Complete The Sentences According To The Pictures. Use The Prepositions in The Box

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Complete the sentences according to the pictures. Use the prepositions in the box.

across against
along behind
in front of near
Next to
on opposite
out of over

1. He’s walking past__ the post office ___to__ the bank. Look at this picture and then complete the
2. The ladder is standing_against he wall. sentences.
3. The post office is __below the travel agency. Use the words in the box.
4. The aero plane is flying over the town.
down  into  past  up  under
5. The bank is between the post office and the library.
6. My flat is above the bank.
7. They are standing on the building.
8. The flat is near the park.
9. The park is behind the library.
10. The library is next to the bank.
11. He is standing in front of the library.
12. She is walking across the road.
13. They are sitting under the bridge.
14. He is walking along the road.
The mouse runs 1 past the television.
15. He is driving out of the bridge.
16. The bus stop is opposite the bank. Then it runs 2 up the bookcase and
17. She is walking through the market. jumps onto the curtain. It runs 3 down the
18. She is walking up the stairs. curtain and then runs 4 under the sofa.
19. He is walking down the steps. Then it runs across the room and runs 5
into the bag.
Complete the sentences with the following prepositions.
Read the description. Label the shops. Follow
the example.

down  below  up  next to  opposite past  along 

across  under  between over  above  behind  round  in
front of music shop
clothes shop
swimming pool
café restaurant
shoe shop
car park
The music shop is between the post office and the
clothes shop. The swimming pool is in front of the
park, and the cafe is in the park. The restaurant is
opposite the post office, and the shoe shop is next to
the restaurant. The car is behind the shoe shop.

1. Luigi’s restaurant is _ below a travel agency.

2. There is a person in front of Mario’s restaurant.
3. There is a dog under the ladder.
4. A painter is climbing up a ladder.
5. Luigi’s restaurant is next to a hotel called
The Shamrock.
6. Someone is running past the hotel.
7. There’s a beautiful garden behind the hotel.
8. There is a bus stop opposite the hotel.
9. Luigi’s restaurant is between the hotel and the Phone House.
10. There’s a hairdresser’s above the Phone House.
11. Someone is coming down the steps from
the hairdresser’s.
12. There are a few people walking along the road.
13. Someone is pushing a pram across the road.
14. There’s a car coming _round the corner very fast!
15. There’s a plane flying over the town.
Out of
Up Over
Emma heard the passage
a noise.with
She the right 1)preposition
jumped out of from the
box. under Round
bed and ran tothe2) window. She
couldn’tUp see anything. She climbed 3) the window,
around  down  out
4) the tree and 5)
 under
theofwall. She heardDown
a strange
noise. She  toRound
into ran  over  up Under
6) the bridge, 7) the pound and 8) the hill. Suddenly
Over up she
heard someone laughing loudly. into She ran 9) the
hill, 10) the pound, 11) the bridge, 12) the wall, 13)
the tree and back 14)her bedroom.
*parts of the days
*months *years To express exact times ex:
*three o’clock *days of the week
*duration , long
*midnight/noon *dates
periods (ex: seasons)
*the moment / present Or *special holidays (if
*special holidays with the word : day)


1. on 25 December
1. I go swimming on Saturdays.
2. on Friday 2. My friend came on Monday.
3. in the morning 3. I was born on June 27 2000.
4. At night 4. My sister will start her new job in
5. on Saturday night March.
6. on the weekend
5. Goodbye ! See you on Monday.
7. in the evening
6. Where were you on January 27 ?
8. in twenty minutes 9.
7. I like getting up early in the morning.
in 1966
8. My uncle got married in May.
10. on Christmas day
9. Did you go out on Saturday evening ?
11. at Easter 10. We often go to the beach in summer.
12. in this morning 11. The factory was built in 2011.
13. on Wednesday afternoon 13. Let’s meet at 8.30 tomorrow morning !
14. in midnight 14. Do you work on Saturdays ?
15. in summer 15. in winter, many people go skiing.
16. on last Sunday 16. We are going on holidays in three days
17. at 2018 17. I love observing stars at night.
18. at Thanksgiving 18. Mike isn’t here at the moment.
19. on half past six 19. My neighbours moved in in three
20. on Tuesday morning years ago.They arrived in 2015.
21. in spring 20. I will send you some money at the end of
22. at noon the month.I am broke at present !
23. on my birthday 21. My kids love searching eggs at Easter !
24. in thirty minutes 22. on Easter day, we will stay at home.
25. on every Wednesday 23. Mike ‘ s birthday is at next Monday .
26. in a quarter of an hour 24. I see my boss in an hour.
27. in this afternoon 25. My sister left on last Sunday.
28. at the moment 26. The train arrived at midnight.
29. at present 27. We train at twice a day.
30. on Boxing day

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