Tordek Durthane: Wizard (War) Acolyte Dwarf

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Wizard (War) Acolyte

Tordek Durthane

14 2 25
+3 +2
14 20

0 +2


11 +3

+2 2 3

14 +1


+2 0

Darkvision - 60 feet
Battleaxe +5 d10+3
14 +1

0 Fire Bolt +4 d10 Dwarven Resilience: You have

advantage on saving throws against
Rng 120 feet poison, and you have resistance
against poison damage.
Sparks of Moradin: When you
+1 Stonecunning: Whenever you make a
12 hit an enemy with an attack History check related to the origin of
on your turn, you can deal 2 stonework, you are considered

fire damage to an additional proficient in the History skill and add
enemy within 5 feet of the double your proficiency bonus to the
0 0
0 (Disadv.)
10 +1
Arcane Recovery: Once per day
when you finish a short rest, you can
regain one 1st level spell slot.

Mending (Cantrip): This spell repairs

11 Scale mail a single break or tear in an object you
touch. Takes 1 minute to cast.
Languages: Arcane Deflection: When you are hit
Spell Book
-- Common by an attack or fail a saving throw,
you can use your reaction to gain a
-- Dwarvish Explorer's Pack:
+2 bonus to your AC against that
-- Backpack
-- Bedroll
attack or a +4 bonus to that saving
Tools: -- Mess Kit throw. When you use this feature, you
-- Smith's Tools -- Tinderbox can't cast spells other than cantrips
-- 10 torches until the end of your next turn.
-- 50 feet of rope
Wizard Int (+2) 12 +4

Absorb Elements Maximillian’s Earthen Grasp

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in Casting Time: 1 action
response to being hit by an attack or being Range: 30ft
targeted by the Magic Missile spell Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
Fire Bolt Duration: 1 round. A hand rises from the ground and grasps a
Sparks of Moradin You gain resistance to the triggering damage target adjacent to it. It must make a DC12 Str
Mending type until the start of your next turn. The first saving throw. On a failure, it takes 2d6
time you hit with a melee attack on your next damage and is restrained. As an action, you
turn, the target takes an additional 1d6 can cause the hand to crush the target
damage of the triggering type. (repeating the save above), grasp a new target,
or move to a different space within range.
Casting Time: 1 action Shatter
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Choose one object weighing 1 to 5 pounds Range: 60 feet
within range that isn’t being worn or carried. A sudden loud ringing noise, painfully
3 4 The object flies in a straight line up to 90 feet intense, erupts from a point of your choice
in a direction you choose before falling to the within range. Each creature in a 10ft radius
ground, stopping early if it hits a solid object. must make a DC12 Con save. A creature takes
Absorb Elements If the object would strike a creature, that 3d8 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as
creature must make a DC12 Dex saving throw. much on a successful one. A creature made of
On a failed save, the object strikes the target inorganic material has disadvantage on the
and stops moving. Both the object and the save. A nonmagical object that isn’t being
Thunderwave target take 3d8 bludgeoning damage. worn or carried also takes the damage if it is in
the spell’s area.
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in
response to taking elemental damage.
Duration: 1 round.
Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5
bonus to AC, including against the triggering
attack, and you take no damage from Magic

2 Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 15ft cube originating from you
Maximilian's Earthen Grasp Each creature in the cube must make a DC12
Shatter Constitution saving throw or take 2d8
thunder damage and be pushed 10 feet away
from you. On a successful save, the target
takes half damage and isn’t pushed.

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