AD6 Reading Task - SEP 2020
AD6 Reading Task - SEP 2020
AD6 Reading Task - SEP 2020
You are going to read an article in which four actors talk about their professions. For questions 1-10,
choose from people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once.
Which actor...
refuses quite a lot of jobs? 1. _________
didn’t say anything and was selected for a part? 2. _________
had little warning before going on stage? 3. _________
took a job immediately when he/she started? 4. _________
talks about the difference between acting in a film and in a play? 5. _________
had a difficult time at home when he/she decided to be an actor/actress? 6. _________
has become successful at a young age? 7. _________
tried to change their appearance? 8. _________
used to worry about being unemployed? 9. _________
was strongly influenced by his/ her parents’ professions? 10. ________