DMC 219
DMC 219
DMC 219
Roll No :..................................
Examination : JUNE 2020
2nd Year
Section A- Consumer Behavior & Advertising Management
Section B- Corporate Governance, Values & Ethics
Time : 1 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 60
Instructions :-
Attempt All Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Fill the 'Bubble' available in OMR Sheet to mark your Answer.
Only one option is correct out of all available option.
There is 1 mark for correct answer.
There is No Negative marking for incorrect answer.
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(A) They look for guarantee
(B) Their purchases are price dominant
(C) They want to enjoy a good life
(D) They emulate others
8. 56% Asian Americans live in which area of US?
(A) North
(B) East
(C) West
(D) South
9. Spanish people moving to U.S.A. from?
(A) Mexico
(B) Spain
(C) Europe
(D) Canada
10. Choose the Brand which use coercive power?
(B) Peter England
(C) Levis
(D) HP
11. Diffusion process adopted for a …… .
(A) New product
(B) Old product
(C) Innovative product
(D) All of these
12. When a product is said to be an innovation?
(A) It is perceived by market as a change
(B) It is perceived by market as a technological change
(C) It is perceived by market as a whole new product
(D) None of these
13. Perception is the most important psychological factor that affects …… .
(A) human behaviour
(B) social behaviour
(C) consumer behaviour
(D) market behaviour
14. How can a brand give an exposure to its products?
(A) through advertising
(B) through influencers
(C) columns in a newspaper
(D) All of these
15. There are a numbers of trades given by cattell. State the numbers?
(A) 15
(B) 16
(C) 17
(D) 18
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16. State the theory purposed by Freud?
(A) Trade Theory
(B) Psychoanalytic Theory
(C) Consumer behaviour theory
(D) Maslows Theory
17. In New-Freudian Theory consumers, have been classified into—personality groups?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
18. Esteem needs full fill for —?
(A) States
(B) security
(C) entertainment
(D) All of these
19. Utilitarian Functions plays an important part in building a …….. to wards the product
(A) favourable attitude
(B) unfavourable attitude
(C) discouragement
(D) none of these
20. What are the number of stages in consumer decision making?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
21. Jacob Jacoby and associates developed the concept related to a?
(A) informations is good
(B) more information is better
(C) to much information confusses
(D) more information affects consumer aviliability
22. Which behaviour is the reaction of the consumer?
(A) Post purchase behaviour
(B) Pre purchase behaviour
(C) Consumer behaviour
(D) Decision making behaviour
23. How many models of consumer behaviour?
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7
24. Who state the model of pavlovian learning model?
(A) Maslow's
(B) Ivan
(C) Ehilip
(D) Howarth
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25. Who has been given the table of hierarchy of needs?
(A) A.H. Maslow
(B) Ivan
(C) Ehilip
(D) Howarth
26. How many variables are present in Howarth sheth model?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
27. State the valueable which did not directly influence the decision process?
(A) Exogenous variable
(B) input variable
(C) output variable
(D) perceptual variable
28. Consumers are desatisfied when?
(A) product is upto the mark
(B) product is below the expectations
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of the above
29. Consumer protection act passed in?
(A) 1986
(B) 1985
(C) 1984
(D) 1983
30. Advertising should be ….. .
(A) none comperative
(B) avoid falls claims
(C) give real and true guarantee
(D) All of these
31. The major players in the area of corporate governance, within the corporation are
(A) corporate board
(B) shareholders
(C) employees
(D) all of above
32. The goal of corporate governance and business ethics education is to:
(A) Teach students their professional accountability and to uphold their personal Integrity to society.
(B) Change the way in which ethics is taught to students
(C) Create more ethics standards by which corporate professionals must operate.
(D) Increase the workload for accounting students.
33. The corporate governance structure of a company reflects the individual companies’:
(A) Cultural and economic system
(B) Legal and business system
(C) Social and regulatory system
(D) All of the above.
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34. . Under the _____________, both internal and external corporate governance mechanisms are intended to
induce managerial actions that maximize profit and shareholder value.
(A) Shareholder theory.
(B) Agency theory.
(C) Corporate governance theory
(D) None of above
35. An organization’s appropriate tone at the top promoting ethical conduct is an example of:
(A) Ethics sensitivity.
(B) Ethics incentives
(C) Ethical behavior.
(D) None of above
36. An independent director is one who:
(A) Does not have any other relationships with the company other than his or her directorship.
(B) Did not attend a school supported by the company
(C) Both of them
(D) None of above
37. The chairperson of the board of directors and CEO should be leaders with:
(A) Vision and problem solving skills
(B) The ability to motivate.
(C) Business acumen.
(D) All of the above.
38. A board that is elected in a classified system is known as a ____________
(A) Diversified board.
(B) Staggered board.
(C) Declassified board.
(D) None of above
39. According To BoDs, interms of strategic management , have three basic tasks i.e to initiate and determine ,
to evaluate and influence and ________________________.
(A) To monitor
(B) To move
(C) To diversified
(D) None of above
40. What are the name of the reports on corporate governance published abroad and in india ?
(A) Cadbury committee report
(B) CII committee Report
(C) Kumara Mangalam Birla Report
(D) All of the above.
41. The board should meet minimum of ___________ times in a years
(A) 6
(B) 4
(C) 9
(D) 10
42. The Cadbury committee was set up in _____________.
(A) May-91
(B) Jun-91
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(C) Aug-91
(D) None of above
43. The image of company depends upon _________________ of the people
(A) Services
(B) Satisfaction
(C) Both of them
(D) None of above
44. What do you mean by Audit committee?
(A) Consists of independent directors who report to the board
(B) Consists of dependent directors who report to the board
(C) Consists of independent directors who doesnot to any one
(D) None of above
45. A_________________ can delineate an organisation" s mission and specify strategic options to its
(A) company
(B) Board
(C) Directors
(D) None of above
46. NTPC stand for
(A) National Thermal Power Corporation
(B) National Thermal Public Corporation
(C) National Thermal Pvt Corporation
(D) None of above
47. _________________ is the act of coming to direct knowledge or certainty without reasoning or inferring.
(A) Intuition
(B) God
(C) Willpower
(D) None of above
48. ______________ wisdom is thought of integrating knowledge and action.
(A) Ancient
(B) Modern
(C) Both of them
(D) None of above
49. The _____________________ based approach provides the epistemological foundation of Islamic coporate
(A) Tawhid and Shura
(B) Iqbal and Mirakhor
(C) Shari'ah
(D) None of above
50. The stake holders model is focused on a ________model that emphasizes the maximization of the interests
of a broader group of shareholders.
(A) relationship -based
(B) non relationship based
(C) Social and regulatory system
(D) None of above
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51. The stakeholders model of corporate governance is practiced by majority of ________________ countries.
(A) Europeans
(B) South korean
(C) Indians
(D) None of above
52. The Anglo - Saxon model of corporate governance is also known as
(A) Market based system
(B) Shareholder - valve system
(C) Principle agent model
(D) All of the above.
53. Becht and Barca and ____________ provide literature review of a nu,ber of corporate governance models
(A) Lewis
(B) Anglo sexon
(C) Hoque
(D) None of above
54. The____________ is a practical psychology of tranformation which offers us the tools to connect with our
deepest intangible essence.
(A) Holy Gita
(B) Mahabharat
(C) Kuran
(D) None of above
55. ________________ was a great leader because he was a problem solver, pragametic good judge of men.
(A) Lewis
(B) Lord Krishna
(C) Hoque
(D) None of above
56. What are the weapons that will help in winning any mammoth battle.
(A) Knowledge
(B) intelligence
(C) Skills
(D) All of the above.
57. Values and ethics shape the-
(A) Corporate unity
(B) Corporate discipline
(C) Corporate culture
(D) None of above
58. The moral principles, standards of behaviour, or set of values that guide a person’s actions in the
workplace is called-
(A) Office place ethics
(B) factory place ethics
(C) behavioural ethics
(D) work place ethics
59. Which of the following factors encourage good ethics in the workplace?
(A) Transparency
(B) fair treatment to the employees of all levels
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(C) both (a) and (b)
(D) Bribe
60. Which method is to acquaint new employees with particular aspects of their new job?
(A) Orientation
(B) Staffing
(C) Job analysis
(D) Training and development
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