Teodor Mihalcea CV
Teodor Mihalcea CV
Teodor Mihalcea CV
Game Designer
Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Contact number: +40 0721566871
Skype ID: live:teodor_mihalcea
Website/portfolio: http://teodormihalcea.weebly.com/
Current address: Bucharest, Romania
Personal statement
I’m creative and persistent, hard working and always keen to learn new things. Artistic and
a big consumer of art. If I’m not working I’m trying to self improve. My best quality is my
imagination which helps me constantly to come up with creative solutions.
Key Skills
• I dabbled through all the areas of game development, from working on personal
projects with UE4, Blender, Fuse, Audacity to working professionally with Frostbite,
Maya, Photoshop. Can do 3D modelling, animation, environment creation and
even a little scripting, mostly through visual scripting systems.
• Writing and directing, with two short films produced, short stories and novellas
and a novel which I self-published.
Technical Skills
Responsibilities: Designed Day/Night Events, Polishing existing Events and Activities and
fixing world issues. After launch I worked on Black Market challenges and started
prototyping new Game Mods and events ideas for next title. Also learned working with
Cinematic Tools and doing animations/cinematics.
Done one short cinematic with Maya and Frostbite, where I animated the camera and cars
Achievements: Fixed over 600 bugs during the production of the game. Learned to use Maya
with FrostEd and do cinematics, helped on delivering one of the most loved NFS games.
Achievements: Learned a lot of new skills and tricks to do a high quality high efficient job.
Narrative Designer/Game Designer, Game Dev Academy (Game Lab), Bucharest, Romania
(Sep 2018 – Dec 2018)
I've worked with a team of 6 talented people to design and create a game in the Game Lab
Bucharest training and development program.