Review of Literature: I. Consumer Behavior

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In this chapter an attempt has been made to review the related literature on the previous
studies, to identify the research gap. The literature review on the previous studies has
been synchronized in the following manner:
 Consumer Behavior
 Brand Image
 Advertising
 Consumer Response to Advertising

i. Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior has been always of great interest to marketers. The knowledge of
consumer behavior helps the marketer to understand how consumers think, feel and
select from alternatives like products, brands and the like and how the consumers are
influenced by their environment, the reference groups, family, and salespersons and
so on.
Dr. Shendge [2] (2012) on his study “A comparative study of consumer perception
towards Cadbury and nestle chocolates with special reference to Navi Peth Area in
Sholapur city” viewed that chocolate is liked and eaten by all age groups of people.

Dr.N.G.P of Arts and science college of Coimbatore on her study “ A study on

consumer perception towards Cadbury chocolate with special reference to

Coimbatore City viewed that From this study the researcher concludes the all
chocolates of “CADBURY DAIRY MILK CHOCLATES” should take
necessary promotional activities to increases their demand by introducing
new flavor in small quantities of pack.
ii. Brand Image

The ultimate intention of any brand is to survive and thrive. As a business,

you want nothing more than to succeed amongst the competition, flourishing
and attracting a deeper and wider target audience with the passing of time.

Under the guidance Sushmitha Mukerji a study was conducted “CADBURY

came to conclusion about the strategies adopted by Cadbury to increase its
brand image

iii. Advertising

Advertising in business is a form of marketing communication used to

encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience to take or continue to take
some action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior
with respect to a commercial offering. Advertising is defined by Richard F.
Taflinger as “Advertising is the non-personal communication of information
usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or
ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.”

Logambal, R. (2016) in his research paper Emerging Trends in Advertising

states that there have been huge changes in the Indian advertising through the
passage of time. It started with the hawkers calling out their wares at the
beginning of the city and market conception. Ads were appeared first time in
India in Hicky’s Bengal Gazette, the first Indian weekly newspaper.

Fatima, Samar and Lodhi, Samreen (2015) in their research paper Impact of
Advertisements on Buying Behaviors of the Consumers: Study of Cosmetic
industry in Karachi City stated that advertisements are useful in bringing
awareness among the people. But there is no relationship between
advertisements and consumer perceptions.
Advertisements sometimes fail to create a perception among the consumer
mind as a whole. They mentioned that perception of a product grows among
consumer after using the product or sometimes getting informed from others
like peers, friends, relatives, etc. Therefore, while concluding the researchers
mentioned that companies should use informative and attractive content in the
advertising to make the people aware about their product.

iv. Consumer Response to Advertising

Previous research on consumers responses to advertising has begun to

establish a hierarchical model of advertising effects .Measures of advertising
effects have thus far spanned all levels in the hierarchy, moving backward
from behavior (sales) to affect the(attitude towards the brand or ad)to
cognition (beliefs)to attention or exposure(readership or viewership) , all of
these are important to the attainment of the objective.

The major aim of advertising is to impact on buying behavior; however, this

impact about brand is changed or strengthened frequently through people’s
memories. Memories about the brand are formed by associations that are
related to brand name in consumer mind.

Maheshwari, Seth & Gupta (2016) in their article “An empirical approach to
consumer buying behavior in Indian automobile sector" has concluded that
advertisement effectiveness positively influences consumer buying behavior.

Kumar & Raju(2013)in their paper “THE ROLE OF ADVERTISING IN

CONSUMER DECISION MAKING” have found that advertisements are able
to change the consumers opinion about a particular product. Advertising has
always known to be one of the factor that affects consumers decision making

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