Global Warming

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The honorable the juries…

The honorable the committies…

And all my lovely friend…

First of all, I would like to say, thank’s so much to ALLOH SWT, that now I can in here.
Sholawat and salam don’t forger be slipped to our prophet MUHHAMAD SAW, to his family,
his friends, until to us as his followers. Before beginning, I would like to introduce myself my
name is ARIS ABDILLAH, I come from BINA SISWA,o.k in this momment I would like to
speak about “Global Warming”.

Like the human body, the weather - climate also consists of the internal organs of the
earth's air and sunlight. If one organ is sick, it can be ascertained the whole body will feel the
pain. Likewise if one of the good factors of air, earth or sun light disturbed weather formed it
will be extreme weather changes and the onset of symptoms in the long term commonly referred
to as climate change. The occurrence of climate change due to global warming is a term
indicating the average temperature increase in the Earth's surface air and oceans. The average air
temperature of the earth's surface increased by 0.74 0 ± 0.180 C in 100 years. Global temperatures
tend to increase at 1.10 until 6.40 C between 1990 and 2100. Thus, the disaster was imminent
same as in front of the eye. An estimated 30 years of sea water up 10 meters and will be able to
drown so many areas in Indonesia, even the world. If the event does occur, it means tragedy for
mankind on earth.

The main cause of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels, like coal, petroleum,
gasoline, diesel, and others achanges in land use especially deforestation. The burning of fossil
fuels is generally caused by industrial activity, transportation, and households. The activity
increases with the population and the desires of modern society is increasingly diverse, the high
level of greenhouse gases, especially CO2 (carbon dioxide) and methane in the atmosphere due
to human activities.

As we know that the impact of global warning or weather climate change has become an
international issue which campaigned for immediate solutions. Even is one very important issue
throughout the world today, in addition to terrorism. Bells and whistles rescue-the universe has
begun since the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, June 1992. Recorded 154 heads of state agreed
on the Climate Change Convention which entered into force in 1994. Step continues with the
approval of the Kyoto Protocol I and II, in which industrialized countries which is the largest
agent of global warming should systematically reduce CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases.
To limit global warming, carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced, four kinds of
actions are required. First, we must use energy more efficiently. Reducing the burning of fossil
fuels reduces the protection of carbon dioxide. Second, we must use sources of energy besides
fossil fules, like: water power, wind power, solar power and fuel created from plants, such as: a
corn. Third, we must find ways to store carbon dioxide that would other wise enter the
atmosphere, it may help to plant forests, which absorb carbon dioxide as they grow or to store
carbon dioxide underground. Fourth, reforestation.

So, Save our Earth, speak louders up “Let’s Go Green Of My World” let friends we
increase our collective awareness of the importance of preserving the environment and all it has
start from everyone and we must start from now.

Thank you very much for your attention, sorry if a lot of mistake


Aris Abdillah
Bina Siswa SMA Plus Cisarua

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