Bulletin For 4th Sunday of Lent
Bulletin For 4th Sunday of Lent
Bulletin For 4th Sunday of Lent
t that people preferred the darkness. Lent is a time when we acknowledge our own personal struggle with darkness and ask for Gods grace to walk in the light. Let us begin todays worship by admitting our sinfulness and asking each other for prayer.
Mass Intentions
Sat. 17 6:00 p.m. Manuel & Isabel Piriquito Sun. 18 9:00 a.m. Jos da Conceio Melo Jos Luis DaSilva Joseph Viera & Ines Paulino 11:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Patricks Mon. 19 8:00 a.m. Manuel Pacheco Tues. 20 8:00 a.m. Jean Thompson Wed. 21 8:00 a.m. Souls in Purgatory Thurs. 22 8:00 a.m. Intentions of Jim Kelly Fri. 23 8:00 a.m. Intentions of Rema delRosario Sat. 24 6:00 p.m. Joseph S. Figueirado, Jr. Sun. 25 9:00 a.m. Maria Ramos & Jos Clementino Mariano & Maria Simas Hortencia & Manuel Lima 11:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Patricks 6:00 p.m. Special Mass
$5,320.25 $149.25
Weekly Stewardship Thought Stewardship reminds us to count our blessings, acknowledge Gods gifts to us and express thanks to Him by a proportionate giving of our time, talent, and treasure. Reflection Question During this Lenten season, have I embraced more fully the light of Christ? Have I chosen light over darkness and sin? How has this Lenten action prepared me better to celebrate the great feast of Easter? New Website to Promote Vocations Fr. Toby Collins, CR, invites you to join him on the new website: www.vocationculture.ca which celebrates all vocations. Easter Flower Donations Envelopes are now available at the entrance to the church for Easter flower donations in memory of loved ones.
St. Patricks Education Trust Fund Application forms for 2012-2013 will be available on the March 31/April 1 weekend. Both first time and repeat applicants must complete the application form and provide two references. If you would like to help our parish youth achieve their educational dreams, please speak to Fr. Paul. St. Patricks Facebook Have you checked it out yet? Read Fr. Pauls homily each week and catch up on the parish bulletin. Log on today! Welcome, Bishop Kurtz We would like to welcome Bishop Robert Kurtz, CR DD, to St. Patricks Church this weekend. Bishop Kurtz will be preaching at all the Masses in preparation for the Bishops Appeal. Choir Practice for Easter Masses Choir practice continues every Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Church in preparation for the Easter Sunday Masses. All are invited to attend. Did You Know? -- St. Patrick and the Irish Village of Slane, County Meath Our opening Hymn, Lord of all Hopefulness, has its words set to a traditional Irish melody called Slane. Slane is a small village located in the northeast of Ireland in County Meath. It has a population of approximately 2,000. It is believed it was here in the year 433 on the Hill of Slane located to the north of the village that St. Patrick lit a Paschal Fire. This action was in defiance of the High King Laoire who forbade the lighting of any other fires while a Festival Fire was burning on the Hill of Tara located about 10 miles away - and clearly visible from the Hill of Slain! Stations of the Cross and Adoration at St. Patricks As we have done in previous years, the Stations of the Cross will be celebrated in the church each Thursday evening from 7:30 7:45 p.m. during Lent in combination with the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament which will follow until 8:30 p.m. You are encouraged to attend either or both celebrations. Daily Mass during Lent The 12:10 p.m. Mass will is offered every day, Monday through Friday, at St. Theresas Cathedral during Lent. Make this devotion a part of your Lenten practice. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament also takes place at St. Theresas Cathedral on Saturdays from 9;30 a.m. 3:30 p.m.
Diocesan Penitential Service at St. Theresas There is a Diocesan Penitential Service at St. Theresas Cathedral on Thursday, March 22 at 7:30 .m. All the priests of the Island will be present. Note: A second Penitential Service will take place at St. Patricks Church on Tuesday, March 27 at 7:30 p.m.
Stella Maris Fish Fry Fundraiser Stella Maris will be having a fundraiser in their Church hall on Friday, March 30 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets will be available for sale from Stella Maris this weekend or by contacting Susanna Almeida at 535-3195 or by e-mail: [email protected] or on her direct line at work: 294-1570. Tickets are $10.00 for adults and children. The dinner includes fish (Tilapia), French fries and coleslaw. Take it home or eat at the hall. Tables and chairs will be set up for your convenience. There will be no drinks for sale so bring your own if you decide to stay. Tell your family and friends! Everyone is welcome. This is the perfect meal for a meat-free Friday! Preorders only are accepted and the deadline for purchasing all tickets is March 23.
Morning Social after 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Masses There will be a Morning Social after the Sunday Masses this weekend. This is a great opportunity to meet and greet your fellow parishioners. Thank you to the many parishioners that organize, bake, set-up and clean up for this event. Easter Cards Available at St. Theresas Gift Shop St. Theresas Gift Shop has just received a new shipment of EASTER CARDS from the Printery House. There are 30 different designs and a total of 250 cards for sale at a great price of $2 each. Once the shipment is sold, no more will be ordered until next year. Come and see the many other items available for purchase. St. Theresas Gift/Book Shop Volunteers Needed Do you have a few hours to spare and would like to assist in a special way? We are in need of volunteers, who can work either from 10 a.m. to 12 noon or from 12 noon to 2 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays at St Theresas Gift Shop. If you can assist by giving us two hours of your time per week, please call Fr. Joe Morley at 297-0512 or the Cathedral Office at 292-0607. Presently, because of the lack of volunteers, the Shop is unfortunately closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. We need your help to keep the only Catholic Gift/Book Shop in Bermuda open all week. Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.
Can You Help? The Sisters of Charity have taken on another projecta 10-week old German Shepherd puppy! As you can imagine, Star is a handful and, like all toddlers, she needs boundaries. If you have a baby gate that you no longer need, please contact Sr. Judith or Sr. Dolores at 236-5877 or e-mail: [email protected]. Thank you for your help. Catholic Questions and Answers Question Would absolution at a reconciliation service at which you are not obliged to confess your sins to a priest be equal to that received at private confession? Answer
All Catholics are obliged to confess all mortal sins committed since their last confession (CCC 1456). This holds for communal penance services as well as private confessions. The only exception to this would be a case of imminent danger when general absolution is given because of the lack of time for individual confessions. But these people are still obliged to mention those sins the next time they go to confession as an expression of their sorrow. No priest has the authority to change this.
Smile for the Day! Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt.
-- Herbert Hoover