Balancing Terminology
Balancing Terminology
Balancing Terminology
Axis of Rotation (Spin Axis). The axis of rototion (spin Local Mass Eccentricity (for distributed mass rotors). For
axis) is thot straight line about which a body rotates. small axial elements cut from a rotor perpendicular to
the shaft axis, the distance of the center of gravity of
Note 1: If the bearings are anisotropic there is no each element from the shaft axis, the distance of the
stationary axis of rotation. center of gravity of each element from the shaft axis is
called its local mass eccentricity.
Note 2: In the case of rigid bearings the axis of rotation
is the shaft axis, but if the bearings are not rigid, the axis Mass Eccentricity. For a two-bearing rotor, the distance
of rotation is not necessarily the shaft axis. of the center of gravity from the shaft axis (see “Center
of Gravity [Moss Center]“).
Center of Gravity (Moss Center). The center of gravity
of a body is that point in the body through which posses Outboard Rotor. A two-journal rotor which has its
the resultant of weights of its component particles for all center of gravity located other than between the journals.
orientations of the body with respect to a uniform
gravitational field. Perfectly Balanced Rotor. A rotor is perfectly balanced
when its mass distribution is such that it transmits no
Critical Speed. The rotational speed of the rotor or rotating vibratory force or motion to its bearings as a result of
element at which resonance occurs in the system. centrifugal forces.
Equilibrium Center. The point at which the shaft axis Note: When run at different speed or when placed in
intersects the plone perpendicular to the shah axis different bearings, the rotor would not necessarily
(see 2, “Shaft Axis”) and through the center of gravity remain perfectly balanced.
of a rotor, when the rotor is at a standstill.
Rigid Rotor. A rotor is considered rigid when it can be
Principal lnertia Axis. For each set of Cortesion corrected in ony two (orbitrorily selected) planes (see
co-ordinates at a given point, the values of the six “Correction [Balancing] Plane”) and after that
moments of inertia of a body lxixi (i. i = 1, 2, 3) are in correction, its unbalance does not significantly exceed
general unequal; for one such co-ordinate system the the balancing tolerances (relative to the shaft axis) at
moments lxixj (i # j) vanish. The values of lxixj (i = j for any speed up to maximum operating speed and when
this particular co-ordinate system are called the principal running under conditions which approximote closely to
moments of inertia and the corresponding co-ordinate those of the final supporting system.
directions are called the principal axis of inertia.
Rotor. A rotor is a rotating body whose journals are
:;;;a;;2 - Ixlxj dm, where xi, xj are Cartesian supported by bearings.
lnboord Rotor. A two-journal rotor which has its center Note 1: Units of unbalance are, for example, oz. - in.,
of gravity between the journals. g - mm, etc.
Journal. A journol is that port of o rotor that is in contact Note 2: Weight may be substituted for mass in certain
with or supported by a beoring in which it revolves. countries.
Journal Axis. The journal axis is the mean straight line Angle of Unbalance. Given a polar coordinate system
joining the centroids of its cross-sectional contours. fixed in a plane perpendicular to the shaft axis, the angle
of unbalance is that angle at which at unbalance mass is
Note: The centroid of the cross-sectional contour is the located with reference to the given coordinate system.
center of gravity of the cross-sectional contour.
Couple Unbalance. Couple unbalance is that condition
Journal Center. The intersection of the journal axis and of unbalance for which the central principal axis
the central plane of the journal. intersects the shaft axis ot the center of gravity.
Note 1: The quantitative measure of couple unbalance b. dynamic unbalance is described by two unbalance
can be given by the vector sum of the moments of the two vectors in two specified planes.
dynamic unbalance vectors about a certain reference
point in the plane containing the center of gravity and Unbalance Couple. For the case where the resultant
the shaft axis. unbalance force is zero, the unbalance couple is the
resultant couple of the system of centrifugal forces
Note 2: If static unbalance in a rotor is corrected in any of all mass elements of the rotor.
plne other than that containing the reference point, the
couple unbalance will be changed. Unbalance Force. The unbalance force in a rotor
referred to a correction plane is the centrifugal force
Dynamic Unbalance. Dynamic unbalance is that condition (referred to the shaft axis) due to the unbalance
in which the central principal axis is not coincident with in that plane.
the shaft axis.
Unbalance Mass. An unbalance mass is that mass
Note The quantitative measure of dynamic unbalance considered to be located at a particular radius such that
can be given by two complementary unbalance vectors the product of the unbalance mass and its centripetol
in two specified planes (perpendicular to the shaft axis) acceleration is equal to the unbalance force.
which completely represent the total unbalance of
the rotor. Note: The centripetal acceleration is the product of the
distance from the shaft axis of the unbalance mass and
Initial Unbalance. Initial unbalance is that unbalance of the square of the angular velocity of the rotor in
any kind that exists in the rotor before balancing. radians per second.
Quasi-static Unbalance. Quasi-static unbalance is that Unbalance Moment. The unbalance moment is the
condition of unbalance for which the central principal moment of a centrifugal force of a mass element of a
axis intersects the shaft axis at a point other than the rotor about a certain reference point in the plane
center of gravity. containing the center of gravity and the shaft axis.
Residual (Final) Unbalance. Residual unbalance is that Unbalance Vector. An unbalance vector is a vector
unbalance of any kind that remains after balancing. whose magnitude is the amount of unbalance and
whose direction is the angle of unbalance.
Resultant Unbalance Force. The resultant unbalance
farce is the resultont force of the system of centrifugal
forces of all mass elements of a rotor referred to any 4. BALANCING
point on the shaft axis, provided the rotor revolves
about the shaft axis. Acceptability Limit. That value of an unbalance
paramter that is specified as the maximum below which
Note: The resultant unbalance force always lies in the the state of unbalance of a rotor is considered acceptable.
plane containing the center of gravity and the shaft axis.
Balancing. A procedure by which the mass distribution
Resultant Unbalance Moment (Resultant Moment of of a rotor is checked and, if necessary, adjusted in order
Unbalance Forces). The resultant unbalance moment is to ensure that the vibration of the journals and/or
the resultant moment of the system of centrifugal forces forces on the bearings at a frequency corresponding to
of all mass elements of the rotor about a certain operational speed are within specified limits.
reference point in the plane containing the center of
gravity and the shaft axis. Correction (Balancing) Plane. A plane perpendicular to
the shaft axis of a rotor in which correction for
Note 1: The magnitude and the angle of the plane of unbalance is made.
the resultant moment depend in general on the position
of the reference point. Measuring Plane. A plone perpendicular to the shaft
axis in which the amount and angle of unbalance are
Note 2: There exists a certain position of the reference determined.
paint in which the magnitude of the resultant moment
reaches its minimum (central axis of unbolonce). Method of Correction. A procedure whereby the mass
distribution of a rotor is adjusted to reduce unbalance,
Note 3: The resuhant moment is independent of the or vibration due to unbalance, to an acceptable value.
position of the reference point in the case where the Corrections are usually made by adding material to, or
resultant unbalance force is zero. removing it from, the rotor.
Specific Unbalance. Specific unbalance is the amount of Multi-Plane Balancing. Multi-plane balancing as applied
static unbalance (U) divided by the mass of the rotor (M) to the balancing of flexible rotors refers to any balancing
and is equivalent to the displacement of the center of procedure that requires unbalance correction in more
gravity of the rotor from the shaft axis. than two axially. separated correction planes.
Static Unbalance. Static unbalance is that condition Reference Plane. Any plane perpendicular to the shaft
of unbalance for which the central principal axis is axis to which an amount of unbalance is referred.
displaced only parallel to the shaft axis.
Single Plane (Static) Balancing. Single plane balancing
Note: The quantitative measure of static unbalance is a procedure by which the mass distribution of a rigid
can be given by the resultant of the two dynamic rotor is adjusted in order to ensure that the residual
unbalance vectors static unbalance is within specified limits and which
requires correction in only one plane.
Unbalance. That condition which exists in o rotor when
vibratory force or motion is imparted to its bearings as a Note: Single-plone balancing can be done on a pair of
result of centrifugal forces. (See General.) knife edges without rotation of the rotor but is now more
usually done on centrifugal balancing machines.
Note 1: The term “unbalance” is sometimes used as o
synonym for “amount of unbalance,” or “unbalance Two-Plane (Dynamic) Balancing. Two-plane balancing is
vector.” a procedure by which the mass distribution of a rigid
rotor is adiusted in order to ensure that the residual
Note 2: Unbalance will in general be distributed unbalance in two arbitrary planes is within specified
throughout the rotor but can be reduced to: limits referred to those planes.
5. BALANCING MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT Where UBA and UAA are the unbalance indications
referring to plones B and A respectively, caused by the
Angle Dotum Marks. Marks placed on a rotor to denote addition of a specified amount of unbalance in plone A.
on angle reference system fixed in the rotor; they may
be optional, magnetic, mechanical, or radioactive. Note 1: The correction plane interference ratio for a
balancing machine on which the plane separation has
Angle Indicator. The device used to indicate the angle been carefully adjusted, should be a minimum.
of unbalance.
Note 2: The ratio is usually given in percent.
Angle Reference Generotor. In balancing, a device used
to generate a signal which specifies the angular position Counter Weight. A weight added to a body so as to
of the rotor. reduce a calculated unbalancea at a desired place.
Balancing Machine. A balancing machine is a machine Note: Such weights may be used to bring on assymetric
that provides a measure of the unbalance in a rotor which body to a state of balance or to reduce bending
can be used for adjusting the mass distribution of that rotor moments within a body, e.g. crankshafts.
mounted on it so that once per revolution vibratory motion
of the journals or force on the bearings can be reduced Direct Reading Balancing Machine. A machine which
if necessary. indicates the unbalance directly.
Balancing Machine Sensitivity. Of a balancing machine Field Balancing Equipment. An assembly of measuring
under specified conditions is the increment in unbalance instruments for providing informotion for performing
indication expressed as indicator movement or digital balancing opcrotions on assembled machinery which is
reading per unit increment in the amount of unbalance. not mounted in a balancing machine.
Plane Separation. Of a balancing machine, is the Soft Bearing (Above Resonance) Balancing Machine.
operation of reducing the correction plane interference A machine having on operating speed above the
ratio for a particular rotor. natural frequency of the suspension-and-rotor system.
Plane Separation (Nodal) Network. An electrical circuit Swing Diameter. The maximum workpiece diameter that
interposed between the motion transducers and the can be accommodated by a balancing machine.
unbalance indicators that perform the plane-separation
function electrically without requiring particular locations Unbalance Indicator. An unbalance indicator on a
for the motion transducers. balancing machine is the dial, gauge or meter with
which a measured amount of unbalance or the effect of
Practical Correction Unit. A unit corresponding to a unit this unbalance is indicated.
value of the amount of unbalance indicated on a
balancing machine. far convenience, it is associated Unbalance Reduction Ratio. Unbalance reduction rotio
with a specific radius and correction plane and is is the ratio of reduced unbalance by single balancing
commonly expressed as units of on arbitrarily chosen correction to the initial unbalance.
quantity such as drill depths of given diameter, weight,
lengths of wire solder, plugs, wedges, etc.
U.R.R. = -UI - u2- = I - l-3
Proving (Test) Rotor. A proving rotor is a rigid rotor
where U l Amount of initial unbalance.
of suitable moss designed for testing balancing machiner
and balanced sufficientiy to permit the introduction of where U R Amount of remaining
unbalance after one
exact unbalance by means of additional masses with
balancing correction.
high reproducibility of magnitude and angular position.