MATLAB: Introduction Part 2 - Assignment: Problem 1

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MATLAB: Introduction

Part 2 – Assignment
Bruno Abreu Calfa

Assigned: September 13th

Due: September 22nd

This assignment will not be graded; therefore, it is optional. Use it as a form of exercising
what we covered in class. It is recommended that you create a function or script M-file with
code cells corresponding to the problems and/or their parts (let us call it main M-file). This
function or script can then call other M-files or subfunctions. Publish your main M-file to
HTML. Finally, compress all the necessary files into a .zip or .tar file and e-mail it to me
at [email protected].

Problem 1
You are given a 4-D array, y = randn(2,3,40,12). Do the following operations:
Comment 1: What is the difference between the functions rand and randn?
Comment 2: For convenience, the key will not show the resulting y array after the assign-
ments. Focus on the array slicing part instead.

Retrieve all elements of the first page and chapter. What are the resulting dimensions?

Retrieve all elements until half the number of pages of the 5th chapter. What are the resulting

Assign the value of e (Euler’s number) to row 1, columns 1 and 2, pages 1 through 10, and
chapters 3 through 5.

Assign the matrix ones(3,40) to row 2, columns 1 through 3 (all columns), pages 1 through
40 (all pages), and chapter 12. Is this operation allowed? Use a try-catch block to catch
any possible exception.

Assign the matrix eye(3) to all rows, all columns, page 15, and chapter 1. Is this operation
allowed? Use a try-catch block to catch any possible exception.

Problem 2
Calculate the sum:
X 1 1
i (i + 2)(i + 3)
where N = 50.

Problem 3
Create an 8-by-8 Hilbert matrix.
Hint: A Hilbert matrix has its entries of the form Hij = .

Problem 4
Create the following piecewise function:

 0, x<0

x, 0≤x≤1
f (x) =
2 − x,
 1≤x≤2

0, x>2

Plot f (x) for x ∈ [−3, 3].

Problem 5
A simple Equation of State (EOS) is van der Waals’ equation given by:

RT a
P = − 2
V −b V

where P is the pressure, V is the molar volume, T is the temperature, R is the universal gas
constant, a and b are parameters that provide a measure of the attraction between molecules
and the volume excluded by a mole of molecules, respectively.
In addition, the parameters can be calculated as follows:

a = 3Pc Vc2
where Pc is the critical pressure and Vc is the critical molar volume.
Plot a 3-D surface with contours of P as a function of V and T for methane. In a
separate figure, plot four isotherms (constant temperature curves). Some data for methane
are as follows:
Pc 46.4 bar
Vc 99 × 10−6 m3 mol−1
Also, R = 8.314472 × 10−5 m3 bar K−1 mol−1 .
The temperatures for the isotherms are:

T1 100 K
T2 190 K
T3 250 K
T4 400 K

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