English Budget of Work
English Budget of Work
English Budget of Work
Read words with final blends (-st, -lt, -nd, -nt, -ft…) preceded 4
PWR by short e, a, i,o and u words (belt, sand,
PWR 17 Read words with initial and final consonant blends
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Quarter 3
G Use demonstrative pronouns (this,/that, these/those)
Use personal pronouns (e.g. I, you, he, she, it, we, they)
G Use commonly used possessive pronouns 4
Identify commonly used possessive pronouns and use them in a
G 21
RC Identify cause and effect
RC 22 Identify several effects based on a given cause
Make inferences and draw conclusions based on texts (pictures,
RC 23 3
title and content words)
RC 24 Distinguish fact from opinion 3
SS Get information from index and table of contents
LC Infer print sources 3
RC 25 Use different sources of information in reading
Recognize some words represented by common abbreviations (e.g.
V 26 3
Mr. Ave., Oct.)
Increase vocabulary through:
V - Synonyms (e.g. quick/fast) and antonyms (e.g. 1
V 27 - Homonyms (e.g. flower/flour) 1
V 28 - Homographs (e.g., read- read) 1
V 29 - Hyponyms- type of (e.g. guava - type of fruit) 1
V 36 Read word with affixes D 2
LC Recall details from texts viewed/ listened to
LC Validate ideas made after listening to a story 3
LC 30 Identify possible solutions to problems
Identify and use the elements of an informational/ factual text
LC 31
Ask and respond to questions about informational texts listened to
LC 34
(environment, health, how-to’s, etc.)
PWR Read words with long a sound (long a ending in e)
PWR Read words with long i sound (long i ending in e)
PWR 32 Read words with long o sound (long o ending in e) 3
PWR Read words with long u sound (long a ending in e)
Read sentences, stories and poems consisting of long a words
and questions about them
33 Read sentences, stories and poems consisting of long i words and 3
questions about them
PWR Read sentences, stories and poems consisting of long o
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Domain Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
words and questions about them
Read sentences, stories and poems consisting of long u words
and questions about them
Read words with long a, i, o, and u and phrases, sentences and
stories containing these words.
OL Express opinions and feelings about other’s ideas
OL Engage in discussions about specific topics 3
OL 35 Compare and contrast information heard
Quarter 4
Take part in creative responses to stories like preparing logs,
journal and other oral presentations 4
WC 37 Write a simple story
Use the degrees of adjectives in making comparisons (positive,
G 38 3
comparative, superlative)
G 39 Recognize adverbs of manner 3
SS Interpret simple maps of places
Interpret simple maps of unfamiliar places, signs and symbols 4
RC 40
RC Interpret pictographs
SS Interpret a pictograph
SS 41 Interpret simple tables
SS Interpret a bar graphs 3
RC Interpret simple graphs and tables
Give the synonyms and antonyms of common adjectives
V 2
V 42 Read word with affixes 3
LC Personal Recounts (anecdotes, past experiences)
LC Explanation (life cycles, water cycle)
Restate facts from informational texts (climate change, children’s
LC 43
rights, traffic safety, etc.)
Read words containing vowel digraphs - ai, ay, ea, ee, oo, oa
PWR 44
Read phrases, sentences and stories with vowel digraphs - ai, ay,
PWR 45
ea, ee, oo, oa
Read words with vowel diphthongs: oy (boy), oi (boil), ou (out) ow
PWR 46
Read phrases, sentences and short stories consisting vowel
PWR 47
diphthongs: oy, oi, ou, ow
Recognize and read some irregularly spelled words (e.g. such
PWR 48 2
as enough, through, beautiful)
Engage in a variety of ways to share information (e.g.
OL role playing,) reporting, summarizing, retelling and show
and tell
Present information in varied artistic ways (e.g. role playing,
OL 49 show and tell, radio play/podcast/ broadcast/ reporting/ poster
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC
B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC. C - The
MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. E - The MELC
originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide.