor mUltiplying COS(PIt) in the solution xlit) must be zero;
C 2 =5p2/(4pn- 3P/4 .
The fundamental frequency of free vibrations is found from the second equation of
(2) with C l = 0:
IDf( grp grp3 J]2
ll-l -61- erp rp drp=O.
Performing the calculations, we find
- e = Pl2 = p;{1-5rp~/42) , (3)
where Po2=gll. The difference of expressions (2) and (3) is
L1 = p;{ 1-5rp~/42)- p;{1-rp~/8) = O.006p;rp~ .
151 The differential equation of motion of the lever has the form (see Prob-
lem 106)
iP+ P2rp+ f1rp3 =0 ,
where p2 =(c - FR)/J and p =FR/(6l). The fundamental frequency found by the
method of small parameter is given by the expression
Pl2 =P2 +(3/4){mo/Pl)2(FR/6J) . (1)
1.6 Nonlinear Vibrations 199
Here, the function sign( ~) implies that the sign of the moment Mf =k~2
coincides with that of the angular velocity ~. Equation (1) can be written out as
ijJ+p2tp+asign(~)~2 =0,
where l =(mglo + c)/J and a =kll.
In order to find the vibration frequency as a function of the initial deflection
rp(0), we solve this equation under the initial conditions rp(0) = a and dqidt = =0.
In the first half-period, sign( ~) =- 1 and the equation of motion takes the
ijJ+ P 2tp_a~2 = 0 . (2)
We seek for the solution to Eq. (2) in the form
22 2 2C
tp=tpo+atpl+atpl+···'p =PI+ la+ C2a2 +.... (3)
Substituting (3) into Eq. (2) and neglecting the terms of higher powers of a than
the second one, we obtain
•• 2 0
tpO+PltpO= , (4)
tpl + PI tpl = tpl - ItpO'
2 • 2
Substituting this solution into the second equation of (4) and setting C, =0 (for the
secular terms to be zero), we find
tpl =a2/2-2a2cos(Plt)j3-a2cos2(Pl)j6 . (6)
In turn, the substitution of Eqs. (5) and (6) into the right hand side of the third
equation of (4) yields
200 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
p2=p/~1+a2a\2/3, a2=aJ-4a~/3.
The motion in the subsequent half-periods is found in much the same way.
153 The equation of motion of the mass m has the form
mi' +CX +CIX 3 =Posinmt . (1)
In accordance with the Galerkin method, we substitute
X ~XI =xosinmt
into Eq. (1) and require that the integral
I = f( mi' l +CX I +C IX 13 - Po sinmt ~ Jdt
be equal to zero. Carrying out the integration, we find
(3/4)c l x g+(c -m(2)x 0 -Po =0 . (2)
It is convenient to solve Eq. (2) graphically. The point of intersection of the plots
171 =(3/4)C 1xo3 and 172 =Po - (c - moi)xo is Xo ~ 2.27 cm (Fig. 250).
154 The roots of the equation
(3/4)c\x g+(c -m(2)x 0 -Po =0 (1)
depend on the frequency of the perturbing force (see Eq. (2) in Problem 153).
Two real roots of this equation will be equal to each other if D =0, where
D = l + /, q = - 2Pr/3cp P = 4(c - mal)/(9c), Therefore,
1.6 Nonlinear Vibrations 201
For the numerical values given in Problem 153, we find m. = 16.6 1/s, with
q = - 13.33 and p = - 5.63.
In order to determine the amplitudes of the roots of Eq. (1), they should be
written out in trigonometric form:
(XO)1 =-2rcos(cp/3), (X O)2,3 =2rcos[(Jl'±cp)/3] .
17, N
1 22.27 3
Fig. 250.
-2 ~
Fig. 251.
202 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
Since r =sign(q) IPltl2 =- 2.38 and cos(tp) =q/r3 = 1, then (xo)t =4.76 cm and
(XO)2.3 = - 2.38 cm.
The same result can be obtained graphically (see Fig. 251). As the frequency (j)
increases, the straight line 112 =Po - (c - m{j)2)xo rotates counterclockwise, with at
(j) = (j). it being tangent to the curve 11ixo)'
155 The differential equation of motion derived in Problem 153 can be rewritten
in the form
mX' +maix =(mm 2-c)x -clx 3 +Posinmt . (1)
In accordance with the Duffing method, we take the function
XI =xosinmt (2)
as a fIrst approximation. Substituting xt(t) into the right hand side of Eq. (1), we
arrive at the equation in the second approximation:
mi' 2 +mm 2 x 2 =[( mm 2 -C )x 0 -(3/4)c lx g+Po]sinmt +
(1/4)c xgsin3mt .
17, N
1.65 2
Fig. 252.
where f3 is the phase shift between the displacement x and the force F(t). Substi-
tuting the approximate solution
X =X 0 sin( mt ) (2)
into Eq. (1) and neglecting the terms with sin(3wt), we obtain
(-mm 2x 0 +CX 0 +0.75c IX g- Po cosjJ)sinmt + (3)
(amx 0 - Po sinjJ)cosmt = O.
Since the functions sine wt) and cos( wt) are linearly independent, the coefficients
ofEq. (3) must be equal to zero:
-mm 2x 0 +CX 0 +0.75c l x g-PocosjJ= 0, (4)
amx 0 - Po sin/3= O.
The amplitude Xo and phase shift f3 are found from Eqs. (4). Eliminating fJ, we
arrive at the equation
and allowing for only the linear term, we arrive at the equation
JijJ+[a+M'(n)]¢J+mg1qJ=M(n) .
¢J = ijJ =0 , its deflection angle is
Hence, if the pendulum is at rest, i.e.,
qJo=M(n)/(mgl) .
The equation of motion in the variable If! = cP - CPo takes the form
JV/+[a+M'(n)]~+mgllfl=O .
For a + M'(il) > 0, the system is dissipative, i.e., its vibrations are damped.
For a + M'(il) < 0, the system is self-exciting; in this case, vibrations increas-
ing with time are possible.
In order to analyze the actual behavior of the system, we should allow for non-
linear expansion terms in M (n- ¢J) . As a result,
JV/+[a+M'(n)]~+mgllfl=M"(n)~2 /2-M"'(n)~3 /6.
For M"(il) =0, this equation can be written out in the form
JV/-bl~+b2~3 +mgllfl=O ,
where bl =- a - M'(il) and b2 =M' " (il)/6. Finally, introducing x = lfIPib/bYI2
and [) =Pl, with Po =(mgl/J)112 and J.i =b/(Jpo)' we arrive at the Rayleigh equation
£+x =,u(1-x2)x, where x =dx/d8. (1)
158 The nonlinear equation of angular vibrations of the brake block has the form
where J is the moment of inertia of the brake block with respect to the shaft axis.
Allowing for only the linear term in the expansion of M (n- ¢J), we arrive at
the equation
JijJ+cqJ+a¢J=M(n) , (1)
where a =dM/dQ.
Introducing CPI = cP - CPo' where CPo is the rotation angle in steady-state regime,
with cCPo =M(il), we have
JijJl +CqJI +a¢JI =0 . (2)
As follows from Eq. (2), angular vibrations of the brake block are stable if
a> 0, i.e., if Inl ~ In.1 (Fig. 253).
1.6 Nonlinear Vibrations 205
n. n
n n.
159 As is shown in Problem 157, in the case of friction forces depending nonline-
arly on the velocity, the equation of motion of the pendulum is reduced to the
Rayleigh equation
According to the Van der Pol method, functions (6) can be substituted by their
values averaged over a period, with y taken as a parameter rather than a function
of time:
21f/Po 21f/Po
27r 0 27r 0
r= f.1Po
27r 0
r=f.1Polf/(a)/27r =O.
Equation (8) allows us to determine the time dependence of the amplitude a. As
is known from the general theory of nonlinear vibrations, the system has limiting
cycles provided that the right hand side of Eq. (8) is equal to zero. The roots of the
equation da/dt = 0 are a l = 0 and a 2 = 2/3 1(2. They correspond to the equilibrium
position and the periodic motion of the pendulum, respectively.
We now analyze the stability of these states of the pendulum. Let
a = a; + All , (9)
where a, are roots of the equation l1X..a) = 0 and L1a is a deflection of the pendulum
from its eqUilibrium position or from its periodic motion. The substitution of (9)
into Eq. (8) yields
We allow for only the linear expansion term in the right hand side of this equation:
dLla/dt =(f.1Po/ 2)(diP/da; )L1a . (10)
Aa =c exp(f.1PO diP t) .
2 dai
Therefore, for )1 > 0, the periodic motion (or the eqUilibrium position) of the
pendulum is stable if d<tt'da, < 0 and unstable if d<tt'da, > O. In the case under con-
sideration, )1 = O.oI5 (see Problem 157) and
1.6 Nonlinear Vibrations 207
For a =a, =0, dlUda, = 1 > 0, i.e., the equilibrium position is unstable. For
a =~ =2/3'12, dlUda 2 =-1 < O.
Therefore, the limiting cycle of vibrations is stable. In order words, after the
equilibrium of the pendulum has been disturbed, the amplitude of angular vibra-
tions is slowly varying with time t and tends to the limiting value
'If =(az/PO)~bl/b2 :::::0.224 rad.
160 Since the initial deflection angle 1jI(0) =0.1 rad is less than the limiting value
'1/00 =0.224, the vibration amplitude tends to this limit, increasing monotonically.
Figure 254 shows the pendulum motion on the phase plane ('1/, drp/dt). The limit-
ing cycle (the steady periodic motion) is shown by solid line. In the case of
1jI(0) > '1/00, the vibration amplitude decreases with increasing time (dashed line on
the outside of the limiting cycle).
161 The solution found in Problem 159 has the form x =a cos(Pot + y), where
drtdt =O. Therefore, the frequency of the stable limiting cycle is Po'
162 This problem is solved in much the same way as Problem 159. As a result,
tP(a)=(a/8)(4-a 2 ), 'If(a) =0 .
The first root a, =0 of the equation f/X...a) =0 corresponds to the unstable equi-
librium of the pendulum, the second root a2 =2 is the limiting-cycle amplitude.
Differentiating the function f/X...a) with respect to a (see Problem 159), we find
" rad/s
Fig. 254.
208 1 Vibrations of Systems with a Single Degree of Freedom
(dlP/da)la=a2 =(4/S)-(3a;/S)=-1<0.
Therefore, the limiting cycle is stable.
163 In steady-state vibration regime, the drag force balances the rope tension:
cx o=c xSpvg/2, (1)
where Xo is the rope elongation. The differential equation of small longitudinal vi-
brations of the glider has the form
mX"+c(xo+x)=cxS,o(vo-xt/2, (2)
where x is the coordinate relative to the equilibrium position. There is the minus
sign in the right hand side of the equation since the glider speed decreases with in-
creasing x. With regard to equality (1), Eq. (2) can be written out as
X" + pgx = -,u(2v oX -x 2) =Fr
where P02 = elm and f.1 = cpS/(2m).
It is more accurate to write the force F, as
Fr =- ,u(2v oX - X Ix I)
because the drag force must be an odd function of dx/dt.
We seek for the solution to Eq. (2) in the form x = a cos(Pot + rp) = a cos(B).
The Van der Pol method yields the following equation for a(t) (see Problem 159):
d 2Jr
dlP(a2)/da=~ on-/(4po»0.
Therefore, the equilibrium state of the glider, i.e., its steady flight, is stable.
2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of
164. Using the d' Alembert principle, we arrive at the equations of motion
mli"1 +C(X I-x 2) = 0,
m 2i"2 +C(X 2 -X 1)=0.
We seek for the solution to these equations in the form
XI =A sinpt, x 2=B sinpt ,
where the coefficients A and B are to be found from the system of equations
(c -mIP2)A -cB =0, -cA +(c -m2p2)B =0 .
As A and B are not zero, the determinant of this system must be equal to zero:
Finally, we find
1I=mg/(1-cos8) .
Substituting the Lagrange function L =T, + T2 - l1into the Lagrange equation
d(bt/ aj;)/dt-bt/ dii =0 ,
we obtain
(3Mr2/ 2+mr 2)ijJ+mlr"./)cos8-mlr9 2sin 8 =0, (1)
1CI1D •
--+-- .
EJ x GJ p
(1 1J
Substituting these expressions into Eqs. (1), we seek for the solution in the form
0. =Ai sin(pt). As a result, we find
2 8(EJx +GJp ) (_
PI2 = 1+
, nnD3m(1+3cos22a)
2.1 Free Vibrations 211
L -____I~--~I----~I ~
15 30 45° 2a
For Glp = 0.8Elx and P02 = El/(nrcD3m), the frequencies PI and P2 as functions of a
are shown in Fig. 255.
167 Let us consider the position of the bodies at an arbitrary moment of time
(Fig. 256a). The bodies are subjected to the forces shown in Fig. 256b. Using the
d' Alembert principle, we arrive at the differential equations
mlY'1 +Toa , +T Oa 2 =0, m 2Y'2 +T Oa 2+T Oa 3 =0, (1)
168. According to the force method, the differential equations of motion of the
mass m have the form
Y = b'll( -mY' )+b'12{ -J01ifJ) , tp= b'12{ -mY' )+b'22{ -J01ifJ)
We seek for the solution to these equation in the form
Y =A sinpt, tp=B sinpt .
Performing usual transformations, we arrive at the characteristic equation of the
p4_[(b'2JOI+b'llm )p2+1]/(L1mJOl)=0,
where L1 = J, I~2 - J,AI' Therefore, the eigenfrequencies squared are
212 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
p.a..U¥-..........~&..,&..&.&..&,..I,;~ 1
....-=~~~~~~ .. 2
- -(2
0 12 =021 = ab / -a 2-b 2) ,
0 23 =032 = 4EJx
b (b3-4/2J '2
where 1= 2(a + b). Substituting the numerical values and solving Eq. (1), we find
PI = 101 lis and P2 = 150 lis.
170 Differential equations of small free vibrations, which are found by the force
method, are similar to those obtained in Problem 169. In this case, the eigenfre-
quencies of the systems shown in Figs. 128a-d are, respectively,
(a) PI = 3.68 Po, P2 = 10.62 Po;
(b) PI = 2.34 Po, P2 = 3.05 Po;
(c) PI = 2.54 Po, P2 = 4.37 Po;
(d) PI = 1.05 Po, Pz = 6.06 Po·
where P02 =EJj(ml\
171 Using the force method, we arrive at the differential equations of motion
214 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
Y I = 011 (-m lil)+OI2( -m 2i2)'
Y 2 = 021( -m lil)+022( -m 2i2).
To determine the coefficients ~i' we take unit forces to be applied to each load,
construct bending moment diagrams (1), (2), and (3) shown in Fig. 258, and em
ploy Vereshchagin's rule. As a result,
01l=022=41 3/(9EJ x )' 012=021=713/(18EJx). (2)
Substituting the solutions YI =Al sin(pt) and Y2 =A2 sin(pt) into Eq. (1), we obtain
the system of algebraic equations
(0I1mIP2-I)AI+0I2m2p2A2 =0,
021mlP 2AI +(022 m2P 2 -1)A2 = O.
Therefore, the characteristic equation is
mloll +m 20 22 1 0 (4)
P 4 -P 2 +----,-----~
m lm 2(01l022 -0;1) m lm 2(01l022 -0;1)
Substituting expressions (2) into Eqs. (4), we arrive at
PI =0.89~'---EJ-'x 3), P2
/(-:--ml---:- =3.7~EJx /( m1 3) .
To find the eigenmodes, we set All = 1 and P = PI in Eqs. (3). In this case,
A21 =(1-0I1mlpn/(0I2m2pn~1.052.
Similarly, setting AI2 = 1 and P =P2' we find A22 ~ - 0.475 (see curves (3) and (4)
in Fig. 258). The numerical values of the eigenfrequencies are PI = 336 1/s and
P 2 = 1400 1/s.
172 The equations of motion found by the force method have the form
yJm =-0I1il- 0 l2i2- 0 I3i3'
Y21m =-02Iil-022i2- 0 23i3'
Y 31m =-03Iil-032i2 -033i3'
where D:I =25A, D:2 =39A, D:3 = In, ~2 =8U, ~3 =39A, ~3 =25A,
andA =t/(3888EJJ We seek for the solution in the form Yi =Ai sin(pt). In much
the same way as in Problem 171, we obtain the characteristic equation
2880,tl-1344,tl + 131,u-1 = 0 , (1)
where 11 =mtl/(3888EJ). The left hand side of Eq. (1) as a function of 11 is
shown in Fig. 259. The roots found from this plot are III = 0.00825, J4 = 0.126,
and J.L; =0.334. Using these values, we find
2.1 Free Vibrations 215
173 The center of gravity of the vibrating plate is defined by its horizontal x and
vertical y displacements and the rotation angle cp. In this case, the differential
equations of small free vibrations have the form
X = -ollmX" -012mji -013Jip, (1)
Fig. 259.
216 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
d e
Fig. 260.
- \
a b
Fig. 261.
2.1 Free Vibrations 217
175 The frame has three degrees of freedom, namely, the horizontal, vertical, and
angular displacements of the plate. We choose a basic statically determinate sys-
tem as it is shown in Fig. 262.
The differential equations of motion found by the force method have the form
X =-ollm:i" -o12mj" -o13J ip+R014 , (1)
1 1
a b c
e f
Fig. 262.
218 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
177 PI =0.685 Po and P = 1.4 Po, with Po = [EJj(mt)]II2. The corresponding eigen-
modes are shown in Fig. 263.
178 The bending-strain energy of the system is II =cll2, where c =3EJjt is the
bending rigidity of the cantilever rod (see Fig. 264a). The kinetic energy of the
load is
T = mug /2+Jip~/2, where Uo =u +ipl /4 .
In the case of small vibrations, Y = (qJ- u) cosqJ"" qJ- u. Using the Lagrangian
method, we arrive at the equations
mit· +mlip/4+c(u -qi)=O,
mit· +5mlip/4-4c(u -qi)= O.
a 4.38 b
Fig. 263.
2.1 Free Vibrations 219
a b
Fig. 264.
PI =0, P2 =~87EJ/(4mI 3 )
The eigenfrequencies PI and P2 correspond to the motion of the system as a rigid
body and to the flexural vibration, respectively (Fig. 264b,c). The orthogonality
condition muOl u02 + iffJllffJ22 =0 provides a relation between the mode amplitudes.
Setting UOI =u02 = 1, we have ffJlI =4/(5/) and ffJ I2 =- 511.
179 The total potential energy of the system with allowance for the gravity force is
cy 2 5 cy 2 5 2
II =---mgl (l-coscp) ~ -+-mglcp .
2 4 2 8
The kinetic energy is the same as found in Problem 178. The equations of mo-
tion are
mii+mlip/4+c(u -cpt)=O,
mit" +5mlip/4-4c(u -cpt )+5mgcp= O.
The corresponding characteristic equation
220 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
m112m 2
a b c
Fig. 265.
2.1 Free Vibrations 221
The moment of the inertial forces with respect to the hinge is zero, i.e.,
mait +4mhi·2+ 3mhi·3 = 0 . (2)
There are four unknowns (R, up u2' and u3 ) in Eqs. (1) and (2). To set up addi-
tional equations, we consider the bending caused by the inertial forces:
EJxY "=-Rz -mu·t(z -/)-2mu·2(z -2/) .
Integrating this equation two times and taking Eq. (1) into account, we arrive at
the equation
EJxY =(u· t +2u·2+u·3)mz 3/6_ (3)
= m (u..t + 2··u 2 +u..3 )(z-63- 3/
J (4)
mU t
. ((z _/)3 4/ 2ZJ
- - -2mu
.. ((z _2/)3
6 9 2 6
As is seen from Fig. 266a,
Yt =-Y (z =/)=u)3- u l ' Y2 =-Y (z =21)=2u 3/3-u 2 · (5)
Using Eqs. (4) and (5), we obtain the two additional equations
8 .. 23 .. 4 .. 3EJx EJ x 0 (6)
"3mut +3 mu2 + mU3+-1-3-Ut-~U3= ,
17 .. 28 .. 5 .. EJ x 2EJ x 0
18mut+9mu2+"3mu3+~ut-~u3= .
Equations (2) and (6) are a complete system. The corresponding characteristic
222 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
a b c d
Fig. 266.
2[ 4_16EJ x 2+ 108 (EJ x )2]= 0
rnl 3 P 5 rnl3
has the roots
For AI2 = 1, we have A22 = 0.61 and A32 = - 1.15. Similarly, for P = P3.' we have
A 23 =- 0.485 and A33 =0.31. The second and third eigenmodes found are shown in
Figs. 266c,d.
182 The eigenmodes can be found from the following considerations. The system
has two zero eigenfrequencies corresponding to the translatory and angular mo-
tions of it as a rigid body (Fig. 267a). These eigenmodes are shown in
Figs. 267b,c. Two bending eigenmodes, symmetric and antisymmetric, can be
found from the orthogonality condition.
We introduce the following notation: ulJ' U 12 ' U 13' U I4 and rtJlJ' rtJ12 , rtJ13 , rtJI4 (u 2J' U 22 '
U 23 ' U 24 and rtJ2J' rtJ22 , rtJ23 , rtJ24) are linear and angular displacements corresponding to
the four eigenmodes for the left (right) body, respectively. The third (symmetric
bending) mode must be orthogonal to the translatory mode, i.e.,
rnu IIU 13 + rnu 21u 23 +JCfJIICfJI3 +JCfJ2ICfJ23 = 0 .
2.1 Free Vibrations 223
a £i1 cil=J
b ~=r-1
_ _ _""U21=1
_ _ _ _---A. r_
u -1
c Uet!.:81 fI1Jf=3I(41)
Fig. 267.
P2=0, p4=8.2~EJx/(mI3) .
183 The system has four degrees of freedom and, therefore, four eigenmodes: two
anti symmetric and two symmetric modes (Figs. 268a-d). The frequencies of the
anti symmetric modes can be found just as in Problem 182:
c e
Fig. 268.
The coefficients b.j are determined by the Mohr method with the use of the
Vereshchagin's rule:
8 11 =31l 3/(48EJ x ) ,8'2 = 8 2, =3/ 2 /(4EJ x ) ,822 = 1/(EJx ) .
Finally, the frequencies of the symmetric modes are
Fig. 269.
226 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
2 2
allfPk +a12 fPkY k +a22 y k .
all = Lf
I (2 12 2)
EJ x
£5'1l -/£5'12£5'1l +-£5'12 = - - ,
2 EJ x 3 21
(2 / I 2 2) 3EJ x
a22 = LfI £5'21- £5'12£5'22+-£5'22 =--3-'
2 EJ x 3 21
As is seen from Fig. 269a,
Y k =Y 2 - Y I -/2fP2/2-/lfP2/2-/lfPI/2-lfPI (2)
=Y2-YI-/ 2fP2/ 2 - / I'fPJ2, fPk =fP2-fPI'
where II' =1+ 1/2. Substituting expressions (2) into Eq. (1), we have
11 =bllfP; +b 22 fP; +b 33 y 12 +b 44 y; +b 12 fPlfP2
+b 13 fPIY I +b 14 fPIY 2 +b 23 fP2Y I +b 24 fP2Y 2 +b 34 y IY I ,
bll =all +(/'IY Clz2/4 - I '1 a12 /2,
b22 = all +/ 22Clzz/4-/ 2a12 /2, b33 =b44 =Clz2'
bl2 =-2all + 1'1 a12 /2+/ 2a12 /2-1 'I 12a22 /2 ,
b13 = al2 -1'1 a22 , bl4 = -a12 + I' I Clz2 '
b23 = -a12 + 12Clz2 , b24 = a12 -/ 2Clz2' b34 = -2Clz2 .
Using the Lagrange equations, we arrive at the differential equations of motion:
J/PI + 2b ll fPI +b 12 fP2 +b 13y I +b l4 y 2 =0,
J iP2 + b12 fPI + 2b 22 fP2 + b23 y I + b24 y 2 = 0 ,
mJ; I +b 13 fPI +b23fP2 + 2b33 y I +b34 y 2 = 0,
m2Ji 2 +b l4 fPI +b24 fP2 +b34 y 1+ 2b44 y 2 =O.
185 Substituting Yi = Ai sin(pt) and rp, = Bi sin(pt) into the equations of motion con-
sidered in Problem 184, we arrive at the characteristic equation
2.1 Free Vibrations 227
2b ll -JIP Z b12 b l3 b l4
we find
J (3)
-U 14 +U 34 +-(qJ14 +qJ34)=O ,
J (4)
-U 14 +2U 24 -U 34 -(qJ13qJ14 +qJ33qJ34)=O .
Since the fourth mode must be anti symmetric, i.e., U l4 = - u34 = - 1, Eq. (2)
gives U24 = O. In addition, ({J14 = ({J34' Setting U34 = 1, we find from Eq. (3)
({J14 = ({J34 = - mill = - 411 (Fig. 270d).
The fifth, symmetric mode must be orthogonal to the four modes considered
above. Similar consideration yields ({J15 = - ({J35 = 3mll(l({J13) = 121(l({J13) and U25 =-2
(with U I5 = U35 = 1). This eigenmode is shown in Fig. 270e.
The eigenfrequencies can be evaluated by using the modes found above. To
find the frequencies of symmetric modes, we treat the system as a hinged beam
loaded by the moments M = l / ({J at its ends and by the inertial forces PI' P2'
Fig. 270.
2.1 Free Vibrations 229
Taking the equality M =Jl ffJ into account, we reduced Eqs. (6) and (7) to the
(-mep 3 /3+3EJ x )u, -Jp 2/ 2rp/2=0, (8)
To find the angles ffJl3 and ffJ15' we use one of equations (8) and the eigenfre-
quencies found: ffJl3 =- 5.5/1 for U l3 =- 1, and ffJI5 =- 2.211 for U l5 = 1.
The frequencies of antisymmetric modes are found in much the same way as in
Problem 182:
187 To set up the differential equations of motion, we use the d' Alembert princi-
ple. In the process of vibrations, the flywheels are SUbjected to the moments of in-
ertial and elastic forces. Assuming that ffJI < ffJ2 < ffJ3 (ffJj are the rotation angles), we
-J/p,+M, =0, -J2ijJ2+(M2 -M,)=0, J3ijJ3-M3=0,
230 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
188 We denote by fPt' fP2' fPt', and fP/ the rotation angles of the left disk, right
disks, wheel (1), and wheel (2), respectively. The kinetic and potential energies
T =J1ipi /2+J 2ip;j2, (1)
(e)pl=0.651~c/J ,p2=1.256~c/J.
190 The equations of motion are derived by the Lagrangian method. The kinetic
and potential energies are
T =Jip; /2 + 2Jip;/3+3Jip;/2 ,
Il=c(rpl-rp2t /2+C(rp3-rp2t /2.
The differential equations of motion have the form
J(P1 +C(rpl-rp2)=0, (1)
1J'...... O.!],!
-~- P3
Fig. 271.
191 The differential equations of motion of the disks can be written out as
Jipl +C(<JJI-<JJZ)=O,
Jip2 -C(<JJI-<JJ2)+C(<JJZ -<JJ3)=0,
Jip3 -C(<JJ2 -<JJ3)+C(<JJ3 -<JJ4)=0,
2Jip4 +C(<JJ4 -<JJ3)=0,
2.1 Free Vibrations 233
where c =Gi/l. Taking (jJi =Ai sin(pt), we arrive at the characteristic equation
[P 6 lIe 4 c
- 2J P +8 J ( )2P -"25 ()3]
2 c
J =0 ,
which has the roots
PI=0,p2=0.656~c/J ,P3=1.335~c/J ,p4=1.82~c/J .
The eigenmodes found are shown in Fig. 272. It is easy the verify that the or-
thogonality conditions are satisfied.
192 The characteristic equation
The third equation is found from the equilibrium condition for the elastic shell:
a(~, -~3)-C2(qJ3 -qJ2)= (2)
Substituting the solutions (jJi =Ai exp(AJ) into Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain the char-
acteristic equation
(/!?J, +2a+c,) -pa
We seek for the solution in the form y = A sin(pt) and rp = B sin(pt). The corre-
sponding characteristic equation has the roots
2.1 Free Vibrations 237
197 For the eigenfrequencies to be equal to each other, the following conditions
must be satisfied:
c,l, =c 212, (c,I,2 +cin/J ={c, +c 2)/m .
These conditions are reduced to JIm = 11/z-
198 We take the vertical y and angular rp displacements of the case center of grav-
ity and the vertical displacements YI and Y2 of the front and back axles as general-
ized coordinates (Fig. 151). The kinetic and potential energies and the Rayleigh
dissipative function are given by the equations
T =Jil/2+my 2 /2+m,y ,2 /2+m 2y / /2,
a {.
R =2 Y +ipb -y,.)2 +2
a {.. .)2
Y -rpa-Y2 .
Substituting T, II, and R into the Lagrange equations, we arrive at the equations of
J oq,+a(a 2+b2)~+(c2a2 +c,b 2)tp+a{b -a)y +{c,b -c 2a)y
-abj, +~2-c,by, +c 2Y 2a =0,
mJi +2aj +(c 1 +c 2)Y +a{b -a)~+{clb -c 2a)tp-a{y, + y 2)
-c,Y I - C 2Y 2 =0,
m,Ji, +ay, +{c, +c 2)Y ,-ab~-c,btp-ay -cltp=O,
m2i2+ay2+{2c+c2)Y2+aa~+c2atp-aj -c 2y =0.
199 We take the displacements YI and Y2 of the front and back axles as generalized
coordinates. The viscous forces are ignored (a= 0). We introduce new unknowns
Z, =Y + rpa and Z2 =Y - rpb. Then,
Y =(z ,b +z 2a)/{a+b); tp={z, -z 2)/{a+b) .
Just as in Problem 198, we obtain the two independent systems of differential
238 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
Fig. 275.
where a3 =(a, + a2)la,a2• The eigenfrequencies are found from the characteristic
equation corresponding to Eq. (4):
PI =0, P 2 =~r-R-IF.-a---:3(-R-I/-J-
I+-R-2-/J-2-:-) ~ 146.3 1/ S .
201 The kinetic and potential energies of the system shown in Fig. 276 are given
by the equations
T =J/p~ /2+J/p;/2+J I' fi/2 /2 (1)
Here, '1/= 'I/o + '1/" where the angle 'I/o is determined by the static load mg. If the
system is at rest, i.e., d2 1f11dt2 =0, then
2ch l21f/ 0 COSfPlO + mghl = 0 .
In this case, the third equation in system (3) takes the form
J I ' /ifl + 2chl21f/1 COSfPlO = 0 .
The eigenfrequencies are found just as in Problem 169:
PI =0, P2 =18711s, P3=2701ls .
202 The kinetic and potential energies are given by the equations (Fig. 277)
T =J/pU2+Jip;/2+m lx 2/2, (1)
where If/= xI(r) + r 2). Hence, x = r) ({J" and Eqs. (1) take the form
T = Jip;!2+(J I +mlrn~; /2
II = ~ [(RI - r l COSfPlO )fPI - R2fP2 + ~ [-(RI + r l COSfPlO )fPI + R2fP2 r.
+m l g (rl +r2)(I-COS f l fP l ) .
f l +r2
.. [2EF(RI2+rI2COS2fPlO) ] 2EFRIR2 _
fPI+ (
J I +mlrl I
+mlgrl fPI-(
J I +mlrl I
fP2- 0 , 2)
.. 2EF R R 2EF R 2
fP2 - - - I 2fPl +-- 2 fP2 =0 .
J 21 J 21
The eigenfrequencies are found from the corresponding characteristic equation:
PI = 34.6 lis and P2 = 179 lis.
2.1 Free Vibrations 241
a..-_ I ,+b/2
Fig. 278.
203. The body at a moment of time is shown in Fig. 278. Since the tensions To are
assumed to be constant, horizontal displacements of the body may be neglected.
The equations of motion have the form
my" =-To(sina l +sinaz) ,
J;P=-To(h l +h2)·
Taking into account that
sinal =(Y +brp/ 2)//1' sina 2 =(Y -brp/ 2)/11'
hI =(b /2 )sin( a l +a), h2 =(b /2 )sin(rp-a 2),
242 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
In the special case of II =12 =I, these equations of motion become independent
and the eigenfrequencies are
x mg
Fig. 279.
2.1 Free Vibrations 243
b c
Fig. 280.
205 We consider an arbitrary deflection from the equilibrium state (Fig. 280a).
According to the d' Alembert principle, the differential equations of motion can be
written out in the form
mi' =-T Icosa l +T2 cosa 2 ,my" =-(TI sinal +T2 sina 2)+mg. (1)
Keeping only the terms linear in displacements, we write out the equations as
.. T lOX T 20X L1T IX 0 L1T 2 (z I - X0) T lOX oLis I (2)
mx = - - - - - - - + + 2
T 20 (zI-X 0)Lis 2
244 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
There are six unknowns in Eqs. (2) and (3), namely, x, y, ..::::IT" ..::::IT2 , ..::::Is" and ..1s2 •
The identities
sm at + cos2 at =1 . 2 a + cos 2 a =1
,sm 2 2
can serve as additional geometric equations which allow us to obtain the following
two relations (with regard to the expressions written above):
As t =(YO/SIO)Y +(XO/SIO)X , (4)
which give
_ (It-xo)StO _ XOS20 (5)
TIO-mg ,T20 -mg--.
ltY 0 ltY 0
Substituting Eqs. (3)-(5) into Eqs. (2), we have
i" +allx +at2 y =0, )i +a2l x +a22 y =0 , (6)
y mg
3 = ±l - + - -
208 In the equilibrium state, the capacitor charge is qo and the springs are con-
tracted by Xo (by the force between the capacitor plates). The charge and displace-
2.1 Free Vibrations 247.
ment are q = qo + L\q and x =Xo +LIx, respectively. The capacitance is C =a/(l- x),
where a is a constant and I is the electrode spacing in the case when no charge is
To derive the equations of motion, we use the Lagrange equations. The total
potential energy (including both electric and elastic energies) of the system is
II = -UL1q +cx 2/2 .
Expanding this expression in powers of !J.q and !J.x up to the second order, we have
+x o-;i}h 17 + 0.
210 The differential equations of motion derived by the force method have the
y 1 = 8 11 (-m lil +P )-812 m 2i2'Y 2 =821 ( -mlil +P )-822 m 2i2'
Substituting YI =AI sin( mt) and Y2 =A2 sin( mt) into these equations, we find the
amplitudes AI and A 2:
_ 811(1-m2822w2)+8i2m2ul
A I - Po (1-8 m w 2 )( 1-8 m w 2) -82 m m W4 '
11 l 22 2 12 l 2
8 21
A 2 =Po (1-811 m w 2 )( 1-822 m w 2) -8212 m m w 4 '
1 2 1 2
Since 01 = 1I(m2 n ), we have
AI = -8Pol 3 /(9EJ x ), A21 = - 64Pol 3 / ( 63EJx ) ,
The loads m l and m 2 are subjected to the periodic forces FI =- P - m l d2y/dl
and F2 =- P - m2d2y/dt2with amplitudes FlO =0 and F 20 =2PA.!o..2' As is seen
from the bending moment diagram shown in Fig, 282, the cross section passing
through the load m2 is the most critical section where the bending moment is equal
to Mmax =46Po1l21. Therefore, the maximum stress in the beam is
CY max =Mmax/Wx =4Pol822/(381}Vx) ,
211 The differential equations of motion of the system have the form
XI =(Posinwt-ml.i'I)811 +-m 2.i'2 8 12' (1)
Fig. 282.
where XI and x2 are the displacements of the loads m l and m2, respectively. For the
case shown in Fig. 161a, the coefficients of Eqs. (1) are
8" = 1/(2c )+ / 3/(6EJ x ) = 2/( 3c ) ,
8 12 =8 21 =8 22 = /3/( 6EJx ) =1/(6c ).
Substituting XI XIO sin(wt) and x 2 =x20 sin(wt) into Eq. (1), we find the amplitudes
X = P0 8,,(1-m2822ai)
10 (1-8"m1ai)(1-822m2w2)-8~2mlm2w4'
X =~------~~~~~~~---------
20 (1-811m1w2)(1-822m2w2)-8~2m1m2w4'
The load m2 is subjected to the force P IO =2c(x lO - x20) =2.31 Po. The coefficient of
dynamic force transfer is kdyn =P/P2 =2.31. For the case shown in Fig. 161b,
kdyn = 4.5.
212 We resolve the inertial force Fo into the components Fy =Fo sin(wt) and
F, =Fo cos(wt), perpendicular and parallel to the beam axis, respectively. A posi-
250 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
tion of the motor center of gravity is determined by the vertical displacement y and
the rotation angle rp. The force method yields the equations
y =(Fy -my" )8 11 +(FzR -JijJ)812 , (1)
Substituting expressions (2) into Eqs. (1) and taking the relation between the cen-
trifugal force components into account, we arrive at the following equations in the
constants AI' A2, R I, and R2:
(l-mw2811)AI-Iw2812BI =F o8 1p
(l-mw 28 11 )A 2-Iw2812B2 =FoR 8 12 ,
(1-Iw2822)BI-mw2812AI = Fo8 12 ,
(1-Iw 28 22 )B 2-mw 28 12A2 =FoR822 •
Solving this system, we find
Al = (Fo/ A)[ (1-Jw 28 22 )811 +Jw 28;2 ] = -104A o/227 ,
(02=tJ22/[m,(tJl1tJ22-tJi2)] . (2)
The left hand side of Eq. (2) is the partial frequency for the mass m" i.e., the vi-
bration frequency for the mass m, provided that the mass m2 is fixed.
214 The vibration amplitude for the mass m2 vanishes if
(02 = tJ22 /[ m,( tJl1 tJ22 -tJi2)] '
215 The equations of motion derived by the force method have the form
y, =-tJl1 m,Y", -tJ12 m2i2 +tJ13 M , (1)
m/ lx· 2+mII121p+mlglICP=O.
Substituting x 2 =A sin( mt) and rp =B sin( mt) into Eqs. (1), we find the vibration
amplitude A for the mass m2 :
A =(1/ L1)PO(gll-112m2)ml '
Fig. 283.
2.2 Forced Vibrations 253
where LI is the determinant of the algebraic system corresponding to Eqs. (1). The
amplitude A goes to zero as 0/ ~ gill' where (gll/12 is the vibration frequency of
the pendulum in the case of the mass m2 fixed.
217 To set up the differential equations of small vibrations of the system, we use
the Lagrangian method. The angular velocity of the disk is =q + LIn, where
q is the steady-state angular velocity and Lln= rp is an additional angular veloc-
ity due to vibrations.
Both the vibrating masses m are displaced by the interval x from their dynamic
equilibrium positions at the distances 1from the rotation axis. The kinetic and po-
tential energies of the system are
Fig. 284.
254 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
where L1 is the determinant of this system. The damper parameters for which the
vibration amplitude vanishes are determined by the relation 0/ =(c/m) - il,/ .
Therefore, the damping takes place if the frequency of the disturbing torque is
equal to the eigenfrequency of the mass m supported by a spring on the disk ro-
tating at a constant angular velocity .q.
218 A modified design of the Pringle damper is shown in Fig. 284. In this case,
the springs have preloads (cIXo) so that the masses m will be motionless relative to
the disk until the centrifugal m1o.q.2 is less than the preload, i.e., m1o.q.2 < c l xo'
219 For forced vibrations with a frequency (j) to be damped, the eigenfrequency p
of the pendulum on the disk must be equal to (j). In the case under consideration,
p = .q(bll)ll2. Therefore, the pendulum parameters must satisfy the condition
(j)= .q(bll)ll2.
220 The differential equations of forced vibrations of the system have the form
YI=-81ImlY'I+812(-m2Y'2+P)' (1)
Fig. 285.
222 The equations of forced vibrations are similar to the equations of free vibra-
tions considered in Problem 215 except for the right hand side of the fourth equa-
tion which now contains the disturbing torque M. Substituting (fJi =Bi sin( wt) into
these equations, we obtain
(c -J( 2)B I -cB 2 =0, -CBl +(2c -J( 2)B2 -CB3 =0,
-cB 2+(2c -J( 2)B3 -CB4 =0, -CB 32 +(c -2J( 2)B4 =Mo'
Solving these equations, we find the following angles of torsion: B, = 0.373 Mrlc,
B2 =9.274 Mrlc, B3 =- 0.841 Mrlc, and B4 =- 0.352Mrlc. Hence, the amplitudes of
torsional moments are
Ml2 =c(B l -B 2 )=O.l02Mo , M 23 =c(B 2-B 3)= 1.112Mo '
M34 =C(B3 - B 4)=-1.193M o ,
with Mmax = IM341.
223 This problem is solved just as Problem 222. The amplitudes of forced vibra-
tions and of torsional moments are, respectively, B, =3.08 Mrlc, B2 = 1.135 Mrlc,
B3=- 0.1 Mrlc, B4 = - 0.02 Mrlc, and M'2 = 1.945 Mo' M23 = 1.235 Mo'
256 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
M34 = - 0.19 Mo' The maximum shearing stress in the shaft is 'max = Mm.lWp
=1.945 MJWp'
224 A deflection of the system from its equilibrium position is shown in Fig. 286a.
The elongations of the upper and lower links are, respectively,
,,1l] =R]rp]-R 2rp2' ,,1l2 =-R]rp]-R 2rp2 .
Additional stresses in the links can be found from the relations Litl =Liu/fE and
Lit2 =Lia;lIE (see Fig. 286b). As follows from the equilibrium condition for the
J/p] + R]F (,,10'] - ,,10'2) = 0, J 2q,2 + R2F (,,10'2 - ,,10']) = M ,
all =2R/EF 1(J]l) , a]2 =-2R]R2EF /(J]l) ,
a2]=-2R]R2EF /(J2 l ) , a22 =2R 22EF /(Ji).
Assuming ({Jl =A exp(ipt) and ({J2 =B exp(ipt), we find the eigenfrequencies
p] =0, P2 = - -(R2
__ R2
I + _ 2 ~187 11 s .
1 J] J 2
The zero root corresponds to small rotational displacements of the pulleys in the
same direction, with no additional stresses appearing in the links.
The amplitudes of small forced angular vibrations of the pulleys are given by
the equations
rp20 = - J 2 [( all - OJ
2)(a22 - 2)
OJ - a]2a2] ],
_ Mo(all -OJ 2 )
Fig. 286.
_ Mo(0J2-R12Fa)J1)
(jJ 20 - J 20J 2[OJ 2- (R12/ J 1+ R22/)]
J 2 Fa3 .
The stress variations are related to the link elongations by the equations
_ Lll1 _ R (jJ1O - R 2(jJ20 .
LJO"] ---- 1
a1 a1
_Ll/2 _R (jJ20- R 1(jJ1O .
LJ0"2 ---- 2
a2 ~
Therefore, the stresses in the links depend on time as
0"1 = 0"10 + LlO"IO sinOJt , 0"2 = 0"20 + LlO"20 sinOJt
226 The differential equations of motion of flywheels 2 and 3 have the form
J 1iP1 +c 1(jJ1 - M f =M 0 sinOJt , (1)
Mf = J,UPnfXlF .
Here, F is the contact surface area, Pn = N/F, P is the radial coordinate of a surface
element dF, N =No + &/ is the total pressing force, No = t5r1 ~ I is the preload of the
spring, and &/ is a dynamic contribution to the pressing force. The shaft rigidity is
c I = GJJII = mlI4G/(32IJ
The pressure P. varies periodically with f/Jr We now find a relation between f/J2
and &/. Since the spring length determined by the preliminary contraction Do is
independent of the angle f/J2' the displacement equations can be written out as
8 1P + LiN8" = 0, 8 2P + LiN 8 21 = ffJ2 . (2)
Here, ~p and ~ I are the spring contractions due to the external torque M and the
unit axial force, respectively; and ~p and ~I are the corresponding angular twists
in the case of free spring. According to the Mohr method,
M.(I)M. (I) M.(b)M. (b)
8. =
GJ p
j ds + J
EJ x
j ds.
Taking into account that Mp(l) = M sin a, Mp(b) = M cos a, M 2(t) = sin a,
M 2(b) = cos a, MI(I) = (D/2) cosa, M2(b) = (D/2) sina and that the spring wire length
is s =TtDi/cos a, where i is the number of coils, we find
8= IP
trD 2 Mi (_1_+_1_) sin2a ,
4 GJ p EJ x cosa
__n MI .(Sin a + cos 2 a)_I_ ,
GJ p EJ x cosa
trD 2i (_1_+_1_) sin2a
4 GJp EJ x cosa·
8 1P M(EJ x + GJ p )sin 2a
I1N = - 8 11 = - D(EJ x cos 2 a + GJ p sin 2 a )'
2.2 Forced Vibrations 259
rp2 = U 2P
6 1P
- - U 21
JrDMi [ . 2 2
EJ sm a + GJ p cos a-
611 EJxGJ p
227 The differential equations of motion of the flywheels have the form
J1iPi +C Irpl + a 2 ( tPl - tP2) = M 0sinmt , (1)
Differentiating the first equation of system (1) with respect to time and substitut-
ing Eq. (2) into the result, we arrive at the equation
JIJ2~z/ a l +(J 1+JZ )iP2 +(J 1C2+JzC})iPz/a} +(c} +C 2)tP2 + (3)
+C}C2rp2/a} =Momcosmt.
The solution to Eq. (3) is sought in the form
260 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
The substitution of solution (4) into Eq. (3) yields the system of equations in A2
andB2 :
[J/ 2m4 -VIC2 +J2c l )al +C IC2]A 2/a l -
-[VI +J2)m3 +(C I+c 2)W]B2 =0,
"[J/ 2W4 -(J IC2+J2c )m 2+C IC2]B 2/a
l l -
lP20=~A22+B; .
Using the solution found in Problem 226, we determine the internal forces in
the spring:
A 1= (J 2W+- -+ A 2' BI =B 2- ( w+-2)A2
J 2C - .
W al W al
The amplitude of angular vibrations of flywheel 2 and the largest stress in the
shaft are, respectively,
lPlO = ~r-A-12-+-B-I-2 , Tmax = 32c I lPlO / ( n:d
228 Using the d' Alembert principle, we arrive at the following differential equa-
tions of motion for the disk and ring, respectively:
2.2 Forced Vibrations 261
D =MOJ2aOJ3(c-JIOJ2)/Lt,
c -JI OJ2 -aOJ 0 aOJ
aOJ c -JI OJ2 -aOJ 0
0 aOJ J 2OJ2 aOJ
aOJ 0 aOJ J 2OJ2
Fig. 287.
262 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
The amplitudes of stable vibrations of the disk and ring are determined by the
equations, respectively,
rplO =~A 2 +B 2 ,rp20 =~C 2 +D 2 •
229 The system under consideration is shown schematically in Fig. 287. The ki-
netic and potential energies and the Rayleigh dissipative function are given by the
2 J' 2 ·2
T =mv +~+ mlYI
2 2 2'
II= c(lrp-YIY + cI(YI-hY R = a(lip- YIY
2 2 2
Substituting these expressions into the Lagrange equations, we have
Jolp+al (lip- YI)+cl (lrp- Y 1)= 0,
mlil-a(lip- YI)-c(lrp- Y I)+CI(Y I-h )=0,
.. 2' 2n. pg 0
rp+ nrp+ Porp--l-Y I--l-Y I = ,
231 Since the vibration damping in the system under consideration is disregarded
(see Problem 230), the critical velocities of travel correspond to resonances, i.e.,
V*I = IrPl2n and V*2 = IrPf2n, where PI and P2are the eigenfrequencies.
232 If the car considered in Problem 198 moves on a rough road, its tires have ad-
ditional contractions hI and hr Consequently, the expression for the potential en-
ergy of the car coincides with that found in Problem 198 except for the two last
terms which must be substituted by C(YI - h)2/2 + 2C(y2 - h2)2/2, where
264 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
237 The driver's seat position at a moment of time is shown in Fig. 289. The dif-
ferential equation of motion of the mass m is
mY"2+ a (Y2-Yt)+(Y2-Yt)=0.
One more equation follows from the equilibrium condition for the wheel suspen-
W P _ PI2(2np+p;+pn
( )- 2np3+(p~+pnp2+2npI2p+p~+P~PI2
The spectral density of the acceleration is given by the equation
s Y2. =ois,
Syo= JKYo(r)exp(-iwt)dr=
00 2D a
=DyO J{exp[-r(a t -i01)]+exp[-r(a 1 +i01)]}dr= 2 Yo ;.
o at +01
The expression for S,. can be written out in the form
2.3 Critical States and Vibration Stability 267
D . =-
Y2 21r Y2
al = 2 na I + P02+ PI'
2 a4 =a I (4 2 I2) ,ao=2n,
Po + PoP
a2=al(p; + pn+ 2npl2 ,a3 = PI2(p; +2na l)+ P; .
238 The center of gravity of the disk at an arbitrary instant t is specified by the
vector r (Fig. 290). To describe the disk motion, we use the Lagrange equations of
the second kind. The kinetic energy of the disk is
T =m(v;+v:)j2+Jooi/2, (1)
where Vx and Vy are the x- and y-components of the velocity of the disk center and
10 is the moment of inertia with respect to the axis perpendicular to the disk plane
and passing through the center (point OJ
The velocity of the center of gravity is specified by the vector v:
i j k
v =i i +j y +[ mx r ], [m x r ] = 0 0 m
x y 0
Here, i, j, and k are the unit coordinate vectors. Hence, the velocity components
can be presented as the scalar products:
268 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
where P02 = elm. Taking x = A exp(ipt) and y = B exp(ipt), we obtain the charac-
teristic equation
(Po2-m 2) -P 2 -2mip (2 2 2)2 2 2
2mip (Po2-m 2) -P 2= Po -()) -P -4(0 P =0.
Hence, the two eigenfrequencies are PI = Po - OJ and P2 = Po + OJ.
239 In the rotating coordinate system yO 'x, the disk center of gravity (point 0) is
specified by the vector r (Fig. 291): r =r l + e, where r l is the displacement of the
shaft axis. The relative position of points 0' and 0 1 ' shown in Fig. 291 corre-
sponds to the case of OJ < OJ, (see Problem 93), when the steady-state equilibrium
condition is satisfied:
Fig. 290.
2.3 Critical States and Vibration Stability 269
y x
Fig. 291.
In the case of m> m., Eq. (1) takes the form mm\ = c(xo+e).
If the motion of the disk is stationary, the vectors r and r I are collinear since the
points 0", 0, and 0 1 are on the straight line O"x. The angle rp determines small
deflections of the vector e from the 0" x axis, while the coordinates x and y of the
disk center of gravity determine its small displacements relative to the rotating co-
ordinate system.
The kinetic energy of the system and the bending-strain energy of the shaft are
T =m(v; +v n/2+Jo(m+ipt /2 ,
II =cr 2/2=C[(X -e COSqJ)2 +(Y -e SinqJt]/2
The motion of the disk is stable provided that the frequencies PI and P2 are real-
valued. If PI •2 are complex conjugate numbers, i.e., PI ,2 =± iA, the solution is pro-
portional to the function exp(A,t) which increases infinitely with time. In this case,
the vibration amplitude for a certain angular velocity v. should grows infinitely,
and, therefore, small vibrations become unstable. Such an angular velocity is re-
ferred to as a critical velocity.
Equation (2) have complex conjugate roots if
kx2+k2y +2m2 <
(k2x _k2)2
+8m2(k2x +ky2)
Whence, kx ~ 0). ~ kyo It follows from these inequalities that there is a range of
critical angular velocities.
241 As in the case of Problem 238, it is convenient to solve the problem in the ro-
tating coordinate system. However, the extra term ~ = mgY I should be added to
the expression for the strain energy considered above, with YI being the coordinate
of the center of gravity in the fixed coordinate system XPIYI (Fig. 292). In the ro-
tating coordinate system xOly,
2.3 Critical States and Vibration Stability 271
Fig. 292.
The solution to Eqs. (1) is sought in the form x = A sine lOt) and y = B cos( lOt).
Substituting these expressions into Eqs. (1), we arrive at an inhomogeneous sys-
tem of equations in A and B, which has the solution A =B =-glf.
The critical angular velocity is found from the solvability condition for the ho-
mogeneous system: m. = kIl.
242 The differential equations of motion relative to the rotating coordinate system
(see Problem 241) are
.i" +( kx 2 -al)x -2£0/ = -g sinwt ,
In addition to this value, there is the range of critical angular velocities found in
Problem 240.
243 When the bent roller rotates about the AB axis, the inertial forces acting upon
the disk are perpendicular to its axis (Fig. 293). In this case, the total force of in-
= =
ertia acting upon an element dm is dF dmolr,. Because r, r + y, the force dF
can be presented as a sum: dF =dF, + dF2, where dF, =dmo/y and dF2 = dmolr.
The force dF, is directed along the y axis. The moment Mx of the force dF2 with
respect to the x axis impedes the disk's rotation. Since the rotation angle about the
x axis is small,
Fig. 293.
2.3 Critical States and Vibration Stability 273
co 2 = 6EJ x (J _ m1 3J+ [ 6EJ x (J _ m1 J]2 +~(EJx )2 (3)
Jm13 3 Jm13 3 Jm 12
The second root of Eq. (2) corresponds to imaginary values of the angular veloc-
If the moment of inertia of the disk can be disregarded, i.e., the disk is treated
as a point mass, the critical angular velocity is given by Eq. (2) with J ~ 0:
246 The forces acting on the disk are shown in Fig. 294, where r! is the roller de-
flection, e is the eccentricity of the disk center of mass, Fe! =-crt is the elastic
force acting on the disk, and M m is the total attractive force due to the magnets.
According to the d' Alembert principle, the differential equations of motion in
the case of constant angular velocity of the disk have the form
a a
Fig. 294.
247 The plate has three degrees of freedom: the vertical displacement z and the
two angular displacements ({J and (). If the angle () of attack is nonzero, an aerody-
namic lifting force appears. In this case, vertical displacements of the plate cause
elastic forces of the springs, with the net force
F =-Cl(Z -(1 /2 +rph /2)-c l(z -(1 /2-rph /2)
-c 2(z +(1 /2 + rph /2 )-c 2(z +(1 /2-rph /2).
The moments of the elastic forces with respect to the x and y axes are
Mx =-(C l+C 2)rph2 ,
My =2c l(z -(1 /2)/-2c 2(z +(1/2)1 .
The differential equations of motion of the plate have the form
mi" +2(c l +c 2)Z +(C I -C 2 )(1- dc z pv 2 hIO=O,
dO 2
J y B+.!.(c l +C 2)/ 20+(C 2-c/z _ dc z hl pv 20 = 0, 1 (2)
2 dO 8 )
2.3 Critical States and Vibration Stability 275
.. h 2 ( c +c ) (jJ= 0.
Jx(jJ+- (3)
1 2
Equation (3) is independent of Eqs. (1) and (2) and allows us to find the fre-
quency of angular vibrations about the x axis:
p =h~(Cl +c 2 )/(4Jx ) •
where FlO =(dc/d9)hlplI4. The characteristic equation follows from the condition
P 4 +~p 2 +a4 =0 (4)
_ 2(c 1 +C 2) + 2(c 1 +CJl2 -FlOl
~- m 4J y '
a4 -
1 +c 2)l-FIO ](C 1 +c 2)l [(CI-C2)l-2FIO](CI-C2)l
2mJ y mJ y
For the roots of characteristic equation (4) to have negative real parts, its coef-
ficients must be positive (for a biquadratic equation, this condition is necessary
and sufficient):
l 2(c +c 2) (C
1 1 +c 2)l2
-FIO --+ + >0,
4J y m 2J y
Fig. 295.
z'; z
Fig. 296.
The positiveness condition for the coefficients of Eq. (1) is the necessary and
sufficient condition for the roots to be negative: Je l - aal > 0 and a l - a > O. Sub-
stituting the second condition into the first one, we obtain Je l > aal > a2, i.e.,
a < (C/)Ifl = 10-2 N m s. Because the condition a < a =0.005 N m s should also be
met, the motion is stable if a < 0.005 N m s.
2.3 Critical States and Vibration Stability 279
252 The differential equation of rotation about a fixed point has the form
dKldt =M, where K is the principal angular momentum of the top about the point
o =
(Fig. 296). In general, K 1m, where 1 is the matrix of the moments of inertia
with respect to the body coordinate axes and m is the angular velocity of the top.
The matrix J is of the form
Jx -Jxy -Jxz
J= -Jyx Jy -JyZ
-Jzx -Jzy Jz
It is known that the total derivative of a vector K is related to the local deriva-
tive taken in a moving coordinate system by the equation
dK/dt=dK'/dt+[{l}'xK] , (1)
where the angular velocity m' of the coordinate system differs, in general, from OJ:
m* m'.
If the local derivative is taken in the body coordinate system, then m =m', and
we arrive at the Euler equation d'K/dt+ [()}Xl(] =M. The components of this
equation relative to the moving coordinate system (x', y', z'), which differs from
the body coordinate system, are (the prime in the local derivative is omitted, see
Fig. 296)
dKx,jdt +Kz,{l}y' -K y ,{l}z' = M x" (2)
dK y' jdt +Kx,{l}z' -K z ,{l}x' =M y"
dKz.fdt +K y ,{l}x' -Kx,{l}y' =Mz"
The coordinate system (x', y', z') moves in conjunction with small vibrations of
the top but does not rotate with it. The Oz' axis always coincides with the Oz axis
of symmetry. Because of this, the angular velocities OJx " OJy " and OJ,. can be as-
sumed as small.
If the angular displacements of the symmetry axis of the gyroscope are small,
the total angular velocity of the top takes the form m = ~ + m', with (in the small-
deviation approximation)
,,,' - r' ,LU
LU Z' - ,,,' X''-- f)' ,LUY'-""·
,,,' - in
where {l}x :::!O, {l}y :::!ip, {l}z :::!.Qo+y, and the Ox', Oy', and Oz' axes are
principal axes of inertia.
For small angles, when x' R: x and y' R: y, the moment of gravity force has the
M z' :::! 0, My' :::! mgx , , M x' :::! mgy , ,
280 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
where x' =lrp and y' =lB. Because of the axial symmetry, Jx =Jy , and Eqs. (2) are
reduced to the linear differential equations
J x B+Jziloip- mglB= 0, (3)
J x ip-Jz iliJ- mglrp = 0,
mz =0.
As follows from the third equation, OJ, =const =,q. The superposition of the first
two equations yields
y-i rJzilo/Jx -ymgl /J x =0 ,
where r= ()+ irp. Substituting y = C exp(At), we arrive at the characteristic equa-
Fig. 297.
B+Jzilip/Jx =Mx·/Jx ,
iP-Jzil/}/Jx =My·/Jx .
In the case under consideration, there are elastic forces acting on the gyroscope
together with the gravity force. A position of a point 0 1 of the gyroscope axis is
shown in Fig. 297. Substituting the expressions for the moment components
Mx' ={mg /2-2cl)IB,
My. ={mg /2-2cl)lrp,
into these equations, we obtain
Jzilo>~2J){mg -4cl) .
254 The equations of motion of the gyroscope have the form (see Problem 253)
.. J ilo;/) (mg -4c 2 1)W
B+ z 'f' =0,
Jx 2Jx
(mg -4c 2 1)lrp =0.
Taking B= Al exp(At) and tp = A2 exp(At), we arrive at the characteristic equa-
..1,1,2 = ~'-Clz-/2-±-~-;:~=i=:=/4=-=a=4 .
If a2 > 0, a4 > 0, and a/ - a4 > 0, these roots can be written as
282 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
III =mlgl(l-cosr).
Fig. 298.
2.3 Critical States and Vibration Stability 283
m (.;:2 +/,2
T =_2 .) +~W2
J J W2
+-21.... J
2 2 '='2 '='2 2 X2 2 Y2 2 Z2 '
ll2 = m2gi (I-cosr) ,
JJ =JX1 +JX2 +m3a2 ,
J 2=JY1 +JY2 +(mJ +m 2)i 2+m 3(i +ay ,
A =[(mJ +m 2)1 +(1 +a)m3]g .
r= C
Taking ()= C1 cos(pt) and 2 sin(pt), we obtain the characteristic equation
n = Qat(l-cosB)-Q(at +a2Xl-coscp1
J ·2
o 2' n = - Ql(l
0 0 0 - cos cp )
Here, the coordinates of the rotor center of gravity are
~=(~ +a2)coscp+at cosB, t; =(a\ +a2)sincp,x t =at sinB .
The rotor acquires additional angular velocities e and ip related to angular
displacements of both the rotor and the car. The vector ip is directed along the XI
axis. The components of mare OJ x =ipcosB and OJ z =no+ipsinB.
Fig. 299.
258 We consider the fixed coordinate system Oxyz with its origin at the point of
contact of the disk to the plane (Fig. 299).
286 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
At a moment of time, the disk's plane makes a small angle B with the vertical,
while the tangent to the disk at the point of contact makes an angle f/J with the OIY
axis, i.e., the angles Band f/J between the disk axes and the Ox, Oy, and Oz axes
are small. The angular velocity of the disk is
Q=Qlel +Q2e2+Q3e3'
where e p e2 , and e3 are the unit vectors and Q I = -(/JcosO, Q 2 = 0, Q 3 ;:::: l.oj
are the angular-velocity components.
The angular moment about the point 0 is
K =Kle l +K 2e 2+K3e3 =-A (/Jcos(:kl +Afk2 +C.!£3 '
where A = mi/4 and C = mr212 are the equatorial and axial moments of inertia of
the disk, respectively.
Using the equation for angular moment, we arrive at the differential equations
A (-cPcosO)+A OcPsinO+CQO=O,
The eigenfrequency of small vibrations of the disk is
P= (e + mr led /A - mgr =
A +mr2 5
(3d _ g) .
The small vibrations are stable if Q> (g/3r)ll2.
259 Let a static load be applied to the beam. We take the corresponding deflection
curve as its normal mode (Fig. 3(0). In this case, the maximal strain energy is
equal to the work of the applied forces, i.e.,
llmax =(1/2)I p iY i '
Fig. 300.
In the case of m, = m2 = m, the lowest eigenfrequency is p = 1.1(EJjmp)'I2.
262 The displacements of the masses are equal to y, =Y3 =81mgtl(3888EJ) and
Y2 = 159mgtl(3888EJ), The lowest eigenfrequency is = 5.71(EJjmn'l2.
263 The maximal kinetic energy of the system with allowance for the distributed
mass and the maximal strain energy are, respectively (see Problem 261),
max 2 31
= EJx Y ; ( -1C) 4 sm f
. 2 11Z dz cy ; ( . 2 1C
+-- sm -+sm
. 2 -21C)
3 3'
The profiles of axial loads 1,2, and 3 are shown in Fig. 301. Calculating the de-
flections Yi,
Y 1 =3lmg / (EF ), Y 2 =5lmg / (EF ), Y 3 =6lmg / (EF) ,
and substituting these expressions into Eq. (1), we find p =0.45(EFlml)ll2.
266 p =0.775(EFlml)ll2.
267 p = 0.65(EFlml)ll2.
p 1 2 3
Fig. 301.
290 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
• 1
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r1
Fig. 302.
where Mi are static torques applied to the system and rpi are the angles of torsion of
the flywheels. The torques Mi can be taken as proportional to the moments of in-
ertia: Mi = ali'
The moment diagrams corresponding to M, and M2 and to the unit moments are
shown in Fig. 302. The angular twists are
rpl =(MI + Mz)/c) , rpz = Mz/c z+(MI + Mz)/c) .
Taking into account that M, =all and M2 =al2, we find from Eq. (1) the lowest
eigenfrequency squared
J1(J, +J )jc, +J [J /C +(J, +Jz)/C,]
2 _ 2 2 2 2
269 P =0.35(c/J)'n..
270 According to the Dunkerley method, the lowest eigenfrequency is determined
by the formula lIp2 = IIp/ + lIP22... + lIPn2, where Pi is the partial eigenfrequency
of the mass mi' For the system considered in Problem 259, p,2 = lI(m,~) and
P22= 1I(mA2)' where ~, =~2 = 12tl(27EJJ Hence, in the case of m, =m 2=m,
P =0.865(EJjmt)'n.. If m 2 =2m, =m (see Problem 261), P = 1.06(EJjmt)'n..
2.5 Random Vibrations 291
271 The lowest eigenfrequency is found from 1// = 1/P 12+ 1/P22+ 1/P32, where
p/ = 1/(m~I)' P22= 1/(m~2)' and P32= 1/(m~3)' with Oil = 3l/(EF), 022 =211(EF),
and ~3 = l/(EF). Hence, P = 0.41(EFlml)ll2.
272 For the systems considered in Problems 266 and 267, P = 0.7(EFlml)112 and
P =0.58(EFlml)ll2, respectively.
273 The differential equation of small angular vibrations of the trailer was ob-
tained in Problem 75:
lp+a/ 2 ipjJ o+pgrp=(c+a)lhjJo ' (1)
S rp ( OJ ) = fv (iOJt S h( OJ) ,
where I W(iw) I is the modulus of the frequency response Wr(w), which is related
to the transfer function W(P): Wr(w) = W(P = iw) (Svetlitsky V., 2002). The trans-
fer function is the ratio of the Laplace transform of the output quantity to that of
the corresponding input quantity: W(P) =Xou,(P)/Xin(P).
The transfer function for Eq. (1) has the form
O'---......- .......- .......---L~
5 10 15 V, mls
Fig. 303.
292 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
Fig. 304.
W{p)= {c+ap)1
J o(po2+p2)+aI 2p
Hence, the frequency response is
W (im)- (c + iam) I
- J o(pg-m 2)+iam/ 2
In the case under consideration, the spectral density Sh( liJ) can be written out as
Sh( liJ) = lOvl[21t(25v 2+ liJ2)]. Then, the variance ofthe angle IP is given by the inte-
Hence, the variance of the angular velocity dqtdt is given by the integral
The standard deviation of the angular velocity is shown in Fig. 305 as a function
of the velocity v.
276 The differential equation of motion of the mass m has the form
294 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
Fig. 305.
Sy = fv (im )1 Sf =
2mn 21p; _m 2+ iam/ mIIp2 + iml2
Dy - z·
-oo1-im 3 -(pz +a / m)m2+{p; +apz/m )im+ P2P;1
This integral is calculated in Appendix 2:
Dy =(T~ =PI (aP2 1m +pg)/{2ma(aP2Im +pg+p;)}
For the numerical values given, D y =29 m 2 / c 4 •
277 The force acting on the mass m is
F =-mji-aj +/ =cy
Because of the symmetry of the problem, the reaction force is R =0.5 F. The
spectral density of the reaction R is related to that of the displacement y by the
equation SiOJ) =0.25 c2 S/OJ). Taking into account the relation (see Problem 276)
2.5 Random Vibrations 295
2m21(iW)2 +p;+iawlml
where Sjm) is the spectral density of a perturbing forcef, we obtain
_ (0.25c 2pj4mn 2)
SR - 2
l-iw -(aim +P2)W2+(aP21m + p;)iW+ p;P21
278 The angular velocity of perturbed rotation is ,Q = .q + Lin. For small pertur-
bations Li,Q, the moment of resistance can be written out as
Mr(n)=Mr(no)+(OMr/ on)oL1n.
The perturbed rotation caused by a random moment of resistance LiM is de-
scribed by the equation
J dL1n/dt =Me -M r(no)-(OMr/on)oL1n+L1M
Since Me =Mr(.q), then
J dL1njdt+(OMr/on)oL1n=L1M
As is known the spectral density is related to the correlation function by the
1 00
S,w(w)=- JKLlM(T)exp{iwT)dT.
27r -00
The spectral density and the variance of Acp are given by equations
D •• 2
-00 l
where 2n = aim and P02 =6EJj(ml\ The maximal bending moment, arising at the
restraint, and its spectral density are given by the equations
SM =12Irnm2-iwaI 2S y (m) ,
where S/ OJ) is the spectral density of random vertical displacement y:
_ 20p~12(rnw4+a2m2)
SM - 2
2 00 5p:12[a 2+m2(2n+1O)]
a M = f8 M (m)dm= ( )
-00 n 20n+pg+l00
For the numerical values given, CTM = 2.32 kN m. The normal stress at the restraint
is CT =MIWx; hence, its standard deviation is equal to 0"0-= CTjWx =29.3 MPa.
281 The motion of the mass m is described by the following equation derived by
the force method:
The spectral density and the variance of random displacement y, are given by
the equations
282 The differential equation of random vibrations of the mass m was considered
in Problem 280:
W (p)=[L1y(p)-L1YI(p)]= -p(p+2n)
c L1Y I(p) (p2+2np+pn
S c(W)=fvc(iw)12 S I(W)=
where m,and m2 are masses of the piston and the rod, respectively.
The spectral density and variance of displacement LIz I are, respectively,
284 The differential equation of motion of the piston has the form
LiZ·, +2nL1i, + p;Liz, = LIp,F j(m, +m 2)+ p;Liz 0 •
The variance of the output quantity LIz, can be presented in the form:
DAz , =DAz,(LIp,)+DAz,(LizO) '
DAz,(Lizo)=p~ ffv(im)12SAzodm,
285 The differential equation of motion of the piston has the form
LiZ·, +2nL1i, + p;Liz, = LIp,F j(m, +m 2)+ p;Liz 0 '
4 2AKp~. AK2
286 The differential equation of small vertical vibrations of the mass m has the
j/ +2roi + p~y =p~y 0 •
In order to find the variance of acceleration d2y/dt\ we first determine the spec-
tral density of displacement Yo, which is related to the correlation function:
1 <XlI () (.)
S Y 0 (OJ) = 1r K y T exp -IOJT d T =
-00 n{2D ay
a2 + OJ2) .
The spectral densities of y and d2y/dl are, respectively,
1 11
where P02 = elm. The function sinfpitl -1')] is shown in Fig. 306a for Po = 2 1/s and
tl =2 s.
For the displacement to be as great as possible at tl =2 s, the integrand should
be of fixed sign, i.e., the function P(t) should be negative for 0::; 1'::; 0.43 and
positive for 0.43 ::; 1'::; 2. Therefore, the largest xmax corresponds to the following
dependence: P( 1') =- 1 for 0::; 1'::; 0.43 and P( 1') = 1 for 0.43::; 1'::; 2 (see
Fig. 306b). In this case, the evaluation of integral (1) yields xmax =58.6 mm. In the
case of the unit step force F ( l' ~ 0) = 1, the displacement at tl =2 s is equal to
288 The velocity can be found by differentiating Eq. (1) of Problem 287 with re-
spect to the time tl' In general, the derivative of an integral with respect to a pa-
rameter can be presented as
d b(a) b(a) of db() d ( )
- ff(x ,a)dx = f -dx + a f[b(a),a]-~f[a(a),a].
da ala) a(a)oa da da
In the case under consideration,
1 II
i = - fCOS[po(/l-r)r( r)dr .
m 0
With regard to the dependence P( 1') found in Problem 282,
where n =a/(2m), l =Po2 - n\ and P02 =elm. Since the viscous friction influences
the vibration frequency very weakly, we can take that P ~Po ~ 2 1/s. The integrand
in (1) changes its sign at 1'1 =0.43 s (see Problem 287). Therefore, the dependence
P( 1') desired is the same as that found in Problem 287.
290 The differential equation of small vibrations of the system with respect to its
equilibrium position corresponding to the nominal thrust Ro has the form
302 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
b b
X=-f{exp[-n(t -T)][sinp(t
l l -r)]}L1R(r)dr, (1)
mp 0
1 II
X =-fsin[po(t\-r)]p(r)dr, (1)
mpo 0
1 II
i =- fcos[po(t\-r)]p( r)dr.
m 0
Denoting a l =A cosa and a z =(A/po) cos a, we present the instrumental error in the
,1 =X A cosa+(i / Po)A sina (2)
where ~ =PoCtl - .). This integral takes the greatest possible value if the integrand
is positive in the integration domain 0 ~~ ~ Pot, ~ 21t.
304 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
a b
Fig. 308.
For 0 < a < 1t, this condition is met if M, = -b in the interval 1t ~ .; + a ~ 21t
(where the sine function is negative) and M, = b in the intervals'; + a < 1t and
21t < .; + a ~ Potl + a. Similarly, for 1t < a < 21t, M, = -b in the intervals
o ~ .; < 21t - a and 31t - a ~ .; ~ Potl "'" 21t. In this case, the maximum value of rpl is
f/Jmax ~j2
oPo 0
f -2271:-aJ
f sinqdq=j24cosa.
. b
f/Jmax ~--2
Po JoPo
f -2271:-aJ
f cosqdq=--2
Therefore, since Potl "'" 21t, the range of rpk and drp.j(dtpo) is close to a circle (see
293 The differential equation of perturbed motion of the mirror, (see Problem 279)
L1t/J+2nL1<iJ+p;L1f/J=AL1i(t) , (1)
aA ["
-2 JlAl~- 2"JlAl~+ 3"JlAl~- ...] ,
PI 0 " 2"
where q= Pl:and ~q) =exp(-n$PI)sin(q). The evaluation of the integrals yields
A(D= =aA(l+q )~qj /(Pl' +n') ,
where q =exp(-mtlp) < 1. The sum of this infinite geometric sequence is equal to
1/(1 - q). Finally,
where y =Ill'. Eliminating the reaction N from Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain
rp+2nip+ p;rp=PI /J , (3)
where J =10 + ml\ 2n = aI}/J, and P02 =cL2/J. Under zero initial conditions, this
equation has the solution
rp = (// PIJ) Jexp[ -n(t - Z-)]Sin[PI(t - r)]P dr ,
where p/ = P02 - n2. Substituting this solution into Eq. (1), we have
N =P(t)-ml d2 rp/dt 2 =P(t)-P(t)mI 2 /J + (5)
Fig. 309.
295 Under steady-state vibrations, the solution to Eq. 3 of Problem 294 takes the
q> = al
where 1 =10 + mt and P02 2 =cL /J. Under the initial conditions imposed, the solu-
tion to Eq. (1) can be written out as
G(im)=b 2DMa/tr,
IA (imt =1-im -(2n +a)m +(pg +2na)im+apgI2
3 2
~ ()I
im =
8 11 +1812 -
281('w x -m +2nim+p 0
2 2
In order to evaluate the probability of survival pro;, - lTmax > 0], we should find
the probability density j(z) for the random variable z = lTy - lTmax' where 0;, and lTmax
are independent Gaussian random variables. In this case,
One more equation follows from the condition that vertical displacements of the
point k should be equal to zero:
Yk =0 21 (-mi -aoy )+022 R +013 M =0. (2)
Eliminating the reaction R from Eqs. (1) and (2), we arrive at the equation
i +2nj + p~y =bM ,
2n =ao/m, p~ = 022/ m.t1 , b =.t1j.t1 ,
.t1 = 0 11 0 22 -012 0 21 , .t11 = 0 130 22 -012 0 23 .
This equation is similar to Eq. (1) of Problem 297 so that the subsequent cal-
culations coincide with those made above.
299 The differential equation of small vertical vibrations of the mass m has the
310 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
y M I
Fig. 310. Fig. 311.
where 2n = ajm and Po2 =elm. The Fourier transformation of these equations
S y (im ) = fv (im )1 S
h (im) ,
~;r/(')I p;+2nim
r' 1m = _m 2 +2nim+ p;
The variance of vertical displacement y
/& ,
2.5 Random Vibrations 313
On introducing new variables z, =dYldt, Z2 =Y, and the four-column Z =(z,; Z2)'
we reduce Eqs. (3) to a system of first-order differential equations
i+DZ=O,D=~-IB A-IE
I-E 0
Therefore, Z(t) =K(t)Zo' where K(t) =exp(-Dt) and Zo = {dy(O)/dt,dtp(O)/dt,O,Q}.
Then, tp(t) =Zit) =K4,dy(O)/dt + K42dtp(O)/dt =b(t)Jp with b(t) =K4, a, + K42 ar
The mathematical expectation and standard deviation of the deflection angle rp are,
respectively, mf{J = b(t)mJ and af{J = b(t)a,. Therefore, according to the "tbree-
sigma" rule, rpmn =mf{J + 3af{J =b(t)(mJ + 3a,). The moment of time t' at which the
angle rpmax attains its maximum is found from this equation:
max[ qJmax] =b (t *)( mJ + 30-J )
314 2 Vibrations of Systems with Several Degrees of Freedom
Janke E., Emde F., Losch F (1960), Taffeln hoherer funktionen, B.G. Teubner Verlagsge-
sellshaft, Stutgart.
Svetlitsky V.A. (1994), Problems and Examples in Vibration Theory. Bauman
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Timoshenko S. and Young D.H. (1945), Theory of Structures. McGrow-Hill, New
York, London.
-2 0 2 4 6 8 9 10 a
__ I 1 •
·1 0 1 2 3 4 a
Fig. 312
J j = Jbdw/laoiw+al = JdJ/{aOa j) .
Forn =3,
_ 00 [bo{iWr +bj{iwf +b2]dw 7r(-a2bo+aObj -a ajb2/ a3)
_ bo{-aja4+a2a3)-aOa3bj +aOajb2+aOb3{aOa3-ajaz)/a4
-J[ ao(aoa;-aj2a4-ajaZa3) .
Foundations of Engineering Mechanics
Series Editors: Vladimir 1. Babitsky, Loughborough University
Jens Wittenburg, Karlsruhe University