Holidays - Jose Gabriel

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Presentado por: José Gabriel González Ramírez.




 Fourth Thursday of
It is a day to thank God for the
November (United States).
THANKS GIVING harvest and the blessings  United States.
received  Canada.
 Second Monday in
October (Canada).
 The first Monday of
September (United States Date that commemorates the
 United States and
LABOR DAY and Puerto Rico). start of an eight-hour workday
Puerto Rico.
strike that led to the
 The other countries.
 First of May. (Other Haymarket Revolt in 1886.
On this day people give each
other details commemorating
VALENTINE´S DAY love or friendship. They also  United States.
 February 14th.
play surprise games to guess
who the friend is who is giving
them the gift.
MOTHER'S DAY It is celebrated at different They celebrate Mother's Day
times of the year depending on by bringing details to their
the country. mother or accompanying them  Mother’s Day is
 Second Sunday of February to her grave with their commemorated in
 Fourth Sunday of Lent relatives. It is usually a family every country in the
 March 3rd, 8, 21st celebration. world.
 April 7
 First Sunday of May
 Second Sunday of May
 May 8, 10, 14, 15, 26, 27th,
 Last Sunday of May
 August 12, 15th
 Third Sunday of October
 October 14th
 Nov. 16
 Last Sunday of November
 December 8, 22th
Because it is a holiday around
the world, those who have the
It is celebrated on the first of
NEW YEAR opportunity wait for it together This celebration is worldwide.
as a family and commemorate
the arrival of the new year.
The first full moon Sunday of Church services, festive family Christians all over the world
spring, meals, Easter egg decoration, commemorate it.
and gift-giving
Thanksgiving Day is a national  Brazil
 2nd Monday in October
holiday. It began as a day of  Canada
giving thanks and sacrifice for  Grenada
 1st Thursday in November
the blessing of the harvest and  Liberia
THANKSGIVING of the preceding year.  Saint Lucia
 Last Wednesday in
Although Thanksgiving has  United States
November (Norfolk Island).
historical roots in religious and  Leiden (Netherlands)
 4th Thursday in November
cultural traditions, it has long  Norfolk Island (Australia)
(U.S. and Brazil).
been celebrated as a secular  Puerto Rico (United States)
holiday as well.
HALLOWEEN  31 October It is celebrated internationally It’s celebration is International,
on the night of October 31. Its but mainly it occurs in the
roots are linked to the Celtic Anglo-Saxon Countries,
commemoration of Samhain Northern Europe, and Latin
and the Christian holiday of All America.
Saints' Day, celebrated by
Catholics on November 1. It is
a secular celebration, although
some consider it to have a
religious background.
March 19 is commemorated in
countries with a European
Catholic tradition. However,
several European countries They celebrate Father's Day
(such as France or the United by bringing details to their
FATHER’S DAY fathers or accompanying them In all countries of the world.
Kingdom) and most Ibero-
American countries, adopted to her grave with their
the American date, which is relatives. It is usually a family
why they currently celebrate celebration.
Father's Day on the third
Sunday in June.
Originated in the United
BLACK FRIDAY Opening of the Christmas
The day after Thanksgiving States, and expanded to the
shopping season.
rest of America and Europe.
HOLY WEEK It is at the Council of Nicea I It is the annual Christian Christians all over the world
(in the year 325) where a commemoration of the Passion commemorate it.
solution for this matter is finally of Christ, that is, of the entry
reached. In it, it was into Jerusalem, the Last
established that Easter had to Supper, the Stations of the
be celebrated in compliance Cross, the death and
with certain rules: resurrection of Jesus of
Nazareth. Therefore, it is a
That Easter be celebrated on period of intense liturgical
Sunday. activity within the various
That it never coincided with Christian confessions. It
Passover, which took place begins with Palm Sunday and
regardless of the day of the ends on Resurrection Sunday,
week. (In this way parallels or 2 although its celebration
confusion between the two usually begins in various
religions would be avoided). places on the previous Friday
May Christians never celebrate (Friday of Sorrows). The date
Easter twice in the same year. of the celebration is variable
This can be explained because (between March and April)
the new year began on the
vernal equinox, which is why
the celebration of Easter
before the real equinox (before
the entry of the Sun in Aries)
was prohibited. Easter is the
Sunday immediately after the
first full moon after the March
equinox and must be
calculated using the
astronomical full moon.
Therefore, it can occur no
earlier than March 22 and April
25 at the latest.


 Mother's Day.
On this day, I will try to be with my wife and daughter at my mother and grandmother's house. So I can spend with them that
special day with the women of my life. I will buy a detail for each of them trying to give them something that makes them feel
happy and honored.

 Labor Day.
On this day, because it is a holiday, I will be at home, sharing with my family that day thanking God for allowing me to work
and sustain my home with my daily effort.

 Black Friday.
Lately in Colombia they are becoming known these days. Then I will try to have savings destined for use on these dates
since there are many offers in the shopping centers.
 Father's day.
Very surely I will be sharing it with my family, in my house. It is usually a detail day from my wife. It is certainly a day
expected by all parents.

 Holy Week.
The best of weeks. As always, I will spend it with my family, reflecting on what Jesus lived and what we must value all that
was given, and that today he has us where he has us. It will be a week of recollection, of familiarity, of watching Christian
movies, of eating sweets, and why not, of going to the beach to enjoy the landscape that God offers us.

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