Cell Organelle Ws
Cell Organelle Ws
Cell Organelle Ws
1 micrometer, increase in tenfold to get to plant cells
Click on https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/cells/insideacell/
What is the real-time video showing? vesicles traveling along neurons inside a living fruitfly
Membrane proteins contact the spaces on both sides of the membrane the _gate_ keepers of cellular compartments.
Each type of compartments has a specific population of membrane proteins that largely define its function. On average,
The nuclear pore complex_ (see scanning electron micrographs at right) is a unique protein structure that
controls traffic flow in and out of the nucleus.
Draw the “Nuclear pore complexes on the nuclear membranes of frog oocytes”
Making Proteins
Making, modifying, and delivering proteins to the right location is crucial for cells. Eukaryotic cells in
particular have what we call the endomembrane system for coordinating these activities. Make a flow chart to
discuss what structures are involved in making the following types of proteins.
free ribosome pathway – for making proteins destined to be free floating in the cytoplasm